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1、小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 1 of 16 1. ( ) David is the top student in our class because he s a _ boy.A. happy B. helpful C. polite D. hard-working 2. ( ) It was said that the film “ Harry Potter” was _. Many young people became _ after watching it. A. exciting, excited B. excited, exciting C. exciting,

2、exciting D. excited, excited 3. ( ) My little brother is not _ to go to school. A. young enough B. enough young C. old enough D. enough old 4. ( ) It was _ last Sunday morning. It rained _. A. snowy, heavy B. snowy, heavily C. snowing, heavy D. snow, heavily 5. ( ) This _ girl is Linda s cousin. A.

3、pretty little Spanish B. Spanish little pretty C. little Spanish pretty D. little pretty Spanish 6. ( ) Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook _ for me during my stay in Canada. A. something different B. anything different C. nothing different D. different something 7. ( ) Uncle Wang spoke v

4、ery _ because his son didn t pass the exam.A. angry B. angrily C. angrier D. more angrily 8. ( ) The students looked _ at their teacher when she told them the good news. A. happy B. sadly C. happily D. sad 9. ( ) Mary s parents were not at home yesterday. She stayed at home _ but she didn t feel _.

5、A. alone, alone B. lonely, lonely C. lonely, alone D. alone, lonely 10. ( ) Life in the country is often _ and people live _ there. A. peaceful, peacefully B. peaceful, peaceful C. peacefully, peacefully D. peacefully, peaceful Pre-test Adjective and Adverb 1小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 2 of 16 One man in

6、 a boat Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky . Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even lesslucky. I never catch anything-not even old boots. After having spent whole morni

7、ngs on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. You must give up fishing! my friends say. Its a waste of time. But they dont realize oneimportant thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am onlyinterested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all! 小朋友们,这篇中包括了我们今天要学的内容,聪明的小朋友把你的小脑瓜转起来,

8、预言一下我们要学的内容吧!看你的预言是不是正确的。一定要注意粗体的单词哦!Warming-up 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 3 of 16 Part 1 形容词一、定义及作用形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。Lucy is a clever girl . (作定语)Lucy is clever.(作表语)The rich should help the poor . (作主语 ) 二、形容词的分类及用法1.形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。2.叙述形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。(错) He is an ill man.(对)

9、 He is ill. (错) She is an afraid girl. (对) The girl is afraid. 3)形容词在修饰someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing 等不定代词时,需要置于其后。想一想,什么是不定代词呢?如: something nice I have something important to tell you . 我有一些重要的事情要告诉你。There is something wrong with my bike我的自行车出了点问题。Exercise

10、 1 1. -Where would you like to go? -Warm places! You know, I don t like to go _.A. cold somewhere B. cold anywhere C. somewhere cold D. anywhere cold 2. He has _ to tell us. A. something importantB. important somethingC. anything usefulD. useful nothing 3. Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should

11、 keep it _. Grammar-focus 大多数以a 开头的形容词常放在系动词后做表语(给LV做装饰)例如: well,ill,afraid, alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 4 of 16 A. dry B. open C. clean D. quiet 4. -Where did you go on holiday this summer? England? -You are _. We went on a 10-day tour to Paris. A. funny B. right C. cool D

12、. close 2. 以-ly 结尾的形容词1) 大部分形容词加-ly 可构成副词。 如 happily, heavily. 但有些以ly 结尾的单词如friendly , deadly, lovely ,lonely ,likely ,lively ,ugly,brotherly ,仍为形容词。改错: (错) She sang lovely. (错)He spoke to me very friendly. (对)Her singing was lovely. (对)He spoke to me in a very friendly way. 2)有些以 -ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词。d

13、aily,weekly,monthly ,yearly,early The Times is a daily paper. The Times is published daily. 3用形容词表示类别和整体1) 某些形容词加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与谓语动词的复数连接。如:the dead,the living ,the rich,the poor, the blind,the hungry The poor are losing hope. 2) 有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体,与动词的复数连用。the British ,the English,the French,th

14、e Chinese. The English have wonderful sense of humor. 4多个形容词修饰名词的顺序多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为:限定词(包括冠词、人称代词、指示代词等)+大小 +形状 +性质或状态 +颜色 +年龄或新旧 +材料或种类 +来源+名词。口诀法: “ 美小圆旧黄,中国木书房”注:“ 美” 代表 “ 描述或性质类 ” 形容词;小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 5 of 16 “ 小” 代表 “ 大小、长短、高低、胖瘦类” 形容词;“ 圆” 代表 “ 形状类 ” 形容词;“ 旧” 代表 “ 新旧、年龄类 ” 形容词;“ 黄” 代表 “ 颜

15、色类 ” 形容词;“ 中国 ” 代表 “ 来源、国籍、地区、出处类” 形容词; “木” 代表 “ 物质、材料a small round table a tall gray building a dirty old brown shirt a famous German medical school an expensive Japanese sports car There are a few big round black new wooden French tables in the room. Exercise 2 一、看一看下面句中形容词的用法,注意它的位置哦!并完成后面的句子。1.

