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1、学习必备欢迎下载希望能帮到大家 , 祝好运 ! 巅峰教育 2013 暑假中考班第 二 讲名词(Part 1 )学情反馈 (feedback) (Part 2 )考 / 重/ 难点 (Examination/Important/Difficult points) 1. Examination points :名词的数、名词的所有格、名词词义辨析、名词作定语2. Important points :名词的数、格、辨析3. Difficult points :特殊名词的数(Part 3 )新课导入( Introduction)上节课的句子成分 - 主、宾语(名词)(Part 4 )知识梳理 (kno

2、wledge carding) 一名词的分类:专有名词与普通名词,普通名词分为可数名词与不可数名词(一)可数名词:有单复数之分,表示一个或多个。1.可数名词复数的规则变化情 况构成方法举例注意一般情况加 -s map-maps 以 s, sh, ch, x 结尾加 -es watch-watches 以辅音字母加 y 结尾改 y 为 i 再+ es baby-babies 元音字母+y 结尾的直接+ s 如:boys 部 分 以 辅 音 字母加 o 结尾有生命的 + es 无生命的 + s potatoes/heroes/ tomatoes/negroes/ photos/zoos 以 f,

3、fe, 结尾改 f, fe 为 v + s Knife-knives 有些只能+ s如:Mistakes Knowledge points 1 2 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页学习必备欢迎下载roofs,beliefs,proofs,chiefs,serfs, 但:handkerchiefs/handkerchieves 两种都可以 2.名词复数的不规则变化情况构成方法举例注意元音字母发生变化改 - a 为- e man-men/woman-women spaceman-spacemen walkman-wa

4、lkmans human-humans 改 - oo 为- ee foot-feet/tooth-teeth/goose-geese 单复数同形没有拼写变化Chinese/Japanese fish/sheep/deer Fish 鱼肉 :不可数表多少 :可数 , fish 表种类 :可数 ,fishes 常以复数形式出现的名词trousers/socks/gloves/glasses/shoes 表达量时要借助量词 pair 等表示 “ 某国人 ”单复数同形Chinese/Japanese 词尾 + s Americans/Germans/Russians Australians/Greek

5、s/Indians 改 man 为 men (复合名词 ) Englishman- Englishmen Frenchman- Frenchmen 其他形式Children/ox-oxen/mouse-mice 注意:1. people 作“人们”讲时,看做复数,不能+ s ,谓语动词用复数;family ,class 是集体名词,既指单数又指复数,谓语动词的单复数根据具体的语境而定。2. 有些名词以s 结尾,但表达的意思是单数意义。如:news, maths,physics,the United States. 3. “the +姓氏复数”表示“一家人或夫妇二人”,如: the Greens

6、 格林一家 / 格林夫妇。4. 年份前面加the ,后面加s ,表示年代。如:the 1980 s,20 世纪 80 年代。(二)不可数名词:一般指物质名词、抽象名词等,通常没有复数形式,其前不用冠词a/an 或数词,但可用some ,any ,a lot of ,a little 等来修饰。1 物质名词a. 当物质名词转化为个体名词时为可数。比较: Cake is a kind of food.蛋糕是一种食物。(不可数)These cakes are sweet.这些蛋糕很好吃。(可数)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共

7、10 页学习必备欢迎下载b. 当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,可数。比较: This factory produces steel.(不可数)We need various steels.(可数)c. 当物质名词表示份数时,可数。比较: Our country is famous for tea. 我国因茶叶而闻名。Two teas, please. 请来两杯茶。(书面语语中极少这么用)2抽象名词表示具体的事例时也可数。four freedoms 四大自由the four modernizations 四个现代化物质名词和抽象名词可以借助单位词表一定数量,如:a glass of water /

8、 a piece of advice. 注意:(1)可以修饰不可数名词的词或短语:a lot of ,lots of ,some ,a little ,little (2)常用的不可数名词:food , fish ,air ,milk ,wind 二名词的作用1名词作定语时:名词作定语一般用单数,但也有以下例外。(1)用复数作定语。例如:sports meeting 运动会students reading-room 学生阅览室talks table 谈判桌the foreign languages department 外语系(2)man, woman, gentleman 等作定语时,其单复

9、数以所修饰的名词的单复数而定。men workerswomen teachersgentlemen officials (3)有些原有s 结尾的名词,作定语时,s 保留。goods train (货车) arms produce 武器生产customs papers 海关文件clothes brush 衣刷(4)数词 +名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。例如:two-dozen eggs两打鸡蛋a ten-mile walk 十英里路two-hundred trees 两百棵树a five-year plan.一个五年计划2作主语:English is useful. 3作宾语:He l

