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1、Unit 5, Book I郧阳师专英语系综合英语教研室郧阳师专英语系综合英语教研室Language StructuresWarm-up Exercises:Use indirect speech to convert the following sentence. A passage from a book about William Shakespeare: William Shakespeare (1564 1616) probably wrote 37 plays - 18 published during his lifetime.=The book says that Willia

2、m Shakespeare was born in 1564 and he died in 1616. It tells us that he probably wrote 37 plays, of which 18 were published during his lifetime.Direct & Indirect Speech There are two ways of relating what a person has said: direct and indirect. In direct speech we repeat the original speakers exact

3、words: He said, “I am writing a letter. In indirect speech we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech, without necessarily using the speakers exact words:He said that he was writing a letter.Statements in Indirect Speech 1) When the reporting verb is in the present, present perfect, or future

4、 tense, there is no change of tense in the words reported.E.g.: He says, “Im very happy. = He says that he is very happy.2) But indirect speech is usually introduced by a verb in the past. Verb in the indirect speech normally go back one tense from what was said originally. E.g.: He said, “I am a st

5、udent, and had studied for three years. = He said he was a student and had studied for three years.Present Time = Past Time:Directsimple presentpresent progressivepresent perfectpresent perfective progressive Indirectsimple pastpast progressivepast perfectpast perfective progressivePast Time = The T

6、ime before Past:Direct Simple pastPast progressivePast perfectPast perfective progressiveIndirectPast perfectPast perfective progressivePast perfectPast perfective progressiveSupplementWhen the simple past or past progressive is used in the direct speech which is an unreal conditional sentence, the

7、verb tense may not change.The simple part or past progressive is used in the time adverbial clause, the verb tense may not change when it is converted into indirect speech.Exceptions (I)However, in some occasions, although the reporting verb is in the past form, the form of the verb in the indirect

8、speech may not change.a) If the reported content are facts, truths, present habitual behaviours or mottoes, for example, He said: “The word laser is an acronym.= He said that the word laser is an acronym.b) If the verb in the direct speech is in subjunctive mood, for example, “I suggest the meeting

9、be put off till next week. he said.= He suggested the meeting be put off till the next week.Exception (II)c) If the state or action of the verb is still going on while reporting, for example, “Im twenty, she said.= She said she is twenty.d) When the predicative containing modal verbs, for example, H

10、e said, “It must be pretty late. I really must go.=He said it must be pretty late, and he really must go.Other Rules3)The change of the personal pronouns, determiners, time adverbial and place adverbial.a) Personal pronouns: except for reporting ones original words, usually the first and second pers

11、onal will change into the third personal, or the second change into the first, the determiners will do some corresponding change.I = he or she; we = they; my = his or her; our = their.b) Demonstrative pronoun: this = that / it; these = those / they / themc) The changing principles of time adverbial

12、in indirect speech: The tense and form of time adverbial and verb both changed. No change in time adverbial, the tense and form of the verb may change but sometimes may not, it depends on the concrete time point. Whether the time adverbial will change or not depends on the situation, suppose the tim

13、e of reporting is the time of speaking (the same year, the same month, the same day, etc.), it may not change. For example, Mr. Blake said, “We started learning Chinese last month.= Mr. Blake said they had started learning Chinese last month.Time Changethe same monthtoday this morning / afternoon,et

14、c.yesterdaythe day before yesterdaytomorrowthe day after tomorrownext week / month, etc.last week / monthnow the previous monththat day that morning / afternoon, etc.the day before / the previous daytwo days beforethe following / next daytwo days after / in two days timethe next week / month,etc.the

15、 week / month beforethend) Place adverbial “here usually will change into “there, but if the place where speaker spoke the sentences is the place where the reporter reporting, we still use “here in the indirect speech or use some detailed site to instead of “here.Questions in Indirect Speech While r

16、eporting questions, except for paying attention to the changing principles mentioned above, we have to notice the word order and the different requirement of changing in different kinds of question.Reporting General / Tag / Alternative Questions:1) While reporting general or tag questions, we usuall

17、y use whether or if to lead the question, but if it is an alternative question, we may only use whether. For examples:“Does he really mean it? = I wondered whether / if he really meant it.“Is this book yours or his? = She asked me whether this book was mine or his.Reporting Special Questions:2) Whil

18、e reporting special questions, we use the wh-words in the original sentences. For examples:“Which chair shall I sit in? = She asked me which chair she should sit in.“Why didnt you stop her? = She asked why I hadnt stopped her.Communicative Function of Questions:3) Some questions are not really to ra

