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1、英文祝酒词范文【篇一:中英文对照祝酒词】在国际禁化武视察员及国家代表招待宴会上的祝酒词 toast at the reception of opcw inspectors and the country representative尊敬的国际禁化武视察组凯里.基兰组长及各位视察员,尊敬的国家代表,女士们、先生们:中午好! respected mr. kerry kilan, leader of the opcw inspection team, members of the team, respected country representative, ladies and gentlemen

2、: good noon!今天,苏州市人民政府和张家港市人民政府在此设宴,感谢国际禁化武视察组全体成员四天来的辛勤工作,感谢国家代表以及国家、省禁化武办领导对我们工作的支持、帮助和认可,本次核查工作的圆满完成,离不开你们的努力和各有关方面的高度配合。 today, suzhou municipal government and zhangjiagang municipal government are holding reception here to convey our thanks to the members of opcw inspection team for your hard w

3、ork in the recent 4 days, and also to the country representative and the leaders of national and provincial organizations of the prohibition of chemical weapons for your support, help and affirmation towards our work. the successful conclusion of the inspection is not possible精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

4、- 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 13 页without your efforts and the coordination from all relevant parties.在刚刚结束的签字仪式上,张家港市政府代表地方政府明确表示要切实履行公约规定的各项义务,积极接受和配合国际禁化武组织开展的各项视察活动。今后,我们将在国家和江苏省人民政府的领导下,继续做好各项履约工作。 at the signing ceremony a moment ago, zhangjiagang municipal government, on behalf of local gover

5、nments, made it clear that we would earnestly fulfill the obligations prescribed in the cwc and happily receive and cooperate with all inspections made by opcw. in the future, we will, under the leadership of central and provincial governments, continue our fulfilment.现在,我提议:为此次禁化武核查工作的圆满结束;为我们的友谊;为

6、在座各位的事业顺利、身体健康、阖家幸福;干杯! hereby, i would like to propose a toast to the successful conclusion of this opcw inspection, to our friendship, to your good health, happy family and success in work, cheers!【篇二:英文祝酒辞(中文对照 )】欢送宴会上 -祝酒词尊敬的 smith 先生,贵宾们,女士们,先生们:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2

7、页,共 13 页我们为能在此设宴招待smith先生以及各位来宾而深感荣幸和愉快。我愿借此时机向你们表示热烈的欢送。我此时的心情可以用孔子在?论语 ?中的一句话表达“ 有朋自远方来,不亦乐呼?”很显然, smith先生的这次访问说明了您愿意继续推进我们两个公司友好合作的决心。我们非常珍惜我们两个公司的密切关系,也非常重视我们作为你们重要贸易伙伴之一所享有的地位。我们真诚地希望与贵公司能在经济,金融和贸易方面的合作持续增长。请允许我借此时机,祝smith 先生,祝出席今晚宴会的所有贵宾,身体健康!谢谢各位! a short speech with the toast your honor mr.

8、smith, our distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,it s our honor and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of mr. smith and other distinguished guests. i would like to take this opportunity to extend our warm welcome to you all. a remark in the analects of confucius best express what i fe

9、el now. “it s such a delight that we have friends visiting from afar.”evidently, mr. smiths current visit has demonstrated his determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two companies. we greatly cherish this close relationship, and also greatly value the pos

10、ition we enjoy as one of your most important trading partners.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 13 页 i sincerely wish that we could continue to work closely together to ensure a sustained growth in our cooperation of economy, finance and trade. on the occasion of this reception, i

11、 wish mr. smith and all our guests present here tonight good health! thank you.尊敬的市长先生和夫人,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们:我仅代表我们代表团的所有成员对陈先生今晚为我们举行的如此丰富的晚宴表示衷心的感谢。非常感谢您友好的欢送词。到中国这个世界最伟大的文明古国之一来参观访问,是全世界人民梦寐以求的事情。因此,为能在此做客我深感荣幸。与此同时,我很高兴这次访问给予了我一次极好的时机向市长先生和潭州人民转达我国政府和人民的热烈问候和诚挚的良好祝愿。虽然我们远隔万里,但距离并不是决定性的因素,特别是在今天这样一个日益

