高二英语外研版选修7课件《Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year》2-3 Grammar122张

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1、Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语1attract v.1)吸引吸引A magnet attracts steel.磁石能吸钢铁。磁石能吸钢铁。2)激发;引起激发;引起Does any of these designs attract you?这些设计中有使你感兴趣的吗?这些设计中有使你感兴趣的吗?The new play has attracted a good deal of

2、 criticism.这出新剧招致很多批评。这出新剧招致很多批评。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展1)attraction n. 吸引;吸引力吸引;吸引力I cant see the attraction of sitting on the beach all day.我看不出整天坐在沙滩上有什么意思。我看不出整天坐在沙滩上有什么意思。City life holds few attractions for me.城市生活中没有什么吸引我的东西。城市生活中没有什么吸引我的东西。2)attractive adj. 有吸引力的有吸引

3、力的I dont find him at all attractive.我觉得他一点儿也不讨人喜欢。我觉得他一点儿也不讨人喜欢。Your proposal sounds very attractive.你的建议很动听。你的建议很动听。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接The company is starting a new advertising campaign to_new customers to its stores.Ajoin BattractCstick Dtranfer解解析析:本本题题考考查查了了动动词词的的辨

4、辨析析。句句意意为为:这这家家公公司司正正准准备备举举办办一一个个新新的的广广告告活活动动来来吸吸引引新新的的顾顾客客到到他他们们的的店店里里来。来。attract表示表示“吸引吸引”。答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用The structure of the human body_my attention.AattractedBpaidChaveDfix答案:答案:AModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2keen1)adj.(1)热切的;热情的;热心的热切的;热情的

5、;热心的Im not keen to go again.我不太想再去了。我不太想再去了。Shes keen that we should go.她热情地叫我们去。她热情地叫我们去。(2)灵敏的;敏锐的灵敏的;敏锐的Dogs have a keen sense of smell.狗的嗅觉很灵敏。狗的嗅觉很灵敏。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展keen on sth./sb. 热衷于某事物;对某事物满腔热情热衷于某事物;对某事物满腔热情Im not too keen on jazz.我不太喜欢爵士乐。我不太喜欢爵士乐。Shes n

6、ot very keen on the idea.她对那主张不是很感兴趣。她对那主张不是很感兴趣。Mrs Hills is keen on Toms marrying Susan.希尔太太很希望汤姆能和苏珊结婚。希尔太太很希望汤姆能和苏珊结婚。2)v. 为死者恸哭;哀号为死者恸哭;哀号keening over her murdered son 恸恸哭哭她她那那被被谋谋害害的的儿儿子子Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接Dolly wants to cycle round the world and she is really ke

7、en_the idea.AonBforCatDwith解解析析:题题意意:多多丽丽想想去去环环游游世世界界,并并且且她她很很热热衷衷于于这这一想法。一想法。be keen on“热衷于热衷于,很喜欢,很喜欢”。答案:答案:AModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用单句改错单句改错Mary wasnt keen for moving so far away._答案:答案:foronModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语3consider v.1)考考虑虑;后后可可接接名名词词、代代词词、动动

8、名名词词、从从句句或或“疑疑问问词不定式词不定式”。He is considering changing his job.他在考虑调换一下工作。他在考虑调换一下工作。He considered how he should answer/how to answer.他考虑应如何回答。他考虑应如何回答。2)把把看作;认为;后接看作;认为;后接thatclause或复合宾语。或复合宾语。We consider that the driver is not to blame.我们认为这不是司机的过错。我们认为这不是司机的过错。We dont consider Tom to be our best fr

9、iend.我们并不把汤姆当成我们最好的朋友。我们并不把汤姆当成我们最好的朋友。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展1)be considered as(把某人把某人)看作看作;(被被)认为认为Hes generally considered as the best one here.他被公认为是最好的人选。他被公认为是最好的人选。2)consider(doing)sth. 考虑考虑(做做)某事某事Please consider my suggestion.请考虑我的建议。请考虑我的建议。Hes considering going

10、abroad.他在考虑出国。他在考虑出国。3)consider how/what.to do sth. 考考虑虑如如何何做做/做做什什么么Have you considered how to get there?你考虑好怎样去那儿了吗?你考虑好怎样去那儿了吗?Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语4)consider宾语从句从句Lets consider what use we can make of it.咱咱们考考虑怎怎样利用它。利用它。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析cons

11、ider, regard这两个词都可作这两个词都可作“把把看作;认为看作;认为”解。解。1)consider意意为为“考考虑虑;认认为为”;强强调调经经过过考考虑虑得得出出比比较较客客观观的的看看法法,后后以以to be或或as短短语语作作复复合合宾宾语语时时,to be或或as可省略,后也可接可省略,后也可接that从句。从句。Do you consider that(to be)important?你认为那重要吗?你认为那重要吗?They considered this problem was very important.他们以为这个问题非常重要。他们以为这个问题非常重要。Module

12、2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)regard侧重重通通过表表面面观察察来来判判断断得得出出的的主主观评价价;后可接后可接as,不能接,不能接that从句。从句。I have always regarded him highly.我我总认为他很了不起。他很了不起。Titanic is regarded as his best film so far.“泰坦尼克号泰坦尼克号”被被认为是到目前是到目前为止他拍得最好的影片。止他拍得最好的影片。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接All the s

13、taff in our company are considering_to the city centre for the fashion show.Ato goBgoingCto have gone Dhaving gone解解析析:题题意意:我我们们公公司司的的员员工工都都打打算算到到市市中中心心看看那那场场时时装装秀秀。consider意意为为“考考虑虑,打打算算”时时,后后接接名名词词或或动动名名词词作作宾宾语语;意意为为“认认为为”时时,常常用用于于被被动动语语态态,构构成成be considered to be/as.结构。结构。答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlight

14、s of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用_Tom(to be)fit for the office, the boss_taking him on.AConsider, consideredBConsidering, consideringCConsidering, consideredDConsidered, considering答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语4develop vt. & vi.1)发展;发达发展;发达Theyre going to develop heavy industries.

