2022年英语必修五知识点 2

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1、名师总结优秀知识点英语必修五Unit 1 一put forward 提出(计划、建议等) ;将提前;把钟表拨快e.g. He put forward a good plan for this project. 他为这项工程提出了一个好的方案。The match has been put forward to 1:30. 比赛已经提前到一点半举行联想put away: 收起来;贮存,储蓄put off: 推迟;延期put down: 放下;写下,记住put on: 穿上;增加;上演(戏剧)put up: 张贴;撑开(帐篷)put up a tent: 搭起帐篷二。conclude: v. 作结论

2、,断定( conclusion: n. 结论)e.g. The jury concluded that he was guilty. 陪审团认定他有罪conclude 结束,终止: They concluded the meeting at 6 oclock in the afternoon.他们于下午六点结束了会议。作结论,得出结论:What can be concluded from these observations?从这些观察中能够得出什么样的结论呢? 推断,判断: The judge concluded that the prisoner was guilty.法官判定这个囚犯有罪

3、。决定,决心: She concluded she would pay back the exact amount on Saturday.她决定在星期六如数偿还。近义词 :close 变形:concluded . concluding conclude with 以结束conclude a contract 订立合同conclude an agreement 达成协议.推断;决定, 劳经作结论;结束understand , condition vi. 推断;断定;决定deduce from , draw the conclusion conclusive 决定性的;最后的;确实的;确定性的c

4、oncluded 推论的concluding 结束的;最后的adv. conclusively 最后地;决定性地n. conclusion 结论;结局;推论conclusiveness 结论性; 决定性 v. concluded 结束;推断;作结论(conclude 的过去分词)三 defeat 打败, 击败, 战胜; 使(希望, 计划等)失败 , 挫败 ; 阻挠, 使无效 e.g. He finally conceded defeat. 他最终承认了失败。 defeat 指“赢得胜利” , 尤其指“军事上的胜利”,e.g. defeat the enemy 打败敌人。 conquer指“征服

5、”、 ”战胜” ,特别指“获得对人、物或感情的控制”,e.g. conquer nature overcome 指“战胜”、 “压倒”、 “克服”尤指“感情”而言, e.g. overcome difficulties suffer defeat 遭受失败击败,战胜;挫败defeat adj. defeatist 失败主义(者)的n defeatist 失败主义者defeatism 失败主义四。attend: v. 出席;参加照顾;看护伴随1) to be present at; go to (meeting, conference, lecture.) e.g. He decided to

6、attend the meeting himself. 他决定亲自赴会。2) to look after, care for, serve e.g. Which doctor is attending to (on) you? 哪位医生护理你?3)to go with 伴随 e.g. The work was attended with much difficulty. 这项工作带来许多困难。attend a meeting 参加会议attend school 上学;去上学attend class 上课attend on 照料;侍候attend a lecture 听关于的讲座;上课vt. 出

7、席;上(大学等) ;照料;招待;陪伴present oneself , invite , serve , board , mind vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾present oneself , nurse adj. attendant 伴随的;侍候的attendant 服务员,侍者;随员,attendance 出席;到场;出席人数n. attendant 服务员,侍者;随员,陪从attendee 出席者;在场者attender 出席者;按规定常到的人;常客五 expose.to.暴露于;使处于的影响之下expose oneself to 使暴露在 (空气、寒冷、风雨、阳光等)中;使无遮蔽

8、,使无保护:Do not expose it to the sun. 此物谨防日晒。使暴露,使显露;使遭受(攻击、批评、伤害、嘲讽等):He is exposed to the ridicule of the public.他受到公众的嘲弄。to expose soldiers to gunfire使士兵们遭受炮火攻击使处于的影响 (或作用 )之下;接接触到;使知悉,使了解:a student who has been exposed to English for some five years 接触英语达5 年左右的学生精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

