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1、TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnit1 My FamilyUnit1 My FamilyLesson 1Lesson 1To learn the new words and new sentences.New words. Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson 1

2、I. warm-upTeaching1.Daily oral practicecharacteristics:T: Good morning !Ss: good morning!2.Review the words.T: Show me the pencil (ruler, book)Ss: Listen and do.II.PresentationStep1.Part A1. T: Present the flash cards: “Whats this?”Teach Ss to read the new words.2. Ask little teacher to lead Ss read

3、 the newwords.3. T: Say, Ss point and read after me. T point,Ss look and say.TeachingTeaching4. Divide them into six groups.(grandpa,ProcedureProceduregrandma,brother, sister, mom, dad)or S1say, team listen and tap.T: Present the word cards, team read andtap.5. T: Write the chant on the blackboard,

4、teachthen to read.6. Play the tape, listen and chant.Step2: PartB1. Ss: Look andread the sentences: I have ahappy family.2. T:teach them to read, Study the words:me.3. Point and read.4. T and Ss: ask and answer.Listen to the tape, read after it.TeachingTeachingUnit1 My FamilyUnit1 My Familycontentsc

5、ontentsLesson 2Lesson 21TeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodTo learn the new words and new sentences.New words. Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson 1I. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: How are you?Ss: Fine

6、, thank tyou!2.Review the words.T: Who is he/she?Ss: Listen and answer.II.PresentationStep1.Part A1.T: Write the new sentence: Who is he/she?Teach Ss to read,2.Chant and match.Whos he ?TeachingTeachingWhos he?ProcedureProcedureDad, mom, family.Whos he?Whos she?Brother, sister, family.3. Read the wor

7、ds with jections. Say quicklyand quickly.4.T: Say. S1 do and say in Chinese .Othersjudge yes or no.5. Set the situation to practise.6.Play the tape, listen and read.7. DialogueStep2: PartBDraw and talk.Listen and draw.Teachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTe

8、achingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsUnit1 My FamilyUnit1 My FamilyLesson 3Lesson 3To learn the new words and new sentences.New words. Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.2Lesson 1I.warm up.1.Read the words.2.Daily oral practice.(How are you. How ma

9、ny ?)II.PresentationStep1:Part A1.Review the words of family.Write it on the board. Explain. TeachTeachingTeaching them to read.ProcedureProcedure2.Teach new words by flash cards.3.Different ways to practise the newwords.4.Teacher say and students do.Step2: Part BT:Present the letters.Teach them to

10、learn the letters.Read.periodperiodTeachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnit1 My FamilyUnit1 My FamilyLesson 4Lesson 4To learn the story.New words. Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape

11、 and recorder.Students cards.Lesson 1I.Warm upDaily oral practice.How are you?II.Presentation1. Objective the pictures.2. Talk about the pictures.TeachingTeaching3. T:Tell them the story.ProcedureProcedure4. Play the tape.Ss: Listen and read.Tell the story each other.5. Try to act it out.6. Listen t

12、o the tape.Teachingcharacteristics:3TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnit2 Boys and girlsUnit2 Boys and girlsLesson 1Lesson 1To learn the new wods.Sentences patterns: In my room I have .New wordsFlash ca

13、rds, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson 1I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.How are you?2.Review the words in the unit one.II.PresentationStep1:Part A1. Present the word cards.TeachingTeachingTeach them to read.ProcedureProcedureGame: Hide and sick .2. Read each other in pairs.3. Different ways to

14、practise the new words.Step2:Part B Lets play.I have a friend. He is wearing a green T-shirt Who is he?Express : Who is he?.Teachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Unit2 Boys and girlsUn

15、it2 Boys and girlsLesson 2Lesson 2To learn the new words.Sentences patterns.Where is lucky?New wordsFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.How are you?2.Review the words: big tall pretty thin.II.PresentationStep1:Part A Draw and say.1.T: Dad, I have a new

16、 classmate.Teachingcharacteristics:4TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:Ss: What is he like?T: He is tall.Encourage Ss to say.2.Work in pairs and draw.3.Show the pictures.Step2: PartB Let s sing.We are classmates.We are friends.Bill, Andy and Lily.Binbin, Yaoyao and Joy.Every girl and every boy.Pret