15、他们打算发展重工业。他们打算发展重工业。2)洗印;显影洗印;显影He is developing a film now.他在冲洗胶卷。他在冲洗胶卷。3)养成;培养养成;培养Hes developed the habit of rising early.他已养成早起的习惯。他已养成早起的习惯。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语4)开开发;建;建设develop a mine 开开矿5)生生长;发育育Seeds develop into plants.种子种子长成植物。成植物。It is very important to develop chil

16、drens body.孩子的身体孩子的身体发育是十分重要的。育是十分重要的。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展develop out of/from. 由由发展起来发展起来develop(.)into(使使)发展成为发展成为development n. 发展;开发发展;开发developed adj. 发达的发达的developing adj. 发展中的发展中的underdeveloped adj. 不发达的不发达的Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接One of

17、the best ways for people to keep fit is to_healthy eating habits.AgrowBdevelopCincreaseDraise解解析析:题题意意:人人们们保保持持健健康康的的最最佳佳途途径径之之一一就就是是培培养养健健康康的的饮饮食食习习惯惯。此此处处与与habit构构成成搭搭配配,意意为为“养养成成习习惯惯”,只只有有develop有有此此用用法法。grow“生生长长”;increase“增增加加”;raise“提高提高”。答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学

18、即用One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to_healthy eating habits.Agrow BdevelopCincrease Draise答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语5activity n. C,常,常 pl.活动;行动;活动;行动;U活跃;活力活跃;活力practical activities 实践活动实践活动political activities 政治活动政治活动a street full of activity 一条充满生气的街道一条充满生气的街道

19、Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展act as 担任;充当担任;充当actor n. 男演员男演员actress n. 女演员女演员active adj. 积极的;活跃的积极的;活跃的be active in(take an active part in). 积积极极参参加加/从从事事Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析act, action, activityact 可可数数名名词词,有有时时可可与与action换换用用,侧侧重重指指短短时时间间内内的单一行动。的

20、单一行动。action 多多指指较较长长时时间间内内多多次次行行动动的的集集合合体体,即即许许多多acts集合而成的复杂行为。集合而成的复杂行为。activity 指指有有组组织织、有有目目的的的的活活动动,如如课课外外活活动动、政政治治活动等。活动等。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Running away is an act/action of cowardice.逃跑是懦弱的行逃跑是懦弱的行为。Her timely action probably saved my life.她及她及时采取的行采取的行动很可能救我一命。很可能救我一命。I

21、m late for supper every night because of afterschool activities.因因为课后活后活动我每天都赶不上吃晚餐。我每天都赶不上吃晚餐。All we need now is action, not an act of discussion.我我们现在要的是行在要的是行动,而不是,而不是讨论。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用(1)We went to Canada to travel and my cousin_as our guide.Aplayed BshowedCact

22、ed Dperformed(2)While a person is asleep, a part of his brain is still_.AactiveBaliveCawakeDaware答案:答案:(1)C(2)AModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语6ability n. U, C能力;才能;本领;技能能力;才能;本领;技能He has got a remarkable ability to get things done.在办事方面,他显示了非凡的能力。在办事方面,他显示了非凡的能力。She has great ability in t

23、eaching English.她有教英文的非凡才干。她有教英文的非凡才干。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展1)to be best of ones ability 尽最大努力尽最大努力2)ability后后可可接接动动词词不不定定式式、介介词词in或或for,但但不不能能接接of doing。译译她有能力做这项工作。她有能力做这项工作。误误She had the ability of doing the work.正正She had the ability to do the work.Module 2 Highlights

24、 of My Senior Year外研版英语3)注意否定前注意否定前缀的不同的不同Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语注意:注意:ability后可接动词不定式、介词后可接动词不定式、介词in或或for,但不,但不能接能接of doing。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析ability, talent这两个词都含有这两个词都含有“能力;才干能力;才干”的意思。其区别是:的意思。其区别是:1)ability指指个个人人表表现现出出来来的的实实际际能能力力,既既可可是是天天赋赋的的

25、,也可是经后天培养而获得的本领。也可是经后天培养而获得的本领。We found him work more suited to his abilities.我们为他找到了更容易发挥他才能的工作。我们为他找到了更容易发挥他才能的工作。He is a man of great musical ability.他是个有卓越音乐才华的人。他是个有卓越音乐才华的人。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)talent主主要要指指生生来来即即有有的的超超群群显著著的的内内在在能能力力,如如在在艺术等方面的特殊才能。等方面的特殊才能。My sister has

26、 a talent for music.我妹妹有音我妹妹有音乐的才能。的才能。He is a man of great talent.他是一个很有才干的人。他是一个很有才干的人。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用Hes_to do the work so well.Aunable BdisableCinability Ddisability答案:答案:AModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语7innocent adj. 天天真真无无邪邪的的;阅阅世世不不深深的的;清清白白的的;无罪的

27、无罪的n. C无罪的人;无辜的人;清白的人无罪的人;无辜的人;清白的人I was very young and very innocent.那时我非常年幼无知。那时我非常年幼无知。In the end the innocent was set free and the criminal was sentenced to death.最后,无辜者被释放,罪犯被判处死刑。最后,无辜者被释放,罪犯被判处死刑。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展be innocent of 没有没有罪罪be guilty of 有有罪罪It is bet