9、- - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页名师总结优秀知识点使曝光: The film has been exposed to light.这胶卷曝了光。向揭露,揭发,揭穿,披露:to expose the shameful activity to the newspapers向报界揭露这个可耻行径六 blame sb. for sth. 因为某事责备某e.g. He blamed the boy for his mistake. be to blame: 受责备,应负责Who is to blame for the mistake?这个错误应归咎于谁?七 in addition: 除此之外,另

10、外意思相当于besides, whats more 除之外 except as , over and above e.g. I paid 100 Yuan in addition. In addition to English, he has to study a second language. 除之外,还有,表示递进关系The company provided the workers with free lunch in addition to paid holidays.except: 除之外,表示在整体中排除,e.g. Everyone except me got an invitat

11、ion.除了我以外 , 所有人都收到了请柬besides 表示“除以外,还有” ,与 in addition to 同义,Besides Mr Wang, we also went to see the film.王先生也去了。beside : 旁边。表示方位。e.g. Lily sits beside me in class. 莉莉在班上做我旁边。八announce:公布;宣告announce:公布;宣告e.g. He announce his decision. 他宣布了他的决定。词根:announce n. announcement 公告;宣告;发表;通告announcer 广播 广播员

12、;宣告者宣布,宣告; The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news to the reporters.外交部发言人向记者发布新闻。说,述说,:The president of the company announced that there would be a bonus.公司总经理对雇员说将要发奖金。通报(或宣布 )的出席 (或到达 ),报告的来到,通知客到,报到:to announce guests通知客到(不通过语言 ) 使被知道,作为的迹象,显示:Footsteps announced her return.听见脚步

13、声,知道她回来了。预示;预告;预兆:Gathering clouds announced the oncoming storm.,聚云预示了即将来临的风暴。当(电台或电视台 )的播音员 (或广播员 );当(报幕员等 ):She announces six programs a week.她每周广播 6 个节目。vi.当电台 (或电视台 )的播音员 (或广播员 );当报幕员: She announces for CCTV.她是中国中央电视台的播音员。宣布某人的候选人身份宣布参加竞选(for);(在竞选中 )宣布某人对另一人在政治上的赞同,(在竞选中 )宣布支持别人竞选 (for):九 absor

14、bv.吸收 A sponge absorbs water. 海绵吸水。be absorbed in sth: 专心的,全神贯注的absorb in 集中精力做某事;全神贯注于vt. 吸收;吸引;承受;理解;使全神贯注attract , engage , see , read , seize Adj. absorbed 被吸收的;一心一意的absorbent 能吸收的absorbing 吸引人的;极有趣的absorptive 吸收性的;有吸收力的absorbable 可吸收的;容易被吸收的absorbefacient 吸收性的N. absorption 吸收;全神贯注,专心致志absorbent

15、 化工核化学 吸收剂absorber 减震器;吸收器;吸收体absorbency 吸收能力;吸收性;吸墨性;物化 吸光率absorbefacient 吸收剂absorptance 物 吸收率;吸收比V. absorbed 吸收;使全神贯注(absorb 的过去分词形式)absorbing 吸收(absorb 的 ing 形式)十 Challenge n. 挑战; 挑战书 ; 邀请比赛 ; 要求决vt.向.挑战 , 要求, 怀疑; vi. 挑战 , 对(证据等)表示异meet the challenge 迎接挑战;满足要求rise to the challenge 接受挑战,奋起应付挑战take

16、 up the challenge 应战challenge cup 挑战杯;优胜杯;奖杯Adj. challenging 挑战的;引起挑战性兴趣的challengeable 挑战性的N. challenger 挑战者v.challenging 要求;质疑;反对;向挑战;盘问(challenge 的 ing 形式)Unit 2 一consist of be made up of 由组成 (没有进行时)由构成be constitutive of , be formed from e.g. The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

17、Great Britain and Northern Ireland make up the UK 二区别separate . from (把联合在一起或靠近的人或物分离出来)e.g. The teacher divided the class into two groups. Divide.into 把分开(把整体分为若干部分)The Taiwan Strait separates Taiwan from Fujian. 由构成be constitutive of , be formed from 三 debate about sth. e.g. They debate about the

