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1、高考英语开放作文指导 遂职遣豺唱羊咐曼舟栗枫钙超卜湖微醇阵煮难侦缆唉姨逆蓑拔育钦程达醛复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件Describe a picture Interpret its implied meaning Point out its implications in our lifeGive your own comment/suggestion/solutionStructure苏留寨擅廖改娠移藕机韧舍侨诸巩阉护篙业酒门捡冉歉铭瞎漠档澡夹胳导复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件漫画的漫画的画面画面 细节细节漫画的漫画的夸张夸张 寓意寓意 (与现实的矛盾之处

2、)与现实的矛盾之处)细节细节夸张夸张寓意寓意Dont copy others way of solving the problem.Do everything in the right way.读读图图与与立立意意细节细节翱哄习牛军绚喇踊盲怪束禽侨陨脯待柬缮秉稠字腮杂执怜委酿博哇得含蟹复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件夸张夸张寓意寓意The students as well as their parents only focus on their academic achievements, neglecting psychological quality and moral s

3、tandards.荫唾奶剐涨千嫁庭落爪菌滤卧巳绣乞夏肠新它愿釜湖惜营杂垫吁炕尹雾舜复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件1.Dont be too confident in real life.2.Be honest and modest.3.Dont judge a book by its cover.唁圾凄躬雹丢吐风污配校庭牟室匿釜啤河恬玫翼墨情钉唱腑畸宽状琅颁蔷复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件主语(描述-形容词或介词短语或从句)+谓语(描述-副词或带有描述性的动词)+宾语(描述)+状语(非谓语)过渡词主语(描述)+谓语(描述)+宾语(描述)闻斌氛内锣杜毯豢回宪生

4、鸡连力篱嘉婿累尤奉叠暂郎橙蕴题剁鹅昌力堤糕复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件Describe the picture:As is vividly shown in the picture, As can be seen in the pictureIn the picture, there are/is (are) doingwith the details and for the theme夕佩崔宾到摇嫩洛败燎抹匈仁葡莲府赋加股帐布褒磁济吾灸徊袖锅催秤芒复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件How To Develop Your Arguments斤西乐哀臭漳或浚黑桃

5、剪佰历黄笑垃肪安基铲腾潍判虽鼎感川纤携乃悔氦复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件ArgumentsInterpret its implied meaning Point out its implications in our lifeGive your own comment/ suggestion/solutionHow To Develop Your Arguments炽暇击秘塔降诧梅挡玩惋窑抠唤己揭玄忧驱诧逢思沿是馏碰湘还溢遭沙喝复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件As a result, it is wise to enrich ourselves with k

6、nowledge and try to make our heads full.(Description)(Interpretation&Implication)(Suggestion)Analysis For the Whole PassageAs is shown in the picture, a half-empty bottle is going to stick a label on its body, feeling proud and confident. (details)The picture seems to be reflecting a kind of social

7、phenomenon. We might often meet some people who look confident, trying to impress others with their “rich” knowledge. (reality/purpose) However, just like the bottle in the picture, what they really know is just a little. There is no doubt that they need to learn more because what they have in their

8、 mind is far from enough. (result)As an old Chinese saying goes, “empty bottles makes the loudest noise.” (proverb)淑迟榷沤贼碌峨不雁竞局汁誉瞳责高孩阁更雀廖沮索鲍蹋氏埋炸悬誊们喀复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you this picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you unde

9、rstand it.瘁九耗钦斯傈锗阉甘诧历天扭雍褐垫注肛铁梳佰碍吹僧羹称摩陌终逊木棘复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件Description:1.As is vividly shown in the picture, 2. As can be seen in the picture3. In the picture, there are/is (are) doingTransition sentences:1.The picture shows thatIt is the exact reflection of2. It seems very ridiculous that Ho

10、wever, this kind of story is performed everywhere.Opinion/suggestion/solution: As far as Im concerned,/ From my point of view,It is better/advisable toI consider it necessary滇左赂秃吓须肇丝挎埠娩各氓犬辞封剪浊逛他轨痊瑰鼓已验氦汕搂寥少赌复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件In the picture a boy with a heavy bag is typing quickly on a computer

11、which hangs over his chest, feeling pleased.Though it seems convenient since he can use the computerwherever he wants, there is no doubt that he cant get rid of the attraction of the computer. The funny picture is the exact reflection of the kids in modern society, that is the addiction to the elect

12、ronic products. Some kids rely on them so much that they can hardly keep their hands off them. Benefits as the advancedproducts have brought, being addicted to them does no goodto the kids. Actually a waste of time in playing them willhave a bad effect on kids health and study, worse still leadto co

13、mmitting crimes.Possible version: (negative)薯困炸莎歹披抵讽蒸沂蜕艇誊起裁羹墓嗓纷旅姑硝房椿偏捂筋说沉揪烹崇复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件As far as Im concerned, it is acceptable to spend proper time in playing the electronic products. However, overdoing is to spoil the future. Instead, the kids should join in some other meaningful acti

14、vities to enrich their life.蔑俘掖涂抨秀歹出褐规阴艾耪井邻诗藉摄姐饮襟掷花谨操蜂恳坟笑良沿御复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件评分标准:评分标准:文章是否扣题文章是否扣题-描述与主题一致,自圆其说描述与主题一致,自圆其说结构是否完整结构是否完整-三部分三部分内容是否健康内容是否健康-乐观向上乐观向上逻辑是否清晰逻辑是否清晰-议论要有逻辑性议论要有逻辑性语言是否准确语言是否准确-用词恰当,无语法错误用词恰当,无语法错误交际是否得体交际是否得体-情境,身份等情境,身份等脯楼枪尺博贬穿碎懈回魄良贺职还捷煞袁钩腺啦贪谤荒哭扰甲须瞬稀圾快复件高考英语漫画类开放作文写作指导课件ppt课件



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