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1、Unit 1 New Zealand新西兰国旗新西兰国旗为长方形,长为长方形,长宽之比为宽之比为2:1。旗地为深。旗地为深蓝色,左上方为蓝色,左上方为英国国旗英国国旗,右边有四颗镶白边的红色右边有四颗镶白边的红色五角星,四颗星排列均不五角星,四颗星排列均不对称。新西兰是对称。新西兰是英联邦英联邦成成员国,员国,“米米”字图案表明字图案表明同同英国英国的传统关系;四颗的传统关系;四颗星表示南十字星座,表明星表示南十字星座,表明该国位于南半球,同时还该国位于南半球,同时还象征独立和希望。象征独立和希望。 A Land of Fascinating Sceneryl Only when you se

2、t foot on the amazing land can you have a feast of what it has to offer to the world. lKnown as “Land of The Long White Cloud”, New Zealand is an amazing country with fascinating scenery, appealing to visitors all around the world, including famous directors who intend to shoot their movies there.In

3、troducing a country geographylocationclimatehistoryCulture& customspeoplesGeography lLocation:l位于位于lLie _intoonoff位于位于的境内的境内位于位于的的方向方向与与-接壤接壤远离远离海岸海岸betweenBe located inBe situated inThe North IslandThe South IslandThe Steward IslandThe Pacific OceanThe Tasman SeaWords and phrasesl1. _ (位于)(位于)two t

4、ectonic platesl2._ (一系列一系列)l3. 年降雨量年降雨量_l4.寻找寻找_l5. 灭绝灭绝_l被猎杀至尽被猎杀至尽_l6.严重捕捞严重捕捞_sit ona (huge) range ofannual rainfallin search ofbecome extinctbe hunted to extinctionbe heavily fishedl7. 也就是说也就是说 _l8.更糟糕的是更糟糕的是 _l9. 与与签署协议签署协议 _l10.谋求更好的生活谋求更好的生活 _l11. 作为回报作为回报 _ l12.大量地大量地 _ l13.基于基于 _that is (to

5、 say)worse stillsign a treaty withseek a better lifein returnin large numbersbase on / be based onlNew Zealand _of a collection of islands, of _ the two largest are the North and the South Islands, with the third largest the Steward Island lying in the far south.lThe country lies _ 34 and 46 degrees

6、 latitude south, and between 166 and 178 degrees east in the Pacific Ocean , _ from Australia by the Tasman Sea. lIt lies_ the southeast of Australia with the capital, Wellington, _ in the North Island. It is approximately the same size as the UK, _ the population is much smaller. New Zealanders are

7、 often called “kiwis” _the kiwi bird that lives only in New Zealand. consistswhichbetweenseparated tolyingwhileafter New Zealand has a _ of about 3.8 million people , of which about fourteen percent are Maori. The majority of the people live in the major cities, _ Auckland, which is the largest, Wel

8、lington, Christchurch.English is used as an_ language.population officialincludinglNew Zealand is in the Southern hemisphere where seasons fall at opposite times to those in the Northern one. lNew Zealand has a mild temperature, moderately high rainfall, and many hours of sunshine throughout most of

9、 the country. As the country is narrow and surrounded by seas, the climate is changeable, much affected by the sea winds and the high mountains . lThe far north of the country has an average temperature of about 15 , while the deep south has a cooler 9 average. January and February are the warmest m

10、onths of the year, and July is the coldest.Key sentencesl1.New Zealand sits on two tectonic plates which are constantly moving and hitting into each other, causing a lot of geological activity, including earthquakes and volcanoes.lbe located onlbe situated onllie on l2. It rains heavily in this area

11、, which has an annual rainfall of over 7,500 mm, an ideal environment for spectacular forests and farming.lSenior 3 students all over the country apply themselves to studies in order to be admitted to their ideal university.l3. A number of spectacular glaciers have formed in the Southern Alps,l carv

12、ed out of the mountains by moving ice over thousands of years.which isl4. As the population grew and land and food became scarce, the people became more warlike. Some tribes were wiped out as stronger tribes fought to take over the land.lwipe outlbreak outlcheck out / make outlleave out/ figure out

13、/ work outlstick out / stand outl5. Unfortunately, when the Maori people did not want to sell their land to the new settlers, especially at the extremely low prices they were offered, unrest between the Maori and Europeans grew, which led to serious fighting in many parts of the North Island.l6. The

14、 worst fighting was between 1860 and 1872, after which the Maori were finally defeated by larger numbers of British and Australian soldiers and civilians.lShe studied in YD No.1 Middle school, _ she spent four years studying physics in a top university.lA. when B. where lC. from which D. after which

15、DlAfter _out the tree stump (树桩树桩) in the garden, Susie, Jill and I decided to _ out for the evening to celebrate. As we walked along the road to the restaurant who should _ out of her house but our friend Mary! We decided to join forces to _ out the new Chinese restaurant that had just opened in ou

