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1、1 湖北省重点高中智学联盟湖北省重点高中智学联盟 2022 年春季高二年级年春季高二年级 3 月联考 月联考 英语参考答案及解析 英语参考答案及解析 听力部分(每题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 1-20 BCABA CBACB BACCA BBACA 阅读部分(每题 2.5 分,满分 50 分) 21-23: BCD 24-27: ACDB 28-31: DBCA 32-35: CBBC 36-40: CDBFA 完形填空(每题 1 分,满分 15 分) 41-55: BCADB CBADC DBACD 语法填空(每题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 56. completed 57. an

2、58. safety 59. produced 60. since 61. gently 62. joining 63. when 64. have been 65. to 写作(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节 (满分 l 5 分) NOTICE To add more greenness to our hometown, our school is organizing a tree-planting activity on March 12. All the student volunteers are required to participate in it. We are sched

3、uled to gather at the school gate at 8 a. m. and then take the bus to the Sunshine Park, where everyone is expected to plant at least one tree. For your safety, we have to remind you to wear school uniforms and stay with your classmates during the process. We hope youll have a fruitful day. Students

4、 Union 第二节(满分25 分) 【参考范文】 Paragraph 1: Jeremy nodded and came playing with me in my backyard. To my surprise, he was nice. He even taught me the trick of riding the bicycle. Then we shot basketballs happily. He was good at it. It was strange that I should be kind of having fun with my enemy! I let h

5、im play games in my tree house which I didnt even allow my sister in. We had a good laugh and enjoyed each others company. “He wasnt a very good enemy,” I thought to myself. Paragraph 2: Later that day Dad got us to have pie in the kitchen. I whispered to him Jeremy was no longer my enemy, but he ig

6、nored my message. He cut the pie into three pieces, passing one to me and one to Jeremy. I panicked. “Dont eat it! Its bad pie! ” I shouted. Dad smiled at me and took a bite of the Enemy Pie. I watched them eating, neither of them losing hair! Cautiously, I took a tiny taste: Yummy! That summer was

7、a perfect summer! 【分析】 本文以人物为线索展开, 讲述了作者和新搬来的邻居之间有矛盾, 作者父亲为“帮助”儿子报仇,制作了“敌人派”,并告诉儿子只要邀请邻居来家里做客就可以。等到邻居来家里玩耍时,作者竟然和邻居玩儿的特别开心,父亲的馅饼也并不是什么毒药,而是人间美味。 【详解】 1. 段落续写: 由第一段首句“杰里米同意了我的邀约,来我家里玩儿”可知,第一段可以描写作者和杰里米在家里玩的尤其开心,出乎作者的意料,杰里米并不想印象中那么坏。 由第二段首句内容“爸爸要拿出那个敌人派给我们吃了”可知,第二段可描写作者认为父亲要拿出那个可怕的馅饼给杰里米吃,来帮作者复仇,然而作者和

8、杰里米吃完后,发现馅饼非常好吃,并不是什么可怕的食物。 2. 续写线索:邀请到家里玩开心爸爸拿出馅饼提醒美味感悟 2 听力原文 Text 1 M: How was your trip to London, Jane? W: Very good, especially the weather there. The sun was shining brightly and there was no wind. M: Yes, you went there just in the right season. It rains a lot during the autumn. Text 2 W: I

9、joined our countrys new program called Internet plus nursing services. M: Really? Tell me more about it. W: It was carried out in six provinces from February and it will run until the end of the year. Text 3 M: I feel bad today. I have a sore throat and my nose is running. I dont want to go to schoo

10、l. W: Sounds like you have a cold. OK. Have a good rest and I will call your teacher to ask for a leave. Text 4 W: I suppose youve missed the last bus. Let me give you a ride. M: Thank you. You are so kind. But Mary and I are going to take the subway home. Its convenient. Text 5 M: Oh, look at all t

11、he mess! What happened here? W: We threw a party last night. It was very late when it was over and I didnt clean it. M: Then when will you clean it? W: Right away. Text 6 M: I dont think Id recommend that hotel to anyone. W: You cant expect luxury for that price. Anyway it was easy to get into the c

12、ity center to see all the sights. M: It was a good starting point for exploring, but the people working there werent terribly helpful when we asked them for directions. W: The lady on the reception desk was nice, and you must admit she gave us a room overlooking the garden at the back. M: Its a sham

13、e about that tiny bathroom though. The beds could have been softer too. W: Well, we should have read some reviews online before booking. Text 7 W: So Jason, will you have a go at the competition for young video game designers then? M: Itd be really cool if I could, but I dont know if Im really up to

14、 it. W: Its for 11-to-16-year-olds,so it should be your sort of thing,dont you think? M: Its more a question of whether Ive got what it takes really. W: But you know a lot about video games. M: From the point of view of a player.yeah, absolutely.but as a designer, thats a really different thing. Ill

15、 definitely have a closer look at the competition rules though. W: Ive printed them off actually. Youd better have a look at them before you sign up for the competition. M: I will. Thanks. Text 8 W: So where should we start? This place is huge! M: Why dont we check out the transportation exhibition?

