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1、chapter-6-Business-chapter-6-Business-meetingmeetingMain Points1. Types & Purposes2. Procedure3. Useful Expressions 4. Tips to Organize the Perfect Business Meeting1. Types & PurposeInformation-givingProblem-solvingBrainstormingDecision-making Profits Execution Administration Mutual understanding Pr

2、oduct developmentetc.2. ProcedurePreparationOpeningDuring the meetingClosingWriting Minutes of the MeetingPreparationInvitation (e-mail or phone call)e.g. E-mail Subject:Sales Meeting Beijing 11 July 2007; Reason: We need to finalize the next product launch. Suggestion: We should have a meeting befo

3、re the Shanghai fair in July. How about June 21? Options: If the date mentioned isnt possible for you, please suggest an alternative in that week.e.g. Thank you for the email. Ill go to your office to discuss the issue at 3 oclock on June 21st. Thank for the invitation, but Im afraid I wont be in on

4、 Friday. However my colleague Li will stand in for me.Phone call: considerate & politee.g.Could we schedule a time to meet next week? 询问对方是否有意开会 How about sometime after lunch? 建议会议时间 See you on Monday at 7. 确认开会日期和时间 Sure, no problem. Shall we say Thursday at ten?Im afraid I have another appointmen

5、t then.Right, so well meet Friday at ten, then, at your office.OpeningStarting Welcoming Introducing Stating purpose/aims/objectives Setting the agenda Timing Defining rolesRight, lets begin. (Starting)Its a pleasure to welcome(Welcoming)Id like to introduce (Introducing)There are three items on the

6、 agenda. (Setting the agenda)Mary, could you take the minute? (Defining roles)Kelvin, I wondered if youd like to tell us something about? (Defining roles) The purpose of this meeting is to(Stating purpose / aims / objectives )I would like to finish by 10 oclock. (Timing)Meeting inside a companye.g.

7、Can I have your attention? Id like to get things under way. OK, everybody, we seem to be complete. Can we get started?Meeting with clientse.g. OK, if you like, we can start now. International meetinge.g. Since the majority of the required number is present, the meeting is formally declared to be con

8、vened.Set the objective e.g. The purpose of this plenary session is to make a general review of our activities during this past year, and to propose new plans for activities during the coming year. Timinge.g. Weve scheduled one and a half hours for the meeting.During the Meeting A. Agreeing B. Getti

9、ng the participants attention C. Commenting D. Disagreeing E. Giving opinions F. Requesting information G. Clarifying H. Asking for opinions Typical ExampleMr. Yang: Now Id like to get things under way(get the participants attention).The main topic on todays agenda is the development of a U.S. sales

10、 strategy for the new EBP.(今天会议的主题是新开发产品EBP在美国的销售策略。) Id like to hear any and all of your ideas. Mr. Wallace, could you start the ball rolling? (ask for opinions)Mr. Wallace: Yes. I think one of the main causes of the poor U.S. sales of the original EBP was our advertising strategy.(give opinions) I

11、n my opinion, we should put the new product into market as soon as possible. Mr. Ivans: I cant agree with you (disagree),because we used the same agency for both the Japanese and U.S campaigns, and the campaigns were very similar, but the response was 40% higher in Japan (clarify, request informatio

12、n). Mr. Wallace: Ill tell you what I think the trouble is. They used visuals and music to convey an overall image, but did not say much about the product. Japanese are accustomed to this type of advertising, but Americans tend to want more information from ads. (give opinion, comment) Mr. Ivans: Wel

13、l, It sounds reasonable. I understand your point of view. (agree)Mr. Wallace: And I think the historical and cultural basis for this difference in advertising is that. Mr. Yang: Can I just come in here?(我能插句话吗) This is interesting, but lets get back to the main issue. Mr. Yang: Right, that just abou

14、t covers it. Lets adjourn(休会) the meeting. Closing a MeetingSummarizing:e.g. The opinions presented so far may be summarized as follows: 目前为止,意见小结如下: In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, I would point out that, although we have made gratifying progress, many still remains to be done. 总之,女士们、先生们,我要指出

