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1、2016-5七年级下册M6试卷评讲课该怎么上评讲课件1,评讲课件2对两节课的思考值得学习的地方:选题非常实用,在常规的阅读课,语法课,写作课,听力课之外又打开了一扇探讨常态课型的大门。两位教师在课前统计好平均分,最高分和错误率。用数据来讲话,方法科学,工作细致。试卷评讲有着清晰的结构:试卷评讲有着清晰的结构:1,老师挑出错误率高的题目,老师挑出错误率高的题目,2 对易错题的答案进行分析,对易错题的答案进行分析,3,对难点进行拓展和延伸,大部分伦敦,对难点进行拓展和延伸,大部分伦敦 most of London, 某些,一个,一半某些,一个,一半some of, one of, half of4


3、改正和改进。建民的亮点在讲解单选的语言点。1,提示学习方法,比如根据发音记单词,区分词性,翻译的时候要咬文嚼字。为学生指出根治错题的一个方向。2,充分利用课件的优势。比如在讲on和over的区别,用了两幅图片:一个小鸡先站在方块的表面on和然后站上方over。直观形象来表示两者的区别3,巩固练习多样化:选择,翻译,填空值得深思的1,单元测试的试卷质量不高。有后面Module才出现的过去式,没学过的stop to do, stop doing2,教师讲解方式比较单一。建议,A,采取小组合作-学生归纳比较-师生共同得出结论或者学生上台展示。这样老师就可以在讲解者,监督者,评价者等身份转换。B,让优

4、秀学生上讲台讲解,教师适当补充。给优秀学生发挥的空间。3,讲解短文填空时候,不能只讲短语和单词。应该引导学生梳理出文章大意和关键词,哪一个空是根据上下文填出来的。Module 6 测验测验1.1.参加考试总人数:参加考试总人数:54542.2.班级均分班级均分: :71.971.9分(满分分(满分100100分)分)3.3.最高分:最高分:92.592.5分分, ,最低分:最低分:22.522.5分分4.804.80分以上:分以上:2020人人5.605.60分以上:分以上:4444人人Top 3 3胡沓茗胡沓茗 92.592.5罗年心罗年心 92.592.5关颖莹关颖莹 92921.1.博物

5、馆博物馆_ _ 2.2.穿过穿过 prep prep _3.3.在对面在对面_ _ 4.4.劳驾对不起劳驾对不起_ _ 5.5.广场广场_ _ 6.6.著名的著名的_ _ 7.7.铁路铁路_8.8.教堂教堂_ _ 9.9.结束,完成结束,完成_ _ 10.10.邮政局邮政局_11.11.导游手册导游手册_12.12.沿着沿着_ _ 13.13.米米_ _ 14.14.路过,越过路过,越过_15.15.(天气)晴朗的(天气)晴朗的_ _ 1. museum2. across3.opposite 4.4. excuse me5.5. square6.6. famous7.7. railway8.8

6、. church9.9. finish10.10. post office11.11. guidebook12.12. along13.13. metermetre14.14. past15.15. clear一一. . 重难点单词重难点单词易错题易错题2. 穿过穿过prep. across 穿过穿过v. cross过马路时要小心。过马路时要小心。 Be careful when you cross the street.Be careful when you go across the street.cross = go / walk across方法方法多用音标和联想记忆。多用音标和联想记

7、忆。 记单词时我们要多看看音标,将它的发记单词时我们要多看看音标,将它的发音记住,并且多读几遍。在碰到的时候音记住,并且多读几遍。在碰到的时候能读出来就可以将它写出来。联想记忆能读出来就可以将它写出来。联想记忆是我们在碰到单词时,将学过的相似单是我们在碰到单词时,将学过的相似单词找出来相互比较一下,这样可以加深词找出来相互比较一下,这样可以加深记忆,也可以不弄混淆它们。记忆,也可以不弄混淆它们。 注意区分词性。注意区分词性。 1.1.在天安门广场前面在天安门广场前面 2.2.在银行对面在银行对面3.3.沿着街道走沿着街道走4.4.短程旅行短程旅行5.5.下船下船 6.6.经过车站经过车站7.7

