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1、读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思英语五种基本句型初三英语四课时教学目标学习基本句型有助于培样英语正确的书写规范,为以后学习从句和并列句打下基础教学重难点五种基本句型的形式掌握、教学方法讲解法 练习法 讨论法教学过程我们先来讨论关于动词的两种基本形式的分类:一是关于句子的谓语构造的基本分类,涉及助动词、情态动词和实义动词,这关系到英语句子的否定和提问等结构变化。二是关于实义动词的分类,这关系到英语句子的五种结构类型,关系到英语造句的大问题。根据动词的词义和在谓语中的作用,我们可以把动词分为实义动词 (notional verb ) 、助动词 (auxiliary verb)和 情态动词 (

2、modal verb) 。实义动词的特点:1.从词义的角度来讲,实义动词具备完整的词汇意义;2.从在谓语中的作用的角度来看,实义动词能单独充当句子的谓语。英语中除了助动词和情态动词以外,其他的均为实义动词。助动词的特点:1.从词义的角度来看,助动词不具备词汇意义;2.从在谓语中的作用的角度来看,助动词不能单独充当句子的谓语,它必须和实义动词连用,以帮助构成各种时态、语态、语气、否定和疑问等。英语的助动词有三个:be, do 和 have,它们分别具有各种变化形式。如下:1.be: am, is, are, was, were, been, being 2.do: does, did 3.hav

3、e: has, had, having 助动词变化形例句功能be am, is, are, was, were 等I am studying grammar. He is playing football. 帮助构成进行时态I was cheated . 帮助构成被动语态do does, did I do not like English. 帮助实义动词构成否定Do you like English? 帮助实义动词构成疑问have has, had I have studied English for 3 years. 帮助构成完成时态需要注意的是,三个助动词be, do 和 have,同时也

4、可以作实义动词,意义分别是“是”, “做” , “有” 。所以,不要混淆be 作为系动词和助动词,do 作为实义动词和助动词以及have 作为实义动词和助动词。情态动词的特点:从词义的角度来看,情态动词有别于助动词。情态动词有其自身的词汇意义,如用来表示可能、建议、愿望、必要、允许、能力、怀疑等等,以表示说话者对某种行为或状态的看法或态度。从在谓语中的作用的角度来看,与助动词一样,情态动词在句中不能单独作句子的谓语,而必须和实义动词一起构成复合谓语。英文中的情态动词主要有下列10 个:can/could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, must和 h

5、ad better。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思另外还有一些与上述情态动词有关的短语动词:be able to (与 can类似 ) be going to ( 与 will 类似 ) ought to, be supposed to (与 should 类似 ) have to, have got to (与 must 类似 ) 此外, need和 dare既可以用作情态动词,也可以用作实义动词。英语的五种基本句型根据动词的词义和其在谓语中的作用,把动词分为实义动词( n

6、otional verb) 、助动词( auxiliary verb )和情态动词( modal verb)三类。在上述三类动词中,能独立充当句子谓语的只有实义动词。实义动词不仅是句子谓语的核心成分,它更决定了一个句子的骨架结构。具体说来,实义动词决定了一个句子视否有宾语、有几个宾语以及其他的句子成分。因此,探讨英语的五种基本句型与实义动词的分类直接相关。主语谓语动词其他成分五种句型Internet dating hurts. 1.主语 +谓语The fire is burning. I am a Webaholic. (表语 ) 2.主语 +系动词 +表语Chatting on the In

7、ternet is interesting. (表语 ) I like chatting online.( 宾语 ) 3.主语 +谓语 +宾语Chatting on the Internet brings me (间接宾语 ) a lot of fun. (直接宾语 ) 4.主语 +谓语 +间接宾语+直接宾语We can call Internet addicts (宾语 ) a Webaholic. (宾语补足语 ) 5.主语 +谓语 +宾语 +宾语补足语句型一:主语+谓语该句型的谓语动词是不及物动词 (intransitive verb ) ,所表示的动作没有作用对象,其本身的意思完整,其

8、后不需带宾语。在词典中表示为vi.。这种句型中的谓语动词的后面虽然不接宾语,但通常会接副词或介词短语来说明动作的方式、地点或时间等。英文中把这种修饰动词的成分称作状语。例如:They shouted loudly . He is staying at home. He died in 2007. 句型二:主语+系动词 +表语该句型的谓语动词是系动词 (如 be 或其他系动词) 。所谓系动词,又叫联系动词(linking verb ) ,顾名思义,这种动词并不表示具体的动作,而只是起连接主语和后面成分的作用。这种动词后面所接的成分是用来说明主语的特点,表明主语的性质特征的,因此我们称之为主语补足

9、语,或表语(能表示主语特征的成分)。英文中最常见的系动词 是 be 动词,其具体的形式有: am (I am), is (he is, she is, it is), are (you are, we are, they are)。其他系动词还有:look( 看起来是), sound(听起来是), smell( 闻起来是), taste(尝起来是), feel(感觉是 ), seem(似乎是 ), appear(似乎是 ), become(变为 ), turn(转变为 )等。作表语的词通常是名词 和形容词 。注意区分“主系表”和“主谓状”两种句型。请注意比较:1.He shouted loud