12、缩小的世界里。贵国唐代的一位诗人在一首送别朋友的诗中写到:“ 海内存知己,天涯日比邻 ” 。 your honor mr. mayor and mrs. mayor, chinese friends, ladies and gentlemen, i would like to express my sincere thanks to mr. chen for such a sumptuous banquet on behalf of all the members of our mission. thank you very much for your friendly welcome. ev

13、eryone in the world is looking forward to visit china, one of the greatest civilized ancient countries. therefore, i feel very honor to visit here. meanwhile, i am very pleased that this visit gave me an excellent opportunity to convey the warm 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 13

14、 页salutation and earnest wishes of our government and people to mr. mayor and your people. though we are so far away from each other, distance is not the key factor especially in todays world that is getting smaller and smaller. a poem of farewell to friends that was written by a poet in tang dynast

15、y of your country says: “long distance separates no bosom friends.”中国作为当今世界上经济发展最快的国家,吸引了我国越来越多的商业和金融巨头来华投资。正是基于对这一状况的认识,我们来寻求进一步发展我们在经济和金融方面开展合作的更好的途径。我此行的目的之一就是缔结我们的一项投资保护协定。我们还希望与中国携手建立以在潭州跨国公司为对象的咨询服务机构,所以我此行的另一目的就是想了解一下这一计划的可行性。 as the nation with the fastest growing economy in the world, china

16、 is appealing to more and more commercial and financial giants to invest. just on the basis of this fact, we are looking for better ways where we can cooperate further in economy and finance. one purpose of my trip is to conclude our agreement of investment protection. we also wish that we can work

17、closely together to establish consultancy service organizations for multi-national companies in tanzhou. so another purpose is to find out the feasibility of this plan.最后,我此行的又一项重要任务是向潭州市长面呈访问我市的正式邀请,希望市长阁下在方便的时候访问旧金山市,以便使我们能有时机来回报我们在这里受到的热情款待。现在我提议:为市长先生和夫人的健康,为在座的所有来宾和朋友的健康,为我们之间的合作和友谊,干杯!精选学习资料 -

18、 - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 13 页 the last but not the least, another important task of this trip is to extend in person our formal invitation to mr. mayor to visit to san francisco at his earliest convenience so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitali

19、ty we enjoyed here. in closing, i would like to propose a toast: to the health of mr. mayor and mrs. mayor, to the health of all our distinguished guests, to our cooperation and friendship, cheer!【篇三:祝酒词中英对照】坚持“ 一国两制 ” ,坚持基本法,努力做好新形势下的涉港外交工作 杨文昌特派员在到任酒会上的祝酒词 2003/09/05尊敬的全国政协副主席霍英东先生,尊敬的行政长官董建华先生,尊敬

20、的中联办副主任陈凤英女士、郑坤生先生,尊敬的驻港部队司令王继堂少将,尊敬的驻港部队政委王玉发少将,尊敬的各位外国总领事,朋友们,同事们:我十分感谢霍副主席、董特首及各位朋友今晚出席我的到任酒会。各位的光临,是对特派员公署的莫大支持。我和我的同事向各位表示热烈欢送。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 13 页女士们,先生们,二十一年前,中国政府根据邓小平先生提出的“ 一国两制 ” 和平统一祖国的伟大设想,与英国政府开始了将近两年时间的历史性谈判,双方于 1984 年 12 月 19 日正式签署了中英关于香港问题的联合声明。根据

