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1、关于饮食文化的英语作文关于饮食文化的英语作文民以食为天,世界上任何一个国家都有其独特的饮食文化。请你就饮食文化写一篇英语吧。下面第一给大家带来关于饮食文化的英语优秀作文,供你参阅。Food Culture in Western CountriesIn England, people always have some bread and milk forbreakfast on weekday which is always in a hurry. But onweekends, breakfast is a big feast with bacon, porridge,coffee, eggs

2、, toasts, cakes, and so on.在英国,人们总是在工作日的时候匆匆忙忙的吃一些面包和牛奶来当午餐。但在周末,早餐是非常丰富的,有培根,鸡蛋,粥,咖啡,面包,蛋糕等等。As for lunch, its always so simple. People usuallyhave a sandwich or a hot dog. Some people also eat in afast-food restaurant nearby. This meal wont last verylong.至于午餐,却总是那么简单。人们通常吃一个三明治或热狗。有些人在附近的快餐店吃。这顿饭不

3、会持续很长时间。Dinner is the biggest meal with potato, beef, chicken,soup, and some desserts. At this meal, people usually sitaround the table and talk about their daily events. This isthe best time for family gathering.晚餐是最丰富的有土豆,牛肉,鸡肉,汤,和一些甜点。在这顿饭中人们通常坐在桌子旁边谈论他们的日常活动。这是家庭聚会的最正确时间。Cheese is the most popul

4、ar food in European countriesand the United States. Aording to different dishes and wine,different cheese is tied in. The simplest cheese is to puta certain amount of all kinds of cheese on a plate, calledcheese dish.在欧洲国家和美国奶酪是最受欢送的食品。根据不同的菜肴和葡萄酒,奶酪是不同的。最简单的奶酪是把各种芝士按一定数量放到一个盘子上,叫做奶酪盘。Jewish usually

5、 eat apples with honey on New Years Day,in order to celebrate the happiest New Year.犹太人通常和自己所爱的人在新年的那一天吃苹果,来了庆祝这快乐的新年。Food between China and Western countries are totallydifferent styles. China has 5000 years history. We probablyspend half of time on food. Chinese people choice food verycarefully. T

6、hey only use fresh material to make food. Forexample they only eat fresh fish. Chinese have a lot ofideas and techniques for cooking. We can cook a chicken inover ten ways. Thats why Chinese food is so popular inthe world. Western country like English or American, theydont have fresh food because th

7、ey buy their food fromsupermarket which only sells stored materials. Westernpeople would also prefer fast food like burgers and chips.They are unhealthy to human body. Western people do nothave many skills for cooking, mostly they only boil, steamand bake the food. By the way, western people are ver

8、y goodat making desert and chocolate. They can make very goodcake and chocolate. They are very sweet but its sort offood which make you bee fat quickly.In china if you invite people for meal, the person whoinvited other people would pay for the meal but its notthe way in Western country. In western

9、country people willthink you only invited me but its not your responsibilityto pay for me. I can afford it. They wont be happy if youpay for them. People in China would always put dishes intocustomers plate to show their hospitality, but they willthink its not healthy because your chopsticks have be

10、enused by you. In western country like America not England,people will always give tips to waiter after they finishedmeal in a restaurant. If you dont they will not be happybecause tips are one of their major ine. In china this onlyhappen in some top restaurants and hotels in largeinternational citi

11、es like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.Western people will also think you are rude if you makesound during the meal. Western people do not hold theirbowl up even when they have a bowl of soup.There is also a huge difference between Chinese andWestern people. Chinese people use chopsticks and wester

12、npeople use fork and knife. Usually people who use fork andknife will use fork to hold the meat and cut it by knifeand use fork to help to get that piece of meat into mouse.Chinese just use chopstick to pick things and pass it intoyour mouse.Chinese people only have three meals during a day. Butwest