19、ise a question but to express ones requirement, suggestion, advice or proposal. While reporting this kind of questions, we have to use other ways to express the same communicative function.a) Requirement or advice: ask / advise / want, etc. + object + infinitive phraseEgs: “Would you buy me some sta

20、mps? she said.She asked me to buy her some stamps. “Why dont you phone her first? she said.She advised me to phone her first.b) Suggestion: suggest + -ing participle / that-clauseEgs: “Shall we get the tickets first? he said.He suggested getting the tickets first.He suggested that they should get th

21、e tickets first. “Why dont you send it back to the factory? she said.She suggested that I should send it back to the factory.c) Proposal: offer + to-infinitive phraseE.g.: “Shall I post them to you? he said.= He offered to post them to me.Dialogue ILearning Chinese as a Foreign LanguageWarm-upTalk a

22、bout the differences between Chinese and English.1) English is a universal language.2) Chinese is a tonal language.3) English is inflectional while Chinese is not. Number: table / tables Verbs have different tenses. Determiner, clause, subjunctive mood, modal auxiliary verbs.4) Chinese is the most r

23、epresentative of word writing system. English belongs to alphabetic writing system. Neat rows of 26 simple alphabetic letters Tens of thousands of unique characters formed with a varied number of strokesBroad Questions:David is a foreign student who has been in China for two months. 1. Do you know w

24、hat does “CFL programme mean? It means study of Chinese as a foreign language programme. 2. What do David and Xiaohua think of Chinese grammar? In many ways the grammatical structure of Chinese is simpler than most European languages. No verb agreement, no irregular verbs and nouns, very few and sim

25、ple tense markers, to name just a few. 3. What difficulties does each of them have in learning Chinese and English? The Chinese writing system is altogether new to David. Instead of neat rows of 26 simple alphabetic letters, there are tens of thousands of unique characters formed with a varied numbe

26、r of strokes. Many of these characters seem complex to him. The grammatical structure of English is very complex. Xiaohua has difficulty with spelling, pronunciation, with numbers and figures. Verb agreement, irregular verbs and nouns, varieties of tense.4. How does David find the tonal system of th

27、e Chinese language? The tonal system of Chinese really bothers him. Thats a major source of difficulty with Davids comprehension and pronunciation. Most of the time, he doesnt understand what he has heard and is not understood by others. 5. Why does David mention the proverb “Rome was not built in a

28、 day? What other proverbs are there expressing the same idea?Cause Xiaohua said that if he wants to talk to native speakers in Chinese the way Xiaohua is talking to him, he still has a long way to go.Dripping water wears away stone.Many a little makes a mickle.Little strokes fell great oaks.Where th

29、ere is a will, there is a way.Language Points:1. So far so good. - Things are satisfactory up to this point, at least.2. So does my difficulty in learning Chinese. - This is the elliptical form of “My difficulty in learning Chinese grows with each passing day, too.3. Im going through a similar ordea

30、l. - Im experiencing a difficulty alike an ordeal.go through: experience, sufferEgs: He would have gone through fire and water for his mother country he loved so much. He had gone through a lot of hardships when he was young.ordeal (n.) a difficult or painful experienceE.g.: The parents went through

31、 a terrible ordeal when their child was kidnapped.4. way: a method or manner of doing something, for example: I wish I could say it the way he did. She doesnt enjoy her job the way she used to.5. to name just a few: (interjection) equal to “for example.name (v.) refers to “mention, list. For instanc

32、e; that is (i.e.); such as; namely; as an illustration; in addition.6. alphabet (n.): the set of letters used in writing any language, esp. when arranged in order alphabetical / alphabetic (adj.): of, belonging to, or in the order of the alphabetalphabetize (v.): marked by alphabet7. have trouble wi

33、th sth. / have trouble doing sth.Egs: We having a bit of trouble with the baby - he wont sleep at night. I never have any trouble getting the car started.8. make distinction of / between and = distinguishdistinction (n.) differenceEg: Can you make / draw a distinction between these 2 ideas?distingui

34、sh (v.) recognize clearEgs: I can distinguish them by their uniforms. Small children cant distinguish right from wrong.9. dip oneself in the language environment = put oneself in 把某人融于言语环境之中10. newly-released feature film 刚上映的故事片 Documentary film Science and education film Animated cartoon Literary and artistic film Horror film Detective film



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