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1、外研版必修三外研版必修三Book3m3-the-Book3m3-the-violence-of-nature-reading-violence-of-nature-reading-公公开开课 1. What are some violence of nature?2. Describe the 5.12 earthquake which occurred in 2008 in China.Task:floodhurricanelightningthunderstormsandstormtornadoearthquaketyphoontsunami/tidal wavevolcanic erup

2、tion洪水飓风闪电雷暴沙尘暴龙卷风地震台风海啸火山喷发Disasters of NaturewhatearthquakefloodsandstormVolcanic Eruptiontsunamidroughtfiretornadohurricanestrikebreak outoccurtake placelast for. hit happenwhatskimmingTip1: When you read, read the subtitles first.a rotating column of airstrong tropical storms1900 Galveston hurri

3、canedamageon average 800cause waves, rain and floods1925Killed 6,000 destroy 3,600 buildingTornadoes can _ _ cars, trains and even houses and put them down elsewhere,can _ the fur _ the back of a cat and can _ houses, but _ the furniture inside exactly where it was.What damage do the tornadoes do to

4、 the other things?pick up This afternoon, I picked up the radio lying on the desk to pick up the English news. Its over the radio that I pick up English every day. After that, it was time for me to pick up my son from school. So with my car picking up speed, I got to school on time._ _ _ _ _ 拾起,拿起拾起

5、,拿起无意中学会无意中学会收听,接收收听,接收(开车)接某人(开车)接某人加速加速Task1: Make a dialogue about tornado.A: How many tornadoes occur each year in the US and what damage do they cause?B: A: What occurred in 1925?B: .A: What about the results?B: .A:What do you think of this disaster?B: .terrible/terrifying/dreadful/ frightening

6、/unfortunateTask3: Even though they buildingsroadswaterelectricitypeoplefall downbe distroyed/ ruinedbe blocked/ destroyedbe cut offinjured/ killed/ hurt / buriedbe trapped in/ be caught inlose ones lifedamageDisasters happening in the USA The worst tornado _ hit the America in 1925, _ three US stat

7、es. By the time it ended, more than 700 people _ and 2700 _. of all timeaffectinghad been killedhad been injuredBy then, he _ (lose) all his confidence.By the time they arrived, hundreds of houses _ (catch) fire by the earthquake.时间状语时间状语by then, by that time, until then,by the end of 2010,before 20

8、00,by the time +句子句子(过去式)过去式)1.She returned home ,but _(find) all the furniture _(ruin) by the flood.2. When the hurricane ended, several buildngs in the town _(destory).3.Tom was surpried when he arrived home because the thunderstorm _(take) the feathers off his chicken.had losthad caughtfoundhad b

9、een ruinedhad been takenhad been destroyedDisasters happening in the USA The worst tornado _ hit the America in 1925, _ three US states. By the time it ended, more than 700 people _ and 2700 _. 2008年年5月月12日,地震发生日,地震发生在汶川,殃及了周围很在汶川,殃及了周围很多县市。截止到结束,多县市。截止到结束,69,227人遇难,人遇难,374,643人受伤,人受伤,17,923人失踪。人失踪。

10、建筑被毁,交通受阻,建筑被毁,交通受阻,水电被切断。水电被切断。The earthquake happening in Wenchuang The eathquake hit Wenchuang on the 12th May 2008, affecting many cities around. By the time it ended, 69,227 people had been killed , 374,643 had been injured and17,923people had been lost. Buildings were destroyed.The traffic was

11、 blocked and the supply of water and electricity were cut off.of all timeaffectinghad been killedhad been injuredNatural disasterwhereresponsewhenwhatdamage buildings roads water electricity deaths the injuredthe governmentorganizations common people Homework: writing根据下面的提示写一篇120-150词的短文,可适当增添细节。20