17、ty, big or tall.Thin, short or small.We are friends and classmates all.TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsUnit2 Boys and girlsUnit2 Boys and girlsLesson 3Lesson 3To learn the new words.Sentences patterns.New wordsFlash

18、cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.T: We have a new friend.He/She isHow are you?2.Review the words: big tall pretty.II.PresentationStep1:Part A Lett talk.1.Present ss a picture ,teach them the new word.Ss:Read one by one.Ss: Look at the picture and read.Per

19、iod:Period:Teachingcharacteristics:5TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:Ss: Listen to the tape, repeat.Practice in pairs.2. Do together.Step2: PartB Lets act1. Look at the picture and say.Joy, we have a new classmate, Ted.Whats he like?He is tall.Bill, this is our new classmate, Ted.Nice to meet you

20、.Nice to meet you, too.Yaoyao, look! Who is he?He is our new classmate, Ted.2. Lets sing.The moreweget together together, together.The more we get together.The happier well be.I help you. You help me.I help you. You help me.The more we get together.The happier well be!TeachingTeachingcontentcontentT

21、eachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Unit2 Boys and girlsUnit2 Boys and girlsLesson 4Lesson 4To learn the new words and new sentences.Sentences patterns.New wordsFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson16TeachingTeachingProced

22、ure:Procedure:I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.How are you?2.Review the words: big tall pretty.II.PresentationStep1:Part A Lets talk.Hi! I am Ted. Im from Canada.Hi! Im Joy. Nice to meet you.2.Teach the word: fromCanada3. Different ways to practise.4. Look at the pictures to practise.Step2: PartB Lets

23、 learn1.T:Present the letters.Teach ss to read .2.Ss: Look and read.T:Point. Ss: Look and read.Teachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Unit3 My friendsUnit3 My friendsLesson 1Lesson 1To

24、learn the new words and sentences.New words .Sentence patterns: Whats this? What colour is it?Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.2.Review the words in unit 2.II. PresentationStep1: Look, listen and chant.1.T: Presentthem the pictures.Teach them to rea

25、d the words.Ss: Read one by one.Teachingcharacteristics:7TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:2.Game: Hide and seakT: Hide the picture.S1: Look it for.Ss: Read the word.3. Play the tape.Ss: Listen and chant.I see a hill.I see a bridge,In the beautiful park.I see a lake,In the beautiful park.The flowe

26、rs are red.The grass is green.The trees are tall,In the beautiful, beautiful park.Step2: Listen and draw.Hill! I draw a hill.Theres a green tree on the hill.Look! Theres a big lake and a long bridge.Oh! What beautiful red flowers, blue flowers andyellow flowers!TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeaching

27、TeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Unit3 My friendsUnit3 My friendsLesson2Lesson2Consolidate the words about toys.Sentence patterns: Whats your favourite toy?New words.New sentence: Whats your favourite toy?Flash cards, tape and recorder.Stude

28、nts cards.Lesson18TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.T: Whats this?What colour is it?1. Review the words.Look and read.II. PresentationStep1:.Let s talk1.Read the sentences.Teach the new words: beeButterfly.2.Let Ss read the sentences.3.T explain the meaning.4.Read af

29、ter me.Read and do.4. Listen to the tape.What can you see in the picture?I can see ducks and boats.Step2:Lets act and say.T: What do you see?Ss: I see a tree.Guess the meaning according to the body language.T: Guide Ss to understand it.Teach them to read and answer.TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeac

30、hingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsUnit3 My friendsUnit3 My friendsLesson3Lesson3Consolidate the language knowledge.Sentence patterns:Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1Teachingcharacteristics:Period:Period:9I.Warm up1.Daily oral pract

31、ice.II. PresentationTeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:Step1:.Do and say.1.Ss: Read the story by themselves. Find out thewords about beautiful, bench to teach.2.Let s tell us the main meaning.3. T: Teach Ss to read the sentences.4.T; Play the tape.Ss: Listen and read.How beautiful!Lets take a pictu