16、It s a cold and windy day. 2. Would you like something hot to drink? 3. The man is ill. 4. She looks very happy now. (happily, happy) 5. He gives something interesting to you. (interesting, something) 6. The old man feels very lonely. (lonely, feel) 7. The giraffe is tall .(be, tall) 8. She is alway

17、s a happy girl . (girl, happy) 二、写出下列形容词的反义词。1. longshort slow quick/fast interesting boring 2. highlow ugly beautiful expensive cheap 3. bigsmall white black wet dry 4. goodbad difficult easy young old 5. heavylight fat thin strongweak 6. coldwarm clean dirty sadhappy 三、易混淆形容词1. ed 形容词和 -ing 形容词I m

18、 interested in reading interesting books. 我对阅读有意思的书很感兴趣小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 6 of 16 I m excited to see the exciting movie. 看到那部令人兴奋的电影我很兴奋。I m because he gives me a present.我很惊讶,因为他给我一个令人惊讶的礼物。I feel so because of the film. 因为这个无聊的电影,我感到很无聊。总结: ed 类形容词用来形容人,-ing 类形容词用来形容物。2. 四好形容词good 形容词电影、书记等某种东

19、西的内容好,表示人品好,善良等。如: This is a good book. fine 形容词天气好,气质好等。如: It s a fine day. nice 形容词“ 令人喜悦的,讨人喜爱的” 人、味道、言语、天气等。如: Nice to meet you! well 形容词、副词形容词时指身体健康如: -How are you? -I m very well.副词表好如: He can speak English well. Exercise 3 用 fine, nice, good 或 well 填空。1. She is a girl. 2. She draws .3. My gra

20、ndpa is very strong. He feels very . 4. What s the weather like today? It s very . 5. What a watch it is! 选词填空1. Jim feels very _ to watch the _ football match. (excitedly; excited; exciting) 2. She is _ at the result. (surprising; surprised) 3.My mother is very strict ,she makes me very _(tired;tir

21、ing )四、形容词的常见句式有一些表示情感的表语形容词后可接动词不定时。1. 人+be+ 形容词 +to do sth. 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 7 of 16 如: I m glad to be here. 我很高兴来到这里。我很抱歉告诉你这个坏消息。你真好,来帮助我。他害怕晚上出去。I m ready to study hard. 我准备好努力学习了。Are you able to do it by yourself? 你能自己做好这项工作吗?我的句子:4. It s + 形容词 +to do sth. It is difficult to make a perfe

22、ct plan. 要做一个完美的计划很难。学好英语是很重要的。说起来容易做起来难。Part 2 副词一、定义:副词是说明事情发生的时间、地点、程度、方式等含义,用来修饰动词、形容词、副词等的一类词,在句中可以作状语、表语、定语等。如: Luckily, she had got another chance. ( 作状语 ) Sorry, I have to be off right now. ( 作表语 ) Who is the person over there? (作定语 ) 2、副词的分类和位置:分类代表副词通常位置例句时间副词now, then, yesterday, soon 句首或

23、句尾Yesterday he went home on foot. I m going to go fishing tomorrow.地点副词here, there, down, everywhere, up 句首或句尾I went to your home, but you werent in.频率副词alwaysusuallyoften sometimes seldom never 行为动词之后, be 动词之前She often goes to movies. He plays basketball twice a week. 方式副词well, fast, hard, carefull

24、y 在修饰的形容词和动词之后I read very slowly. He draws very well. 程度副词very, much, even, so, too 在修饰的形容词之前This kind of paper feels very soft. The man is too fat. 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 8 of 16 疑问副词how, when, why 句首How do you get to school? Exercise 4 一、看一看下面句中副词的用法,注意它的位置哦!并完成后面的句子。1)They sometimes go to the par

25、ty. (go, sometimes) 2)How do you do it well? (How) 3)The little boy can go there by himself. (there, go) 4)The girl studies hard now. (hard, study) 3、区别与形容词同形的副词与带-ly 副词一般说来,与形容词同形的副词通常表示 具体 情况,而 带-ly 副词 一般表示 抽象 概念分组副词意思例句1 close 空间距离上近He is sitting close to me. closely 仔细地Watch him closely. 2 deep

26、深(空间深度)He pushed the stick deep into the mud. deeply 深深地(感情上的深度)Even father was deeply moved by the film. 3 wide 空间宽度上宽He opened the door wide. widely 广泛地,在许多地方English is widely used in the world. 4 high 空间高度的高The plane was flying high. highly 高度,程度高I think highly of your opinion. 有时两者的意义相差很大,如:hard