12、08年5月12日,一次特大地震袭击了汶川,数以万计的人员伤亡,更有许多人无家可归。震后,交通阻断,水电供应也中断了,灾区情况严峻。消息传出后,全国人民纷纷伸出援助之手,众多国家捐钱捐物,帮助灾区人们渡过难关。Disasters happening in the USA The worst tornado _(有史以来)有史以来)hit the America in 1925, _(影响)(影响)three US states. By the time it ended, more than 700 people _ (死亡)(死亡)and 2700 _(受伤受伤). affectinghad

13、been killedhad been injured. of all time_By then, he _ (lose) all his confidence.By the time they arrived, hundreds of houses _ (catch) fire by the earthquake.时间状语时间状语by then, by that time, until then,by the end of 2010,before 2000,by the time +句子句子(过去式)过去式)1.She returned home ,but _(find) all the f

14、urniture _(ruin) by the flood.2. When the hurricane ended, several buildngs in the town _(destory).3.Tom was surpried when he arrived home because the thunderstorm _(take) the feathers off his chicken.had losthad caughtfoundhad been ruinedhad been takenhad been destroyedBy then, he _ (lose) all his

15、confidence.By the time he finished it , he _(know) nothing about it.时间状语时间状语by then, by that time, until then,by the end of 2010,before 2000,by the time +句子句子(过去式)过去式)1.She returned home ,and _(find) all the furniture _(ruin) by the flood.2. When I got on the bus, I realized that I _(leave) my walle

16、t at home.3.She stared at the painting ,wondering when she _(see) it .had losthad knownfoundhad been ruinedhad lefthad seen Charles Coghlan a nineteenth-century Irish actorCanadaNew YorkGalvestonPrince Edward IslandcoffinCharles Coghlanmoved towhere famouslate 1890sdied in 1899ended up in the sea An

17、 Extraordinary Eventwhowent to livehad moved towhere1900 hurricane?had carried travelled back toPart3: a story about the worst hurricane - 1900 Galveston hurricame. A violent earthquake hit Wen Chuan on the 12th May 2008, causing about millions of deaths and injuries. Whats worse, many people became

18、 homeless. As a result, the traffic was blocked and the supply of water and electricity was cut off. Hearing the news, people all over the world came to help. To help them move out of the difficulty, some countries donated money while others gave clothes and food. In the face of the terrifying snow

19、disaster, the Chinese people were not afraid and united like a big family. Thanks to everyones hard work, everything is back to normal again. CanadaNew YorkGalvestonPrince Edward IslandcoffinCharles Coghlanmoved tofamouslate 1890sdied in 1899stream1900 hurricane ended in the seaAn Extraordinary Even

20、tLearn to make beautiful sentencesTornadoes are rotating columns of air from thunderstorms to the ground, _.( (经常发生在美国经常发生在美国) )地震经常发生在多山地带(地震经常发生在多山地带(mountainousmountainous),由于),由于地球不断运动产生的地球不断运动产生的. .Earthquakes ,which usually occur in themountainous area, are caused because the earth moves const

21、antly . which usually occur in the US Read Part I quickly and have a discussion.1.What occurred in 1925?2.What about the result of this disaster?What damage do the tornadoes do to the other things?Tornadoes can _ _ cars, trains and even houses and put them down elsewhere,can _ the fur _ the back of

22、a cat and can _ houses, but _ the furniture inside exactly where it was. pick uptakeoffdestroyleaveWork with your partner and make a dialogue about the worst hurricane.A: What occurred on the 8th September 1900 in Galveston?B: .A: What about the speed of the winds?B: A: How many people were killed i

23、n this disaster?B: .A: How many buildings were destroyed ?B: .A: What do you think of this disaster?B: .terrible/terrifying/dreadful/ frightening/unfortunateWhen did he die?What occurred in 1900?How did the hurricane affect him?Where was the coffin?Skimming (略读略读)cemetery coffinIn 1890strikeend up i

24、n Expressions to describe response to disastersHearing the news, people throughout China showed their love in different ways.The government took immediate action. A great many soldiers were sent there to rescue(拯救)(拯救) the people from danger.lots of volunteers offered help.People in other parts of C