16、 W: Right! I really want to see the high-speed train that travels along on air. M: Sounds interesting. But lets not miss the Reality Room. Its really cool. No matter where you are,you just put on a video hat and you can be in New York walk the streets, skate through Central Park and you never even l

17、eave the room. W: Its probably a lot safer to see New York that way. But Id like to see the Genetic Engineering Room too. M: Whats that about? Sounds frightening! 3 W: Well theyve developed some new tomatoes. They are supposed to be very sweet and juicy and they dont go bad as fast as normal tomatoe

18、s. M: To be honest, Im nervous when technology is mixed into our food. Text 9 M: Can you tell me some interesting activities in the library? W: Yes. We offer a lot of activities and the most popular one is Story Time for children. It takes place in the Childrens Room on Thursday mornings at eleven.

19、M: Isnt there a family movie night? W: Yes. But its not at night anymore. We used to have Family Movies on Fridays when the library is open until nine, but now we have a different activity at that time, so we had to switch Family Movies to the weekend- Saturday afternoon. M: How much do you charge f

20、or the movies? W: Theyre all free. The movie starts at 2: 30 in the Reference Room. M: And what takes place on Friday evenings? W: Weve just started a weekly Lecture Series. We have a different speaker every week, and the lectures cover all different kinds of topics. M: That sounds like something Id

21、 be interested in. When does it start? W: The lecture starts at 6: 30 in the Meeting Room. But youd better come early, or there will be no seats left for you. M: I got it. Thanks. Text 10 M: The English Camp Company organizes English Summer Camps for 7- to-14-year olds. Our fun- loving teachers come

22、 from some of the best universities in the United States. They are well-qualified with backgrounds in teaching English. This summer, we will take a trip to Canada. We will participate in some voluntary work. The most exciting one is that we will have an adventure trip into the green jungle. We will

23、also go for a trip to Italy. We will visit famous museums there. You will be impressed by its architecture. We will live and learn together in Milan University. Our trip to Canada lasts for ten days and costs $ 1, 000 and the one to Italy lasts for a week and costs $ 800. We offer a fun and relaxing

24、 atmosphere for children to learn English. No one will ever learn a language without making mistakes. At our camps, we dont ask the children to speak English perfectly. We only ask them to do their best. Join our 20-day camps for the summer of your life! A篇: BCD 21. B 细节理解题。 根据文章第一段以及 Maps Special E

25、dition, 25 中第一句“This book was already popular in our childrens department and has been made even better with this special edition, which includes 16 new maps. ”和“Maps of the United Kingdom, f 17. 99”中第二句“Technically aimed at children, it contains lots of information and facts. ”可知,这两个项目的共同点是面向孩子。故答案

26、选 B。 22. C 细节理解题。根据“Harry Potters London: The Film Location Walk, 3. 99”中第一句“Harry Potters London is a map that features information on three walks taking in the best of the central London locations featured in the hugely popular films. ”可知答案为 C. Harry Potters London 这一副地图。故答案选 C。 23. D 推理判断题。文章的主要目

27、的是要向读者介绍四幅可以买给 Younger readers 看的地图,根据文章的第一段“Younger readers will discover dinosaurs, stars, explorers, landmarks and more in these maps and travel books chosen by Vivien Godfrey, head of Stanfords。”也可推断出此文应该是书店的广告。故答案选 D。 4 B篇:篇:ACDB 本文讲述了一种人们在日常交流中会用到的说话方式:以看似谦虚的方式或用苦恼的口吻自吹自擂,即网络上流行的“凡尔赛”文学。 24. A

28、 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“a specific type of boast.should normally accompany such claims”可知,它是一种以看似谦虚的方式或用苦恼的口吻吹嘘自己的说话方式。 25. C 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第三段中的“People dont like when others humblebrag because they find they are lacking in sincerity. ”可知,当人们听到别人吹嘘自己的时候,会觉得说话者不真诚。 26. D 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“We all want to high

29、light our positive qualities without seeming proud. ”可知,人们以看似谦虚的方式或用苦恼的口吻吹嘘自己是为了以一种不让人感到生气的方式炫耀自己。 27. B 解析: 细节理解题。 根据最后一段中的“the proper response when we hear a friend doing it may be to simply let it go”可知,在面对别人吹嘘他们自己的时候,我们最好的回应是置之不理。 C篇:篇:DBCA 28. D 推理判断题。第一段中“New research published in the journal