27、 与 hardly5) hard 做副词,意为 “ 努力地 ” ,而 hardly 意为 “ 几乎不 ” 。However, I hardly have any time for my hobbies . .如果你努力学习,你能够回答这个问题。4、有时副词意思相近,但是修饰的成份不同,如:very, much, very much very, much 和 very much 都有 “ 非常 ” 的意思。very 修饰形容词、 副词原级;much 用于修饰比较级; very much 用于修饰动词。He is not very tall. 词义辨析hard work work hard He

28、hardly works 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 9 of 16 My new computer is much faster than the old one. I miss you very much. 5、辨析: alone, lonely alone 做副词独自 ?的意思,不含感情色彩;lonely 是形容词, “ 寂寞 “ 的意思,有浓厚的感情色彩。He came alone. 他独自来的。She has no friend and she feels lonely.她感到很孤独。. 她独自居住,但是她不感到寂寞。Exercise 5 一 单项选择。1.) We

29、 didn t climb the mountains because it was raining . A. badly B. hardly C. strongly D. heavily 2) He learns Russian . A. good B. nice C. well D. fine 3) He works very . He has a rest on Sundays. A. hard, hardly B. hardly, hard C. hard, hard D. hardly, hardly 4.) When the famous singer started to sin

30、g, everyone began to shout very . A. loud B. loudly C. high D. heavily 5.) He works _. A. lone B. lonely C. alone D. Alonely 6、四大也人Lucy has an apple. Lily has an apple , too. Lucy doesn t have an apple. Lilydoesn t have, either . Lucy has an apple. Lily also has an apple. Lucy has an apple and Lily

31、has an apple as well. Exercise 6 1)Ill go to see the film ,判断正误I very like English.()I like English very much. ()too :肯定句末,逗号也人either : 否定句末,逗号也人also:句中也人as well: 句末也人小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 10 of 16 2)If you dont come here ,I shouldnt ,3)Jack can speak Chinese ,and his brother can speak Chinese4)He

32、knows Chinese 7、enough 足够地:名前形副后She is old enough to go to school. I don t have enough money to buy iphone 6Exercise 7足够多的食物_ 足够简单 _ 足够有趣 _ 足够快 _ 1. 形容词和副词的基本概念及用法2. 比较特殊的几组形容词和副词Exercise 6 选择正确的词填空。1. The boy doesn t work as_hard_ as the girl. (hard, hardly)2. The _hungry,_ child is eating _hungril

33、y_. (hungry, hungrily) 3. She likes animals. I like animals , too . (too, either) 4. He doesn t want to go there now. I don t want to go there, _either_. (too, either)5. He looks _carefully_ at these maths problems. (careful, carefully) 6. This one is _much_ better than that one. (very, much ) 7. Ha

34、ve you finished your homework_yet_? (yet, already) 8. He is not _old enough,_ to go to school by himself. (old enough, enough old) 9. He can run_very_ fast. (very, much ) 10. She likes the presents _very much_. (very, very much) 一写出下列形容词的副词形式How to use Final Test 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 11 of 16 bad

35、_badly_ nice _nicely_ beautiful_beautifully_ easy _easily_ heavy _heavily_ angry _angrily_ happy _happily_ gentle _gently_ wide _widely_ safe _safely_ fast _fast_ good _well_ 二单项选择。1. She isn t so _ at maths as you are. A. well B. good C. better D. best 2. He is _ enough to carry the heavy box. A. s

36、tronger B. much stronger C. strong D. the strongest 3I bought _ exercise-books with _ money. A. a few; a few B. a few; a little C. a little; a few D. a little; a little 4. The box is _ heavy for the girl _ carry. A. too; to B. to; too C. so; that D. no; to 5The ice in the lake is about one meter _.

37、It s strong enough to skate on. A. long B. high C. thick D. wide 6Wu Lin ran_ faster than the other boys in the sports meeting. A. so B. much C. very D. too 7. The smile on my father s face showed that he was _ with me. A. sad B. pleased C. angry D. sorry 8. -Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?

