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1、个人收集整理仅供参考学习- 1 - / 7 Unit 7 What does he look like 复习学案I.Phrases: 1.高 / 矮,胖 / 瘦,中等个头 / 身材,有点漂亮 be tall / short , be heavy (= fat) / thin , be of medium height / build , be a little bit good-looking2.留着棕色短直发have short straight brown hair 3.留着美丽地金色长卷发have beautiful long curly blonde hair 4.穿黑色制服 / 戴眼

2、镜 wear black uniforms / glasses 5.篮球队队长the captain of the basketball team 6.深受人们地欢迎be very popular with people 7.爱讲笑话love to tell jokes 8.喋喋不休never stop talking 9.记得去做某事remember to do sth. 10.去购物 /游泳 /钓鱼 go shopping / swimming / fishing II. Sentences: 1.留胡子地流行歌手换了一副新面孔.The pop singer with a beard ha

3、s a new look.2.他不再戴眼镜了.He doesn t wear glasses any more. = He wears glasses no more.3. “没有人认识我.” 她说 .“ Nobody knows me.” she says.III. Grammar focus: 1.like 地用法:1). be like 像= _ _ What s he like? = What _ he _ like? 2). like 喜欢 like doing / like to do sth. 例:我喜欢下午练习英语.I like _ every afternoon . 3).

4、would like to do sth. = want to do sth 练一练:1). What does your mother _ _? = What _ your mother _? (长什么模样)2). What _ you _ _ have for dinner?(想要) 3). _ their teacher _ _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页个人收集整理仅供参考学习- 2 - / 7 in the river? ( 喜欢游泳 )2. a little bit = a little = a

5、bit + 形容词;a little = a bit of + 不可数名词练一练: 1). Im _ tired. A. a bit little B. a little bit C. bit of D. a bit of 2). I have _ homework today. A. a bit B. a lot C. a little D. a few 3). I feel a little tired today. = I feel _ _ _ tired today. 4). There is a little bread on the plate. = The re is _ _ _

6、 _ bread on the plate. 5). The little girl is a _ _ _. 有点文静3.stop 地用法:1). At the bus stop 公交车站2). stop doing sth. 停止正在做地事情3). stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事情练一练:1). She never stops _. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talks 2). If you feel too tired, you can stop_ to bed. A. go B. going C. to go D. goes 3

7、). The bus _ at the bus _ and the children got on the bus.停在车站4.look 地用法:1). have a new look 面貌焕然一新2). look at = have a look at 看一看3). look + 形容词 , 看起来 4). look like + 名词 ,看起来像 5). look for 寻找3.remember / forget to do sth. 记住 / 忘记去做某事. 如: _ _ _ close the door before you leave. = _ _ close the door b

8、efore you leave. 离开前别忘关门.Please _ _ _ my book to school tomorrow. 记得把 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页个人收集整理仅供参考学习- 3 - / 7 带到学校来3.nobody / somebody / anybody / everybody 作主语,谓语动词用单三人称.如: 1). Nobody_(know) her. ( 反义句 ) _ _ her. 2). Listen! Somebody _ (call) you! 3). Nobody is

9、 in the room. = There _ _ in the room. Exercises: Words: 1. My mother is of medium _ hait and has long _ streit hair. 2. The pop singer always_w ?z _ gl :siz. 3. The _ k?ptin of the basketball team is very _ p?pjul? in his school. 4. That _ hevi boy loves to tell _d ?ukz . 5. Nobody knows the _ p ?:

10、sn with a short brown _ bi ?d.6. My pen pal _ (have) long curly hair. 7. We re tired. Why not stop _ (have) a rest?8. Let s go _ (shop) this afternoon.9. We love _ (read) English loudly. 10. The students stop _ (talk) when the teacher comes into the classroom.11. Please remember _ (show) your photos

11、 to me tomorrow.12. _ everybody _ (enjoy) their vacations? 13. I know you like _ (sing). Would you like _ (sing) with us?14. My little sister always_ (wear) beautiful dresses.15. The p op _ (sing) with _ (fun) glasses is Johnny Dean.Choices: ( ) 1. It s time for class. Please stop _. A. talking B. t

12、o talk C. talk D. talks ( ) 2. He _ of medium build and he _ blonde hair. A. is, is B. has, has C. is, has D. has, is( ) 3. Look _ the girl. She looks _ her sister. A. at, at B. like, like C. at, like D. after, for( ) 4. _? I m tall and strong. A. What do you do? B. What do you like? C. What do you

13、look like? D. What are you look like?( ) 5. Chen Ming, _ it again in English, please. A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页个人收集整理仅供参考学习- 4 - / 7 ( ) 6. The box is too _. I can t carry (搬) it. A. heavy B. small C. tall D. thin( ) 7. My English teacher

14、 has a beautiful _. A. look B. good-looking C. hair D. glasses( ) 8. Ken looks _ his father and he _ taking photos with his father. A. like, likes B. like, like C. likes, likes D. likes, like( ) 9. Do you often go shopping, Tina? No, _. I don t like shopping at all.A. always B. usually C. never D. o

