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1、大学英语六级词汇语法临考冲刺大学英语六级词汇语法临考冲刺Victory wont e to me unless I go to it.以下是为大家搜索的大学词汇语法临考冲刺,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!We are writing to the manager the repairs recentlycarried out at the above address.A) with the exception ofB) with the purpose ofC) with reference toD) with a view to注:介词+名词+介词 词义取决于中间的名词1

2、. with the exception of 除了2. with the purpose of 目的是3. with reference to 关于4. with a view to 带有观点,关于观点P4-66When I said goodbye to her, she the door.A) saw me atB) set me offC) sent me toD) showed me toP4-67In the meantime, the question facing business iswhether such research is the costs.A) worthB)

3、worth ofC) worthyD) worthwhile注:六级不考,仅在四级P4-68During the nieen years of his career, France Batistehas won the of a wide audience outside Italy.A) enjoymentB) appreciationC) evaluationD) reputation注:1. appreciation 欣赏,感谢2. enjoyment 自得其乐3. evaluation 评价(抽象的人或事)assessment 评估(对有形或无形资产)4. reputation 名声,

4、声望prestige 名声,声望stimulate 刺激P4-69Although most dreams apparently happen , dream activitymay be provoked by external influences.A) spontaneouslyB) simultaneouslyC) homogeneouslyD) instantaneously注:(六级最爱)三剑客1. spontaneously 自发地,天生地provoke 引起,引发2. simultaneously 同时地3. homogeneously 同样地,一样地4. instantane

5、ously 稍纵即逝地,昙花一现地P4-70He is holding a position in the pany and expects to bepromoted soon.A) subordinateB) sueedingC) suessiveD) subsequent注:1. subordinate 下属的,次要的,附属的2. sueeding 随后的3. suessive 连续的4. subsequent 随后的P4-41By putation, he estimated that the repairs on the housewould cost him a thousand

6、dollars.A) coarseB) rudeC) roughD) crude注:1. rude 和 crude 在六级考试中是同义词,表示粗鲁的,原始的,天然的。2. rough 粗劣的,粗糙的a rough diamond 形容一个人外表不经雕琢的,内心却是如钻石般,表示很有潜力。3. coarse 粗糙的P4-42Your story about the frog turning into a prince isnonsense.A) shearB) sheerC) shieldD) sheet注:1. sheer 完全的,纯粹的2. nonsense 胡说,乖僻;nonsense n

7、onsense(表示自谦)哪里,哪里3. shear 剪4. shield 盾5. sheet 床单,白纸P5-43I could see that my wife was having that fur coat,whether I approved of it or not.A) intent onB) adequate forC) short ofD) deficient in注:1. intent on 热衷于2. adequate for 足够的,可以胜任的3. short of 缺乏4. deficient in 缺乏的proficient 有技巧,熟练efficient 有效的,

8、效率高的sufficient 足够的,充足的P5-44The runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.A) monB) averageC) usualD) general注:1. average 普通的,平均的2. mon 普通的P5-45One of his eyes was injured in an aident, but after aoperation, he quickly recovered his sight.A) preciseB) considerateC) delicateD) sensitive注:1. delicate 精致

9、的2. precise 准确的3. considerate 体贴的,体谅的considerable 相当多的,大量的4. sensitive 敏感的 sensitive tosentimental 多愁善感的resent 愤怒P5-46As an excellent shooter, Peter practised aiming at bothtargets and moving targets.A) stationaryB) standingC) stableD) still注:1. stationary 静止的,固定的2. standing 永恒的;延续的3. stable 稳定的4. s

10、till 静止的;静寂的P5-47In American universities, classes are often arranged inmore flexible and many jobs on campus are reserved forstudents.A) scalesB) ranksC) gradesD) patterns注:1. scale 等级,刻度,天平2. rank 排名3. grade 年级;品味degrade 降级4. pattern 模式P5-48The insurance pany paid him $10,000 in after hisaident.A)

11、 installmentB) pensationC) substitutionD) mission注:1. pensation 赔偿(六级最爱)2. installment 分期付款3. substitution 代替;保险代理人;替代品substitute for sb. 代替constitute 构成constitution 宪法amendment 修正案institute 学院institution 机构4. mission 委托,委任,佣金,回扣emission 放射P5-49The political future of the president is now hanging bya .A) ropeB) cordC) stringD) thread注:1. rope 绳,索2. cord 棉线,线3. string 毛线;琴弦



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