25、hina also donated a lot of money. Large quantities of food, tent, and medicine were sent to the stricken area for free .give first aid (急救急救) , rebuild Homework: writing根据下面的提示写一篇120-150词的短文,可适当增添细节。2008年5月12日,一次特大地震袭击了汶川,数以万计的人员伤亡,更有许多人无家可归。震后,交通阻断,水电供应也中断了,灾区情况严峻。消息传出后,全国人民纷纷伸出援助之手,众多国家捐钱捐物,帮助灾区人们

26、渡过难关。vThe boy picked up a stone and threw it at the window.vYou need a short-wave radio to pick up BBC program.vI believe things will pick up soon.vHe has picked up some bad habits.vHe picked up a foreign language when he was abroad.vShall I pick you up at the station?vt.vt.捡起捡起vt.vt.接收,收听接收,收听vi vi

27、情况好情况好转转vtvt沾染沾染vt vt 偶然学会(语言,技术等)偶然学会(语言,技术等) vt接某人上车接某人上车- When did you _ English? - When I was in college. A.pick up B. take up B.C. turn up D. put upCreate word webs for the following two terms and find all the words that are related to them.disasterstrikebreak outoccurtake placelast hit happend

28、amageinjure /hurt /kill cause/ affect block/cut off be trapped in / be caught in get into trouble destroy /damage / ruin lose ones life Complete the following sentencesThe worst earthquake _(发生)the United States in 1906,_(导致)the worst fires in the nations history.The fires _ three days, which _a tot

29、al of 25,000 buildings.The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,_ (影响)three US states.By the time it ended, more than 700 people _ (死亡)and 2700 _(受伤).The traffic _ and the supply of water and electricity _.occurred in/happened in/hit/struckcausinglasteddestroyedaffectinghad been killedhad been

30、 injuredwas blockedwere cut off1 .The worst earthquake_ (发生在)(发生在)the United States in 1906,_(导致)(导致)the worst natural disaster in the nations history.2.The Wenchuan earthquakes_(破坏(破坏整个城市),整个城市),_(8万多人万多人死亡)死亡),with thirty thousand people injured,and making five million people homeless. 3.The hurri

31、cane _(持续了(持续了3天),天),which_(真是可怕)(真是可怕). happened inoccurred in /hit /struckcausingresulting indestroyed the whole citykilling more than eighty thousand peoplewith more than eighty thousand people dyinglasted /continued for three dayswas terrifying/terrible/awfulComplete the following sentences4 .Th

32、e winds in _(最肆虐)(最肆虐)tornado can reach up to more then 400 kilometers per hour.5.The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925,_(影响了美国三个州)(影响了美国三个州). 6.Hurricanes are strong _(热带风暴热带风暴).7.When the lava reached the sea ,there was the possibility of a huge tidal wave ,which_(能淹没半个岛能淹没半个岛)8.Tens of t

33、housands of people _(被困(被困在)在)the earthquake stricken areas.9.People at home and abroad _(伸出援助之手伸出援助之手).the most violentaffecting three American statestropical stormsflooded half the islandwere trapped/stuck/ inoffered their help/extended their handsComplete these sentences related to disasters with

34、 proper tense and voice 1.By the time it ended ,more than700 people_ _(die/kill) and 2,700 people_(injure)2.After the hurricane ,mary_ (see) that the roof of the house_(disappear).3.She _(return) home ,and _(find) all the furniture _(ruin) by the flood.4.We _(leave) the house,when the thunderstorm _

35、(finish) 5.When she _(weak up ),she_(find) that her house _(destroy) by the thundersdorm.6.Arther was unhappy because some of his animals_(kill/die).had died/had been killedhad been injuredhad disappearedreturnedfoundhad been ruinedlefthad finishedwoke upfoundhad been destroyedhad been killed /had d

36、iedsawChoose the words for transition(过渡词)(过渡词) to complete the sentencesluckily unfortunately thankfully hopefully sadly fortunately1 _, they left the house before it collapsed.2 _, many people lost their lives.3_, many people showed their love to the survivors. 4 _, it wont be long before everything returns to normal.Luckily/FortunatelySadly/UnfortunatelyThankfullyHopefully谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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