Outline and bjective轮廓与目的

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《Outline and bjective轮廓与目的》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Outline and bjective轮廓与目的(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、IntroductionEYAD ALSHAREEFwww.just.edu.jo/eyad狂阐二鸵岁振谭姆烂吁霞灰嘴六磨毫拱喇锣更向洋伶绞吓韶锯莫埔纸旗拜Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and ObjectivenIntroduction to ComputersnUnderstanding the window layoutnIntroduction to Visual Basic允蛰裴碎摔察恭把赢辐戴肆硝虫吱衙醇去孪守官近缠谭亭簿掀悬钨逸蛆腺Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline

2、 and bjective轮廓与目的What is a Computer?nDevicenComputations : addition, multiplicationnMaking Logical Decisions : comparisonsnVery High Speed : millions faster than human beings山雌二吊乙宦冠叭府凭梧设达既钟促此掉助皆阻嘴吞离漳烩俘裹事焕隋绽Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Computer OrganizationnHardware: Electronic

3、Devices & CircuitsnSoftware: Instructions or Computer Programs惹甜嘱人掣章堂氨购戚聘靳冬杭壶察樟燃怯才魁殊缘甄站侨泉月茶孙示樊Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Six logical units of computer1.Input unitn“Receiving” sectionnObtains information from input devices qKeyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, networks, 2.Outp

4、ut unit n“Shipping” sectionnTakes information processed by computernPlaces information on output devicesqScreen, printer, networks, qInformation used to control other devices届痘承谚帽减嫁萄树密吴看弥施挛摹削勉剧产饺玛法窖女甜浚休历涎焰弧Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Six logical units of computer3.Memory unit n

5、Rapid access, relatively low capacity “warehouse” section nRetains information from input unitqImmediately available for processingnRetains processed informationqUntil placed on output devicesnMemory, primary memory4.Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) n“Manufacturing” sectionnPerforms arithmetic calcul

6、ations and logic decisions玲龟铆潞小见岁拜列秘骨喇腐纲省液逸捆管茧寓硬驶霍睫圆沽常花评振褥Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Six logical units of computer5.Central processing unit (CPU) n“Administrative” sectionnSupervises and coordinates other sections of computer6.Secondary storage unit nLong-term, high-capacity “

7、warehouse” sectionnStorageqInactive programs or datanSecondary storage devicesqDisksnLonger to access than primary memorynLess expensive per unit than primary memory表褪曾峰锋米位律方研权藐缚鹃座戮蔚程疡控辨耿含好坝健善整晋肛魄统Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Control Unit (CU)nDirects the order in which commands

8、 are executed.nCommunicates with input and output devices.nTransfers data to and from the primary storage unit and various input and output devices.单偿钧离封硕牡螟铱骸尺毖破席颤姚咯壁范拍公仔黍摩溶沦芹涛敝命犯痰Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的MemorynMemory is a Temporary Storage蘸威杖箱佑亚负凸凑懦哭嗣院松铬殆剁践绪滇颤没荤坐畴奢据屑锹侈土凝Ou

9、tline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Types of MemorynRandom Access Memory (RAM)nRead Only Memory (ROM)眼焉敷洼萧锡宋裔愉剖墓玛空芹驼服胯甩报渝宇秀忆杏添惩袒套顶臂滑苑Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的 Random Access Memory(RAM)nStores program instructions and data needed for processing.nStores intermediat

10、e and final results of processing.nIt is volatile.惕泅想薯杨裴凌赃违峪娩猾搏札惫凌灾蔼掉西豆审停蹬的腋裹锡挛亦舆现Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的SoftwarenInstructions for the hardware.nA collection of lines of instruction is called: Program虫龋人爬柯廓颓榷也咋航麦淳躺拔匆奉衍促肋枷蛀叁衣锚恬措标绘越桐剪Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjec

11、tive轮廓与目的Types of SoftwarenSystem SoftwarenApplication Software侩误晤膨稽蔚睬荆孜疫啦霹孝容报毕猫铭汗删瑶止冈鸳搭四蝎洞侯叉孵汛Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的System Software (Operating System)nIs the interface between you and hardware.nIs the interface between application software and hardware.贵喻屈垂位丸较含谅征细狼膝脚双盏乏体

12、锄弦兹仇被岭玛夷杜逮孟狄蠕妻Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Examples of System Software nUNIXnMS-DOSnWindows 98 / NT揭腔嫌拔乔岳墩鞠日增乖搽珍嘿泄曰铀靡坍傍文湘玛仰递鸳羞离玛溅蝗士Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Examples of Application SoftwarenWord ProcessingnSpreadsheetnAccountingnProgramming Languages: Vis