32、re.Lets g boating.Great!Lets goLook, there is a bird in the tree.I cant see it.Stand on the bench.OK!Step2:.Lets talk about the pictures1. Ss: Read the sentence you can.2. Ss: Read in deskmates.3. Ss: Read in different roles.Teachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsa

33、imsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Unit3 My friendsUnit3 My friendsLesson4Lesson4To learn the new letters.New letterFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson110I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.II. PresentationStep1:.Find and talk1. T: Where is the

34、 duck?TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:S: The duck is2. Ss: Find out the words about animals. Readthem loudly, tell us the meaning.3. T:Ask them to find the animals out.4. Read and do.5. Play the tape, listen and read.Where is the dog?The dog is under the bridge.Where is the duck?The duck is on t

35、he lake.Where is the bird?The bird is in the grass.Where is the boy?The boy is behind the tree.Step2:.Lets learn.1. Review the letters .2. Show then the flash cards, write the small letters on the board.3. Ss: Copy.4. Ss: Read together, individually.5. Ss: Listen to the tape, read after it.Teachingc

36、haracteristics:TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointUnit3 ParksUnit3 ParksLesson 17Lesson 17Consolidate the language knowledge.Sentence patterns:How many can you see?11TeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:Fla

37、sh cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.T: How are you?Ss: I am fine. Thank you.II. PresentationStep1:.Listen and cross or tickWhere is Lily? Lily is on the bridge.Where are two boats on the lake.Where is the rabbit? Its in the grass.Yaoyao and Joy are under

38、the tree.The butterflies are in the grass.The bees are on the flowers.2.Pair work to practise.Step2:.Lets talkTeachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Revision 1Revision 1Lesson 1Lesson 1

39、Review the knowledge about the Unit1 to unit 3.New words : .Words about unit 1 to unit 3Sentence patterns: Sentences about unit1 to unit 3.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.T: Good morning!Good morning!2.How are you?Fine. Thank you!II. PresentationSt

40、ep1:.Think,stick and say.Teachingcharacteristics:12TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:1. Riew the words: engineer, policeman, doctor,teacher.2. Riew the sentenses: Who is she? She is mymom. Who is he? He is my dad.3.Draw it out.Step2:.Sing and act1. T: Write the sentences on the board.Teach them to

41、 read.2. Listen to the tape.My mother is a teacher. Teach, teach, teach!My grandpa is a bus driver. Drive, drive, drive!My brother is a policeman. Stop, stop, stop.My grandma is an angineer. Build, build, build!My sister is a student. Learn, learn, learn!3. Sing toghterTeachingTeachingcontentcontent

42、TeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Rivision 1Rivision 1Lesson 2Lesson 2Consolidate the new words and sentences.Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.T: 1.Daily oral practi

43、ce.T: Good morning!Good morning!2.How are you?Fine. Thank you!II. PresentationStep1:.Let s play and say.1. Review how to describe the person.Teachingcharacteristics:13TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:T: Is Yaoyao pretty today?S: Yes, she is.2. Set a situation to practise.3. Play the tape.4. Ss: L

44、isten and repeat.Step2:. Listen and number.1.Listen to the tape carefully.2.Ask some questions.NO.1 He is tall. He has black hair. He iswearing a green coat.NO.2 She is pretty. She is wearing a pinkskirt. She is thin.NO.3 She is big. She is wearingTeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsai

45、msTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Revision 1Revision 1Lesson 3Lesson 3Consolidate the new words and sentences.Sentence patterns: Colour the desk brown.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.T: T: 1.Daily oral pr

46、actice.T: Good morning!Good morning!2.How are you?Fine. Thank you!II. PresentationStep1:.Listen stick and talk1. T: What can you see in the picture?Ss: I can see .2: Play the tape.Teachingcharacteristics:14TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:Ss: Listen and find.Where are the ducks?They are on the la

47、ke.Where is the frog?It is in the lakeStep2:.Listen and draw.1.Ss: Draw the picture according to the tape.The rabbit is in the grass.The butterflies is on the flower.The tiger is on the hill.The panada is on the bridge.The elephant is in the lake.The bird is on the tree.2.Check the answers.TeachingT

48、eachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeaching point pointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Revision 1Revision 1Lesson 4Lesson 4Consolidate the new words and sentences.Sentence patterns:.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I.Warm up1.Daily oral practice.

