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4、生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长也走过了我们的半个人生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长长的时间隧道,袅长的时间隧道,袅大学英语一册UnitTwoSailingRoundtheWorldAttention ,please!教学重点:教学目的:巩固虚拟语气的用法。对“he had given men throughout the world new pride”的理解。 通过对Francis Chichester身患绝症却只身一人在独木舟上环球航行过程的学习,使学生能够体会并学习他不屈不挠和勇往直前的拼搏精神.accomplish(vt): e.g. What t

5、ime does the concert finish? I need one more stamp to complete my collection.完成(任务),实现(计划、诺言),达到(目的)ve.g. Women can accomplish anything men can do.Having accomplished its goal, the expedition team was onits way home.比较finish, complete and accomplish的用法:finish比较常用的用法,多强调完成一件事的最后一步;complete指成功地做完未做完的事

6、,强调使完整起来或更完善;accomplish完成达到,强调做成一件事的过程,表示达到预期的目的,多用于书面语. attempt(v) :try to do sth 尝试,企图,努力vattempt to do sth/doing sth/sthe.g. Mary attempted to get in touch/getting in touch with her family.Dont attempt the impossible.attempt(n) : effort to do sth 尝试,企图,努力vones attempt to do sth/ones attempt at do

7、ing sth/sthmake an attempt to do sthe.g. He made no attempt to escape.We succeeded in our attempt at climbing the mountain.conquer(vt): defeat; overcome 克服,征服e.g. More and more have come to realize that we must not “conquer” nature, but we should make good use of it, instead. The general commanded h

8、is soldiers to conquer the city.vconquer and overcome的辨析:conquer“征服”, 多指用暴力或斗争使其他事物置于控制之中e.g. The Germans conquered most of the European Continent in 1941.overcome“克服”强调经过艰苦的斗争,排除障碍而取得胜利。多用与精神方面的东西。e.g. We must overcome our shortcomings. contact(vt): get in touch with 联系,接触e.g. Do y ou contact your

9、old classmates often? As soon as the reporter arrives , he will contact you.contact(n): state of touching or communication 联系,接触e.g. Many people are afraid of contact with AIDS patients.*be in/out contact with: make contact with/lose contact with与有联系/失去联系e.g. Have you been in contact with your paren

10、ts recently?determine(v) (1) to cause to form a firm intention or decision使下决心, 做出决定.e.g. We determined to go at once/that we would go at once. The failure of the exam determined him to concentrate on study.(2) find out precisely, decide 查明,决定e.g. The amount of the rain determines the size of the cr

11、op.determined(adj): with ones mind firmly made up 坚定的,坚决的,决意的*be determined to do sth/that 下定决心去作某事e.g. She is a determined woman and has brought up her children single- handed. I am determined to go and nothing will stop me.determination (n) 决意,决心,决定Difficult sentences & In August ,1966, at the age

12、 of nearly sixty-five, an age when many men retire, he began the greatest voyage of his life .(L.9-13)“An age when many men retire” is used as appositive to modify “ the age of nearly sixty-five,” to give further explanation of the age of sixty-five. “ When many men retire” is an attributive clause

13、modifying “an age,.” Simple present tense is used in the attributive clause, indicating that it is a fact.Difficult sentences & Soon, he was away in his new 16-metre boat, Gipsy Moth. (L 13-15)The form “16-metre boat ”is a sort of word formation,which goes like this:“number+ - + noun ”(There is no n

14、eed to change the form of countable nouns though it indicates plurality. And it is usually used as adjective form.e.g. a five-year plan a seven-day holidayWriting style and techniques 文中从修辞上讲作者运用了比喻手法,如:“I feel as if I had wakened from a nightmare. Wild horses could not drag me down to Cap Horn and

15、that sinister Southern Ocean again.” 其中,“wild horses could not drag.”就是一个常用的隐喻,意在说明无论多么强大的力量都不能迫使某人做某事。本文属记叙文,记叙文讲述一件事或一系列事情或事件。从广义上讲,真实或虚构的故事、自传、历史、新闻以及叙事诗都属记叙文之列。从叙述角度来看,本文用的是第三人称叙述,有利于更客观地描述所发生的事情,也能反映在同一时间内地点发生的事情。Writing style and techniques 从篇章结构的角度分析,本文可分为三部分了:第12段是开头部分,提供有关厅切斯特驾船环球航行的背景环境方面的

16、信息,这样有利于读者理解通篇叙述;第36段为正文,讲述故事本身,按事情发生的次序叙述了奇切斯特如何克服艰险,战胜恐惧,最终成功地完成环球航行的全过程;有些记叙文到此就结束了,因为故事已讲明白,但有时可以加一两段,谈谈故事的重大意义或后来又发生了什么事情,本文即属于此种情况,第七段为结尾段,提示了奇切斯特环球航行的深远意义,同时表明了本文的目的:赞扬奇切斯特顽强的毅力,百折不挠的精神。JWhat had Chichester learnt about himself during the voyage?He learnt about his strength and weaknesses, hi

17、s determination and perseverance, his will and potential, etc.)JWhat kind of new pride had Chichester given to men throughout the world?Instead of machines. Men can depend on themselves to fulfill what they want to accomplish.JHow do modern people rely on machines? e.g. House work: Office work: Transportation:



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