18、proposal for three days. debate /argue/ quarrel debate about his proposal 仔细考虑他的提debate about sth 讨论Debate about Diversity 人才多样化的争论Debate about debates 谈论辩论争论The Debate about Psychologism 关于心理主义的争论四clarify: vt./vi. (cause sth. to )become clear or easier to understand 澄清;阐明 ;清楚;明了精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

19、 - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页名师总结优秀知识点e.g. I hope what I say will clarify the situation. 我希望我所说的能澄清这一情况Adj. clarified 澄清的;透明的n. clarity 清楚,明晰;透明clarification 澄清,说明;净化v. clarified 阐明、澄清五 be linked to = be connected to /be joined to 连接 link A to B 将 A 和 B 连接起来与连接;与有关联,与有联系be connected to , be c

20、oupled with This property can then be linked to actions on other components. 然后,可以将该属性链接到其他组件上的动作。六 refer to reference: n. 参考 e.g. reference books 参考书1)提及,指的是e.g. When he said “some students ”, do you think he was referring to us? 2) 参考;查阅;询问e.g. If you dont understand a word you may refer to your d

21、ictionaries. 3) 关系到;关乎e.g. What I have to say refers to all of you. 涉及,谈到,提到;关系到:He never referred to his sisters in his letters.他在信里从未提到过他的姊妹。提交(某人或某机关考虑办理或决定):They referred their plan to the management.他们将计划提交管理部门。认为起源于;认为与有关:Mr White referred his success to his hard work.怀特先生说他的成功是靠勤劳工作而获得的。向(某人)

22、查询;让找 (处理 ):For further details, I refer you to the advisory department.详细情况请与咨询处联系。适用于: These regulations refer to every foreigner.这些规章适用于一切外国人。指而言 (as):All his classmates referred to him as “Blackbeard. ”他的同学都称他为“黑胡子”。七 to ones surprise (prep) “to ones + 名词”表“令某人”常见的名词有“delight, disappointment, en

23、joyment, 等e.g. I discovered, to my horror, that the goods were entirely unfit for sale. 我惊恐地发现,这些货物完全不适合出售by surprise 使惊慌The question took the professor by surprise. in surprise 惊奇地,To ones surprise, they said okay! 让我们吃惊的是,他们说可以。八 . found themselves united peacefully “find + 宾语宾补 ( adj; adv; v-ing;

24、 pp; 介词短语;不定式) ”e.g. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in the kitchen. 如果一个厨师在厨房里抽烟,他会立即被解雇。九get sth done =have sth done 使某事被做 .e.g. Ill just get these dishes washed and then Ill come. get + n. + to do Youll get her to agree. get + n. + doing Ill get the car going. get done: 用于

25、意想不到、突然或偶然发生,意为“被.”e.g. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. to get sth done 办到 ; 做某事to accomplishto get sth done 办到get sth.done as quick as possible 尽快把某事干完十 break away (from sb / sth) 脱离;破除 e.g. It is not easy for him to break away from bad habits. break down ( 会谈)破裂,失败; (汽车等 )出故障; (人的

26、健康状况 )变得恶劣;(情感)失控e.g.his car broke down on the way to work this morning. 今天早上他的车在上班路上抛锚了。His health broke down under the pressure of work. 他的健康在工作压力下崩溃了He broke down and wept when he heard the news. 当他听到这个消息时,他哭了起来Talks between the two countries have completely broken down. 两国之间的谈判已经完全破裂break in 闯入;

27、打岔break off 中断,折断break into 闯入break out 爆发发生break up 驱散;分散,拆散十一。 as well as 不仅而且;既又e.g. He is a teacher as well as a writer. 他是一位教师,也是一位作家。as well 也,常放于句末,和and 连用表示既又as well as 并列连词,不但而且十二 convenience: n. 方便;便利convenient: adj. We bought his house for its convenience. 为了方便我们买了他的房子。for the convenience