49、T: T: T: 1.Daily oral practice.T: Good morning!Good morning!2.How are you?Fine. Thank you!II. PresentationStep1:.Think stick and sayTeachingcharacteristics:15TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:1. Play the tape.Ss: Listen and stick.2. Find and say.This is my family. I have a grandpa, a grandma,a fat

50、her and a mother. I have a sister. I alsohave an aunt and an uncle.3. Read after the tape.Step2:Let s review.1. Read the letters.Read together.Read one by one.Little teacher lead Ss to read.2. T:Read the letters.Ss: Listen and point.3. Play the tape.Ss: :Sing the song.TeachingTeachingcontentscontent

51、sTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnit4Unit4 InIn thethe communitycommunityLessonLesson 1 11、To learn the new words:streets van taxi bicycle subway subwaystationtraffic light .2、Sentence patterns.New words. Sentence patterns.The pictur

52、e of lesson 25 , tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I. warm-upTeaching1.Daily oral practicecharacteristics:T: Good morning !Ss: good morning!2.ReviewII.PresentationStep1.Part A16TeachingTeachingProcedureProcedure7. Let Ss listen to the tape about streetnoise.2、 T: show the picture of lesson 25

53、and ask Ss:“what can you see in the picture?” Theteacher points the new words and teach Ssto read3、T: Show a picture of interest place and askSs :“Do you like .? Have you beento?Howdidyougothere?”Bybus(plan)?4、Ss answer the questions according to thenew words that they have leared just now5、T: Write

54、 the chant on the blackboard, teachthen to read.6、Play the tape, listen and chant.Step2: PartB5. T;Say the words and Ss draw the picture6. T:Make Ss work in pairs.3、Listen to the tape, read after it.TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingm

55、aterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnitUnit4 4 InIn thethe communitycommunityLesson 2Lesson 2 To learn the new words and new sentences.New words. Sentence patterns.The picture of lesson 26, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I. warm-upTeaching1.Daily oral practicecharacteristics:T: How are you?Ss: Fi

56、ne, thank tyou!2.Review the words: .T: Where is the street (van taxi bicyclesubway subway .)Ss: Listen and point.TeachingTeachingII.PresentationProcedureProcedureStep1.Part A1. T: Show the picture of lesson 26 and ask:what can you see in the picture? Guied Ss tolearn newwords.We canseehospitalschool

57、(park).2.T:show me park.3、Ss show the Ss cards.174、Look at the picture and ask :where are yougoing? Help Ss answer:I m going to thepark(school park.)5.T: by bus?6.Ss:yesno7. Play the tape, listen and readStep2: PartB1 Sing a song2 Listen to the tape and read the dialogue3 homeworkTeachingTeachingcon

58、tentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnitUnit4 4 InIn thethe communitycommunityLesson 3Lesson 3To learn the new words and new sentences.New words. Sentence patterns.The picture of lesson 27, tape and recorder.Student cards.Les

59、son1I. warm-upTeaching1.Daily oral practicecharacteristics:T: Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you, too!2.Review the words: .T: Where are you going? (showing a picture ofsupermarket)Ss: Im going to the supermarket.T: By taxi?(showing pictures of vehicles)Ss: No, by subway/bus/TeachingTeachingII. Pr

60、esentationProcedureProcedureStep1.Part A1. T: Show the pictures of the two dialoguesand ask the Ss :What can you see in thepicture? Then ask them to listen to theEnglish songs.2. Ask the Ss to listen to the recorder. Then ask2 Ss to come to the front to perform thetraffic tools and do the actions.3.