28、ter that ten guilty escape than one innocent suffers.(Shakespeare)宁宁可可让让十十个个罪罪犯犯漏漏网网,不不可可使使一一个个好好人人蒙蒙冤冤。(莎莎士士比比亚亚)Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子不要太天真,竟至相信政客们说的每一句话。不要太天真,竟至相信政客们说的每一句话。Dont _ _ _ as to believe everything the politicians say.答案:答案:be so innocentModule 2 Hig

29、hlights of My Senior Year外研版英语8sob1)v. 啜泣;呜咽;抽噎啜泣;呜咽;抽噎Some children often sob themselves to sleep.有些孩子经常哭泣着睡着了。有些孩子经常哭泣着睡着了。We could hear the child sobbing in the other room.我们听到那间屋子里的小孩在抽抽搭搭地哭着。我们听到那间屋子里的小孩在抽抽搭搭地哭着。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)n. 呜咽;哭泣咽;哭泣The beggar told us a long s

30、ob story before she asked for money.那那个个叫叫花花子子先先给我我们讲了了一一个个长而而催催人人泪泪下下的的故故事事,然后向我然后向我们讨钱。The childs sobs gradually died down.那孩子的啜泣声那孩子的啜泣声渐渐静了下来。静了下来。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展1)sob是是不不规规则则动动词词,其其过过去去式式:sobbed;过过去去分分词词:sobbed;现在分词:;现在分词:sobbing;第三人称单数:;第三人称单数:sobs。2)常用词组:常用词

31、组:sob ones heart out 哭得伤心至极哭得伤心至极sob oneself to sleep 哭着哭着睡着了哭着哭着睡着了sob out 哭泣着诉说哭泣着诉说Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用单句改错单句改错She sobed into her handkerchief._答案:答案:sobedsobbedModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语9multiply v. 乘;使相乘;乘;使相乘;(使使)增加增加Four multiplied by seven is twe

32、ntyeight.7乘乘4等于等于28。When animals have more food, they generally multiply faster.动物如果吃得越多,通常繁殖得也越快。动物如果吃得越多,通常繁殖得也越快。Our problems have multiplied since last year.自去年以来我们的问题增多了。自去年以来我们的问题增多了。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析multiply, increase, enlarge都含都含“增加增加”;“增大增大”的意思。的意思。1)multipl

33、y主主要要指指“增增加加数数量量”;“通通过过繁繁殖殖来来增增加加”;如:;如:Efficiency will be multiplied several times.效率将增加几倍。效率将增加几倍。2)increase是是常常用用词词,指指“(形形状状、大大小小、数数量量、程程度度等的等的)增大增大”,如:,如:increase ones weight(power, debt)增增加加体体重重(权权力力,债债务务)。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语3)enlarge主主要要指指“(大大小小、体体积、范范围、能能力力的的)增增大大”,如:,如

34、:enlarge a house 扩建房屋建房屋即学即用即学即用Im going to get these two pictures_.Amultiplied BenlargedCincreased Draised答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语10upset(upset, upset; upsetting)1)v. 使使(某某人人)心心烦烦意意乱乱,使使(肠肠胃胃)不不适适;打打翻翻;打打扰扰,扰乱;搅乱扰乱;搅乱Im sorry, I didnt mean to upset you.对不起,我没想要让你不高兴。对不起,我没想

35、要让你不高兴。Recent bank failures threaten to upset the entire world economy.近期银行纷纷倒闭,有打乱整个世界经济秩序的危险。近期银行纷纷倒闭,有打乱整个世界经济秩序的危险。Spicy food upsets my stomach.辛辣食物使我肠胃不适。辛辣食物使我肠胃不适。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)adj. 不安的;不快的;心不安的;不快的;心烦意乱的;感到不适的意乱的;感到不适的She was still upset about the argument shed

36、had with Mary.她依然她依然为和和玛丽发生的争生的争论感到感到烦恼。She is really upset over not finding a job.她找不到工作,所以很苦她找不到工作,所以很苦恼。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展1)upset作作形形容容词词时时,可可与与介介词词over/at/about搭搭配配,其其后可接名词、动名词。后可接名词、动名词。2)upset作形容词,作表语,但不能作前置定语。作形容词,作表语,但不能作前置定语。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Y

37、ear外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析bother, trouble, disturb, upsetbother 主要用来指使人麻烦。主要用来指使人麻烦。trouble 比比bother更进一层,意为更进一层,意为“使人苦恼使人苦恼”。disturb 强调强调“打扰;扰乱打扰;扰乱”。upset 主要指主要指“使心烦意乱使心烦意乱”。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用If they develop these new weapons, it will_the balance of power.Akeep BupsetCinterrup

38、t Ddisturb答案:答案:DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语11polish v. 擦光;擦亮;磨光;润色擦光;擦亮;磨光;润色I polished my shoes before I left home.我在出门之前把鞋擦亮了。我在出门之前把鞋擦亮了。His essay needs polishing.他的论文尚需润饰。他的论文尚需润饰。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展polish off 做完做完(工作工作);吃掉;吃掉(食物食物)polish off a big

39、plateful of stew 很快吃完一大盘炖菜很快吃完一大盘炖菜Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语词语辨析词语辨析各种各种“擦擦”的辨异的辨异Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用I_my buttons with a handkerchief.AmoppedBsweptCpolishedDwiped答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英

40、语as far as Im concerned 就我而言就我而言As far as Im concerned you can do what you like.对我个人来说,你怎么做都可以。对我个人来说,你怎么做都可以。I cannot stand her endless complaining. Shes had it as far as Im concerned.她她总总是是怨怨天天尤尤人人,我我真真是是受受不不了了。就就我我而而言言,她她可可是是让人受够了。让人受够了。As far as I am concerned the matter is closed.对我来说,事情已了结。对我来