21、联合声明,中华人民共和国政府自1997 年 7 月 1 日起,恢复对香港行使主权,自此,香港的历史翻开了新的一页。中英联合声明签署之后,全国人民代表大会又于1990 年 4 月批准了中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法。基本法对中央和香港特别行政区的关系、香港居民的基本权利和义务、香港的政治体制以及香港的经济、法律制度等都做出了明确规定,充分表达了“ 一国两制 ” 的原则。基本法是保持香港长期繁荣稳定的根本大法。香港回归六年多来,中央政府全面贯彻“ 一国两制 ” 、“ 港人治港 ” 、高度自治的方针,严格按照基本法办事,全力支持行政长官董建华先生领导的特区政府依法施政,全力支持和帮助香港特别行政

22、区克服各种风险和困难。回忆六年多的回归史,香港的经济、社会、法律、文化、教育、宗教制度没有改变;香港同胞发扬爱国爱港的荣耀传统,履行了当家作主的神圣权利和职责,在国际上享有的尊严和地位空前提高;香港依然拥有世界最正确营商环境,仍然保持着国际金融、航运、贸易中心的地位。香港回归六年的伟大历史实践,得到了广阔香港同胞和全世界一切盼望祖国早日实现和平统一的炎黄子孙的一致拥护,也得到了国际社会的广泛赞誉。诚然, “ 一国两制 ” 是一项崭新的事业,并无前人经验可循,它需要在不断的探索和实践中加以逐步完善。在这期间,出现一些困难和问题是在所难免的。这里需要强调的是:任何困难都不可能动摇中国政府和中国人民

23、坚定不移地按照邓小平先生提出的“ 一国两制 ” 原则实现香港长期繁荣稳定和祖国完全统一的决心!女士们,先生们,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 13 页当前,香港同东亚一些国家和经济体面临着一些十分类似的经济困难。造成这些困难的原因是多方面的。中央政府为了支持香港经济,及时出台了cepa ,并决定陆续放开部分内地城市居民赴港旅游限制,支持香港的旅游业。同时,中央政府鼓励广东省同香港、澳门建立更加密切的经济合作关系,发挥一省、两区强强联合的优势。正如温家宝总理前不久在北京会见董特首时所指出的,但凡有利于香港繁荣稳定、有利于香


25、耀而又责任重大。我是中国外交部的一名老外交官,但在香港事务方面是一名新手。我一定在前任工作的基础上,带领全体同事,与时俱进,开拓进取,恪尽职守,潜心工作,为维护国家主权,促进香港以更加活跃的姿态参与国际合作,保护香港同胞在海外的合法权益,促进香港的长期繁荣稳定,奉献一份力量。我相信,我的工作一定会得到特区政府一如既往的支持与合作,一定会得到各界朋友的关心和帮助。在这里,我还要向外国驻香港总领事馆的领事官员们说几句话:现在我是你们的新朋友,但我愿意逐渐成为你们的好朋友、老朋友。我本人以及我的同事们非常愿意和你们增加交流,我深信,通过这精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

26、 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 13 页种交流,定会加深我们之间的了解和友谊,促进你们各自代表的国家与中国香港的友好合作关系的发展!谢谢各位。英文稿 doing a good job in hong kong-related diplomatic work under the newsituation while adhering to one country, two systems and the basic law - toast by commissioner yang wenchang at inauguration reception 5 september 2003

27、respected vice chairman fok ying tung, respected chief executive tung chee-hwa, respected deputy director chan fung ying and zheng kunsheng, respected major general wang jitang and wang yufa, respected consuls general, friends and colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, i am very grateful for the presence

28、 of chief executive tung and all other friends at my inauguration reception tonight. with your presence, you give a great support to the commissioners office, and my colleagues and i wish to express our warmest welcome to all of you. ladies and gentlemen, twenty-one years ago, the chinese government

29、, guided by mr. deng xiaoping精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 13 页;s great concept of one country, two systems and peaceful reunification, began the two-year long historic negotiations with the uk government, and signed the sino-british joint declaration on 19 december 1984. in a

30、ccordance with the joint declaration, the government of the peoples republic of china resumed the exercise of sovereignty over hong kong on 1 july 1997, thus opening a new chapter in the annals of hong kong. following the signing of the joint declaration, chinas national peoples congress approved th