13、ern people will have more, they have afternoon tea.Usually they would have fruits, homemade cake, tea (blacktea) or biscuit with cheese. If you are a housewife andhave a lot of time, you may have morning tea as well.You are what you eat. Nutrition experts often usethis saying to promote better eatin

14、g habits. What we put inour mouths does bee a part of us. But we can look at thisstatement another way. What we eat reflects who we are-aspeople and as a culture. Do you want to understand anotherculture? Then you ought to find out about its food.Learning about American food can give us a real taste

15、 ofAmerican culture.你吃什么就成为什么样子营养专家经常使用这句话来倡导更好的饮食习惯,入嘴的东西确实成为我们的一局部.但我们也可以从另一个角度来看这句话,我们所吃的反映出我们自己-不管就人或文化而言.你想了解另一种文化吗?那么你应该去认识他们的食物.认识美国食物可以让我们得知美国文化的精髓。What is American food? At first you might think theanswer is easy as pie. To many people, American food meanshamburgers, hot dogs, fried chicken

16、 and pizza. If you havea sweet tooth, you might even think of apple pie orchocolate chip cookies. Its true that Americans do eatthose things. But are those the only kind of vittles youcan find in America?何谓美式食物?乍听之下你可能认为答案容易得很。对许多人而言,美式食物就是汉堡、热狗、炸鸡和披萨。如果你是好吃甜食的人,你可能会想到苹果派或巧克力片饼干。美国人确实吃这些东西,但这些就是你在美国

17、唯一找得到的食物吗?Except for Thanksgiving turkey, its hard to find atypically American food. The United States is a land ofimmigrants. So Americans eat food from many differentcountries. When people move to America, they bring theircooking styles with them. Thats why you can find almostevery kind of ethnic

18、food in America. In some cases,Americans have adopted foods from other countries asfavorites. Americans love Italian pizza, Mexican tacos andChinese egg rolls. But the American version doesnt tastequite like the original!除了感恩节火鸡以外,挺难找到典型的美国食物。美国是个移民之地,所以美国人吃的食物许多不同的国家,当人们移居美国,他们也将自己的烹调带了进来。那也就是为什么在美

19、国你几乎可以看到所有不同民族的食物。在某些情况中,美国人把外国的食物视为最爱。美国人喜爱意大利的披萨,墨西哥的玉米饼和中国的春卷,但是这些东西的美国版味道却不很道地!As with any large country, the U.S.A has severaldistinct regions. Each region boasts its own special styleof food. Visit the South and enjoy country-style cooking.Journey through Louisiana for some spicy Cajun cuisine

20、.Take a trip to New England and sample savory seafood dishes.Travel through the Midwest, the breadbasket of thenation, for delicious baked goods. Cruise over to theSouthwest and try some tasty Tex-Mex treats. Finish yourfood tour in the Pacific Northwest with some gourmet coffee.和许多大国一样,美国有数个截然不同的地区

21、,每个地区都以自己特有的食物夸口。走访美国南部享受乡村式的烹调;到路易斯安纳州品尝辛辣的凯郡式料理;走一趟新英格兰试尝它美味的海鲜;再到中西部美国的面包之乡品尝可口的烘培食品;乘船游览至西南部尝试一些好吃的墨式德州小吃,最后到太平洋西北岸,啜饮美食家的咖啡,作为美食之旅的句点。Americans living at a fast pace often just grab aquick bite. Fast food restaurants offer people on the runeverything from fried chicken to fried rice. Microwaved

22、inners and instant foods make cooking at home a snap. Ofcourse, one of the most mon quick American meals is asandwich. If it can fit between two slices of bread,Americans probably make a sandwich out of it. Peanut butterand jelly is an all-time American favorite.生活在快速步调之下的美国人通常只能很快地吃几口。快餐店提供赶时间的人各种食