16、r town. It was easy to spot as its lanterns make it _ out in the crowded High Street. We had a good dinner _ nothing out of the fixed priced menu. It was only later when we tried to _ out of the door that we realized we had eaten too much.digginggocometeststickleavingsqueezeHomework : Exercise in Wo

17、rkbook P.51-52lMake good use of time to finish the exercises.New Zealand Travel GuideWords and phrases1. _ 只有步行可以到达只有步行可以到达2._ (绝无仅有地美丽绝无仅有地美丽)3. 更不用说更不用说_4.四处走动四处走动_5. 相对地不贵相对地不贵_相对地便宜相对地便宜6. 打折机票打折机票_can only be accessed on footuniquely beautifulnot to mentionget aroundrelatively inexpensiverelati

18、vely cheapdiscounted fares7. 机动灵活机动灵活 _8. 投保投保 _(V.) _投保防窃投保防窃 _9. _(V.建议建议) _(N.) _ (adj.)_10. 参与,卷入参与,卷入 _11. 方便的;附近的方便的;附近的_12. 提供餐饮提供餐饮; 迎合迎合 _be flexible abouttake out insuranceinsureinsure against theftadviseadviceadvisable可取的,明智的可取的,明智的be involved inhandycater for1. New Zealands scenery range

19、s from glaciers to subtropical forests, beautiful lakes and fiords to fast flowing rivers and snow-covered mountains, not to mention kilometers of sandy beaches- some of which you will have entirely to yourself.(范围)从(范围)从到到更不用说更不用说let alone独自享受独自享受Traveling in New Zealand, tourists have a _ of activ

20、ities to choose from, _ from hiking to cycling, rafting to bungee jumping.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, most of _ are beyond our control.A. them B. which C. what D. thatrangerangingB大学必修课科目很多,从语文到英语,从大学必修课科目很多,从语文到英语,从体育到计算机,更不用说一系列有趣的让体育到计算机,更不用说一系列有趣的让人增长见识的选修课

21、了。人增长见识的选修课了。 The required courses in the university ranges from Chinese to English, P.E. to computer, not to mention a range of interesting optional courses-some of which will surely expand your horizons.I think it a_ to take out _ when traveling, and make a reservation in a hotel _ is handy to mos

22、t places of interest and _ our needs so that we can be flexible about our touring plans.advisableinsurancewhichcaters for要求:根据地图和提示,写一篇介绍台湾的短文。要求:根据地图和提示,写一篇介绍台湾的短文。词数:词数:80字左右。字左右。1.台湾的地理位置。台湾的地理位置。2.台湾是我国最大的岛屿,面积台湾是我国最大的岛屿,面积36,000 平方公里,平方公里,人口两千多万。人口两千多万。3.自然资源丰富,香蕉、稻米、茶叶等产品驰名自然资源丰富,香蕉、稻米、茶叶等产品驰名

23、中外。中外。4.风景优美,气候宜人,世界各地的游客纷至沓风景优美,气候宜人,世界各地的游客纷至沓来。来。5.台湾自古以来就是我国的一部分。海峡两岸人台湾自古以来就是我国的一部分。海峡两岸人民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望。民都有统一祖国的强烈愿望。南海南海 South China Sea 台湾海峡台湾海峡 the Taiwan Strait Taiwan is the largest island of China _ an area of 36,000 square kilometers and a _ of over 20 million. It _the southeast coast of t

24、he mainland of China, between the Taiwan Street and the Pacific Ocean _ the South China Sea . It is_ in natural resources and is famous for its bananas, nice rice and fine tea. The scenery there is beautiful and it also has pleasant weather. Visitors from all over the world come flooding in it. Taiw

25、an has always been part of China _ancient times, but for some history reason its separated. People on both banks of the Strait are looking forward to _ as a whole country.withpopulationlies offfacingrichbeing unitedsince请根据下提示写一篇介绍厦门市的短文请根据下提示写一篇介绍厦门市的短文:1.位于福建南部位于福建南部,与台湾隔海相望与台湾隔海相望.2.面积大约面积大约1,600

26、平方公里平方公里, 由由6个区组成个区组成,人口大约人口大约200万万.3.气候宜人气候宜人,夏天不太热夏天不太热,冬天不太冷冬天不太冷.降雨较多降雨较多, 尤尤其是在夏天其是在夏天.4.风景秀丽风景秀丽,著名的旅游景点有环岛路著名的旅游景点有环岛路,南普陀南普陀,鼓浪鼓浪屿屿, 万石植物园万石植物园.5.经济发达经济发达,是我国的经济特区之一是我国的经济特区之一.今年来今年来,城市环城市环境变化很大境变化很大,变得越来越美丽变得越来越美丽,每年吸引成千上万的每年吸引成千上万的游客游客.locationareaplaces of interestpopulationassessment Spe