61、 Read the English songs for the Ss then askthem to sing the songs.18Step2: Part B1. Ask and answer.S1: Where are you going?S2: Im going to the hospital.S1: By bus?S2: No, by subway.S1: Where is the subway station?S2: Its next to the bus stop.2. Play a guessing game.4 Ss a group. Make the new dialogu

62、e.3. Homework:Read the text; copy the new words.TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnit4Unit4 InIn thethe communitycommunityLessonLesson 4 4To learn the new words and new sentences.New words (wait; stop; g

63、o). Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Word cardsLesson 1I. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: How do you do?Ss: How do you do?2. Review the words: (showing pictures)(subway; bus; taxi; supermarket)Ss: Subway/bus/taxiT: Oh, its great!S1: Where is the subway station?S2: Its near the bus sto

64、p.II. PresentationStep1.Part A1. Show the picture of Lesson 28 and ask theSs What is about the picture?Help the Ss answer: It is about safety oftraffic.2. Play the recorder and ask the Ss to listen tothe tape. Make the demonstration to help theSs understand the meaning of the song.3. Ask Ss to liste

65、n to the song and sing thesong with actions.TeachingTeachingProcedureProcedureTeachingcharacteristics:19Step2: Part BLearn and act1. Teacher acts as the instructor. Dividethe Ss into three groups, one as vehicles(Vs),another as passengers(Ps) and therest as traffic lights (R=red; Y=yellow; G=green).

66、 Make the Ss act according to the instruction.T: Red light.R: Red light, red light. (putting up thered cards)Vs: Stop, stop, stop.Ps: Go, go, go.T: Yellow light.Y: Yellow light, yellow light, yellow light.(putting up the yellow cards)Ps: Hurry, hurry, hurry.Vs: Wait, wait, wait.T: Green light.G: Gre

67、en light, green light, green light.(putting up the green cards)Ps: Stop, stop, stop.Vs: Go, go, go.2. Change the roles and repeat.3. HomeworkLearn the new words; sing the song.TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiod

68、periodUnit5Unit5 InIn thethe parkparkLessonLesson 1 1To learn the new words and new sentences.New words. Sentence patterns (Why are you stopping here?)Flash cards, tape and recorder.Word cardsLesson 120TeachingTeachingProcedureProcedureI. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: How old are you?S: Im seven ye

69、ars old.2. Review the sentences: (showing pictures)T: Where is Andy going?Ss: He is going to the supermarket.T: He is going bySs: He is going by bus.II. PresentationStep1.Part A1. T: This is a story about an elephant. Whatdo you see in Picture 1? What do you seein the street?Help Ss answer: I can se

70、e or There is2. T: Look at Picture 2. Do you know wherethey are going? Lets guess. OK! They aregoingSs: They are going to the zoo.3. T: Look at Picture 3. What colour is thetraffic light now?Ss: Green.T: Yes, the traffic light is green. Lets go.4. T: What do you see in Picture 4?Ss: I can see a man

71、trundles a bike towardthe elephant. There are some bananas.5. T: The elephant stops in the middle of theroad. All the vehicles cant go.6. T: All the people are pushing the elephant.But the elephant is still in the middle of theroad.7. T: Who has got a good idea?Ss: Bill has an idea.Step2: Part BLear

72、n and act1. Ask some Ss to act out the dialogue.2. Ask more Ss to make the dialogue.3. HomeworkRead the text; copy the new words.Teachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsUnit5Unit5 InIn thethe parkparkLessonLesson 2 2To learn the new words and new sentences abo

73、ut describing Beijing.21TeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodTeachingTeachingProcedureProcedureNew words(Tiananmen Square; the Great Wall; the SummerPalace). Sentence patterns (This is the Great Wall. / Here is theGreat Wall. It is great.)Flash cards, tape and re

74、corder.Students cards,Lesson 1I. warm-upTeaching1.Daily oral practicecharacteristics:T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you!1. Review the words.Showing the pictures of traffic tools. MakeSs speak out the name of the traffic tool.II. PresentationStep1.Part A1. Read out the place name and ask the Ss toput

75、 up the corresponding card.2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and point to thecorresponding card. After listening severaltimes, make the Ss speak out the placenames on the pictures.3. Put up the picture on the Bb and ask:Whats this?or Wheres the GreatWall?Ss: Its the Great Wall. / Its in Beijing.Step 2

