2012年高考英语复习课件:第26讲 Unit 1 Art(新课标人教版选修6)

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1、2012年高考英语复习课件:第年高考英语复习课件:第26讲讲Unit 1 Art(新课标人教版选(新课标人教版选修修6)第26讲Unit 1 Art美文佳句第第2626讲讲 美文佳句美文佳句诵美文 Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 你校校长打算改进食堂的设施(facilities)和服务(service),请你给校长写封信,谈谈你的建议。词数在120左右。 第第2626讲讲 美文佳句美文佳句Dear Mr. President, My cl

2、assmates and I are very glad to know that you are determined to improve our canteen facilities and service. I would like to give my opinions. Firstly, the quality of the dishes should be improved. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of delicious dishes, but all the year round, they are the same. More and m

3、ore students are complaining about eating the same food each day. Apart from the quality, the price is supposed to be adjusted, too. Some food which is delicious has been priced dramatically high that most of us cant afford it.第第2626讲讲 美文佳句美文佳句 Whats more, the environment is so noisy that we cant en

4、joy our meals in a good mood. I suggest that there be some soft music to help us relax. From bad to worse, the lights are so dull. We will appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts if you will take action immediately. Yours, David 第第2626讲讲 美文佳句美文佳句背佳句1Whats more, the environment is so noisy that w

5、e cant enjoy our meals a in good mood. 更何况,环境如此嘈杂,以致我们没有心情吃饭。赏析 该句使用了一个“sothat”结构,that引导一个结果状语从句。Whats more和Firstly,Apart from三个短语,把自己的建议层次分明地表达了出来。2I suggest that there be some soft music to help us relax. 我建议播放一些轻音乐使我们(吃饭的时候)放松一下。赏析 suggest 后跟了一个由there be句型充当的宾语从句,从句用虚拟语气委婉地提出了自己的建议。第第2626讲讲 美文佳句美

6、文佳句3 We will appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts if you will take action immediately. 如果您愿意马上采取行动,我们将万分感激。赏析 该句使用了“appreciateitif (从句)”结构,意思是“如果的话,将万分感激。”。.单词拼写1In that country, several a_ have been made on the presidents life, which amazed the world.2The magazine is intended to a_ to workin

7、g women in their 20s and 30s.3This antismoking campaign is mainly a_ at young teenagers.4The best way to p_ your future is to create it.第第2626讲讲 课前热身课前热身课前热身ttemptsppealredictimed5Miss White received a b_ of flowers from her admirer.6It is _(明显的)that he is not equal to the job.7Though plainlooking,

8、Mary is _(具有)of great intelligence.8 Education should not be restricted to any one _(特定的) age group.9What a _(巧合)! I wasnt expecting to see you here.10Childless couples are encouraged to _(收养)the children who lost their parents in the Yu shu earthquake.第第2626讲讲 课前热身课前热身unchevidentspecificpossessedco

9、incidenceadopt第第2626讲讲 课前热身课前热身.完成短语1另一方面2取代,代替 3(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣4大量5活着的;本人 6巧合地on the other handtake the place of appeal to a great deal in the fleshby coincidence. 完成句子 1一方面,他们想要孩子,但另一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自在的生活。_, theyd love to have kids,_, they dont want to give up their freedom.2多么希望我听从了你的建议!How I wish

10、_!3你对这些电影感兴趣吗? Do these films _?/Are _these films?第第2626讲讲 课前热身课前热身On the one handbut on the other handI had followed your adviceappeal to youyou interested in4莎莉不是一个有进取心的人。如果她是的话,她会是一位比较成功的商人。Sally is not an aggressive person. If she were,_.5她试图夺取奥运会的第一枚金牌,但没有成功。She _the first gold medal in the Oly

11、mpic Games, but failed.第第2626讲讲 课前热身课前热身she would be a more successful business womanmade an attempt ataimn目标,目的 vt. & vi.瞄准,对准;(向某方向)努力(常与介词at连用或后接动词不定式)aim at sth旨在aim at doing sth 力争做到某事aim to do sth 旨在做某事aim sth at sb 使某物对准某人achieve/realize ones aim 达到目的with the aim of 有的目的take aim at 向瞄准第第2626讲