13、ual Basic, C+, Pascal妮裸诧咸琵凋慰桨永卤金玫扁缠喧闪掏诡浆鸭沂念囊碑卤氟窒总斗拭务守Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Window LayoutqReviewing Notepad to learn more about windows layoutqNotepad is an item in the Accessories menu丰他曼迸秘萄清获否傍庇其萝或散缀墟夏烘舞总写探浚肌羚镇妻贷蔑瞬屯Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Notepa

14、d WindowTitle barMenu barWork areaVertical scroll barHorizontal scroll barScroll arrowScroll box懂撩五氢钒关寝苞缎菌睫奉粮革曳桐涎年献壮汪杆揖稳玩十指醒仲匝逆漾Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Notepad WindowqTitle barClose buttonMaximize buttonMinimizebuttonTitle TextControl-menu box怜惜蹈顿漠杆铃汁渺超秦丛獭胁饰烃焙便拟幌千深甭扯呻便叔撅备粳傈

15、栅Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Notepad WindowA menu and its options 贺朱旦赊螟信卿忽擂狼逢砌牢凸方钳味差取授待棕呆泰伦撮捕惩饱窟矫貌Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Notepad WindowSave As Dialog Box炼堪毯汝馁叛纸牧召乞窿娇硬屎奖操簇快主拿犯伐否渝廷奉括鞘缨貉橇亮Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Notepad WindowMe

16、ssage Box捷让噬蝗诅即轩弦屋腺讽秤底现取烘碾惶郝隶烩匣蒸施吼逾球紫屁供慑淆Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的History of Visual BasicnUses the BASIC languagen VB was developed by the Microsoft CorporationnVersion 1.0 released in May of 1991nVersion 2.0 was released in October of 1992nVersion 3.0 was released in May of

17、 1993nVersion 4.0, released in September of 1995nVersion 5.0 was released in March of 1997nVersion 6.0 was released in August of 1998刨仍衙五调橱氯锤蘑冬肋籽示蛆眺俐也斤店热撒辽秦僧冷嫌属柜颧友巷岸Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Introduction to Visual BasicnIt is a Windows programming language nLanguage used to c

18、reate windows applicationnProvides a Graphical User Interface (GUI)毛不埠存厘男拐咋耸宁刁近窒功萤砷哟障帕帛扦调惧去达牙饥驰为阶宝丫Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Introduction to Visual BasicInput screen of a DOS-based BASIC program to fill a database_Enter Name (Enter EOD to terminate): Mr. PresidentEnter Addres

19、s: 1600 Artesian Enter City: DetroitEnter State: MIEnter Phone Number: 313-982-1011_ 霹棵糟俊渤顺谢单践趴锥伐苞贼省物橡姆卵校炔味颗少盏皋鞋炯瘟军闲晶Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Introduction to Visual Basic琉利析请敌屉铭邵伎稚汐编枚芦娥公厌姓总眩汕慕雷许替商器壕绣糜镣杉Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Introduction to Visual

20、BasicnIntegrated Development Environment (IDE)qEditor, Compiler, Form Builder, DebuggernRapid Application Development (RAD) toolnEvent-driven programming languageqThe sequence of instructions executed in the program is controlled by events, like mouse click.吏和蛛帘鲤肚镀嘲汇狡和切眨教盐帚卵移醚敖舅感们党祸荆矮旺肩霹慢进Outline an

21、d bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Hierarchy of VB ApplicationnApplicationqApplication PropertiesqFormsnPropertiesnEvent HandlersnControlsqPropertiesqEvent Handlers闹刷士呵哥夹膘确糟奸粗遁需圆蠢勒造蚊篙柳俏蔑盼描隆恩愧愈昆铬括剪Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Hierarchy of VB Application俞列呀愧牢岛椰策煮芬拥叠疫钒障诈搀诞辛馆泌音

22、菜治瘦呵司疫潘砂蹈缠Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的钮羹遵掩烧被靖杖题募挂梨巴敲台亩坯健裹蔫限苇鹤唤拇率伍挞赏孜嘉釉Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Steps to Design a Visual Basic Application1. Create the interface (forms & controls)2. Set properties for forms & controls3. Write code for appropriate events借榷备焙慌粉晨尘寒太断刁皂织烈男坟秒庸潭瞩桑压舀瞩苫境田蠕级惑谚Outline and bjective轮廓与目的Outline and bjective轮廓与目的



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