76、. Part B1. Listen to the tape and follow it.2. Ask Ss to practice in pairs:S1: This is Tiananmen Square.S2: Its big.S2: This is the Summer Palace.S1: Its beautiful.3.Listen to the tape and sing the Englishsong.3. Homework:Describe Beijing using the words andsentences learned.Unit5Unit5 InIn thethe p

77、arkparkLessonLesson 3 3To learn the new words and new sentences about describing Beijing.New words (Beijing; Beihai Park; Beijing Zoo; Temple of Heaven;/the Forbidden City). Sentence patterns (Have you been to t22TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTea

78、chingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodTeachingTeachingProcedureProcedurehe Summer Palace? Yes, I have.)Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards,Pictures of touring.Lesson 1I. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: How is the weather today?Ss: Its fine.2. Review the words.Showing the pictures of th

79、e place names ofBeijing and ask the Ss to speak out theEnglish words.II. PresentationStep1.Part ALook, listen and say.1. Show the picturesT: This is a map. It is a map of China. Here isBeijing. Beijing is in China.2. T: Have you been to the Summer Place?Help Ss answer with nodding: Yes, I have.T: Ha

80、ve you been to the Great Wall?Ss: Yes, I have.Repeat such dialogue.3. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and follow it.Repeat several times.4. T: Where are you going?Ss: Im going to the Summer Palace.T: Have you been to the Summer Palace?Ss: Yes, I have.5. Ask Ss to practice in pairs.Step 2. Part BPractic

81、e1. T: Have you been to the Summer Palace?T: Yes, I have (with nodding).No, I havent (with shaking the head)2. T: Have you been to the Summer Palace?S1: Yes, I have.T: Have you been to the Summer Palace?S2: No, I havent.3. Make Ss practice in pairs.4. Homework:Describe Beijing using the words andsen

82、tences learned.Teachingcharacteristics:23TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnit5Unit5 InIn thethe parkparkLessonLesson 4 4To learn the new words and new sentences.New words (Zhongguancun Road; Beijing Uni

83、versity; QinghuaUniversity). Sentence patterns (Have you been to the Great Wall?Yes, I have.)Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards,Pictures of touring.Lesson 1I. warm-upTeaching1. Daily oral practicecharacteristics:T: How are you doing?Ss: Im great.2. Review the words.Showing the pictures of

84、 the place names ofBeijing and ask the Ss to speak out theEnglish words.3. Sing the songs of the previous lessons.II. PresentationStep1.Part ALook, listen and say.1. Show the picturesT: Have you been to these places? If youhave, speak them out.2. Ask the Ss to listen to the tape and follow it.Speak

85、out these new words:Zhongguancun Road; Beijing University;Qinghua University3. Repeat listening and imitation.Step 2. Part BPractice1. T: Where are you going?Ss: (pointing to the picture) We re going tothe Great Wall.T: Have you been to the Great Wall?Ss: Yes, I have. / No, I havent.2. T: Welcome to

86、 Beijing! (acting as a tourguide)Ss: Thanks.T: This is Tiananmen Square.Ss: It is great.24TeachingTeachingProcedureProcedure3. Make the Ss practice the dialogues in pairs.4. Ask the Ss to make new dialogue as theylike.Homework:Review the new words learned; read thetext.TeachingTeachingcontentsconten

87、tsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnitUnit 6 6 HappyHappy HolidaysHolidaysLessonLesson 1 1To learn the new words and new sentences.New words. Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Word cardsLesson 1I. warm-up1.Daily oral pr

88、acticeT: Good morning!Ss: good morning!2. Review the sentences: (showing pictures)(Great wall, Beijing Duck)Ss: The Great wall!T: Oh, its great!S1: I like summer palace!Ss: How beautiful!II. PresentationStep1.Part A1. T: (Dressed as Santa Claus to motivatestudents) Santa Claus, Santa Claus, I amSant

89、a Claus. Hello, boys.SS: Hello, Santa Claus.T: Stocking, stocking, this is a stocking.(Using the same way to present the othernew words in this lesson.)2. Ask little teacher to lead Ss read the newwords.3. T: Say, Ss point and read after me. T point,Ss look and say.4. Divide them into five groups. T