15、ften ( ) 10. I _ think he _ cool. A. don t, is B. /, isn t C. don t, isn t D. /, wasSentences: 1. She wears glasses no more. = She _ _ glasses _ more.2. Tom s sister has long curly hair. (一般疑问句 ) _ Tom s sister _ long curly hair?3. Wang Hai isn t too tall or too short. = Wang Hai is _ _ _. 4. George

16、 is tall and thin. _ _ George _ _? = _ George _? 5. Li Fang likes reading books. _ _ Li Fang like _? 6. Mr Black is short and he has long brown hair. = Mr. Black is short _ long brown hair.7. He always reads newspapers. = He _ _ _ newspapers. 8. The _ _ the soccer ball _ is _. 那个足球队队长长得不错.9. _ _ the

17、 girl _ _. 没人认识那个戴眼镜地女孩.10. Jay Joe is very _ _ the young. He _ _ _ songs. Jay Joe 深受年轻人地喜爱 . 他喜爱写歌 .11. Do you _ the rock singer _ _ _? 你还记得那个中等身材地摇滚歌手吗?12. My father is _ and _. He _ _ _ black hair. 我父亲又矮又胖.他留着黑色短直发.13. _ you like _ go _ _ us this afternoon? 你愿意下午和我们一起去钓鱼吗?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

18、 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页个人收集整理仅供参考学习- 5 - / 7 14. Do you _ _ _ computer games on your vacation? 你在假期总是没完没了地玩电脑游戏吗?Test I. Choices: ( ) 1. The boy _ his father. A. look like B. looks like C. is likes D. like( ) 2. My grandfather loves _ jokes. A. tell B. to tell C. talk D. to say ( ) 3. Lucy

19、is a quiet girl _ glasses. A. wears B. has C. with D. in ( ) 4. He _ gets up early and he is _ late for school. A. never, always B. never, often C. always, never D. always, often( ) 5. What s your math teacher like? _. A. She s very smart. B. She likes sports. C. She s Mrs. Wang. D. She s 30 years o

20、ld.( ) 6. Jay is my favorite pop _. A. singing B. singer C. songs D. sing ( ) 7. He looks _ sad. A. a bit of B. a little of C. a little bit D. a bit little( ) 8. Peter stops _ TV and goes to bed. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching ( ) 9. Welcome to our soccer _. I m the captain. A. class B.

21、 team C. school D. club( ) 10. I often write letters to my pen pals, but _ writes me back. A. everybody B. somebody C. nobody D. anybody( ) 11. My backpack is too _. There are lots of books in it. A. heavy B. thin C. short D. tall( ) 12. What does he look like? He is _. A. a reporter B. t hin C. 13

22、D. at school ( ) 13. We re all tired. Let s stop _ chess! A. playing B. play C. to play D. to play the ( ) 14. Look! The young man _ glasses. A. is having B. put on C. is wearing D. wear ( ) 15. Please remember _ off the light when you leave the room. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5

23、 页,共 7 页个人收集整理仅供参考学习- 6 - / 7 A. turning B. turns C. to turn D. turned II. Words: (wear, say, tell, talk, read, high, have, shop, know, do)My pen pal is of medium _ and a little bit heavy. She _ long curly brown hair. She often _ black glasses. She loves _ jokes. And she never stops _. She likes _ i

24、nteresting books. Now she has a new look. I don t like her newlook, but she _. “ I can go _ now. Nobody _ me.” she _.III. Sentences: 1. My friend is very tall. _ _ your friend _ _? 2. He likes playing volleyball. _ _ he like _? 3. Jack is not too heavy or too thin. = Jack is _ _ _. 4. She doesn t lo

25、ok like her mother, I think. = I _ think she _ like her mother. 5. Old Henry has a new look. ( 否定句 ) Old Henry _ _ a new look. 6. Mike i s tall and he has a long beard. = Mike is tall _ a long _. 7. Is your little brother doing his homework at home? (用 every evening 改写 ) _ your little brother _ his

26、homework at home?8. They lived there no more. = They _ live there _ more. 9. She _ _ and _. 她喜欢购物和游泳. 10. The _ _ the basketball team is very _ _ the Chinese. 那个篮球队队长深受中国人地喜爱. 11. _ _ _ a new pen on your way home. 在回家地路上记得买支新钢笔.IV. Reading:A man has a parrot. It s blue and green. (1)It can speak lik

27、e a man. Every morning, the man goes to talk with it. (2)But the parrot doesn t say anything to him. The one morning, the man is angry with it. (3)He _ _ it _ food _ water. The next morning, the man goes to see 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页个人收集整理仅供参考学习- 7 - / 7 the parrot

28、again. He says something to it, but the parrot still (仍然 ) doesn t speak. At last, the man says, “ Fool (笨蛋 )! You are a fool.” Soon he hears the same words from the parrot. He begins to laugh (大笑 ). It s a clever parrot.1. What does “ parrot” mean ? A. 兔子 B. 鹦鹉 C. 蛇2. 将 (1)处地句子译成汉语: _ 3. (2)处地同义句 : But the parrot _ _ to him. 4. 完成 (3)处地句子 : He _ _ it _ food _ water. 他没有喂它任何食物和水.5. Does the parrot say anything at last?_精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页



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