12、讲 单词点睛单词点睛单词点睛1第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)He must be patient in order to _(达到他的所有目标)(2) _(没有任何目标的人)is sure to hit nothing.(3)I support any move to get young people into theatre, and especially one _(旨在在全英格兰做这件事), not just in London.achieve/realize his aimsA person who aims at nothingthat/which aims t

13、o do it all over England2 typical adj.典型的;有代表性的be typical of sb/sth是的特点It is typical of sb to do sth某人一向typically adv. 典型地第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛2第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)July 21st, 2007 was _(一个典型的英国夏日)it rained for 24 hours! (2) _(是她的特点) that she always replied to a letter the day she received it.a typ

14、ical English summers dayIt was typical of her3 possess vt.(to have as property; own)拥有;具有;支配be possessed of具有(某品质)be possessed with/by sth 一心想着某事possession n. 财产;所有物(可数);持有; 拥有;占有(不可数)get/take/gain possession of 拥有,占有be in the possession of sb( be in ones possession) 为某人所有【温馨提示】in possession of表主动,意

15、为“拥有,占有”,主语通常为表示人的词语;in the possession of 表被动,意为“被占有”,主语通常为表示物的词语。第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛3第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)富人们想拥有自己的艺术品并用来装饰自己的高级宫殿和豪宅。Rich people_, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses.(2)他们把自己的财产分给了邻居们。They _their neighbors.(3)那栋房子归我所有。The house_.(4)富人与其说是金钱的占有者,不如说是被金钱所

16、占有。The rich are _by their money than possessors of it.wanted to possess their own artsgave away their possessions tois in my possession/in the possession of merather possessed attemptn(to make an effort; endeavor)努力;尝试; 企图 vt.尝试;企图at ones/the first attempt 第一次尝试in an attempt to do sth 试图做某事make an a

17、ttempt to do sth/at doing sth 试图做某事attempted adj. 未遂的;意图的第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛4第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)Two factories were closed _(试图削减成本)(2)I passed my driving test _(第一次尝试)(3) _(所有的努力)to control water pollution here have failed.in an attempt to cut costsat my/the first attemptAll attempts第第2626讲讲 单词

18、点睛单词点睛【易混辨析】attempt,try,manage (1) attempt正式用语,常指一次的而不是继续的尝试,往往暗示这种尝试达不到目的,常包含“冒险”之意。(2)try通俗用语,指为成功做某事而付出努力或花费一定代价,后接不定式表示“试图做某事”,后接动名词表示“试着做某事”。(3)manage成功地做成某事,强调结果。用attempt,try或manage的适当形式完成句子(1)Dont _to swim across the river.(2)I _to get up the stairs at last.try/attemptmanaged predict vt.(to f

19、oretell something)预言,预告,预测predict n/从句预测It is predicted that 据预测prediction n. 预言;预告;预测第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛5第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)谁能预言将来会有什么样的绘画艺术风格呢?Who can _in the future?(2)现在还不能预测何时、何地会发生地震。It is now still impossible_.(3)据预测,在21世纪将有5大科学突破。_5scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century.predict wh

20、at painting styles there will beto predict when and where an earthquake will break outIt is predicted that there will befiguren数字;身材;画像vt.计算;描绘;认为figure on打算;指望figure out 发现;解决;计算出;弄明白【温馨提示】number 泛指“数”,而figure指“数字”,着重指数字符号,与文字相对。如:Write out the amount both in words and in figures.用文字和数字两种方式填写金 额。第第

21、2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛6第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)我看到桥下有个妇女的身影。I saw _below the bridge.(2)我无法理解他为什么这么说。_why he said so.(3)为了保持体形她每天都要做运动。She does exercise every day_.the figure of a womanI cant figure outto keep her figureappeal vi.有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt.将上诉 n呼吁;恳求appeal to对(某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣appeal (to sb) for sth 为某

22、事(向某人)呼吁appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事appeal for 请求make an appeal 发出呼吁appealing adj. 有吸引力的;求助的;恳求的第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛7第第2626讲讲 单词点睛单词点睛【活学活用】(1)第十六届亚运会开幕式吸引了全世界的观众。The opening ceremony of the_.(2)小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。Bright colors_./Small children _bright colors.(3)你们不应该诉诸武力。You _force. 16th Asian Games appealed