8、.做某事的最好方法做某事的最好方法 8.8.大部分伦敦大部分伦敦9.9.去去的路的路 10.10.在车站和银行中间在车站和银行中间1. in front of Tiananmen square2. opposite the bank3. go/ walk along the street4.4. short tour5.5. get off the boat6.6. go past the station7.7. the best way to do8.8. most of London9.9. the way to10.10. between the station and the bank

9、二二. . 重难点词组重难点词组易错题易错题8. 大部分伦敦大部分伦敦 most of London7. 做某事最好的方法做某事最好的方法 the best way to do The best way to see London is by boat.运动是保持健康的最佳办法运动是保持健康的最佳办法Doing sports is the best way to keep healthy.You can see most of London on a clear day.10. 在车站和银行中间。在车站和银行中间。between the station and the bank区分区分betw

10、een and和和 in the middle ofbetween强调是两者之间(汉语习惯是中间)强调是两者之间(汉语习惯是中间)in the middle of 则是指在正中间则是指在正中间. . Im standing between a house and a big tree. There is a big playground in the middle of the school.方法方法1. 注意要咬文嚼字注意要咬文嚼字 天安门广场的天安门广场的前前面面 短短程旅行程旅行 做某事做某事的最好方法的最好方法2. 熟读课文熟读课文 三三. 巩固练习巩固练习 A部分部分 1. had

11、2. will go / is going to go 3. goes 4. am planning 5. to buy 6. were 7. did 8. picking 9. was 10.visited易错题4. plan 的的ing形式形式planning (本题(本题15人正确)人正确)他正计划着这个周末去野餐。他正计划着这个周末去野餐。He is planning to have a picnic this weekend.拓展拓展: 常见的类似用法的单词常见的类似用法的单词run running swim- swimmingsit- sitting begin-beginning

12、 易错题易错题5. would like to buy固定搭配固定搭配 would like to do = want to do你想要一些喝的吗?你想要一些喝的吗?Would you like something to drink?易错题8. I finish picking finish 后面会接后面会接 名词、代词或动名词名词、代词或动名词我们必须每天完成作业。我们必须每天完成作业。We must finish (doing) our homework everyday.目前我们所接触到的目前我们所接触到的 v + doing的用法有:的用法有:like doing enjoy doin

13、gkeep doing 第第 1、7、10题考察动词的过去式,我题考察动词的过去式,我们将会在们将会在module 8里面学到里面学到方法方法注意题目中的人称、数量、时态(时注意题目中的人称、数量、时态(时间)以及固定搭配间)以及固定搭配巩固练习巩固练习B部分部分B).完成句子,每空一词。完成句子,每空一词。 1.Turn left, between ; and 2.Why not take3.at the end 4.get to 5.on the right易错题3. 区分区分 in the end和和at the end of in the end意思意思“最后、终于最后、终于”.它往往

14、表明事它往往表明事情的结局情的结局. in the end= at last = finally at the end of . 后面加名词后面加名词,意思是在意思是在.的末的末尾尾 We will have an exam _ this term.Xiao Ming passed the exam_. at the end of in the end方法方法1. 咬文嚼字,了解句子表达的意思。咬文嚼字,了解句子表达的意思。 比如第比如第4小题,小题,“去到去到”,部分同,部分同学写了学写了go to2. 联想相关词汇句型,再考虑时态,联想相关词汇句型,再考虑时态,单词形式的变化等。单词形式的