41、说,事情已了结。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语知识拓展知识拓展concern n. 担担心心;挂挂念念;关关怀怀;利利害害关关系系vt. 涉涉及及;有关于;使关心有关于;使关心She showed a great deal of concern for her sons illness.她非常担心儿子的病情。她非常担心儿子的病情。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Were concerned that they may have got lost.我我们担心他担心他们会迷路呢。会迷路呢。be

42、 concerned about/for 担担忧;关心;关心be concerned with 与与有关有关concern oneself with sth. 关心;关切;忙于;关心;关切;忙于;从事从事have no concern with 同同无关无关show concern for sb. 关心某人关心某人concerning prep. 关于关于We had several discussions concerning the matter.关于关于这事,我事,我们已已讨论过好几次。好几次。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Modul

43、e 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用What the public is_about is whether medical workers and scientists will be able to find a cure for the new disease in a short time.AconcerningBconcernCconcerned Dto concern答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Y

44、ear外研版英语1To help students develop these social skills, schools offer a large number of afterschool activities, in other words, activities that take place outside classroom lessons.为为帮帮助助学学生生发发展展这这些些社社交交技技能能,学学校校安安排排了了大大量量的的课课外活动,即在教室里上完课后进行的活动。外活动,即在教室里上完课后进行的活动。1)To help students develop these soci

45、al skills是是不不定定式式作作目目的的状状语语;activities that take place ouside classroom lessons此此处处起起同同位位语语的的作作用用,来来进进一一步步说说明明什什么么是是课课外外活活动。动。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)in other words在在句句中中作作插插入入语,意意为“换句句话说;换言之言之”。如:。如:In other words I dont have to send it by air mail, right?换句句话说我不必把它航空我不必把它航空邮寄了,

46、寄了,对吗?In other words, our forces, although small at present, will grow very rapidly.这就就是是说,现在在我我们虽只只有有一一点点小小小小的的力力量量,但但是是它它的的发展会是很快的。展会是很快的。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接(1)(2010辽辽宁宁)We were astonished_the temple still in its original condition.Afinding Bto findCfind Dto be found

47、解解析析:句句意意:我我们看看到到寺寺庙仍仍然然是是原原来来的的样子子,我我们感到非常吃惊。此感到非常吃惊。此处考考查不定式作原因状不定式作原因状语。答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(2)(2010重重 庆庆 )Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one_first is the library.Arepaired Bbeing repairedCrepairing Dto be repaired解解析析:本本题考考查非非谓语动词。根根据据本本句句的的结构构来来看

48、看,是是需需要要一一个个定定语来来修修饰“the one”,而而根根据据句句意意,是是“第第一一个个需需要要修修建建的的”建建筑筑,那那既既是是将将来来时态,又又表表达达被被动,故故选D。本本句句的的句句意意:本本市市有有大大量量需需要要修修建建的的楼楼房房,而而第第一一个个需需要要修建的修建的则是是图书馆。答案:答案:DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(3)(2009全全国国)The children all turned_the famous actress as she entered the classroom.Alooked at

49、Bto look atCto looking at Dlook at解解析析:句句意意为“当当那那位位著著名名的的女女演演员走走进了了教教室室,所所有有的的孩孩子子都都转过头去去看看她她。”turn to 表表示示“转向向;求求助助”的的意意思。但此思。但此处turn意意为“转身身”,其后的不定式表目的。,其后的不定式表目的。答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(4)(2009北北京京)All of them try to use the power of the workstation_information in a more

50、effective way.Apresenting BpresentedCbeing presented Dto present解解析析:本本题题意意:为了了更更有有效效地地提提供供信信息息,他他们都都在在竭竭力力使使用用工工作作站站的的权限限。本本题考考查不不定定式式短短语担担任任目目的的状状语。答案:答案:DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(5)(2009辽辽宁宁)_, you need to give all you have and try your best.ABeing a winner BTo be a winnerCBe a

51、winner DHaving been a winner解解析析:考考查非非谓语动词的的用用法法。根根据据后后句句“你你需需要要付付出出一一切切并并尽尽你你最最大大努努力力”可可知知还没没有有成成为胜者者,故故排排除除A和和D;Be a winner是是祈祈使使句句,后后面面应接接连词;to be a winner为目的状目的状语,“为了成了成为一名一名胜者者”。答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(6)(2009江江苏苏)Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 colleg

52、e graduates this year as shortterm teachers, almost three times the number hired last year,_ reduce unemployment pressures.Ahelp Bto have helpedCto help Dhaving helped解解析析:考考查非非谓语动词。去去掉掉almost three times the number hired last year不不难看看出出此此处应用用不不定定式式短短语表表示示目的。目的。答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My Seni

53、or Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用(1)(2009天天津津)_the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.ACompleting BHaving completedCTo have completed DTo complete答案:答案:DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(2)(2008湖湖南南)_the project as planned, well have to work two more hours a day.ACompleting BCompleteCCo

54、mpleted DTo complete答案:答案:DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2so are the afterschool activities是是常常用用的的部部分分倒倒装装句句型型,表表示示“课课外外活活动动也也一一样样”。sobe(have,助助动动词词或或情情态态动动词词)(另另一一)主主语语,表表示示前前面面所所说说的的情情况况也也同同样样适用于另一人或物。适用于另一人或物。She is a student, so am I.她是学生,我也是。她是学生,我也是。I can speak English. So can he.