90、 or S1 say,team listen and tap.T: Present the word cards, team read andtap.TeachingTeachingProcedureProcedureTeachingcharacteristics:255. T: Write the chant on the blackboard, teachthen to read.6. Play the tape, listen and chant.Step2: Part BLearn and act3. Teacher present the expressions with a gif

91、tand Santa Claus dressingSanta: Merry Christmas! Here is a presentfor you!S1: Thank you!4. Teach them to readListen to the tape, read after it.3. Act: Let the students play the role of Santa Claus and the family. Practice the drills.TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTea

92、chingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodUnitUnit 6 6 HappyHappy HolidaysHolidaysLessonLesson 2 2To learn the new words and new sentences about spring Festival inChina.New words. Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards,classroom to be decorated as spring

93、 festivalLesson 1I. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you!5. Review the words.Guessing game: hide a present behind and letthe students guess what it is and then give it tothe studentsT: Here is a present for you! (Christmas tree,card, stocking, present)S: Thank you.II. Prese

94、ntationStep1.Part A1. Present the traditional Chinese festival andthewordsrelatedtoChineseSpringFestival. Using pictures and objects.2. Practice: students point the object and saythe name of it.3. Presenting the greetings on Spring FestivalTeachingTeachingProcedureProcedureTeachingcharacteristics:26

95、TeachingTeachingcontentscontentsTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodby drawing a simple picture!T:Happy spring Festival!S:The same to you!(You too! )4. Create a real situation for students topractice the expression.Step 2. Part B4. T Demo

96、nstrate and say the chant asposting the paper cutting on the window.5. Learn and do: teacher the student to do thepaper cutting.6. Collect the works and show them in thegroups.7. Presents offering:Students work in groups and send eachother the gift the have made, using thedialogue bellow:Sa: Happy S

97、pring Festival!Sb: The same to you!Sa: Here is a paper-cut for you!Sb: Thank you.8. Homework:Design a paper-cut and give it to yourfamily as a Spring Festival gift. Using thedialogue learned in the lesson.UnitUnit 6 6 HappyHappy HolidaysHolidaysLessonLesson 3 3To learn the new words and new sentence

98、s.New words. Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Word cardsLesson 127TeachingTeachingProcedureProcedureI. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: Good morning!Ss: good morning!2. Review the sentences: (showing pictures)(Great wall, Beijing Duck)Ss: The Great wall!T: Oh, its great!S1: I like summ

99、er palace!Ss: How beautiful!II. PresentationStep1.Part A7. T: (Dressed as Santa Claus to motivatestudents) Santa Claus, Santa Claus, I amSanta Claus. Hello, boys.SS: Hello, Santa Claus.T: Stocking, stocking, this is a stocking.(Using the same way to present the othernew words in this lesson.)8. Ask

100、little teacher to lead Ss read the newwords.9. T: Say, Ss point and read after me. T point,Ss look and say.10. Divide them into five groups. T or S1 say,team listen and tap.T: Present the word cards, team read andtap.11. T: Write the chant on the blackboard, teachthen to read.12. Play the tape, list

101、en and chant.Step2: Part BLearn and act6. Teacher present the expressions with a giftand Santa Claus dressingSanta: Merry Christmas! Here is a presentfor you!S1: Thank you!7. Teach them to readListen to the tape, read after it.3. Act: Let the students play the role of Santa Claus and the family. Pra

102、ctice the drills.UnitUnit 6 6 HappyHappy HolidaysHolidaysLessonLesson 4 4Teachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingcontentscontents28TeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointspointsTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsperiodperiodTo learn the new words and new sentences about spring Festival inChina.