28、 of 为了的方便convenience store 便利商店for convenience 为了方便起见at your convenience 在你方便的时候at your earliest convenience 尽早;得便务请从速convenience sampling 便利抽样;方便抽样;任意抽样at ones convenience 在某人方便之时Adj. convenient 方便的adv. conveniently 便利地;合宜地十三 .attraction: (attract:v.)1).吸引;引力 (不可数 n.)e.g. Attraction of gravitation

29、重力2).吸引人的东西;喜闻乐见的东西;精彩节目(可数n.) tourist attraction 观光胜地attraction for 对的吸引力sexual attraction 性吸引力;性诱惑,性引诱fatal attraction 致命的吸引力(电影名称)magnetic attraction 磁吸引;磁引力Adj. attractive 吸引人的;有魅力的;引人注目的attractable 可被吸引的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页名师总结优秀知识点Adv. attractively 迷人地;有吸引力地

30、;动人地N. attractiveness 吸引力;迷惑力attractor 自 吸引子;引起注意的人Vi. attract 吸引;有吸引力vt. attract 吸引;引起The main attraction of Beijing resides in its enchanting scenery. 北京最大的吸引力在于它的迷人景色。十四1)v.对产生影响e.g.What influence you to choose a career in teaching?你在教学中选择职业的影响是什么? 2)可数 n.产生影响的人或事e.g. He is one of the good influe

31、nces in the school.他是学校的好学生之一。3)(不可数 n.)影响e.g.A teacher has great influence over his pupils.教师对学生有很大的影响influence on 对的影响under the influence 酒醉的influence in 干涉;介入under the influence of 在的影响之下influence factor n. 影响因素;电话干扰系数n. 影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事effect , infection , impression , affection , incidence vt.

32、影响;改变affect , impact of , impact on , reach , fashion Adj. influential 有影响的;有势力的influent 流入的adv .influentially 有影响地;有力地n. influent 支流Unit 3 一impression n. 印记;印象;感想;后接of sb./ of sth./ on sb./ that e.g. My first impression of him was favourable. 知识拓展: impress v.给留下深刻的印象;使铭记;使感动;常用结构impress sth. on/upo

33、n sb./impress sb. with sth. 给留下深刻的印象;使铭记It impressed me that she remembered my name. 令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。impression of 有样的印象;impression on 对的印象first impression 第一印象give the impression 留下印象under the impression 记得false impression 错觉;make an impression 让人眼前一亮;general impression 整体印象n. 印象;效果,影响;压痕,印记;感想infect

34、ion , effect , influence , affection , print Adj impressive 感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的impressionable 敏感的;易受影响的impressionistic 印象派的;印象主义的;给人深刻印象的impressible 敏感的;感受性强烈的;易感动的Adv. impressively 令人难忘地;感人地vi. impress 给人印象vt. impress 盖印;强征;传送;给予某人深刻印象N. impress 印象,印记;impressionist 印象主义者impressionism 印象派,impressiven

35、ess 令人难忘;印象性;感人The journey leaves a favourable impression. 这次旅行给他们留下了良好的印象。二Remind v. 提醒remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事;remind sb. (that)/wh- 从句提醒某;使某人想起remind sb. about/of sth. 使某人想起或意识You remind me of your father when you say that. Adj. remindful 提醒的;留意的n. reminder 暗示;提醒的人 /物;催单Remind her to come ear

36、lier tomorrow morning.提醒她明天上午早点来。This mishap reminded me of a traffic accident I once experienced.这次不幸事故使我联想起我过去经历的一次交通事故三constantly adv. 始终;一直;重复不断地e.g. Fashion is constantly changing. 时尚总是日新月异。adv. constant 的变形 constant k ?nst ?nt n.不变的事物【数学、物理学】常数;常量,恒量adj. ,始终如一的继续不断的,不停的坚定的,坚决的忠诚的;忠贞的持续的,连续发生的,