15、的是,虽然我们已经取得了令人满意的进步,但还有很多事要做。 This meeting has been an important one but I am sure that you all recognize that our real work has just begun. 本次会议是一次非常重要的会议,但我肯定你们大家意识到我们真正的 工作才刚刚开始。 As Chairman, I would like to thank you for attending and to congratulate you on the fact that we have completed all of

16、 the items on our agenda. 作为主席,我感谢您的参与,我们完成了议事日程上所有的项目,并因此而祝贺您。 Thank you all for attending/coming. 感谢各位的光临。 I hope to see you again. 我希望再次见您。 Lets call it a day. 让我们到此结束吧。Writing Minutes of the MeetingBrief Loyal MINUTES OF THE DIRECTORS MEETING HOLIDAY NOTICEDate: _Place: The meeting room of the c

17、ompanyPresent: .1.ReportThe notice of convening this meeting and the managers report on the state of business of the company was read by the secretary.2.ResolutionWith the consent of the meeting, the chairman made a speech and proposed that a gold metal be given to Mr. Zhang as a reward for his indu

18、strious and successful service in the past 2 years. Mr.Zhang seconded the motion(附议), which was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously.Signature: _Date: _Useful ExpressionsRunning a Meeting 主持会议 The following phrases are used to conduct a meeting. These phrases are useful if you are called

19、on to conduct a meeting. 温和地表示同意:I guess I see what you mean.表示非常赞同:Absolutely. I think thats a fantastic idea.表示同意:I think youre right.表示反对:Im afraid I cant agree with you there.提出建设性的意见:Why dont we?展示胶片用语:Allow us, then, at this point to present some slides.读报告的开场用语:My paper is a literature review

20、.提问用语:May I ask a question? This is an extremely difficult question to answer.表示原因的用语:The age of the product was a contributory factor in the accident.预计结果用语:We can anticipate the followingconsequences:表示需要考虑:Let us focus our attention on举例用语:Here, I am just showing you a few examples of Tips to Org

21、anize A Perfect Business Meeting1.Ensure Appropriate Participants at the Meeting. Postpone the meeting rather than holding a meeting without critical staff members. 为了提高会议决策效率,需要确保会议关键人员到场。2. Involve Each Participant in Actions. This ensures that each participant is invested in the topic of the meet

22、ing and in the follow-up. Youll accomplish more results with the whole team pulling than with one dominant staff person trying to push everyone else up the hill. 调动所有人的积极性,确保每个与会者都在献计献策。3. Be a referee and employ a time-keeper. Have one person in the meeting be the slavish time-keeper so you can foc

23、us on facilitating, summarizing, clarifying, and just keeping things moving. 严格控制会议时间和节奏,确保议题的讨论顺利进行。4. Have a theme. Make it clear why this meeting is happening, why each person is participating at a given time, and then use your agenda to amplify how the theme will be explored in each section of t

24、he meeting. 引导大家围绕议题展开讨论,防止跑题。5. Stay on target. As soon as the needed permission, notification, or task assignment is completed, just move on to the next item. 目标明确,一个问题解决之后立即解决下一个。6. Follow up. If you have been utilizing a project manager or note taker, be sure to use a few minutes at the end for

25、him or her to review any major new projects or action items that were generated in the meeting. 给做会议纪要的人几分钟的时间,让其把决议重点重申一下。Assignment 1Its the tradition of Kimberly Ceremony Services (金佰利礼仪公司) to organize a vacation (5 -8 days) for the staff in July. Work together and decide on the travel route (旅游线

26、路). The budget for each employee is within 8,000 RMB. If the package charges more than that, , the employee should pay the rest of money.Assignment 2You and your team are professional party planners and have been hired to organize the Rainbow Charity (彩虹慈善晚宴). Have a meeting and decide on the best seating arrangements for the party. Then complete the seating plan. The End结束结束



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