23、物,从炸鸡到炒饭,应有尽有。微波炉晚餐和实时餐点使得在家烧饭省事又快速。当然,最平常的美式速餐之一就是三明治。任何能夹在两片土司中间的东西,美国人就可以把它作成一份三明治,花生酱和果酱更是一直都深受美国人的喜爱。Americans on the go also tend to eat a lot of junkfood. Potato chips, candy bars, soft drinks and othergoodies are popular treats. Many people eat too many ofthese unhealthy snacks. But others o

24、pt for more healthyeating habits. Some even go all natural. They refuse toeat any food prepared with chemicals or additives.忙碌的美国人也趋向于吃一大堆垃圾食物。洋芋片、糖果、汽水和其它好吃的东西都颇受欢送。许多人吃了太多这类不安康的零嘴,但是其它人那么选择较安康的饮食习惯,有些人甚至选择全天然的食物,他们拒绝吃任何有化学制品或添加物的食物。American culture is a good illustration of the sayingyou are what

25、you eat. Americans represent a wide range ofbackgrounds and ways of thinking. The variety of foodsenjoyed in the U.S. reflects the diversity of personaltastes. The food may be international or regional.Sometimes its fast, and sometimes its not so fast. Itmight be junk food, or maybe its natural food

26、. In any case,the style is all-American.美国文化是你吃什么就成为什么样子这句话的好写照。美国人代表了范围广泛的背景和想法。在美国可享受到的各式食物正反映出个人品味的多样化。这食物可能是国际性也可能是地区性的;有时是快餐,有时也不见得;它可能是垃圾食物,也可能是天然食品。然而无论如何,它们都是美式的。Famous for its abundance and exquisite,Chinese foodculture has oupied an important part in the nationstradition cultures.China is

27、of long history with a vastterritory.Due to the diversity of the climate,products andcustoms,there are widely different food styles and taste inlocal regions.Through creation by past dynasties,the longstanding cooking art has formed rich and colorful localdishes.Among them,the eight major dishes enj

28、oys the upperreputation,which consists ofShangdong,Chekiang,Sichuan,Jiangshu,Guangdong,Hunan,Fujianand Anhwei.Shandong dishes are divided into two factions as Tsinanand Jiaodong dishes.They are good at clear dishes,pure butnot greasy.Sichuan dishes have enjoyed the fame that everydish has its own ch

29、aracteristic and none two share the sametaste.They are also famous for pocked,peppery and savortaste.Chengdu and Chongqing dishes are two mail branches.Jiangsu dishes lay stress on the original taste withproper sweetness and salty.They consist of Yangzhou,Suzhouand Nanking branches.Chekiang dishes a

30、re both delicious andsweet smelling,both soft and slide,clean and notgreasy.They consist of Hangzhou,Ningbo and Shaoxingbranches.Guangdong dishes have Guangzhou,Chaozhou andDongjiang three styles of dishes.They are good at choiceseafood and pay more attention to the cooking skills.Theyact carefully

31、at light food with tender and slidetaste,from which they earn the praise of It has a besttaste in only in Guangzhou. Hunan dishes consist ofXiangjian,Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau three localdishes.Their tastes lay stress on thick,arid and pepperyfood,mostly using seasoning like hot peppery,shall

32、ot andcapsicum.Minghou,Fuzhou Ximen and Quanzhou dishes are therepresentatives of Fujian dishes.They use choice seafood asthe main material with elaborately cooks beautiful colorand delicious taste of oil.They are good atfrying,gliding,decocting and pay attention to the dishessweetness,salty,and the

33、 appearance.The most distinctfeatures are their pickled taste.Anhwui dishes pay moreattention to the taste,color of dishes and the temperatureto cook them.They are expert in cooking delicacies frommountains and sea.In addition to the eight majordishes,there are Beijing dishes,shanghai dishes,Hubeidi

34、shes,liangning dishes,Henan dishes which also enjoy greatreputation.Whats more,the steamed dishes and vegetabledishes have their own charms.Actually,Chinese dishes haveearned worlds fame.The Chinese eateries could be foundeverywhere throughout the world.Many foreigners regardhaving a Chinese meal as a high honor.



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