15、变化等。巩固练习巩固练习 C部分部分C).单项选择题单项选择题.1-5 CAABC 6-10 DCCCB 11-15 DDCCA易错题易错题4. across, on和和over的区别的区别9. stop doing 和和stop to do的区别的区别stop to do是停下(手头的事情)去是停下(手头的事情)去做另外一件事做另外一件事 stop doing是停下正在做的事是停下正在做的事 Mr. Li asks students to stop writing.Mr. Li asks students to stop to write.( )After working for a lon

16、g time, we should stop _. A. resting B. rest C. to rest D. restedCmorning, afternoon, evening等词,具等词,具体到某一天,用体到某一天,用on; 前有形容词修饰时,前有形容词修饰时,也用也用on 10. on a warm morning.在一个下雨的下午在一个下雨的下午 on a rainy afternoon.短文填空短文填空1.way 2.sees / meets / finds3.asks/ says 4.tell / show 5. no 6. speaks 7. puts 8. paper

17、9. her 10. On1.通读全文,弄清大意。通读全文,弄清大意。2.2. 前后照应前后照应3.3. 注意词性、单词的形式。注意词性、单词的形式。方法方法作文作文 用用be动词的过去式,描述一下你小学时的老动词的过去式,描述一下你小学时的老师和同学的情况,内容包括:师和同学的情况,内容包括:1. 介绍当时的学校名称、班级情况。介绍当时的学校名称、班级情况。2. 介绍老师或同学的名字、年龄和出生地。介绍老师或同学的名字、年龄和出生地。3. 他们的性格特征。他们的性格特征。作文要求:作文要求: 语句连贯,词数语句连贯,词数60词左右。词左右。 存在的问题:存在的问题: 注意时态注意时态 信息点

18、信息点Homework将本次测验中做错的题目收集到你的将本次测验中做错的题目收集到你的葵花宝典葵花宝典里面。里面。错题收集错题收集王志诚【重难点单词重难点单词】1.museum 2. across 3. opposite 4. excuse me 5. square 6. famous 7. railway 8. church 9. finish 10. post office 11. guidebook 12.along 13. meter 14. past 15. clear 【重难点词组重难点词组】1.in front of Tiananmen Square 2. opposite th

19、e bank 3.go along the street4. a short tour 5. get off the boat 6.go past the station 7.the best way to do/of doing8. most of London 9. the way to10.between the station and the bankA).用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.had 2.is going /will go 3. goes 4. am planning 5. to buy 6. were 7.did 8.picking 9. was 10

20、. visitedB).完成句子,每空一词。完成句子,每空一词。1.Turn left, between ,and 2.why not take 3. at the end 4.get to /arrive at 5. on the rightC).单项选择题单项选择题.1-5. CAABC 6-10. DCCCB 11-15. DDCCAD)短文填空短文填空 1. way 2.sees/meets/finds 3. asks/says 4.tell/show 5.no 6.speaks/is 7. puts 8. paper 9. her 10. On小测数据小测数据:平均平均分分90分分以

21、上以上72分分以下以下不合不合人数人数优秀优秀人数人数77.567人人14327单词单词 短语短语 填空填空 翻译翻译 选择选择 短文短文 作文作文86% 79% 74% 87% 76% 53% 77%建议讨论题目:1.A.8-picked 为什么是错的为什么是错的2.B.3-at the end与与in the end区别区别3.C.4-第二空为什么用第二空为什么用over4.C.10-为什么不用为什么不用in5.C.14-D为什么是错的为什么是错的6.D.5-为什么不能用为什么不能用not或或doesnt书面表达书面表达用用bebe动词的过去式,描述一下你小学时的动词的过去式,描述一下你小

22、学时的老师和同学的情况,内容包括:老师和同学的情况,内容包括:1.1.介绍当时的学校名称、班级情况。介绍当时的学校名称、班级情况。2.2.介绍老师或同学的名字、年龄和出生地。介绍老师或同学的名字、年龄和出生地。3.3.他们的性格特征。他们的性格特征。4.4.作文要求:作文要求: 语句连贯,词数语句连贯,词数6060词左右。词左右。要点要点满分满分分值分值学校名称学校名称2班级情况班级情况2好友或师好友或师2年龄年龄2出生地出生地2性格性格2行文流畅行文流畅1字体卷面字体卷面2 hello! My name is Xiaoming. Today I will talk about my past

