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1、Unit 3Im more outgoing than my sister.人教版单元小测一、单项选择。一、单项选择。(20分分)( )1.(承承德德兴兴隆隆县县20172018学学年年八八年年级级上上学学期期期期末末考考试试)We are doing much better _ English with our teachers help.Ain Bon Cat Dto( )2.(秦秦皇皇岛岛市市海海港港区区20172018学学年年八八年年级级上上学学期期第第一一次次质质量量检检测测)She is my favorite actress. I often go online to get s

2、ome _ about her.Arules BinformationCmusic DpracticeAB( )3.Which of the caps will you take?Ill take _,one for my father,the other for my mother.Anone Bboth Call Deither( )4.Carol is really _. She gets up early to read English every day.Yes,she also works hard at school.AHard- -working BfriendlyClazy

3、DoutgoingBA( )5.Children,dont speak so _Your grandpa is sleeping.Aquickly Bquietly Cloudly Dtruly( )6.(2017广广西西来来宾宾)If we want to be thinner and healthier, we should eat _ food and take _ exercise.Aless; more Bmore; lessCmore; fewer Dfewer; moreCA( )7.My friend likes singing and talking with others.

4、 But I often stay at home to watch TV. So my friend is _ than me.Aquieter Bmore seriousCmore outgoing Dmore wilder( )8.(2017江苏宿迁)Daniel is _ his twin brother. They are both 1.75 metres tall.Ataller than Bshorter thanCas tall as Dso tall asCC( )9.My cousin can help with the housework _ she is very yo

5、ung.Aif Bthough Cbecause Dso( )10.Its Mothers Day today,_?Yes. Lets buy a gift for Mom.Aisnt it Bis itCdoesnt it Ddoes itBA二、完形填空。二、完形填空。(20分分)Martas family moved to a new town. Marta was _11_ worried than excited about her first day at her new school. She was worried that her _12_ classmates would

6、not talk to her. How could she make new friends at the new school? She was not sure. When Marta walked into the classroom, the first _13_ she saw smiled(微微笑笑) at her. She seemed _14_. Marta felt happy and smiled back and said hello to the girl. However, the girl didnt _15_. She just put her hand in

7、Martas and waved it back and forth(来回地摇动来回地摇动)Marta was a little surprised. _16_ didnt the girl say hello to her? She asked the girl, “Whats your name?” Again the girl didnt answer. Marta then looked at the girls notebook. The _17_ Janis Moore was on it.Marta then knew that Janis was using a _18_ wa

8、y to talk with her. Janis was deaf(聋聋的的) and couldnt hear or _19_, but she still was an outgoing girl. Marta decided to make her first new friend _20_ Janis.( )11.A.less Bfewer Cmuch Dmore( )12.A.old Bnew Cprimary Dyoung( )13.A.girl Bboy Cteacher Dman( )14.A.hard-working BFriendly Cserious Dlazy( )1

9、5.A.sing Bdance Canswer DlistenDBABC( )16.A.How BWhere CWhat DWhy( )17.A.name Bage Cheight Dgrade( )18.A.similar BSpecial Clucky Dslow( )19.A.share Bspeak Ctouch Dfeel( )20.A.to Bas Cat DwithDA BBD三、阅读理解。(15分)Every week we ask some people a same question about friends. Here is what people say.At 9:2

10、8 am., July 5, Mamoun said,“I think a good friend is a good gift. It is precious(珍贵) and hard to find.”At 10:57 am., July 6, Jenny said,“For me, a good friend can share almost everything with you. You dont mind telling him or her good or bad things. Its really happy to have such a friend. At the sam

11、e time, you should put a lot of efforts(努力) to keep your friendship. It will die if you dont care about it.”At 11:52 am., July 6, Hoangthi said,“I think a good friend can listen to all your problems and give you good advice. And a good friend is someone who can keep you secrets”At 12:14 am., July 6,

12、 Duc said,“A best friend can laugh with you when you are happy and he or she is the one who is around you when sad things happen(发生). A friend in need is a friend indeed.”( )21.Mamoun thinks a good friend is a good _Abook Bperson Cgift Dbox( )22.Why should we put a lot of efforts to keep the friends

13、hip?ABecause we all like enjoying it.BBecause its not important to us.CBecause it will die if we dont care about it.DBecause we share something with others.CC( )23.The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “secret” is _A感情 B秘密 C执着 D信息( )24.The Chinese meaning of “A friend in need is a friend indeed

14、.” is _A知音难觅B患难见真情C得朋友难,失朋友易D友谊地久天长BB( )25.Whats the main idea of the passage?AGood friends are like beautiful gifts.BWhat a good friend is like.CHow to make friends with others.DWe can live without(没有) friends.B四、任务型阅读。(15分)Do you have any friends? What do you think of friendship? Here are some opi

15、nions from Ann,Pedro,Crystal and Roy.Ann comes from Japan.She likes to have friends who really care about her. She thinks a true friend wont leave her alone when she is in trouble. Besides,she hopes they can teach her English.Pedro is from Canada. He thinks that friendship means giving. If you want

16、others to care about you,you must care about them first.Crystal was born in China. She has the same opinion with Pedro. The real meaning of friendship is giving others something instead of thinking about taking anything back.What about Roy from Japan? He_doesnt_care_about_the_looks_of_his_friends. I

17、n his opinion,a sincere heart(真诚的心) is more important than looks. If you are in the same country with Roy,you can write emails to him.26、27题完成句子;28题回答问题;29题找出并写下文章的主题句;30题将文中画线句子译成汉语。26Anna likes to have friends who really_. 27Pedro is from Canada and he thinks that friendship means _28Who has the s

18、ame opinion as Crystal?_.29_?30_。care about hergivingPedroWhat do you think of friendship他不在意朋友的长相五、词语运用。(20分)My name is Karen. Linda is my best friend. She is tall and thin 31._ short curly hair. I first 32. (meet) her in the school dining hall.One day, I had lunch in the dining hall. I knocked ove

19、r(打翻) my soup and made my clothes wet. Other students laughed at me but Linda didnt. She helped me clean my clothes. It really 33. (touch) my heart. Then we became good friends.withmettouchedWe are different in some ways. She is very funny, but Im a little 34._,_so she has 35. (many) friends than me

20、. She works much 36. (hard) than me, so she can always get 37. (good) grades. We like different 38. (activity). She likes writing and playing the guitar, 39._ I like dancing and playing the violin.Linda 40._ everything with me and truly cares about me. How lucky I am to have a friend like her!seriou

21、smoreharderbetteractivitiesbutshares六、连词成句。(10分)41you, hard, does, work, as, Tina, as_?42both, her, and, Linda, tall, are, brother_43talented, little, is, music, the, boy, in_?44truly, me, cares, my, friend, about, best_45happy, made, show, the, interesting, people, feel_Does Tina work as hard as youLinda and her brother are both tallIs the little boy talented in musicMy best friend truly cares about meThe interesting show made people feel happy



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