55、我会说英语,他也会。我会说英语,他也会。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语I saw the film last week. So did she.上星期我看了上星期我看了这部部电影,她也看了。影,她也看了。当当前前面面的的句句子子是是并并列列句句时,说明明“另另一一人人/物物也也同同样”则必必须用用so/it is/was with.或或It is/was the same with.句型。句型。用用“so/be(have,助助动词或或情情态动词)(另另一一)主主语”是是肯肯定定句句 , 且且 只只 有有 一一 个个 谓 语 。 若若 前前

56、一一 句句 为 否否 定定 句句 , 则 用用“neither(nor)be/have/助助动词/情情态动词(另另一一)主主语”表表示示“也不一也不一样”。I have never been abroad, neither has he.我从未出我从未出过国,他也没有。国,他也没有。I didnt stay at home yesterday, nor did she.我昨天没在家,她也没在家。我昨天没在家,她也没在家。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接(2008辽辽宁宁)Bill wasnt happy about the d

57、elay of the report by Jason, and_.AI was neither Bneither was ICI was either Deither was I解解析析:考考查句句式式。“neither/nor倒倒装装句句”表表示示“另另外外一一个个人人也也不不”。句句意意:比比尔尔对杰杰森森晚晚交交报告告感感到到不不悦悦,我也不高我也不高兴杰森杰森这么做。么做。答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接My room gets very cold at night._.ASo is mine BSo

58、mine isCSo does mine DSo mine does解解析析:题题意意:“我我的的房房间间晚晚上上很很冷冷。”“”“我我的的也也是是。”当当表表示示前前者者情情况况也也适适用用于于后后者者时时应应用用“so助助动动词词/情情态态动词主语动词主语”结构,与结构,与 get对应的助动词是对应的助动词是do。答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语即学即用即学即用(1)Its burning hot today, isnt it?Yes. _yesterday.ASo was it BSo it wasCSo it is DS

59、o is it(2)I reminded you not to forget the appointment._.ASo you didBSo do notCSo did you DSo do I答案:答案:(1)A(2)AModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语一、表语从句一、表语从句表表语语从从句句是是用用作作表表语语的的句句子子,一一般般放放在在主主句句的的谓谓语语动动词词(连系动词连系动词)之后。之后。1引导表语从句的连词主要有以下几类:引导表语从句的连词主要

60、有以下几类:1)从属从属连词引引导表表语从从句句的的从从属属连词有有两两个个:that和和whether。that和和whether在在表表语从从句句中中不不作作任任何何成成分分,that无无实义,但但whether仍保留仍保留“是否是否”的意的意义。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语The reason for your mistake is that you lack confidence in yourself.你犯你犯错误的原因是你本身缺乏信心。的原因是你本身缺乏信心。The question is whether we can red

61、uce the cost of the product.问题是我是我们能否降低能否降低产品的成本。品的成本。注意:注意:一般不能用一般不能用if引引导表表语从句,而用从句,而用whether取代。取代。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)连接代接代词引引导表表语从从句句的的连接接代代词主主要要有有who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whomever, whosever, whatever, whichever等,等,连接代接代词在句中要作主在句中要作主语或或宾语。The doubt is who h

62、as got away with the document.疑点就是疑点就是谁拿走了文件。拿走了文件。This is what I am interested in.这就是我所感就是我所感兴趣的。趣的。What I want to know is whose book you are reading.我想知道的是你我想知道的是你读的是的是谁的的书。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语3)连接副接副词引引导表表语从从句句的的连接接副副词主主要要有有when, where, why, how, whenever, wherever, however等

63、等,连接接副副词在在句句中中要要作状作状语。That was where we camped last time.那就是上次我那就是上次我们野野营的地方。的地方。This is why I came late.这就是就是为什么我来晚了的原因。什么我来晚了的原因。The question is however we can do the work better.问题是我是我们究竟如何才能将究竟如何才能将这项工作做得更好。工作做得更好。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语4)其他其他连接接词另另外外,because, as if, as though

64、, as, like等等连接接词也也可可引引导表表语从句。从句。He has heart disease. That is because he has been smoking too much.他有心他有心脏病,病,这是因是因为他抽烟太多了。他抽烟太多了。It is as if we are looking up at the universe from the bottom of a swimming pool.这就好像我就好像我们从游泳池底部看从游泳池底部看这个世界。个世界。Life without an aim is like sailing without a compass.生活

65、没有目生活没有目标就像航海没有就像航海没有罗盘。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2be表语从句表语从句最最常常见见的的表表语语从从句句形形式式就就是是“连连系系动动词词be表表语语从从句句”。My question is however we can find such a plant in this forest.我我们们的的问问题题是是我我们们究究竟竟如如何何才才能能在在这这片片森森林林中中找找到到这这种植物。种植物。The reason for his being absent from the conference was that

66、he was delayed by the accident.他没来开会的原因是他被一场事故耽误了。他没来开会的原因是他被一场事故耽误了。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语This is how we got out of trouble then.这就是当就是当时我我们如何如何摆脱困境的情况。脱困境的情况。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语3其他连系动词表语从句其他连系动词表语从句除除be以以外外,可可用用于于表表语语从从句句的的连连系系动动词词有有seem, look, appear, so

67、und, taste, feel, remain等。等。It looks as if it is going to rain.看来要下雨了。看来要下雨了。It sounds as if you are from the south of the States.听起来你好像来自美国南部。听起来你好像来自美国南部。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语4表语从句中需要注意的问题表语从句中需要注意的问题1)reason作主语时的表语从句作主语时的表语从句主主语语为为名名词词reason时时,表表语语从从句句中中的的连连接接代代词词要要用用that,而不用

68、,而不用why。The reason for such a serious accident is that the driver was too careless and drunk.这这么么严严重重的的交交通通事事故故完完全全是是由由于于司司机机太太粗粗心心,喝喝酒酒太太多造成的。多造成的。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)运用运用连接接词时的注意事的注意事项从从属属连词that在在句句中中不不作作成成分分,也也没没有有实际意意义,在在口口语中中一一般般可可省省略略。而而whether虽然然在在从从句句中中不不作作成成分分,但但含含有有