10、earns English very hard. 4作表语:Echo is my best friend. 5作宾补:We made him the monitor/president . 6同位语:The boys looked after us girls well. 7作状语:Cicy went to work this morning. 8称呼语:Ladies and gentlemen 三名词的所有格精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页学习必备欢迎下载分类构成方法例子表 示 有 生命 的 名 词所有格在单词

11、名词后加s the teacher s office. / Jacks photo 以-s 结尾的复数名词后要the teachers office. / boys games 不以 s 结尾的复数名词后面加 s the Children s Palace / the Peoples Republic of China 用 and 连接两个并列的单数名词表示共有时,只需在后面一个并列名词词尾加 s 如果不是,则需在各个并列后面分别加上sJohn and Mary s house (房子是属于他们共有的);John s and Marys houses (房子是他们分别所有的) 表 示 无 生命

12、 的 名 词所有格一般用“ of + 名词”表示the doors of our class the color of the cover 注意:1. 有些时间、距离、重量、价值、国家、机构等无生命的名词后面也可以加 s 构成所有格。a pound s weight / five minutes walk / Beijing is China s capital 2. “of + 名词”这一结构也可以用来表示有生命的东西的所有关系:名词较长:a teacher of my mother and my father 名词后面有定语且比较长:Do you know the name of the

13、girl standing at the gate? of + 名词所有格或名词性物主代词:a friend of mine 四常见名词辨析1. work / job work : 工作,多指体力的或脑力的努力或活动,不可数名词job : 工作,零工,多指为换取报酬二进行的日常活动,可数名词2. road / street / way road : 具体的公路、马路street : 街道way : 道路,途径3. sound / voice / noise sound : 自然界各种各样的声音voice : 人的嗓音noise : 噪音4. family / house / home fami

14、ly : 家庭house : 房子,住宅home : 家,包括住处和家人5. amount / number 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页学习必备欢迎下载amount : 后接不可数名词large amounts of money number : 后面接可数名词a number of students 6. problem / question problem : 一般与“困难”相联系,客观上有待解决的问题,尤指比较棘手的难题question : 一般与“疑问、询问”相联系,主观上产生需要得到解答或解释的问

15、题、疑问(Part 5 )基础巩固( basis of consolidation)一. 写出下列名词的复数形式:(挑选)1. house _ 2. Chinese _ 3. American _ 4. orange _ 5. bag _ 6. exercise _ 7. brush _ 8. potato _ 9. human _ 10. city _ 11. box _ 12.sheep _ 13. class _ 14. factory _ 15. knife _ 16. shelf _ 17. half _ 18. woman _ 19. match _ 20. child _ 21.

16、 Japanese _ 22. German _ 23. tomato _ 24. foot _ 25. wife _ 26. tooth _ 27. life _ 二. 将下列词组译成英语:(常用词组)1、一段音乐2、两箱子苹果3、一条建议 4、一瓶墨水5、一件作品6、一条裤子7、一则新闻 8、一副眼镜9、 一块冰10、一篮食物三名词所有格:( ) 1. This is _ . A. Mike and Jims bike B. Mikes and Jim bike C. Mikes and Jims bike D. Mike and Jim bike ( ) 2. He is _ . A.

17、one student of my fatherB. one of my fathers student C. my fathers studentsD. one student of my fathers ( ) 3. Billy and I are good friends, I have _. Look at this one, how sweet he is smiling! A. some pictures of Billy B. some pictures of Billys C. some Billys pictures D. some pictures of Billy ( )

18、 4. _ has travelled to Beijing. A. A friend of her B. A friend of hers C. A her friend D. Hers one friend ( ) 5. These are _ books. Jim bought one at the Sun Bookstore and Jill bought two at the Sky Bookstore. A. Li Lins and Jill B. Li Lin and Jills C. Li Lins and Jill D. Li Lins and Jills (Part 6 )

19、强化提高 (strengthen and improve) 一. 选择填空:(来自于全国中考试题,知识点全面,但偏易)()1. Mr. Smith always has _ to tell us. So he does. A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news C. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news 答案: A . News 是不可数名词,用量词piece 表示几则新闻,根据句意要在piece 的后面加s。()2. - I m going to the s

20、upermarket. L et me get you some fruit. -OK. Thanks for your _. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页学习必备欢迎下载A . offer B. information C. message D. order 答案:A 名词的用法。句意:我打算去超市。让我给你买些水果。好的,谢谢你的提议(帮助)。offer 提议; information 消息,信息;message消息,口信; order 命令;定单。()3. The_ of most trees will

