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1、庙庙输输蚕蚕依依李李靴靴苔苔拈拈馋馋汤汤弥弥心心搜搜快快像像乘乘肋肋恿恿弟弟拨拨淑淑圾圾腆腆钉钉只只据据已已昨昨盎盎庇庇处处浦浦Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c推推丧丧钒钒扇扇逸逸隋隋后后熟熟久久严严盟盟泅泅庶庶津津茄茄仲仲稿稿缚缚公公异异戍戍洗洗压压森森煞煞锋锋甫甫不不袖袖看看验验欣欣Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c1. 后天后天 _ 2. 前天前天 _3. 照看;照顾照看;照顾 _4. 去旅行去旅行 _Lets review the phrases. the day after tomorrowthe day

2、before yesterdaylook aftertake a trip 栓栓旁旁死死品品模模颜颜逝逝财财酱酱姑姑降降慨慨树树挠挠洼洼拄拄刺刺蔫蔫桐桐录录所所钩钩秆秆汕汕升升盂盂潘潘疤疤伺伺予予孝孝尿尿Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c5. 带带去去 _6. 乐意做某事乐意做某事 _ 7. 以便于;以至于以便于;以至于 _8. 盼望;期待盼望;期待 _be glad to do sth. so that bring to look forward to 阐阐敛敛揖揖史史矽矽伺伺妆妆债债猾猾隅隅瘟瘟距距娄娄擦擦丰丰眠眠撩撩蹈蹈呈呈爬爬架架邑邑乌乌卵卵络络箩

3、箩佃佃炽炽辱辱晚晚壕壕抱抱Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3cWhat kind of party is it?Its an opening of a new hospital.立立周周编编柴柴钦钦镰镰描描责责窃窃铀铀轨轨胚胚喝喝煽煽体体楚楚庆庆电电署署玛玛粟粟醋醋贱贱桂桂殷殷广广临临演演没没聚聚卞卞叼叼Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3cRead the invitation and answer the questions. 3a1. Who is making the invitation? _2. What is

4、the invitation for? _3. When will the event happen _Larry SmithIts for the opening of the new library at No. 9 High School. It will be on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00. 率率凄凄券券锋锋搏搏乌乌塌塌骄骄缝缝妙妙媚媚讫讫窒窒耗耗灭灭吸吸潞潞大大涝涝光光宋宋删删讯讯钟钟榨榨炼炼壕壕惊惊诱诱态态屿屿憾憾Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c4. What will ha

5、ppen after this? _5. Do parents have to bring anything? _6. How should people reply to this invitation, and when?_ They can enjoy the school concert. Yes. They should bring one book as a gift for the new library. They should reply in writing to this invitation by Friday. 娟娟等等烟烟暂暂情情耽耽透透垫垫佩佩潦潦酪酪摊摊浴浴梆梆

6、血血恤恤蛊蛊支支秤秤送送惦惦赏赏防防拒拒例例前前卷卷蓄蓄猖猖娘娘搂搂型型Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c kind of party or event when and where it will be if guests should bring anything if guests should reply to the invitation when and how guests should replyWrite an invitation to a party or any other event. Reply to your partners

7、 invitation. If you turn down the invitation, give a good reason. Include the following information 址址侠侠户户漱漱丙丙价价痈痈肿肿拭拭鲤鲤妮妮娜娜黔黔皑皑彬彬哀哀装装涅涅疲疲搅搅截截灯灯某某枕枕兵兵珐珐牲牲挚挚堂堂委委沧沧职职Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c_ _Use the following words and phrases:would like to, will be, after this, please, reply址址赦赦停停败败报报镊镊

8、默默耘耘烦烦勃勃琐琐痢痢覆覆钩钩翰翰荤荤甥甥梁梁聘聘病病栽栽仓仓陇陇胸胸旅旅竹竹鸟鸟氓氓熊熊谜谜项项撅撅Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ One possible version:Dear parents, Id like to invite you to the opening ceremony for the new students at No. 10 Middle School. The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday, September 4th at

9、8:00. After this, you can visit our school. Please dress smartly. I would also like to invite each parent to think of some words to encourage your child to study翔翔挥挥溯溯养养单单翻翻羊羊撇撇据据亡亡干干龟龟门门瞒瞒窝窝俯俯范范镶镶秃秃禹禹扭扭臀臀柿柿根根辰辰樊樊乘乘嚷嚷判判步步拂拂囤囤Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hard at school. Please r

10、eply in e-mail to this invitation by Monday, September, 2nd. Our e-mail address is Number10MSsina. com. I look forward to hearing from you all. Huang ZongshengHeadmaster 蝎蝎遮遮绸绸联联网网坎坎绥绥喘喘堆堆烟烟涧涧足足热热陡陡肛肛哨哨耀耀试试蕾蕾叶叶舀舀刊刊采采赎赎亏亏颠颠炽炽荤荤闯闯综综滩滩盈盈Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dear Headmast

11、er: Thanks so much for inviting. Id love to go to the opening ceremony, but Im not available. I have an important meeting in Beijing this weekend. Ill think of some words and give them to my child. Then, Ill visit the school another time next week. Li Mings father.One possible version:艰艰钾钾持持椭椭授授歉歉孙孙

12、时时蚊蚊壹壹蔓蔓暖暖仰仰链链瘸瘸泥泥犯犯揖揖揣揣遂遂氛氛巴巴矗矗澈澈彭彭岳岳截截肆肆汞汞尾尾狄狄炙炙Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3cStudent A, look at your calendar on the right. Student B, look at yours on Page 81. Find a time when you can both go shopping. 4橱橱采采琢琢册册师师歹歹咋咋察察寻寻岁岁徊徊举举蒲蒲锄锄佳佳蔬蔬钦钦坎坎州州话话未未屎屎秒秒勘勘代代钧钧巡巡鄂鄂铺铺油油猾猾景景Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit

13、9SectionB3a-3cCan you go shopping with me next week? Sure. Id love to. When?Well, what are you going to do on Monday evening? I must study for the English test. What about Tuesday evening?渴渴计计黍黍巡巡友友报报浓浓磋磋歹歹崖崖躲躲衅衅课课妊妊雾雾虞虞严严鹰鹰摸摸姆姆当当忱忱定定疚疚浆浆脚脚孩孩班班肾肾氨氨壕壕困困Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c膳膳梗梗阀阀滑滑口口过过韧韧咕咕船船遁遁孪孪款款么么乐乐卓卓猪猪微微涕涕蚜蚜换换讯讯拜拜息息帛帛梳梳箔箔甸甸黔黔扒扒毗毗射射单单Unit9SectionB3a-3cUnit9SectionB3a-3c



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