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1、中外文化史中外文化史主讲人:刘主讲人:刘 耳耳13754605104课件:课件:http:/ of Ancient Greece1230 Destruction of Troy1130 Mycenae destroyed1100 Dorian invasion of Greece780 Alphabetic writing begins in Greece (Phoenician alphabet)776 Traditional date for the beginning of the Olympic games760 First Greek colony on the Italian ma

2、inland (Cumae)750 Large temples begin to be built in Greece古希腊文明古希腊文明Chronology of Ancient Greece750-700The Iliad and the Odyssey reach approximately their present forms700 Hesiod denounces the rich, Zeus a god of justice; monarchies in Greece giving way to oligarchies621 publication of the laws of

3、Athens by Draco600 Sappho of Lesbos, first famous authoress; Greek monumental sculpture begins古希腊文明古希腊文明Chronology of Ancient Greece593 Solons reforms in Athensc.585 Thales of Miletus, beginning of natural philosophy (physics)546 Cyrus conquers Croesus of Lydiac.540 Xenophanes, philosophic monotheis

4、mc.525 Pythagoras, the philosophic life499 Ionian cities, aided by Athens, revolt from Persia490 Battle of Marathon, Persian expedition against Athens defeated古希腊文明古希腊文明Chronology of Ancient Greece480 Xerxes, Darius successor, invades Greece479 Battle of Plataea, Xerxes army destroyed; Battle of Mou

5、nt Mycale, Xerxes Aegean fleet destroyed; Persian loses Macedon, Thrace, and Cyrenaica478 Athens created the Delian League for liberation of Greek cities from Persiac.475 Parmenides opposition of reality (changeless) to appearance (changing)古希腊文明古希腊文明Chronology of Ancient Greece458 Aeschylus Orestei

6、a; beginning of Pericles predominance457 The long walls secure Athens from attack by land454 The treasury of the Delian League moved to Athens449 Athens makes peace with Persia447 Beginning of the Parthenon, work of Ictinus古希腊文明古希腊文明Chronology of Ancient Greecec.447 The Sophists study of argument an

7、d rhetoric; Pindar (lyric poetry), Sophocles (tragedy), Herodotus (history), Phidias (sculpture)431-404The Peloponnesian War, ending with the destruction of the Athenian fleet, the long walls, and the Delian League; Socrates (moral philosophy), Hippocrates (rational medicine), Democritus (atomic the

8、ory), Aristophanes (comedy), Euripides (tragedy), Thucydides (history)古希腊文明古希腊文明Chronology of Ancient Greece404-371 Spartan hegemony in Greece399 Trial and execution of Socrates395 Persia finances Greek attacks on Sparta394 Rebuilding of the long walls of Athens begun with Persian help378 Formation

9、of the Second Athenian League371 Battle of Leuctra, Sparta decisively defeated by Thebes古希腊文明古希腊文明Chronology of Ancient Greece371-362Theban hegemony in Greece; Spartan control of the Peloponnese ended; establishment of the Arcadian League; Plato teaching in Athens; Praxiteles (sculptor); Isocrates (

10、rhetorician)359 Philip II becomes king of the Macedonians338 Battle of Chaironea, Philip II defeats Athens and Thebes and subjugates Greece; Aristotle, Diogenes, Demosthenes (orator)古希腊文明古希腊文明Chronology of Ancient Greece336 Philip II assassinated; Alexander succeeds334 Alexander invades the Persian

11、Empire331 Foundation of Alexandria-by-Egypt; capture of Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis327 Invasion of Pakistan326 Conquest of the Indus Valley323 Death of Alexander in Babylon古希腊文明古希腊文明Chronology of Ancient Greece323-276Wars of Alexanders successors, emergence of the three major Hellenistic kingdoms:

12、 Antigonid Macedon, Ptolemaic Egypt, and the Seleucid empire; Epicurus, Zeno (founder of Stoicism), Theophrastus (successor of Aristotle)Zeno of Citium (333 BC - 264 BC), not to be confused with Zeno of Elea (c.490c.430 BC), famed for his paradoxes275-215Zenith of Alexandria as center of the new Hel

13、lenistic culture; Archimedes, Euclid, Theocritus (creator of Greek bucolic poetry), Apollonius Rhodius (librarian and poet)古希腊文明古希腊文明分裂与政治制度的多元性分裂与政治制度的多元性商业和航海的发达使人口压力可以通过建立海外商业和航海的发达使人口压力可以通过建立海外殖民地来缓解,无太大的必要进行政治上的整合殖民地来缓解,无太大的必要进行政治上的整合多山而缺少大河、平原的地理条件使希腊半岛也多山而缺少大河、平原的地理条件使希腊半岛也难以达到政治上的统一难以达到政治上的统



16、等精神平等精神:理性高于权威:理性高于权威古希腊文明古希腊文明希腊的文化成就希腊的文化成就相互师承的三大哲学家相互师承的三大哲学家:苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德Socrates (c. 469 399 BC)Plato (424/423 348/347 BC)Aristotle (384 322 BC)古希腊文明古希腊文明古希腊哲学古希腊哲学黑格尔:哲学是从希腊开始的。黑格尔:哲学是从希腊开始的。希腊的哲学家们反对过去由传统对世界作希腊的哲学家们反对过去由传统对世界作出的神秘主义解释,他们试图通过理性进出的神秘主义解释,他们试图通过理性进行重新诠释,回答诸如以下的问题:行重新诠释,回答诸如以下的问题:万物从何而来?万物从何而来?万物由什么构成?万物由什么构成?我们如何解释自然事物的多元性?我们如何解释自然事物的多元性?我们如何通过数学描述自然?我们如何通过数学描述自然?古希腊文明古希腊文明



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