27、cial climate Xiamen lies in the south of Fujian, facing Taiwan across the sea. Having a population of about 2 million, xiamen covers an area of about 1,600 square kilometers , which consists of 6 districts. The climate in Xiamen is pleasant, neither too hot in summer, nor too cold in winter, with pl

28、enty of rainfall, especially in summer. Xianmen is a city with fascinating scenery, which has many scenic spots , such as the Huandao Road, Nanputuo Temple, Gulang Island and Wanshi Botanical Garden. So rapidly did the economy develop that Xiamen became one of the Economic Zones in China. In recent

29、years, great changes have taken place in Xiamen and the city is becoming more and more beautiful , attracting millions of tourists every years.If you are required to write a composition introducing our hometown Yongding, what information will you cover?locationareapopulationcultureeconomyhistorynatu

30、ral resourcesuseful expressionsYongding locates/situated in southwest part of Fujian province.It has a population of aboutIt has an area of/covers It is rich inIt is famous forGreat changes have taken place in in the past years. has taken on a new look in the past years. My hometown is a place of in

31、terest. It is extremely beautiful and every year a lot of visitors pour in to see the attractive scenery. A natural lake dotted with small boats comes into view first. The clear lake, in which fishes are swimming freely, is surrounded by mountains on three sides. On the top of one mountain stand som

32、e ancient buildings, dating back to the Han Dynasty. Another natural wonder which amazes you is a famous underground cave where it is warm in winter while cool in summer. It attracts many experts and tourists every year.Sample:Dear John, I am writing to introduce you my hometown Yongding with great

33、enjoyment. Located in Southwest part of Fujian, Yongding covers an area of 2,500 square km. Small as it is, it has a population of about 40,000, 99% of whom are Hakka people. What makes it known to the world is its man-made wonder, Earth buildings, which has become a world cultural heritage. Dating

34、back to hundreds of years ago, these unique architecture attract visitors with their grand scale as well as its rich culture. Yongding is also famous to be home of tobacco and it is rich in coal and hydroelectric power. People here are thrifty and hospitable ,which impress visitors a lot. Looking fo

35、rward to be your tour guide in my hometown. yours, My hometown, Fengcheng, is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Yongding River, which divides our town into halves. Also, in the north of the town is Beimen Hill, which is popular with people who are fond of climbi

36、ng. The third amazing feature is Xiakeng Square, where stands a four-starred Kingdom Grand Hotel. These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place.1. Remember that in the face of _ failure, you should keep up _ good state of mind.A. the; the B. /; the C. / ; / D. / ; a2. E

37、xperts think that _ recently discovered painting may be _ Picasso.A. the; / B. a; the C. a ; / D. the ; aDD3. The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that _ people from all walks of life are working hard for _ new Fujian.A. /; a B. /; the C. the ; a D. the ; the4. -Have you heard _ news

38、that over 10,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake in Japan?- Not yet. What _ big surprise!A. the; a B. the; /C. /; / D. / ; aAA5. -Excuse me, are you Amy, from Class2, Grade 1?- Sorry, Im not _ Amy from Class 2 but from Class1. There are two Amys in Grade 1.A. a B. an C. the D. /6. Japan ha

39、s been trying to bring its nuclear crisis under _ control, but _ spread of radiation has raised concerns about the safety of the nuclear energy.A. a; the B. the; /C. /;the D. a; /CC7. Shenzhen Universiade is like _ great stage for sports exchange, bringing the young into closer contact with _ rest o

40、f the world.A. a ; / B. the ; / C. a; the D. the; theCKeys for Workbook P.51-53Testing your skills:1-5 CBDCA 6-10 AABBD11-15 BCDBC16-20 DACDBBe on a tight scheduleV. The train is scheduled to leave at 8:00.Be due to 预期(到期)Keys for Workbook P.53-56Reading 1 Exercise 1 1-5 CEDABExercise 21-5 AABCA Rea

41、ding 2Exercise 1 1-5 BDDACExercise 21-5 DEBCACloze1-5 CADCA 6-10 DABCA11-15 BBDBCKeys for Workbook P.53-56EducationCompulsoryIn China, children receive nine years compulsory education.A separate intermediate school Pre-school educationKeys for Workbook P.53-56Cloze1-5 CADCA be worn on / notice sb do

42、ing sth6-10 DABCAIn proportion to 11-15 BBDBCKeys for Workbook P.581. find 2. a 3. does4. were5. the6. dramatical7. Million8. to9. filmfinding the didWasTheDramaticallyMillionsWithfilmedKeys for Workbook p.581. is not native to New Zealand and has only been grown there since 1904.2. in 1924, one of

43、these farmers developed the green colored variety which is most well known today.3. So well did the fruit grow in New Zealand that in 1952 Chinese gooseberries was exported to England for the first time.4.At this time, the name was changed to kiwi fruit to attract the American market.5. many different varieties are exported from New Zealand to many countries around the world.



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