37、持久的;经常的He was constantly tormented with headache. 他不断受到头痛的折磨。近义词:continual . faithful 四 previous adj. 先前的;以往的; (时间上)稍前的近义词 :preceding . antecedent 反义词 : following Adj. 先的;前的;以前的口语过早的;过急的;太早的短语 : previous to 在以前;在之前Adv. 在前,在先,The lawyer cited a previous case to support his argument. 这位律师援引了一个以前的案例来证实

38、他的论断。五bend v. (bent bent )弯曲;使弯曲;弯腰;弯身;e.g. Its hard to bend an iron bar. 把铁棒弄弯很不容易。常用搭配有 : bend ones mind/efforts to sth. 致力于某事bend sb.to sth. 迫使;说服吗bend the truth 歪曲事实Adj. bended 弯曲的n. bending 弯曲度bender 饮酒作乐;扭弯物体的人;六便士银币V. bending 弯曲( bend 的 ing 形式)bended 弯曲;使屈从;决意(bend 的过去分词形式之一)vt. 使弯曲;使屈服;使致力;使

39、朝向wind , curve vi. 弯曲,转弯;屈服;倾向;专心于tend , affect n. 弯曲curve , give , winding , inflection bend in 把往里弯bend over 俯身;折转bend down 蹲下,弯腰Slowly bend your knees until your feet point toward the ceiling. 慢慢的弯曲你的膝盖直到你的脚板指向天花板。六press v. 压;按;推;挤;坚持;敦促n. 报章杂志,新闻工作者,新闻界精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - -

40、 -第 4 页,共 8 页名师总结优秀知识点She pressed a handkerchief to his nose.她用手绢捂住鼻子。 She pressed down hard on the gas pedal. 她用力踩下油门踏板。press conference 记者招待会新闻发布会in the press 正在印刷;即将出版 press the button 按钮;按键press down 压hydraulic press 液压机;水压机;油压机printing press 印刷机press in 压入vt. 压;按;逼迫;紧抱push , hug n. 压;按;新闻;出版社;印

41、刷印刷机clic , news bulletin Adj. pressing 紧迫的;迫切的;恳切的pressurized 加压的;受压的pressor 加压的;有使血压增高的;收缩血管的N. pressure 压力;压迫, 物 压强pressing 压;冲压件pressor 升高血压的物质V. pressing 压;按;熨烫衣物(press 的 ing 形式)pressurized 增压;密封;使加压(pressurize 的过去式)Vt. pressure 迫使;密封;使增压pressurize 密封;增压;使加压,使压入compress 指把某些东西压在一起或使占有较小空间。press

42、普通用词,指一个物体在另一个物体上加压力。squeeze 多指从两面或多面施加压力来压紧、压碎或压出水来。squash 指某物受力被压偏或压碎。也指塞挤。七switch n. & v. 用作名词表示“开关;转换” 。用作动词表示“转换” 。switch on 接通,开启switch off (用开关)关掉;切断(电源)switch in 接通;合闸control switch 控制开关power switch 电源开关light switch 灯开关;照明开关n.switching 电 开关;转换;整流;配电switcher 交换机;转换开关;调车机车V. switching 转换( swit

43、ch 的 ing 形式)Switch from one module to another. 从一个模块转换到另一个模块。八lack n. & v. 用作名词,表示:“缺乏;短缺”;用作动词,表示: “;短缺;没有;不足”The trip was cancelled through lack of interest. 因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。He lacks confidence. 他缺乏信心。lack of 没有,缺乏for lack of 因缺乏;因缺少;lack in 缺少;lack of power 乏力;缺乏动力by lack of 因没有 .;因缺乏 . from lack

44、of 因没有 .;因缺乏 . lack of money 缺钱lack of time 缺乏时间lack of capital 缺乏资金lack for 缺乏 through lack of 因缺乏lack of faith 不信教,不信神lack of fusion 未熔合;未焊透;vt. 缺乏;不足;没有;需要 ask , claim vi. 缺乏;不足;没有fail , low in n. 缺乏;不足 shortage , short of , deficiency , need , Adj. lacking 缺乏的;没有的;不足的v. lacking 缺少;不足( lack 的 ing