23、 life. My first school was Chunhua Primary School. I was in 2 Class. My teacher was Mrs. Li. She was twenty years old. She was born on July and my friend was born on July too. Her name was Xiaohong. She was friendly to us. She was ten years old. She and I was very good! This is my past life. How abo

24、ut you? Hello, everybody! My name is Liang Xiao Lan, I am 13 years old. My birthday is on October 30th. I was born in Kaiping. My first school is Xin An Primary School. There was a so beautiful school. And my first teacher was Mrs. Tan. She was strict but friendly and interesting. Then, Xiao Ming wa

25、s my first friend. He often makes me happy . I like him very much. Our class was very good. This is my past life. What about you? My primary school was Xinan Primary School . It was a small school, but it was beautiful and nice. I was in Class three, Grade one. There were fifty students in my class.

26、 Everyone was very firendly. My first teacher was Mr. Yi. He was strict with us in study, but he was kind too. My best friend was Jackson. He was 15years old and he was born in Hunan. It was beautiful place. He was good in a class and he got on well with everyone. This is my past life. What about yo

27、urs? Let me tell you about my past life. My first school was Meixihu Primary school and I was in Class 1. The school was big and beautiful. Students and teachers were friendly and nice. My first teacher was Mrs.Zhang. She was very strict and we didnt like her. My first friends were Yu Yanlan and Yu

28、Xiao. They were very good in class, and they were clever. They were born in Kaiping and they were seven years old when I saw them at first time. This is my past life.Make them better1.He was friendly with us.2. My class was third class, have 45 people.3. She was help me to my study.4.He played baske

29、tball was very well.5. She was strict and friendly.6. Hello, everyone, my name is Li Xiao Lan.7.My first schools name was 8.My first school was Chang Shi FI XiaoPrimary School, there were 58 students in my class.1.He was friendly with us. He was friendly to us.2. My class was third class, have 45 pe

30、ople. I was in Class Three, and there were 453. She was help me to my study. She helped me with my study.4.He played basketball was very well. He played basketball very well.5. She was strict and friendly.She was strict in our study but friendly to us.6. Hello, everyone, my name is Li Xiao Lan.演讲式开白

31、场不要出现在作文中,更不能显人名演讲式开白场不要出现在作文中,更不能显人名。7.My first schools name was My first school was 8. My first school was Chang Shi Primary School, there were 58 students in my class. My first school was Changshi Primary School,and I was in Class One, there were 58 students in our class.1.Excuse me. Could you te

32、ll me the way _ the nearest supermarket? -Go down the street and turn left. A.to B. of C. in D. at2. Can you see the building _ the bank?A.between B. next C. among D. opposite3. From the London Eye, you can see _London. A. most of B. many of C. much D. many ADA4. Zhang Yimou is famous _ his films. A

33、. as B. with C. for D. at 5. Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel? -Go _ the post office, and youll find it on the left. A. pass B. past C. passing D. passed6. Bob, its getting cold outside. _ take a jacket? -All right, Mum. A. Why do you B. Why not C. Why did you D. Why dontCBB填空填空

34、1.The best way _(learn) English well is to use it.2.You cant watch TV until you finish _ (do) your homework. 3.Where is Lily? She _(talk) with her Chinese friends over there.4.能告诉我怎样才能到那里吗能告诉我怎样才能到那里吗?Can you tell me how to _5. 当红灯亮不当红灯亮不, 不要过马路不要过马路When the red light is on, dont _6. he was born _(星期天早上星期天早上)of learningdoingis talkingget therego across the streeton Sunday morning homework 请把这节课的收获及错题整理到笔记本上。请把这节课的收获及错题整理到笔记本上。



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