31、e basic law of the hong kong special administrative region in april 1990. it provided clear and detailed provisions on the relationship between the central government and the hong kong sar, the fundamental rights and obligations of hong kong residents, and hong kongs political structure, economic in

32、stitutions and legalsystem, giving expression to the principles of one country, two systems. the basic law is the fundamental legal document that ensures hong kongs long-term prosperity and stability. in the six years since hong kongs return to the motherland, the central government has faithfully c

33、arried out the principles of one country, two systems, hong kong people administering hong kong and a high degree of autonomy in an all-round way, acted in strict compliance with the basic law and given all-out support to the sar government headed by chief executive tung chee-hwa in its administrati

34、on and efforts to overcome various risks and difficulties. with six years and more gone by, hong kongs systems of economy, society, law, culture, education and religion have remained unchanged. the hong kong compatriots, now administering hong kong themselves, have carried forward their glorious tra

35、dition of loving the motherland and loving hong kong, exercised their 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 13 页sacred rights and responsibilities, and enjoyed an ever rising international dignity and stature. hong kong still boasts the worlds best business environment and retains it

36、s position as a center of international finance, shipping and trade. the six years of historic practice show that hong kongs return has won the hearts and minds of the broad sections of hong kong citizey and all the chinese descendants across the world looking forward to a reunified motherland. it h

37、as also won wide acclaim from the international community. needless to say, one country, two systems is a brand-new cause with no ready experience to draw upon. it has to be improved gradually through continuous exploration and practice. problems and difficulties of one kind or another are unavoidab

38、le in the process. what we must emphasize here is that no difficulties can shake the resolve of our government and people in achieving long-term prosperity and stability of hong kong and following through the complete national reunification in accordance with mr. deng xiaopings formular of one count

39、ry, two systems. ladies and gentlemen, at present, hong kong faces some similar difficulties as other east asian countries and regions. causes forthese difficulties are complex and multi-facetted. to help the hong kong economy, the central government launched cepa and decided to allow more tourists

40、from mainland cities to travel to hong kong in support of its tourist industry. meanwhile, the central government encourages guangdong province to go for closer economic links with hong kong and macao so as to combine their strengths for greater competitive精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - -

41、 -第 11 页,共 13 页 advantages. just as premier wen jiabao pointed out during his recent meeting with chief executive tung in beijing, the central government will go all out to support whatever is in the interest of hong kongs prosperity and stability and the common development of hong kong and the main

42、land. hong kong can always fall back on the great motherland for its development and progress. ladies and gentlemen, in the past six years, the office of the commissioner of the ministry of foreign affairs in hong kong sar has, in strict compliance with article 13 of the basic law, shouldered the lo

43、fty mission of exercising sovereignty in foreign affairs. meanwhile, the office has acted in accordance with the concept that diplomacy should serve chinas economic development and hong kongs prosperity and stability and worked energetically to promote hong kongs international exchanges, ensure its

44、participation in international cooperation, maintain orderly connection of hong kongs international rights and obligations before and after the changeover and protect hong kong residents legitimate rights and interests in other countries. during the course of its work, the office has received great

45、support and cooperation from the sar government, as well as the understanding and assistance from friends of all circles in hong kong. i wish to express my sincere gratitude for this. i am greatly honored by the central governments appointment as the new commissioner of the ministry of foreign affai

46、rs in hong kong sar. the responsibility is tremendous. though i have served as a diplomat for decades, i am a novice in hong kong affairs. i am determined to build on the success of my predecessors and, together with all my colleagues, work still harder in an innovative and pioneering spirit and con

47、tribute my 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 13 页share to safeguarding state sovereignty, promoting hong kongs more vigorous participation in international cooperation, protecting hong kong compatriots lawful rights and interests overseas and ensuring hong kongs long-term prosperity and stability. i am confident that my office and i精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 13 页



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