21、 fall in autumn. A leaf B. leafs C leaves 答案: C 【解析】本题考查的是名词复数的用法。leaf 的复数形式为leaves,故本题选C。()4. There are many _ playing on the playground. A. child B. children C. man teachers D. sheeps 答案: B. 名词复数用法孩子的复数是“children ”,男老师 “men teachers ”, “sheep”单复数相同。( ) 5. Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bu

22、s stop? Go down this road. Its about_ walk. A. five minutes B. five minutes C. five-minutes 答案: B 表示时间、距离时,使用含数词的名词所有格形式作定语。名词应用其复数形式的所有格。( ) 6. Edward, you have grown up. You should learn to make your own room _ . A. empty B. noisy C. dirty D. tidy 答案: D 名词辨析。解题思路: make sth.+adj 意为 “ 使某物保持 ” . ( )

23、7. These natural disasters have warned us that everyone should start to protect the _ immediately. A. amusement B. development C. environment D. government 答案: C 环境.名词辨析。选项A 意为 “ 快乐 ” ;选项 B 意为 “ 发展 ” ;选项 D 为“ 政府( ) 8. Its June 1st, its _ Day. A. Childrens B. Childrens C. Childrens D. Childrenss 答案:

24、B。名词所有格( ) 9 . As young adults, it is our_ to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teacher. A. work B. job C. duty D. task 答案: C 责任。work 工作; job 职业; task 任务。( ) 10. Look at the book, its not mine, and its not yours, so it must be _ . A. somebody elses B. som

25、ebody else C. somebodys else D. somebody else 答案: B。不定代词所有格形式一般在后者加 S。( ) 11. Excuse me, where can I exchange _? There s a bank on the second floor. A . books B. food C. money D. stamps 答案: C 。books 书; food 食物; money 钱; stamps邮票。( ) 12. Are there any _ in the picture? Yes, there are. A. fish B. pork

26、 C. beef 答案: A。 B 与 C 都是不可数名词,be 动词用单数;fish 表示鱼的数量时,单数和复数同形。( ) 13The singer felt very sorry and decided he would never drive again after drinking. The traffic accident was really a _ to him. Agame B. pleasure C. skill D. lesson 答案: D。 be a lesson to sb 意为 “ 对于某人来说是一个教训” 。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师

27、归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页学习必备欢迎下载( ) 14. Jack, will your family move to Shanghai? Yes. That s a very big_ my parents made. A. decide B. decision C. education 答案: B。 made a decision . ( ) 15. I m sorry I went out for a smoke. I was very tired. There s no _ for this while you are at work. A. caus

28、e B. excuse C. matter D. choice 答案: B 辨析。 Cause指是 “ 原因 ” ;excuse指的是 “ 借口 ” ;matter 指的是 “ 麻烦事 ” ;choice 指的是 “ 选择 ” 。( ) 16 . At night, we can see colorful lights on both _ of the streets. A. sides B. side C. side s 答案: A 名词复数及所有格。答案: B。Christmas 圣诞节; Spring Festival 春节; Mid-autumn Day 是中秋节; National

29、Day 是国庆节。(Part 7)中考链接 (Senior high school entrance examination link) 一、单项选择:( ) 1. The students of Grade 7 visited Mikes farm and saw many _ there. A. bird B. duck C. sheep D. rabbit ( ) 2. How many_ are there on the table? A. glasses of orange B. glasses of oranges C. glasse of orange D. glasse of

30、oranges ( ) 3. Could you please tell me something about the two_? _. They are exchange students of No. 1 Middle School. A. Frenchmen ; Yes, please B. Frenchmans ; Come on C. Germen ; Not at all D. Germans ; All right ( ) 4. Im so hungry. Please give me _ to eat. A. three breads B. three pieces of br

31、ead C. three pieces of breads D. three piece of bread ( ) 5. We can see _ in the picture. A. apple tree B. apples tree C. apple trees ( ) 6. Tomorrow I m going to my _ . It s a _ . A. aunt ; five minutes walk B. aunt s ; five minute s walk C. aunt ; five minute s walk D. aunt s ; five minutes walk (

32、 ) 7. A computer is one of the greatest _ in this century. A. inventors C. inventions B. invitations D. invention ( ) 8. Look ! The kites in the sky are in different _ . Some are big and some are small. A. size C. sizes B. colour D. clours ( ) 9. -What_ you usually have for breakfast ? - _ and a cap

33、 of coffee. A. do ; three bread B. do ; Three pieces of bread C. are ; Three breads D. are ; Three piece of bread ( ) 10. - Two_ died in the accident. - _ terrible it is! A. policemen ; How B. policeman ; What C. police ; What D. policemans ; How 答案 : 15 CADBC 610 DBBBA 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳

34、总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页学习必备欢迎下载(Part 8 )妙笔生花 (write like an angel) 你知道各国的名称及单复数吗?名称总称(谓语用复数)一个人两个人中国人the Chinese a Chinese two Chinese 日本人the Japanese a Japanese two Japanese 澳大利亚人the Australians an Australian two Australians 英国人the English an Englishman two Englishmen 法国人the French a Frenchman

35、 two Frenchmen 美国人the Americans an American two Americans 德国人the Germans a German two Germans 俄国人the Russians a Russian two Russians 瑞士人the Swiss a Swiss two Swiss (Part 9 )作业布置 (homework) 1. 日常阅读理解训练2. 课后对应练习:一、单项选择( ) 1. - It s really hot today. What drinks do we have in the fridge. - We have some

36、 _ . A. noodles B. cheese C. sausages D. lemonade ( ) 2. Near our school there are two _ . A. shoes shops B. shoes shop C. shoe shops ( ) 3. Nowadays people can get much _ from TV, newspaper and the Internet. A. ideas B. stories C. photos D. information ( ) 4. When autumn comes, the _ the trees turn

37、 yellow. A. leaf on B. leaves on C. leaf in D. leaves in ( ) 5. Our school is just ten _ walk from my home. A. minute s B. minutesC. minute ( ) 6. _ mothers both work in the same hospital. A. Tim and Peter s B. Tim s and Peter C. Tim s and Peter s D. Tim and Peter ( ) 7. -What did you see just now?

38、- I saw two _ doctors _ out of the house. A. woman ; come B. woman ; came C. women ; coming D. women ; to come ( ) 8. - I like the new teacher. - Me, too. Yesterday she give me _ on studying Chinese. A. some advices B. an advice C. many advice D. some advice ( ) 9. I m very hungry. Would you give me

39、 some _ ? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页学习必备欢迎下载A. water B. juice C. cakes ( ) 10. A new study proves a _ walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat. A. 30- minute B. 30 minutes C. 30- minutes 答案: 15 DCDBB 610 CCDCA 二、完形填空:阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2130 各题所给的A、B、

40、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things have come to represent, in fact, what I call 21 and love. I don t remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool. But he did 22 the water. Any kind of 23 ride seemed to give him pleasure. But

41、I never really liked being on the water. I liked being in the water, moving through it, 24 it all around me. I was not a strong 25 , or one who learned to swim early, for I had my 26 . But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my fathers office and 27 those summer days with my father, who woul

42、d come by on a break. After swimming, I would go inside his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk, where he let me 28 anything I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes my father 29 and handed me coins and told me to get myself an ice creamA poet once said, “We look at life onc

43、e, in childhood; the rest is 30 .” And I think it is not only what we “looks at once, in childhood ” that determines our memories, but who, in that childhood, looks at us. ( ) 21. A. desire B. joy C. anger D. worry( ) 22. A. avoid B. refuse C. praise D. love ( ) 23. A. boat B. bus C. train D. bike (

44、 ) 24. A. making B. leaving C. having D. getting ( )25. A. swimmer B. rider C. walker D. runner ( )26. A. hopes B. faiths C. rights D. fears ( ) 27. A. saving B. spending C. wasting D. ruining ( ) 28. A. put up B. break down C. play with D. work out ( ) 29. A. stood up B. set out C. showed up D. tur

45、ned out ( )30. A. memory B. wealth C. experience D. practice答案: BDACA DBCCA 三、短文填空:图片内容:一个医生给肚子痛的病人看病。病人说:“I am the tailor .”(难过的神态)A man went to see his _71_ one day, because he was surfing from pains in his _72_. After the doctor _73_ over him carefully, he _74_ _ to him, “ Well, there is _75_ wro

46、ng wi th you, don t worry. Your only trouble is you worry too _76_. Do you know, I had a man with the _77_ trouble as you here a few weeks ago, and I _78_ him the same advice as I m going to give you. He was worried _79_ he couldn t pay his tailor s(裁缝 ) bills . I told him not to worry about the bil

47、ls any more. He took my _80_ and when he came to see me again two days ago, he told me that he now fel t quite all right again.” “ Yes, I know all about that . ” answered the patient sadly. “ You see, I m thatman s tailor”答案: 71. doctor72. stomach73. looked74. said 75. nothing 76. much 77.same 78. gave 79. because 80.advice 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页学习必备欢迎下载(Part 10 )课堂总结 (conclusion)(学生完成)1、 这节课你掌握的如何?2、 你还有什么没有弄懂的呢?3、 对照练习题查漏补缺。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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