69、“是是否否”的的意意义。连接接代代词和和连接接副副词在在从从句句中中都都作作成成分分,同同时也也含含有有自自己己的的意意义。连接接代代词和和连接接副副词一一般般都都表表疑疑问,但但what, when, where等等连接接词有有两两种种含含义,一一种种表表示示疑疑问,一一种种表表述述陈述述,相相当当于于the thing that, the time when, the place where等。等。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语This is where( the place where)we found the interest.这就

70、是我就是我们发现的的兴趣所在。趣所在。My topic today is what( the thing that)most scientists are researching.我今天的我今天的话题就是大多数科学家正在研究的就是大多数科学家正在研究的课题。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语3)表表语从句中的虚从句中的虚拟语气气如如 主主 句句 的的 主主 语 是是 idea, advice, suggestion, order, request, requirement等等名名词时,则表表语从从句句的的谓语应用用虚虚拟语气气,即即主主语无无论

71、是是单数数或或复复数数,谓语一一律律用用“(should)动词原形原形”的形式。的形式。My suggestion is that we(should)have a discussion about this matter instead of just laying it aside.我我的的建建议就就是是我我们应当当讨论一一下下这个个问题,而而不不应把把它放在一它放在一边。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接(2008天天 津津 )The last time we had great fun was_we were visit

72、ing the Water Park.AwhereBhowCwhenDwhy解解析析:考考查表表语从从句句的的连接接词。句句意意:我我们最最近近一一次次这么高么高兴是去水上公园玩。由句意和是去水上公园玩。由句意和last time知知选when。答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语二、主语从句二、主语从句在在主主句句中中起起主主语语作作用用的的从从句句称称为为主主语语从从句句。连连接接主主语语从从句句的的连连接接词词主主要要有有三三类类:从从属属连连词词、连连接接代代词词和和连连接接副副词词。从从属属连连词词主主要要有有三三个个:t

73、hat, whether, if。从从属属连连词词在在从从句句不不作作任任何何成成分分。连连接接代代词词在在从从句句中中起起名名词词的的作作用用,作作主主语语、宾宾语语、表表语语、定定语语等等。连连接接副副词词在在从从句句中中起起副副词词的的作用,作状语。作用,作状语。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语1that引导的主语从句引导的主语从句1)that置于句首的主语从句置于句首的主语从句从从属属连连词词that在在主主语语从从句句中中不不作作任任何何成成分分,只只起起连连接接从句的作用。从句的作用。That he will come to th

74、e conference has excited every one of us.他要来参加会议使我们每一个人都十分激动。他要来参加会议使我们每一个人都十分激动。That in some countries women are still treated unequally is unfair.在一些国家妇女仍然受到不平等对待是不公平的。在一些国家妇女仍然受到不平等对待是不公平的。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2)形式主形式主语it替代主替代主语从句从句常常见的的it替代主替代主语从句的句式主要有如下几种:从句的句式主要有如下几种:(1)I

75、t系系动词形容形容词that从句从句用于用于这种种结构的形容构的形容词常常见的有:的有:necessary 必要的必要的right正确的正确的likely 可能的可能的 unlikely 不可能的不可能的wrong 错误的的 important 重要的重要的certain 明确的明确的 clear 清晰的清晰的obvious 明明显的的 strange 奇怪的奇怪的natural 自然的自然的Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语It is certain that most of the farmers have brought in more

76、money by all means.很明很明显大多数大多数农民通民通过各种方式各种方式赚了很多了很多钱。It is likely that there will be a snowstorm tomorrow.很可能明天会有一很可能明天会有一场暴暴风雪。雪。提提示示:在在It is necessary/important/strange/naturalthat从从句句结构构中中,从从句句中中谓语动词常常用用“should动词原原形形”形式,其中形式,其中should也可省略。也可省略。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(2)It系系动词名名词

77、that从句从句常用于常用于这种句型的名种句型的名词有:有:a pity 遗憾憾 a shame 遗憾;耻辱憾;耻辱good news 好消息好消息 a fact 事事实an honour 荣耀荣耀 a wonder 奇迹奇迹It is a pity that you didnt attend the lecture yesterday.你昨天没参加你昨天没参加讲座真是座真是遗憾。憾。Its no wonder that youve achieved so much success.难怪你取得了怪你取得了这么多成功。么多成功。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Y

78、ear外研版英语(3)Itbe动词的的ed形式形式that从句从句常用于常用于这种种结构的构的动词ed形式有:形式有:said 据据说 told有人告有人告诉heard 有人听有人听说 reported 据据报道道decided 作出决定作出决定 suggested 有人建有人建议advised 有人建有人建议 ordered 根据命令根据命令It is said that the professor has already succeeded in carrying out this experiment.据据说这位教授已位教授已经成功地完成了成功地完成了这个个实验。Module 2 Hig

79、hlights of My Senior Year外研版英语提提示示:在在Itbesuggested/advised/ordered/requested/insisted/requiredthat从从句句的的结结构构,that从从句句的的谓谓语语应应用用“should动动词词原原形形”,should也可省略。也可省略。3)It特殊动词特殊动词that从句从句It seems to me that you object to the plan.在我看来,你好像反对这个计划。在我看来,你好像反对这个计划。It happened to me that I had been away when he

80、called.他打电话时,我正好不在家。他打电话时,我正好不在家。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语提提示示:that引引导导的的主主语语从从句句可可用用形形式式主主语语it替替代代,将将it前前置置,作作形形式式主主语语,而而把把that从从句句置置于于句句尾尾。从从句句放放于于句句首首时时that不不可可省省略略,从从句句放放于于句句尾尾时时that一一般般不不能能省省略略,口口语中偶尔可以省略。如语中偶尔可以省略。如1)中两句可变为:中两句可变为:It has excited every one of us(that)he will co