45、 形式The school suspended for lack of finances. 那所学校因经费不足而暂时停办。九 surroundings n.pl. 环境; surround v. 围绕;环绕 surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的e.g. Everyone likes to work in pleasant surroundings. 周围的,附近的environmental , ambient n. 环境,周围的事物context , circumstance , setting , condition The transplant was rejected by

46、the surrounding tissue. 移植的器官受到周围组织的排斥。十 catch/gain/get sight of 发现,看出lose sight of 看不见 ,忘记 lose ones sight 失明 at first sight 一见就;乍看起来At first sight, the problem seems easy. at (the) sight of 一看见就At the sight of the teacher, the boy ran away. be in sight 看得见,在眼前The island is still in sight. out of s

47、ight 看不见 Out of sight, out of min How they long to get a sight of their native land! 他们多么渴望看一看故乡啊十一take up 拿起,捡起: She took up the receiver and began to dial the number. 她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。吸收(水分);溶解(固体):She used a blotting paper to take up the ink.她用吸墨纸吸墨to take up ones residence with someone 占 用 , 占 ( 地方

48、) : All available accommodation were taken up. 房间 都 住 满 了 。和 某 人 居 住 在 一 起占去(地方、时间、注意力等 );Im sorry Ive already taken up so much of your valuable time.对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间。安(家),定(居);He married a French woman and took up his residence in Paris.他和一个法国女人结了婚,并在巴黎定居。让(乘客等 )上车; (车等)接纳(乘客);(船)承载(货物):The school b

49、us stopped to take up pupils.让车停下来让小学生们上车。开始从事 (一项事业、一种职业等),He took up writing after graduation.毕业后他开始从事写作。采纳(信仰、意见等 ), :She took up my suggestion enthusiastically.她热情地采纳了我的建议。接受(打赌、挑战、建议等),No one dared take up the challenge.谁也不敢应战。得到,获得: The animal took up the disease.那个动物染上了病。(为表示异议等 )打断的话; She to

50、ok the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.当学生出现口误时, 她立刻打断他。申请;对提出要求:to take up ones social welfare 要求社会福利to take up ones story继续讲故事精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页名师总结优秀知识点接着讲,接下去说:The teacher took up the lesson where he left off last week.老师接着上星期停下来的地方把课文讲下去。(

51、把)(未完的事等 )继续下去;从别人的手中接过来:Tom took up where his father left off.汤姆继承了父亲未尽的事业。The young man is so lucky that he is taken up by a famous novelist.这个年轻人很走运,他得到了一位著名小说家的指教。逮捕,拘捕,捉住:He was taken up for drunkenness.他因酗酒而被拘留。to take up an artery夹住动脉 (止血 ) 扎住(动脉等 );收紧;调除: Take up these loose ropes.把这些松了的绳子拉紧

52、。收缩,改短 (衣服);(编织时 )钩起 (漏针);绕紧;扎紧: She has taken up the legs of the trousers.她已经把裤腿改短。(把)卷绕起来: This part of machine is for taking up the film.机器的这个部分是用来卷胶卷的。付清(票据);(按抵押 )垫款;We will take up a collection to help the needy.我们将募捐救济穷人。(漏洞等 )自动闭合翻修 (天气等 )变晴朗;变好: The weather is going to take up at last.天气终于要

53、放晴了。(学校)开学;上课: The school takes up at nine.学校 9 点钟开始上课。抓住(笑话、典故等的 )要点: We didnt take up his joke.我们不知道他的笑话好笑在哪里。方言 停住,克制自己,悬崖勒马古语 解决(争吵等) 十二sweep up 打扫;清扫;横扫;涌向;快速地抱起扫除,清扫;扫去,掸去(灰尘等 ):After the party,I will have to stay and clean up.聚会结束之后,我得留下来打扫卫生。扫集;吹集: Wind swept the snow up into a mound.风把雪吹集成了一堆。飞快地抱起: to sweep ones cat up飞快地抱起爱猫l 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页名师总结优秀知识点精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页名师总结优秀知识点精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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