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1、Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the starsAstronomyAstronomy is the scientific study of the universe and the heaven bodies (such as the sun, the moon, and stars), gas, and dust within it. Solar system 水星最接近太阳,是太阳系中第二小行星。水星的英文名字Mercury来自罗马神墨丘利。墨丘利也就是希腊神话中的Hermes。或许由于水星在空中移动得快,才使它得到这个名字。 金星是离太阳第二近,太阳系

2、中第六大行星。古希腊人称之为Aphrodite(阿芙罗狄蒂),是希腊神话中爱与美的女神。而在罗马神话中爱与美的女神是维纳斯Venus,因此金星也称做“维纳斯”。 地球是距太阳第三颗,它是太阳系类地行星中最大的一颗,也是太阳系第五大行星,行星年龄估计大约有45亿年(4.5109)。地球是唯一一个不是从希腊或罗马神中得到的名字。Earth一词来自于古英语及日耳曼语。这里当然有许多其他语言的命名。在罗马神话中,地球女神叫Tellus肥沃的土地。 火星为距太阳第四远,也是太阳系中第七大行星。因为火星在夜空中看起来是血红色的,所以在西方,以罗马神话中的战神Mars命名它。 天王星是太阳系中离太阳第七远行

3、星,颜色为灰蓝色,是一颗巨型气体行星(Gas Giant)。以直径计算,天王星是太阳系第三大行星;天王星的命名,是取自希腊神话的天神乌拉诺斯Uranus。乌拉诺斯是古希腊神话中的宇宙之神,是最早的至高无上的神。他是该亚的儿子兼配偶,是Cronus(农神土星)、独眼巨人和泰坦(奥林匹斯山神的前辈)的父亲。 海王星为太阳系九大行星中的第八个,是一个巨行星。目前海王星是太阳系内离太阳第二远的行星。海王星的名字是罗马神话中的海神涅普(Neptune)。古希腊神话中海神叫波塞冬 (Poseidon)。 木星是离太阳第五颗行星,而且是最大的一颗。木星是天空中第四亮的物体。木星是自转最快的行星。在西方称它为

4、朱庇特Jupiter,是罗马神话中的众神之王,相当于希腊神话中的宙斯(Zeus)。 土星是离太阳第六远的行星。是太阳系中仅次于木星的第二大行星。中国古代称之为镇星或填星。土星的英文名字Saturn(以及其他绝大部分欧洲语言中的土星名称)是以罗马神的农神萨杜恩命名的。希腊神话中的农神Cronus是Uranus(天王星)和该亚的儿子,也是宙斯的父亲。 In Chinese culture_ separates the sky from the earth.Pangu 盘古盘古skyearthPangu turns into a myriad of thingsbreathvoiceLeft eye

5、Right eyebloodveinsWinds and cloudsthunder the sunThe riversThe roadsThe moon In Chinese culture_ made human beings.Nuwa (女娲女娲)In western countries:_ created the world and all living things.God (上帝上帝)The Biblical Accountn nIn the beginning God created the heavens and the In the beginning God created

6、 the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, darkness earth. The earth was formless and empty, darkness was the surface of the spirit of God was hovering was the surface of the spirit of God was hovering over the water. And God said”over the water. And God said”Day1: created Day and

7、 NightDay1: created Day and NightDay2: created sky and oceanDay2: created sky and oceanDay3: created dry land Day3: created dry land Day4: created the sun, moon and starsDay4: created the sun, moon and starsDay5: created living creatures in air and seaDay5: created living creatures in air and seaDay

8、6: created land animals and manDay6: created land animals and manDay7: God rested and blessed this day calling it HolyDay7: God rested and blessed this day calling it HolyMain BodyParagraph 1:Paragraph 2:Paragraph 3:Paragraph 4:Paragraph 5: A widely accepted theory about the formation of the univers

9、e The formation of the earth The importance of water for life The development of plants and animals on the earth The arrival of humans and their impact on the earthTo seek key wordsPut the events into a timeline. 1. Insects and amphibians 1. Insects and amphibians appeared. appeared.3. The earth bec

10、ame a solid 3. The earth became a solid ball. ball.5. Reptiles appeared.5. Reptiles appeared.7. The earth was a cloud of 7. The earth was a cloud of dust. dust.9. Shellfish and other fish 9. Shellfish and other fish appeared. appeared.11. Clever animals with 11. Clever animals with hands and feet ap

11、pearedhands and feet appeared. .Keys: 10 7 3 8 4 9 6 1 5 2 12 112. Dinosaurs appeared.4. Small plants grew on the water.6. Plants began to grow on dry land.8. Water appeared on the earth.10. The universe began with a “Big Bang”.12. Mammals appeared.Development of Life (1)1.(Big Bang): The earth was

12、still a cloud of _. 2.(between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago): The dust settled into a solid _.3.(explode): water vapor and some other gases were produced and made the earths _. 4.(cool down): _ appeared on the surface. 5.(life began): Arrival of small _ on the surface of the water. Intensive Readin

13、gI. Read the para.2-4 and finish the timeline. dustglobeatmospherewaterplantsDevelopment of Life (2)6. (multiply): The oceans and seas were filled with _and the development of shellfish and other fish were encouraged. 7. (next): Green plants began to grow on _. 8. (followed in time): Land animals such as insects and_. 9. (plants grew into forests): Reptiles appeared. 10. (after that ): Huge animals, called _ developed. 11. (dinosaurs disappeared): It made the rise of _ on the earth possible. I. Read the para.2-4 and finish the timeline. landamphibiansdinosaursmammalsIntensive Readingoxygen



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