38、 -Certainly, we can buy _ one than this, but _ this. A. a better; better than B. a worse; as good as C. a cheaper; as good as D. a more important; good as 9. If you want to learn English well, you must use it as _ as possible. A. often B. long C. hard D. soon 10. English people _ use Mr. Before a ma

39、n s first name. A. never B. usually C. often D. sometimes 46. What was the weather like yesterday? 47. How many students are there in your school? 48. Who is the best student in your class? 49. What kind of flower do you like best? 50. What are the biggest animals in the world? Free Talk 小学英语 .形容词副词

40、第1 讲教师版Page 12 of 16 Topic: 用 5 句话描述以下图片。1. He is the out fish of water. A 离开水的鱼B 不和群C 需要水的鱼D 水中鱼2. The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face. A 浑身发热B 筋疲力尽C 鼻青脸肿D 精神焕发3.Ten to ten the train will be late. A 很可能B 十分之一C 十二点五十D 十比一4.I don t like Mr Chan. He is an old woman.A 老太婆B 喜欢啰嗦的人C 没妻

41、子的老头D 女人气的男人5.If I go to see my uncle ,I ca n read his books .It s in two twos.A 一分为二B 一文不名C 三心二意D 一举两得一、选出画线部分读音不同的单词。1. A. none B. anyone C. nothing D. joke 2. A. tramp B. passenger C. anyone D. happen 3. A. story B. forget C. torch D. short Use Your Mind Homework 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 13 of 16 4

42、. A. neither B. anything C. thief D. mouth 5. A. mouth B. counter C. famous D. house 二、将下列短语或词组翻译成英文1. 我的红自行车_my red bike_ 2. 他的黑上衣_his black coat_ 3. 去上学 _go to school_ 4.什么颜色 _what colour_ 5. 你的新铅笔盒_your new pencil-case_ 6. 看一看 _have a look_ 7. 五只黄狗 _five yellow dogs_ 8. 他们的旧汽车_their old cars_ 9.一

43、张中国地图_a map of China_ 10. 在书桌上 _on the desk_ 三、单项选择1. I have _ to do today. A. anything important B. something important C. important nothing D. important something 2. -One more satellite was sent up into space in China in May. - -Right. The government spoke _ that. A. highly for B. high of C. well

44、of D. highly of 3. I was so tired that I could _ walk any farther. A. nearly B. hardly C. really D. suddenly 4.Is this a photo of your daughter ?She looks _ in the pink dress. A. lovely B. quietly C. politely D. happily 5.He was so _ _when he heard the _ news that he got the first prize in the conte

45、st. A. exciting, exciting B. exciting, excited C. excited, excited D. excited, exciting 6. Would you like _ to eat? A. anything nice B. something nice C. nice anything D. nice something 7.-Are you feeling _ today? -Yes, thank you. A. good B. health C. better D. bad 四、完形填空“ These days men and women,

46、young and old are 1 the same kind of 2 , and a lot of 3 have long hair. We often cant4 whether(是否 )they are boys or girls, men or women. 5 old man often goes to 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 14 of 16 walk in the park. He is sitting on a chair now. A young person is 6 7 him. “ Oh, goodness!” the old man say

47、s to the other one. “ Do you8 that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?” “ A boy. ” says the other one. “ He is my son.” “ Oh,” says the old man, “ please9 me. I don t know you are his 10 . ” “ I m not his mother. I m his father.” says the other one.( )1.A. putting on B. wearing C. putting

48、D. buying ( )2.A. clothes B. trees C. pictures D. bags ( )3.A. me B. your C. them D. their ( )4.A. talk B. teach C. say D. know ( )5.A. A B. An C. The D. / ( )6.A. running B. flying C. standing D. driving ( )7.A. on B. beside C. in D. at ( )8.A. see B. watch C. look D. read ( )9.A. help B. excuse C.

49、 teach D. ask ( )10.A. baby B. sister C. father D. mother 五、阅读理解If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you don t, you may get lost. If you get lost, this is what you should do. Sit down and stay where you are. Don t try to find your friends-let them find you. You can help them to

50、 find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. You can shout or whistle( 吹口哨 )three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal(信号 )given three times is a call for help. Keep up the shouting or whistling, always three ti

51、mes together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal is given twice. It is an answer to a call for help. If you don t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house-cover up

52、 the hole with branches with lots of leaves. Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass. When you need some water, you have to leave your little branch house to look for a stream( 小溪 ). Don t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk in order to find the way back. When you are

53、 lost, the most important thing to do is to stay in one place. 1. If you get lost in the forest, you should . A. just cry and shout B. walk around the forest and shout 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 15 of 16 C. stay in one place to give signals D. build a house 2. How to let people believe that you are not

54、just making noise for fun? You should . A. shout that you are lost B. keep up either shouting or whistling always three times together C. shout or whistle only one D. deep silent 3. When you heard two shouts or two whistles you know that . A. the birds are singing B. something will happen C. somethi

55、ng terrible will happen D. people will come to help you 4. When you are lost in the forest but you want to leave your place to get some water, what should you do? A. Pick up small branches B. Look for a bottle C. Leave marks as you go to a stream in order to find your way back D. Make a hole in the ground 5. This article tells you . A. what you should do if you are lost in the forest B. what you should do if you want to get some water from a stream C. how to spend the night in the forest D. how to find food and clothes in the forest 小学英语 .形容词副词第1 讲教师版Page 16 of 16



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