23、 to the audience all over the worldappeal to small childrenare_fond_of/like/enjoy/loveshould not appeal toa great deal大量;许多(1)a great deal 作名词短语时,用作不可数名词,可作主语、宾语,作主语时,意为“大量”。 a great deal作副词短语时,可修饰动词或用来强调比较级,意为“很,非常”。 a great deal of 意为“大量的”,相当于much,作定语,后接不可数名词。(2)修饰不可数名词的还有:much; a great/good deal

24、of; a large/great amount of (谓语动词用单数); large amounts of (谓语动词用复数)。第第2626讲讲 短语存储短语存储短语储存1第第2626讲讲 短语存储短语存储【活学活用】(1) _(已经完成了许多),but there is still much to be done.(2)After drinking some water,she felt _(暖和多了)A great deal has been finisheda great deal warmeron the other hand另一方面on (the) one handon the

25、other (hand)一方面另一方面(表达相矛盾的两个反面)for one thingand for another/besides首先其次(陈述两方面的情况通常一致)【温馨提示】on the one hand 一方面,常用作插入语,表示转折对比,常构成“on (the) one handon the other (hand)”结构,表示 “一方面,另一方面”。其中前面的the和后面的hand可以省略。 第第2626讲讲 短语存储短语存储2第第2626讲讲 短语存储短语存储【活学活用】(1)一方面他很有才华,一方面他又很懒。_, he is brilliant; _he is lazy.(2

26、)现在许多大学毕业生没有工作,但另一方面,他们又不愿意干薪水低的活儿。Many college graduates_, they wont take jobs that do not pay much.On the one handon the other handare out of work now, but on the other hand1But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religiou

27、s scenes in a more realistic style. 句型公式It is evident that(很)显然 第第2626讲讲 句型透视句型透视句型透视【句式分析】it在句中充当形式主语,that引导的从句为真正的主语。为了句子的平衡移到后面,可以避免句子结构的头重脚轻。如:It is evident that the plan is impracticable.很明显这计划是行不通的。第第2626讲讲 句型透视句型透视【相关拓展】1 It is adj.(for sb/sth) to do sth(用于此句型的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult,possi

28、ble, important, impossible, necessary, bad, interesting, surprising等。)2 It is n.(for sb/sth) to do sth(用于此句型中的词汇有:a pity, a shame, ones duty, fun, good manners, bad manners等)3 It is adj.of sbto do sth(此句型中形容词描述某人的品德、特征。用于该句型的形容词有:kind, nice, wise, brave, silly, polite, impolite, friendly, foolish, c

29、lever等。)第第2626讲讲 句型透视句型透视4It is adj.(n.) doing sth(此句型中常见的形容词和名词有:no/little use, no good, useless等。)5It is 及物动词的过去分词that从句(此句型中常见的及物动词的过去分词有:said, told, known, reported, thought, believed, considered等。)6It 不及物动词 that从句(此句型中不及物动词常见的有:seem,happen,appear,matter等)7强调句型:It is/was 被强调部分 that/who句子其他部分8It

30、is/has been 一段时间since从句第第2626讲讲 句型透视句型透视【活学活用】(1)很明显当地政府正试图帮助大学生就业。_the local government is trying to help the graduates with employment.(2)你帮我学英语真是太好了。_help me with my English.(3)据说他在学校里表现很好。_he is doing fine in school.(4)他们就是在昨天完成的这项工程。_they finished the project.(5)从我们上次见面已经五年了。_we met last time.第

31、第2626讲讲 句型透视句型透视It is evident thatIts very kind of you toIts said thatIt was yesterday thatIt is five years since12010安徽卷 How did you like Nicks performance last night?To be honest, his singing didnt to me much.Aappeal BbelongCrefer Doccur【解析】 A考查动词词义以及与介词的搭配。句意为:“你认为昨晚Nick的演出怎么样?”“说实话,他的演唱不能吸引我。” a

32、ppeal to有吸引力,引起兴趣;belong to属于;refer to指,谈及,涉及;occur to突然想到(一个主意等)。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练跟踪训练2If Zhou qu terrible mud rock flow hadnt happened, people there their homes.Awouldnt lose Bdidnt loseChadnt lost Dwouldnt have lost【解析】 D句意为:如果舟曲的特大泥石流不发生的话,那里的人们就不会失去家园了。从if从句的hadnt happened看是发生在过去,与过去的事实相反,故主句用w

