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1、新编实用英语听力教程1参考答案Unit-1-3Greeting第一次第一次见见面面How do you do?How do you do?How are you?Fine/very well,thank you. and you?Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.Pleased/glad to see you.Pleased/glad to see you.Hello,Im a new student here. Welcome to our school.Hi,Havent we met before?No,I dont think so.Gree

2、ting再次再次见见面用面用语语Nice to see you again.Long time no see.Havent seen you for ages. How are you?Hello, how are things with you?/ How are you doing? / Hows everything? / Hows your family/ sister?Fine/Good/Very well/Not bad/Just so so.Fancy seeing you here, Lily!Yes, Fancy that!Farewell告告别别用用语语ByeSo long

3、See you next time/tomorrow/later.Have a good day.Take care.Its time to leave.Its 7 oclock, I have to go now./Ive got to leave.I must be off now.Id like to say goodbye to you.Unit 2 Giving Thanks, Congratulations and ApologiesGive thanksMany thanks/Thanks a lot/Thanks a millionIts so/very kind of you

4、 (to say so).Its very thoughtful(周到的)/generous(大方的) of you.Thank you for doing sth.I dont know how to express my thanks to you.I appreciate it. (我很感激)Im grateful for your advice/help.Give congratulationPlease accept my heartiest congratulations.Im sure you deserve(值得,应得) the honor.Congratulations on

5、 your marriage(结婚)!/engagement(订婚)/the birth of your child/graduation(毕业)ApologiesI do apologize for that.Please forgive meForgive me for interrupting(打断) you again.Im very sorry that Ive forgot the class meeting.I apologize that I couldnt reply(回复) to your e-mail sooner.Thank you for your help You

6、are welcome.Youve done me a great favor. Dont mention(提及) it.Thanks a lot Mr. Li for what youve done for me.It was a real pleasure for me to do that.Thank you for your present. Oh, its just what I want it. Oh, Im glad you like it. 5. Many congratulations on your marriage. Thank you.6. Allow me to of

7、fer(提供) my heartiest congratulations.7. I m sorry, Ive made a mistake. Thats all right.8. Im afraid Ive taken up too much of your time. Not at all.(没关系,一点也不)9. I dont know how to apologize to you for losing your book. It really doesnt matter at all.Please forgive my rudeness(粗鲁的) I will forgive you.

8、Section 3 task 41.I really appreciate(感激) your valuable(有价值的) advice.2.We appreciate your efforts(努力) for the development of the company.3.Sorry to have kept you waiting.4.Thanks for coming to see us.5.It was great to hear youve got a good job.6.Id like to be the first to congratulate you.7.I couldn

9、t have done it without you8.Im sorry to have caused(导致,引起) you so much inconvenience.9.Sorry, I didnt mean(用意) to do that.10.I owe(欠) you an apology for what I did last night.causevt.成为的原因;导致;引起;使遭受1.Bad teeth often causepain. 坏牙常引起疼痛。n. (常指坏事的)原因;动机;1.The direct causeis wrong medicine! 直接原因是用错了药2.

10、It is necessary to research into the causeof cancer. 深入研究癌症起因很有必要。meanvt.意思是意思是,计计划划,图谋图谋eg:Sowhatdoesthatmean?那意味着什么呢?那意味着什么呢? adj.卑鄙的卑鄙的,自私的自私的,小气的小气的eg:Whyareyoubeingsomean?你怎么会你怎么会这这么卑鄙?么卑鄙?vi.产产生生.结结果果,用意用意meantodosth.Section 4 Han Lei got the first prize in the English Speaking Contest. His te

11、acher, Professor Li, offers(提供,给予) his congratulations to him. Han Lei thinks he is lucky to win the prize. But in Professor Lis opinion, Han Lei does a good job in learning English. He thinks Han Lei deserves this honor. Han Lei says he will continue studying hard, and he hopes Professor Li will gi

12、ve him more help.joboffer(工作机会工作机会)Eg: I just got a part-time joboffer.我刚得到一个兼职工作的机会。 She has decided not to take the joboffer.in ones opinion(据某人看来)Eg:Inmy opinion, drinking too much will do harm to onesbody.在我看来,喝酒太多伤身体。Section 5Task 71.Thank you for your help2.Thanks a lot for your present(礼物).3.

13、Thanks for waiting for me.4.Thank you for your letter. It was very kind of you.5.Thank you for your wonderful meal.6.I dont know how to thank you for such beautiful flowers.7.Im awfully(非常) sorry.8.Excuse me for interrupting(打断) you.9.Im really happy for you!10.Im sorry, but I cant help it.11.Youve

14、been a great help.12.Its my fault.(过错,缺点)13.Please forgive my rudeness.14.Im sorry to trouble you.15.Im sorry to be late again.16.Thank you for your support.17.Please accept my heartiest congratulation.18.Were happy you got the promotion.19.Congratulations on entering Zhejiang University.20.Please a

15、ccept my sincere(真诚的) apology.Task 8 Youll soon discover that apologizing and expressing gratitude(态度) are two of the most common(普遍的) things youll do in English. When you receive a favor(关心,支持) or make a mistake, expressing yourself can feel very important. In different social situations(情况,形势), yo

16、u should express your thanks and apologies in a proper(妥当的) way.favorn.好感;宠爱;关切;欢心Eg:Areyouinfavorofthisact?你你赞赞成成这这个法案个法案吗吗?Eg:Canyoudomeafavor?你能帮我个忙你能帮我个忙吗吗?Eg:Iwilloweyouabigfavor.我欠你一个大人情我欠你一个大人情vt.支持;赞成;照顾;促成Eg: Do you favormy proposal?你赞成我的建议吗?Unit 3 task22. A: Hello, let me introduce myself.

17、 My name is Klein. B: Pleased to meet you. Im Mike.3. A: Nice to meet you, Peter. What do you do for a living? B: I work for IBM4. Do you work here, Martin? B: Yes, Im in Finance. What about you?5. A: May I have your number, please? B: Sure, Its 01-25348516. A: Whats your age? B: Its a secret.7. A:

18、Are you American or Australian? B: I was American by birth but Im of Australian citizenship now.8. A: Whats your nationality, please? B: Im Chinese.9. A: This is my e-mail address, lets keep in touch. B: OK, here is mine.10A: Where are you living now?11 B: I lodge at a friends house.Task 41.Are you

19、Susan?2.Do you work?3.So you have dual(双重) nationality(国籍) , do you?4.I live with a friend, and you?5.What are you doing now?6.May I have your telephone number?7.Where are you native(本土的) to?8.Have you ever worked as a secretary?9.Where do you come from?10.This is your e-mail address, right?Task 71.

20、Hello, Im Susan2.May I have your name?3.I come from China4.I was born in Italy5.Whats your age?6.You could pass for a much younger lady7.How could I find you?8.Heres my phone number. Do call me please.9.I work for GM as a department manager10.Do you work here?Task 81.It is very important for you to

21、be polite when you talk to the westerners. 2.Many people are considered rude when they ask for personal information in a direct way. 3.To westerners, some questions such as age or address are regarded as individual privacy(隐私), when asked, they tend to sheer(偏航) away from the topic. 4.Make sure you

22、know the differences between western and eastern cultures and try to be more polite when talking to westerners.11. I have dual nationality.12.May I have your e-mail address, Mike?13.I live on the outskirts(郊外,市郊) of London.14.Im still lodge at my friends.15.This is my address and post code, please write to me often.16.What do you do for a living?17.Are you Chinese?18.Your accent says that you are Australian.19.Im a fashion designer.20.Im a computer software development.



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