30、Psychological Science supports these observations and finds that dogs also exhibit jealous behavior when they merely imagine that their owner is interacting with a potential opponent, in this case, a highly realistic artificial dog. ”可推出新的研究成果即本文议论主题,故答案选 D。 29. B 细节理解题。从第三段“A barrier was then place

31、d between the dog and the potential opponent stopping them from view”可知障碍物放在狗和潜在的敌人之间是为了阻挡他们的视线,故答案选 B。 30. C 推理判断题。从最后一段“But there is still plenty of work to do to establish the extent of the similarities between the minds of humans and other animals, especially in terms of understanding the nature

32、 of nonhuman animals emotional experiences. It is too early to say whether dogs experience jealousy as we do”可知,要确定人类思想和其他动物思想之间的相似程度,尤其是在理解除人类之外的动物情感经历的本性方面,还有许多工作要做。判断狗狗们的嫉妒体验是否和我们人类一样为时尚早。故答案选 C。 31. A 主旨大意题。新的研究表明,狗是有嫉妒情感和行为的,但要判断狗狗们的嫉妒体验是否和我们人类一样为时尚早,故答案选 A. D 篇:篇:CBBC 32. C 推理判断题。由第二段“The pair

33、, who began cooperating two years ago, share an interest in developing energy sources that might someday have practical application in remote areas in the developing world. ”可知,这两个伙伴有共同的兴趣,那就是开发在发展中国家的一些偏远地区会使用的能源,而他们在两年前开始的合作;由此可以推出,他们关注发展中国家的能源。故答案选 C. 33. B 猜测词义题。 根据第一段的第 1 句以及第二段的最后 1 句可知, 这两种“叶

34、子”都是把太阳能 (solar energy) 变成其他燃料, 第二段也提到模仿“光合作用”, 那就得先“吸收 (absorb) ”太阳能再通过光合作用转化为其他能源。故答案选 B。 34. B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“The present system makes sense now because petroleum costs so little; a sustainable system like the artificial or bionic leaf cant compete with that. ”可知, 目前因为石油成本低,那么像仿生叶这种可持续的系统就无法与之抗衡,大家

35、还是会使用石油能源,但是后文提到“But when oil becomes less and less.want to make everything renewably. ”即5 未来当石油越来越少了,能源匮乏了,那么我们就会希望任何东西都是可再生的可持续的了,而这就是 bionic leaf 的优势所在,也是相信它的原因。故答案选 B。 35. C 主旨大意题。第二、三段主要围绕 bionic leaf 的开发 (development) 展开,说明其怎么来的,什么运作原理;第四、五段说明其优点、在未来的重要意义 (significance) 。故答案选 C。 七选五解析 36-40 CD

36、BFA 这是一篇记叙文。作者和丈夫达成了一项协议,要帮助彼此尽可能远离社交媒体平台。我们没有删除自己的账户,而是有意识地停止使用它们。文章描述了作者因此在日常生活中做出的改变和调整,以及它们给作者带来的影响。 36. 根据上文“My husband and I made an agreement to help each other stay off social media platforms as much as possible. We left our accounts up instead of deleting them, but consciously stopped using

37、 them.(我和丈夫达成了一项协议,要帮助彼此尽可能远离社交媒体平台。我们没有删除自己的账户, 而是有意识地停止使用它们) ”以及后文“Now, Im glad to report that they have worked.(现在,我很高兴地告诉大家,它们已经奏效了)”可知,上文提到作者和丈夫帮助彼此尽可能远离社交媒体平台,有意识地停止使用它们,可见本句承接上文,总结他们在生活中做了一些调整,C 选项中 a few adjustments 对应后文中 they。故 C 选项“我们在日常生活中做了一些调整”符合语境,故选 C。 37. 根据上文“Tired of being the last

38、 to hear of things, we downloaded a few news-specific apps that provide timely information. (厌倦了成为最后一个听到消息的人, 我们下载了一些提供及时信息的新闻应用程序)”以及后文“Instead of relying on articles shared by my friends, I now have access to a steady stream of headlines that span far broader than my pre-specified interests.(现在,我不

39、再依赖朋友们分享的文章,而是能够源源不断地看到新闻标题,这些标题的范围远远超出了我之前设定的兴趣范围)”可知,本句承接上文,说明他们下载新闻应用程序的结果:拓宽了所关注的新闻的范围, 故 D选项“这也拓宽了我所关注的新闻的范围”符合语境, 故选 D。 38. 根据后文“The effort taken to sit down and write is far challenging, but when I do take the time to journal, my reflections go far deeper.(坐下来写作的努力是非常具有挑战性的, 但当我花时间写日记时,我的反思会深