81、me to the conference.他能来参加这个会议使我们每个人都很激动。他能来参加这个会议使我们每个人都很激动。It is unfair(that)in some countries women are still treated unequally.在有些国家妇女仍然受到不平等对待是不公平的。在有些国家妇女仍然受到不平等对待是不公平的。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2if/whether引导的主语从句引导的主语从句Whether the work can be completed on time is doubtful.It i

82、s doubtful whether the work can be completed.It is doubtful if the work can be completed.这项工作能否按时完成还没定呢。这项工作能否按时完成还没定呢。提提示示:whether引引导导的的主主语语从从句句可可置置于于句句首首,但但由由if引引导的主语从句不能置于句首,只能放于句末。导的主语从句不能置于句首,只能放于句末。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语3wh类连接词引导的主语从句类连接词引导的主语从句wh类类连连接接词词包包括括wh类类的的连连接接代代词词(

83、who, whom, whose, what, whoever, whomever, whosever, whatever等等)和和连连接接副副词词(when, where, how, why, whenever, wherever, however等等)。what, when和和whever类类的的词词有有时时也也可可不不表表示示疑问。疑问。wh类类连连接接副副词词或或连连接接代代词词引引导导的的主主语语从从句句可可放放于于句句首也可放于句尾,放于句尾需要用形式主语首也可放于句尾,放于句尾需要用形式主语it代替代替wh从句。从句。Module 2 Highlights of My Senio

84、r Year外研版英语Whoever will be in charge of the project hasnt been decided yet.谁来来负责这项工工程程还没没有有决决定定。(可可转化化为It hasnt been decided yet whoever will be in charge of the project.)What we cant get seems better than what we already have.我我们得得不不到到的的东西西似似乎乎比比我我们拥有有的的东西西好好。(不不可可转化化为It seems better than what we h

85、ave what we cant get.)Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语高考链接高考链接(1)(2010北北 京京 )_some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.AWhetherBWhatCThatDHow解解析析:题意意:一一些些人人认为是是缺缺陷陷的的东西西而而在在另另一一些些人人眼眼里里却却是是长处。此此题考考查主主语从从句句的的用用法法。what 此此处表表示示“的的东西西/事事物物”,相相当当于于“the thing(s) that”,引引

86、导主主语从句,在主从句,在主语从句中作从句中作regared 的的宾语。答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(2)(2010浙浙江江)It is uncertain_side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it.Athat Bwhat Chow Dwhether解解析析:句句意意:尽尽管管大大约有有两两千千人人已已经服服用用了了这种种药,但但它它能能带来来什什么么样的的副副作作用用还不不确确定

87、定。what side effect“什什么么样的副作用的副作用”。答案:答案:BModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(3)(2009天天津津)It is obvious to the students_they should get well prepared for their future.Aas Bwhich Cwhether Dthat解解析析:考考查主主语从从句句。It is obvious thatclause“显而而易易见;一一目目了了然然”。句句意意:“学学生生们很很明明白白他他们应该为未来做好充分的准未来做好充分的准备”。答案

88、:答案:DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(4)(2008上上 海海 )It has been proved_eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.Aif Bbecause Cwhen Dthat解解析析:本本题题意意:已已经证实童童年年时期期食食用用蔬蔬菜菜有有助助于于晚晚年年保保护自自己己身身患患严重重的的疾疾病病。It has been proved that.为主主语从句,表示从句,表示“已

89、已经证明明” 。答案:答案:DModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(5)(2008浙浙江江)_wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.AAnyone BThe one CWhoever DWho解解析析:考考查主主语从从句句。whoever意意为“任任何何人人,无无论谁”,引引导主主语从从句句,作作从从句句_wants to stay in a hotel 的的主主语。anyone意意为“任任何何一一个个人人”。The one意意为“那那人人,某某人人”。都都不不能能引引导宾语从从句句。

90、who意意为“谁”, 引引导主主语从从句含有疑句含有疑问的意味。的意味。答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语(6)(2008山山东东)_was most important to her, she told me, was her family.AIt BThis CWhat DAs解解析析:本本题主主要要考考查主主语从从句句的的用用法法。句句意意为:“她她告告诉我我,对她她来来说最最重重要要的的是是家家庭庭。”she told me为插插入入语,what was most important to her为主主语从从句句,其其中中

91、what又又是主是主语从句的主从句的主语。其他。其他选项无此双重无此双重语法功能。法功能。答案:答案:CModule 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语语法专练语法专练1 See the flags on top of the building? That was_we did this morning.Awhen Bwhich Cwhere Dwhat答案:答案:D解解析析:题题意意:看看到到楼楼顶顶上上的的旗旗子子了了吗吗?那那是是我我们们今今天天上上午午升升上上去去的的。本本题题考考查查表表语语从从句句中中的的连连词词用用法法。所所填填选选项项应应引引

92、起起表表语语从从句句并并在在从从句句中中作作did的的宾宾语语,因因此此A、C不不对对,因因为为它它们们用用作作状状语语。B项项意意为为“哪哪一一个个”,表表达达选选择择意义。意义。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语2One advantage of playing the guitar is_it can give you a great deal of pleasure.Ahow Bwhy Cthat Dwhen答案:答案:C解解析析:题意意:演演奏奏吉吉他他的的一一个个好好处是是它它能能给你你带来来许多多欢乐。此此题考考查表表语从从句句。

93、因因表表语从从句句中中不不缺缺任任何何成成分分,所以所以选择不作任何成分且无不作任何成分且无实义的的连词that引引导该从句。从句。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语3Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer_it was 20 years ago, _it was so poorly equipped.Awhat; whenBthat; whichCwhat; which Dwhich; that答案:答案:A解解析析:题意意:那那个个学学校校发生生了了巨巨大