10、ly. 2.He seems friendly. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思句型三:主语+谓语 +宾语该句型的谓语动词是及物动词( transitive verb) , 这种动词告诉我们由主语的动作所作用的对象是什么,这里所作用的对象就是我们通常称之为宾语 的,即宾语是主语动作的承受对象,因此这类动词是带有宾语的。英语中的绝大多数动词都是及物动词,在词典中标为vt.。这种句型的宾语后面也可以接副词或介词短语作状语来修饰动词。例如:He speaks English wel

11、l . 注意,很多动词既可以用作及物动词,又可以作为不及物动词,但意思完全不一样。例如:1.These children are playing football. (vt.) 这些孩子正在踢球。2.These children are playing . (vi.) 这些孩子正在玩耍。句型四:主语+谓语 +间接宾语 +直接宾语该句型的谓语动词是双宾动词 (dative verb) ,这种动词的后面所接成分有“人”又有“物”。一般来讲,这里的“人”表示动作的接受者,称作间接宾语(indirect object) 。 “物”表示动作作用的对象,是动作的承受者,称作直接宾语(direct obje

12、ct) 。间接宾语和直接宾语合起来叫做双宾语。句型五:主语+谓语 +宾语 +宾语补足语该句型中的谓语动词是宾补动词 (factitive verb ) ,这种动词的后面接宾语,而此宾语的后面又接补充说明宾语的补足语(object complement ) 。宾语和宾语补足语合起来叫做复合宾语。请看例句:We elected John chairman. 我们选约翰作主席。I found this answer wrong. 我发现这个答案是错误的。You can leave the door open. 你可以把门开着。注意比较“主语+谓语 +双宾语”句型和“主语+谓语 +复合宾语”句型,学会

13、区分双宾语和复合宾语。其实,区分这两种宾语的方法很简单,就是在宾语的后面加上be 动词,若能构成一个语义通顺的句子,则是补足语 。因为宾语与宾语补足语的语义关系就相当于主语与主语补足语的关系,即类似一个 “主系表”结构,所以,在宾语的后面添上一个系动词be,自然就应该能构成一个逻辑语义通顺的句子。而间接宾语与直接宾语之间就没有这样的语义关系,所以,添上be 之后,自然就不能构成一个语义通顺的句子。请比较:1.I made John our chairman. 我选了约翰当我们的主席。( John is our chairman.)2.I made John a cake. 我给约翰做了一块蛋糕

14、。(John is a cake.) 3.思维训练划出下列句子的主语部分和谓语部分。1. Studying English takes time. 2. The first step is always the hardest. 3. Chatting on the Internet brings me a lot of fun. 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 5. A poor man is not necessarily unhappy. 6. A good knowledge of grammar is important to good

15、 writing. 7. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass (罗盘 ). 8. Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 9. The early bird catches the worm ( 虫子 ). 10. The novel won the author a Nobel Prize. 综合练习一 . 判断下列句子属于何种句型并翻译成汉语。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

16、- -第 3 页,共 4 页读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思1.Time flies by. 2.I can t stand the heat. 3.I sent you an E-mail. 4.It cost me three dollars. 5.Old habits die hard. 6.You can leave the door open. 7.He speaks English well. 8.Teachers will make your English better. 9.They elected George W. Bush US President. 10. Th

17、e novel won the author a Nobel Prize. 11. That will save you a lot of time. 12. They found the dead boy. 13. They found the boy dead. 14. I found the book easily. 15. I found the book easy. 16. Tom found Jim an apartment. 17. We found John a loyal friend. 18. I will find you a good teacher. 19. I fi

18、nd you a good teacher. 20. She will make him a good wife. 21. She will make him a good husband. 二翻译下列短文,并分析每个句子的类型。A sentence normally has a subject ( 主语 ) and a predicate ( 谓语 ). The subject identifies a person, place or thing. The predicate tells what the subject does or is. The predicate always i

19、ncludes a verb, and a verb is one of three typeslinking, intransitive, or transitive verbs. The most widely used linking verb is a form of be, such as am, is, are, was, or were. Other linking verbs include: seem, become, feel, sound, taste, smell. The word or phrase that follows a linking verb is ca

20、lled a subject complement. 三分析下文中划线句子的成分。Two men were standing at a bar (酒吧 ). One man turned to the other and said, “ I ll bet you $100 that I can bite my left eye.” The wager (赌注 ) was accepted, and the man popped (突然挖出 ) out his glass eye and bit it. “ Now,” he said, “ I ll give you a chance to w

21、in your money back. I ll bet you anther $100 that I can bite my right eye.” “ He can t have two glass eyes,” thought the other man, and he plunked ( 重重甩下 ) down his money. Then the first man took out his false teeth and bit his right eye. This made the other man a big loser. 教学总结:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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