40、入得多)”可知,作者开始花时间写日记了,B 选项中 diary 对应后文中 journal。故 B 选项“很多年以后,我又给自己买了一本日记本”符合语境,故选 B。 39. 根据上文“I still log in occasionally.(我仍然偶尔登录)”以及后文“Based on the screen time tracked by my phone, I used to spend an average of over 24 hours a week on various social media platforms. That is down to just 20 minutes e

41、very month now, freeing up a large amount of time for sleep, hobbies and offline interactions. (根据我手机追踪的屏幕时间, 我过去平均每周花在各种社交媒体平台上的时间超过 24 小时。现在每个月只有 20 分钟的时间,可以腾出大量时间用于睡眠、爱好和线下互动)”可知,作者现在每个月只有 20 分钟时间在社交平台上,说明社交媒体如今在作者的生活中不再那么重要了,故 F 选项“但是现在社交媒体在我生活中扮演的角色已经不那么重要了”符合语境,故选 F。 40. 根据后文“I might know less

42、 about my acquaintances now, but have more time to keep directly in touch with my closest friends. Walking home last week, I was greeted by a dramatic purple-pink sunset. I would have immediately reached for my phone a year ago. Now, it was enough to simply watch it darken into the night.(现在我可能对我的熟人

43、了解较少,但有更多的时间与我最亲密的朋友保持直接联系。上周,当我走在回家的路上时,迎接我的是壮观的紫红色日落。一年前我就会马上拿起我的手机。现在,只要看着夜幕降临就足够了)”可知,后文的内容表明作者对自己减少了使用社交媒体的改变很满意,故 A 选项“总的来说,我很高兴做出了改变”符合语境,故选 A。 6 完型填空:完型填空:BCADB CBADC DBACD 本文是记叙文。作者通过自己的经历告诉我们“工作是暂时的,教育是永恒的”这个道理。 41. B。 42. C。根据 I was in financial trouble 和 I would need a full-time job 可知,作

44、者经济方面有困难,因此“断定 (concluded) ”如果想“担负得起 (afford) ”成为专职学生,自己就需要一份专职工作。 43. A。 44. D。 根据 every entry-level job I could、 a contract company under American Airlines 和 I started as a cleaner 可知,作者“申请 (applied for) ”了所有的初级工作,最终被美国航空的一家合同公司“雇用了 (hired) ”。 45. B。此句承上启下:在机场“工作 (working) ”和上学不能顺利地连接起来。 46. C。根据

45、too.after working to get to class 可知,作者有时会因为干活太“累 (tired) ”而上不了学。 47. B。a busy workday 是 I didnt have time to complete school assignments(没时间完成学校里的作业)的原因,故选 because of。 48. A。 根据 On the days I went to school 和 oversleep 可知, 作者在上学的日子睡过头, 因此会“迟到 (late) ”。 49. D。 50. C。根据上段提到的工作和学习之间的矛盾以及 I chose to st

46、op school 可知,作者的学业和工作都遇到了“困难 (trouble) ”,因此作者决定停止上学,“继续 (continue) ”工作。 51. D。根据最后一段可知,这是个令作者“后悔 (regret) ”的决定。 52. B。根据 she stressed that a job is temporary, but an education is forever 和 justified(证明.有道理)可知,祖母对作者的决定很“失望 (disappointed) ”,强调说工作是暂时的,教育才是长久的。 53. A。根据 deciding that I would get everyth

47、ing I could out of the work experience 和 So I rose 可知,作者从做“清扫 (cleaning) ”工作升职做了调度员。cleaning 和上文中的 cleaner 构成词汇复现。 54. C。根据 I was often forced to dispatch for eight hours straight without a break 可知,作者被迫八小时一直工作,这是“不幸 (Unfortunately) ”。 55. D。根据 Now I would have neither work 可知,公司“失去了 (lost) ”和美国航空的合

48、同。 语法填空语法填空 :本文是一篇时文报道,主题语境是人与社会。讲述的中国女宇航员王亚平成为中国首位进行出舱活动的女航天员,迈出中国女性舱外太空行走的第一步。 56. completed 考查谓语动词,根据 in the early hours of that day 可知为一般过去时态。 57. an 考查冠词,一个空气弹簧的悬挂设备,air 元音发音开头用 an。 58. safety 考查 the+n. +of 形容词、名词的转换。 59. produced 考查非谓语动词,此处表示“由国内生产的,表被动。 60. since 考查连词 since,表示“自. 61. gently 修饰动词需用副词,考查以 e 结尾的形容词变副词的规则。 62. joining 考查非谓语动词,介词+动词的-ing. 63. when 考查定语从句,先行词为时间 1984,先行词在后面定语从句中充当时间状语,故用关系副词 when。 64. have been 考查谓语动词,so far 可知时态为现在完成时态,主语为 the majority of+复数名词时谓语动词用复数。 65. to 考查介词,thanks to 为固定搭配,表示“幸亏,由于”。



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