103、New words. Sentence patterns.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards,classroom to be decorated as spring festivalLesson 1I. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you!8. Review the words.Guessing game: hide a present behind and letthe students guess what it is and then give

104、 it tothe studentsT: Here is a present for you! (Christmas tree,card, stocking, present)S: Thank you.II. PresentationStep1.Part A5. Present the traditional Chinese festival andthewordsrelatedtoChineseSpringFestival. Using pictures and objects.6. Practice: students point the object and saythe name of

105、 it.7. Presenting the greetings on Spring Festivalby drawing a simple picture!T:Happy spring Festival!S:The same to you!(You too! )8. Create a real situation for students topractice the expression.Step 2. Part B9. T Demonstrate and say the chant asposting the paper cutting on the window.10. Learn an

106、d do: teacher the student to do thepaper cutting.11. Collect the works and show them in thegroups.12. Presents offering:Students work in groups and send eachother the gift the have made, using thedialogue bellow:Sa: Happy Spring Festival!Teachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingProcedureProcedure29Sb

107、: The same to you!Sa: Here is a paper-cut for you!Sb: Thank you.13. Homework:Design a paper-cut and give it to yourfamily as a Spring Festival gift. Using thedialogue learned in the lesson.TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointpointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmateri

108、alsPeriod:Period:RevisionRevision 2 2LessonLesson 1 1Review the language learned in the unit “my room”Help students to describe the room they decorated.Flash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Tools to make artifactsLesson130TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:I. Warm up1.greeting and revisionG

109、reeting the students and review the word in theunit “my room”II. PresentationTeachingcharacteristics:Step1:Part A Stick and sayPlay the tape for the students to listen and say and ask them to cut down the pictures and put them to decorate the room.Encourage Ss to say.S: Ive got a Santa Clause, I put

110、 it here.Ive got a , I put it here.Step2: Part B Listen and makeStudents work in groups and fulfill the task:Say the word below and make a present:I put the head here.Then stick the body here;I stick the two legs here.Then put the arm here.Look, Its a Santa Clause.Merry Christmas!Its a present for y

111、ou!TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointpointTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:RevisionRevision 2 2LessonLesson 2 2Review what has been learn in unit 567Help student to communicate using proper languageFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.

112、Lesson131TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:I. Warm up1. Greetings2. Review the words:Using a picture:T: whats this?S: its T: What color is it?S:It is II. PresentationTeachingcharacteristics:Step1:Part A Listen Talk1. Revision of the dialogue with the help of thepicture:A: Where are you going?B: Im

113、 going to the Summer Palce.A: By bus?B: No, by taxi.A: Have you been toB: Where is 2. Listen and read.Play the tape for the students to listen and read the dialogue.3. Pair workGet the students to work in pairs to practicethe dialogue. And then act it out.Step 2 Part BLets CountAsk students to count

114、 the objects in the pictureand put the number in the box.TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointpointTeachingTeachingRevisionRevision 2 2LessonLesson 3 3Review the word and expressions on transportationHelp the students to communicateusing the dialogue.Flash cards

115、, tape and recorder.32materialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:Students cards.Lesson1I. Warm up1.Review the word: listen and doT: Show me the S: II. PresentationStep1: Part A Find and say1. Look at the picture and talkT: What can you see in the picture?S: I can see2. Pair work to practice find the picturesA;

116、 what can you see in picture 1?B: I can seeA:where is it?B: It is Step2: Part B Lets reviewUsing a keyboard to help students to review theletters learned before.Teachingcharacteristics:TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:TeachingTeachingcontentcontentTeachingTeachingaimsaimsTeachingTeachingpointpoin

117、tTeachingTeachingmaterialsmaterialsPeriod:Period:RevisionRevision 2 2LessonLesson 4 4Enrich the students listening ablityHelp students to listen and cross or tick itFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.Lesson1I. Warm up1. Daily oral practice.T: What can you see in the pictue?What is the col

118、or?2. Review the words: T: Say .Ss: Listen and do.II. PresentationStep1: Part A Listen and tick or crossTeachingcharacteristics:33TeachingTeachingProcedure:Procedure:places in the picture. Review the words relateto them.2. Observe the picture, look and say.3. Play the tape and let student to tick or cross.1. Pair work to make sure student can say the3. CheckStep 2. Part B Lets Group stick and sayAsk the students to group the 24 words learnedin unit 5/6/7Teacher check the answers.34



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