94、大的的变化化。它它不不再再是是20年年前前装装备设施施很很差差的的学学校校了了。本本题考考查表表语从从句句和和定定语从从句句的的引引导词。第第一一个个空空是是what引引导的的表表语从从句句,第第二二空空是是when引引导的定的定语从句。从句。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语4The place_the bridge is supposed to be built should be_the crossriver traffic is the heaviest.Awhich; where Bat which; whichCat which;

95、where Dwhich; in which答案:答案:C解解析析:本本题考考查从从句句的的引引导词。第第一一句句是是定定语从从句句,表表示示“在在地地方方”,应用用at the place,因因此此此此处用用at which引引导定定语从从句句;第第二二个个空空考考查表表语从从句句的的引引导词,从从句句子子成分分析,引成分分析,引导词在从句中作地点状在从句中作地点状语,故用,故用where。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语5 It is known to all that_you exercise regularly, you wont k

96、eep good health.Aunless BwheneverCalthough Dif答案:答案:A解解析析:题意意:众众所所周周知知,除除非非你你有有规律律地地锻炼,不不然然的的话你你是是不不会会身身体体健健康康的的。本本题考考查连词的的用用法法。在在that引引导的的主主语从从句句中中,unless又又引引导了了一一个个条条件件状状语从从句句,意意为“除非除非”。其他。其他选项意思不合适。意思不合适。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语6_in the regulations that you should not tell other

97、 people the password of your email account.AWhat is required BWhat requiresCIt is required DIt requires答案:答案:C解解析析:此此处构构成成“It ispp.thatclause”句句型型,其其中中it为形形式式主主语,that从从句句为真真正正主主语,谓语动词须用用被被动语态。what不不能能作作形形式式主主语,若若选A项,题干干可可改改写写为What is required in the regulations is that.。Module 2 Highlights of My Sen

98、ior Year外研版英语7After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, _our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.AwhereBwhatCthatDhow答案:答案:B解解析析:本本题考考查主主语从从句句。首首先先排排除除that,因因为主主语从从句句中中缺缺成成分分,that是是不不充充当当成成分分的的;其其次次排排除除A、D,因因为where与与how在在从从句句中中只只能能充充当当状状语成成分分,而而本本句句中中缺缺do的的宾语;what引引导的的是是主主语从从句句,并并在在主主语从

99、从句句中中充充当当及及物物动词do的的宾语。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语8I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesnt matter_that Im talking to.Awho is it Bwho it isCit is who Dit is whom答案:答案:B解解析析:本本题考考查主主语从从句句。第第二二个个and后后的的并并列列分分句句中中的的it作作形形式式主主语,代代替替who引引导的的主主语从从句句,who也也可可用用whom,但但whom和和

100、who都都要要放放在在表表示示强强调结构构的的it is之之前前,可可排排除除C、D。又又因因为是是主主语从从句句,所所以以应用用陈述述句句语序序,故故选B。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语9You can eat food free in my restaurant_you like.Awhenever BwhereverCwhatever Dhowever答案:答案:A解解析析:本本题考考查连词的的用用法法。题意意为:你你随随时可可在在我我的的饭店店免免费进餐餐。B项“无无论何何地地”与与my restaurant矛矛盾盾;C项“无无论什

101、么什么”与与food矛盾;矛盾;D项“然而然而”表表转折,与折,与题意不符。意不符。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语10_man must fear when travelling in space is radiation from the sun.AWhich BHowCWhat DThat答案:答案:C解解析析:从从整整个个句句子子结构构看看,本本句句的的主主语是是一一个个名名词性性从从句句,此此从从句句中中缺缺少少宾语,故故选what;而而which不不符符合合句句意。意。Module 2 Highlights of My Senio

102、r Year外研版英语11The parents try to do everything for their son.Thats_they are mistaken.Awhen BwhereCwherever Dwhenever答案:答案:B解解析析:后后一一句句意意为:那那正正是是他他们的的错误之之所所在在。when表表示示时间,wherever“无无论哪哪里里”,表表示示让步步;whenever“无无论何何时”,表,表让步。步。where在此引在此引导表表语从句。从句。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语12She was ill. Tha

103、ts_she didnt come today.Ahow BbecauseCwhy Dthat答案:答案:C解解析析:从从句句子子的的结构构来来看看,空空格格处应是是表表语从从句句,因因为“She was ill.”已表明了原因,故用已表明了原因,故用why来引来引导表表语从句。从句。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语13_Tom was worried seemed obvious to everyone present at the meeting.AWhat BWhichCThat DHow答案:答案:C解解析析:系系动词seemed之之

104、前前是是一一个个主主语从从句句,Tom was worried是完整的主系表是完整的主系表结构,不缺少任何成分。构,不缺少任何成分。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语14(2010宁宁夏夏银银川川一一中中高高二二期期中中考考试试)The factory produced many famous cars, none of_shipped to foreign countries.A. them B. whichC. it D. what答案:答案:A解解析析:本本题容容易易误选B。容容易易被被认为是是一一个个非非限限制制性性定定语从从句句。理理

105、由由是是none后后面面没没有有并并列列连词and, but。但但是是,ship在在这里里是是一一个个及及物物动词,意意思思为“运运送送到到”,也也就就是是说这里里的的shipped是是一一个个过去去分分词,后后面面的的部部分分是是一一个个独独立立主主格格结构构。如如果果在在shipped前前面面加加一一个个was,则应该选B,构成非限制性定,构成非限制性定语从句。从句。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语15 _they are most interested in is_they can produce more and better car

106、s.AThat; how BWhat; howCWhat; what DThat; that答案:答案:B解解析析:此此题考考查名名词性性从从句句的的用用法法。第第一一个个空空中中的的what引引导主主语从从句句,意意为“的的”,后后面面的的how引引导一一个个表表语从句,意从句,意为“如何生如何生产更多更好的汽更多更好的汽车”。Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year外研版英语同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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