33、ould have done。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练3He to swim across the Channel, but they failed because of the terrible weather.Asucceeded BmanagedCattempted Dthought【解析】 Cattempt指试图做某事,不一定做成。句意为: 他试图游过海峡, 但由于恶劣的天气,他失败了。manage指经过困难而“设法对付”,含有达到目的之意。 succeed和 think的结构分别为:succeed in doing sth, think sb to be第第2626讲讲 跟

34、踪训练跟踪训练4 Until now, technologies like GPS have mainly been used to help people where they are and what is nearby.Amake up Blook throughCfigure out Drefer to【解析】 C考查动词短语辨析。make up组成,化妆,编造;look through浏览;figure out理解,弄清楚;refer to提到,涉及,查阅。根据句意:到目前为止,像全球卫星定位系统这样的技术主要用来帮助人们弄清他们在哪里、附近有什么。故选C。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练

35、跟踪训练5 Up to now,China two unmanned lunar probes, Change I and Change II from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province.Awould launch BlaunchesChad launched Dhas launched【解析】 D考查动词的时态。句意为:截止到现在,中国已经在四川省西昌卫星发射中心发射了两个无人月球探测器,嫦娥一号和嫦娥二号。up to now是现在完成时的标志,所以空格处使用现在完成时。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练6 In

36、_ late 19th century, computers changed _ great deal and were widely used in _ international trade.Athe; a; the Bthe; the;/Cthe; a; an Dthe; a;/【解析】 D考查冠词的用法。在序数词前用定冠词the; a great deal为固定短语, 意为 “大量地”;international trade表示泛指概念,不用冠词。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练7Twenty years ago, his father was very rich and was _

37、a farm.Ain place of Bin charge ofCin sight of Din possession of【解析】 D考查介词短语。in possession of sth“占有(或拥有)某物”,主语是人;in place of代替; in sight of在视线内; in charge of 负责。D项符合题意(二十年前,他父亲很富有,有一个农场。)第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练8The young man is being questioned by the police in relation to the murder last night.Aadvised B

38、attendedCadmitted Dattempted【解析】 Dattempted意为“未遂的”, the attempted murder表示 “谋杀未遂”。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练9I would like a job which pays more, but I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.Ain other words Bon the other handCfor one thing Das a matter of fact【解析】 B考查on the other hand的用法。句意为:我想要一份工资高的工作,但另一方面又

39、喜欢自己现在所干的工作。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练10I wonder how much you charge for your services.The first two are free the third costs $30.Awhile BuntilCwhen Dbefore【解析】 A考查连词辨析。while 在这里表对比。句意为:前两种服务免费,而第三种服务要30美元。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练11Jack is late again. It is of him to keep others waiting.Anormal BordinaryCcommon Dty

40、pical【解析】 D考查形容词辨析。normal 正常的;ordinary普遍的;common共同的;typical典型的。Its typical of sb. to do sth. 为固定句型,意为:某人一向。句意为:杰克又迟到了,他一向让别人等他。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练12The glaciers that reached the Pacific Coast were valley glaciers, and between those tongues of ice that allowed the original forests to survive.Athat many

41、 templesBwere many templesCwere there many templesDthere the many temples【解析】 B考查倒装语序。and后句子的主语带有定语,比较长,为避免头重脚轻,把表语between those tongues of ice放在句首,从而形成了倒装。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练13Managers in excellent companies have a strong _ for doing things rather than talking about situations.Aopinion BfeelingCidea

42、Dpreference【解析】 D句意为:优秀企业的管理者都特别偏爱做实事而不是夸夸其谈。have a preference for对有偏爱。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练14Believe it or not,last month in America I came across the girl whose photo was in the drift bottle I got three years ago! Really? Thats the most surprising Ive ever heard of!Aacquaintance Cviewpoint Bcoincidenc

43、e Dprocedure【解析】 B考查名词辨析。由语境可知:第一句话叙述的事情是非常巧合的,由此可以判断应该选择coincidence“巧合的事”。 而不是acquaintance熟人;viewpoint观点;procedure步骤。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练15During the summer vacation, several provinces have _distance learning to help their teachers to improve their teaching skills and update their professional knowledge.Aattended BadoptedCadapted Dadmitted【解析】 B考查动词辨析。语境表示采取远程教育的方式提高老师的教学技能和更新其专业知识,用adopt表示“采纳”。 attend参加,照顾; adapt改编; admit承认。第第2626讲讲 跟踪训练跟踪训练同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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