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1、- 1 - / 9 Book2 Module 3单元测试卷(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分 (120)一、单项填空 (共15小题。 每小题 1分, 满分 15分) 1. Do you think children should learn to play musical instrument from early age? A. a。 B. the。 C. the。 an D. a。 an 2. summer goes and winter comes, time flows like water. We are grown-up now. A. While B. Whe

2、n C. As D. Until 3. He says was his uncle who helped him start his own company after graduation. A. that B. it C. who D. one 4. Listen! Her voice well. Yes, it sounds beautiful. A. records B. is recorded C. is recording D. recorded 5. As we all know, salt, when with water, dissolves quickly. A. mixe

3、d B. mixing C. mix D. is mixed 6. The 30th Olympic Games will be held in London in 2018, is a modern city in Europe. A. when B. where C. which D. that 7. Did you catch the early bus? No, it by the time I arrived. A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. would leave 8. his key, the boy couldn t enter th

4、e room. He had no choice but to wait for his mother. A. Having lost B. Lost C. Losing D. To have lost 9. Did you like the article I wrote? Yes. I was very impressed it. A. on B. at C. for D. of 10. It is necessary to high school students to take part in a variety of social activities. A. supply B. e

5、ncourage C. influence D. offer 11. As far as I know, it is about ten years he began to write songs in his spare time. A. when B. before C. as D. since 12. My tooth is killing me. I can t it. You d better go to see a doctor. A. stand B. believe C. help D. afford 13. Can you believe that this excellen

6、t song by a high school student? A. composed B. had been composed C. compose D. was composed 14. In China, fast food is very with everybody, especially children and young people. A. popular B. happy C. complex D. favorite 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页- 2 - / 9 15. I wonder

7、 if I could make a living by writing. But are you sure? A. No way! B. Why not? C. Really? D. Cool! 二、 完形填空 (共20小题。 每小题 1.5分 , 满分 30分) One day a woman was out golfing when she hit her ball into the woods. She went into the woods to 16 it and found a frog in a 17 . The frog said to her, “ I ve been tr

8、apped here for two days and I m 18 now. I will grant (答应 ) you three 19 if you can save me from this trap.”The woman 20 the frog and the frog said, “ Thank you, but I 21 to mentionthat there was a 22 to your wishes whatever you wish for, your 23 will get 10 times more or better!” The woman said, “ T

9、hat would be 24 . ” Andfor her first wish, she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world. The frog 25 her, “ You do realize that this wish will also make your husband the most 26 man in the world. He will 27 many girls.” The woman replied, “ That will be okay 28 I ll be the most beautiful w

10、oman andhe will 29 have eyes for me.” So, the woman became the most beautiful woman in the world! For her 30 wish, she wanted to be the richest woman in the world. Thefrog said, “ That will make your husband have much 31 and he will be ten times richer than you. ” The woman said, “ That will be okay

11、 because what is32 is his and what is hisis mine.” So, she became the richest woman in theworld! The frog then 33 her third wish. The woman envied (嫉妒 ) her husband,and she answered, “ I would like a mild heart 34 . ”An envious person is 35 when a great misfortune befalls (降临 ) others. 16. A. think

12、about B. care about C. look for D. work on 17. A. river B. room C. wall D. trap 18. A. listening B. dying C. sleeping D. leaving 19. A. wishes B. ideas C. plans D. points 20. A. fed B. trained C. freed D. taught 21. A. started B. happened C. remembered D. failed 22. A. mistake B. condition C. chance

13、 D. goal 23. A. husband B. brother C. family D. son 24. A. funny B. terrible C. okay D. valuable 25. A. ordered B. invited C. allowed D. warned 26. A. healthy B. handsome C. honest D. important 27. A. attract B. respect C. protect D. save 28. A. when B. before C. because D. if 29. A. still B. even C

14、. also D. only 30. A. last B. second C. first D. third 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页- 3 - / 9 31. A. treasure B. experience C. information D. time 32. A. yours B. his C. mine D. hers 33. A. got through B. worried about C. looked at D. asked about 34. A. operation B. attack

15、 C. exam D. protection 35. A. happy B. brave C. lonely D. sick 三、阅读理解 (共20小题。 每小题 2分, 满分 40分) AThe manager of a small building company was very surprised to get a bill for two white mice which one of his workmen had bought. He sent for the workman and asked him why he had had the bill sent to the co

16、mpany. “ Well, ” the workman answered, “ you remember the house we were repairing in Nebraska last week, don t you? One of the things we had to do there was to put in some new electric wiring. Well, in one place we had to pass some wires through a pipe thirty feet long and about an inch across, whic

17、h was built into solid stone and had four big bends in it. None of us could think how to do this until I had a good idea. I went to a shop and bought two white mice, one of them male and the other female. Then I tied a thread to the body of the male mouse and put him into the pipe at one end, while

18、Bill held the female mouse at the other end and pressed her gently to make her squeak(尖叫 ). When the male mouse heard the female mouse s squeaks, he rushed along the pipe to help her. I suppose he was a gentleman even though he was only a mouse. Anyway, as he ran through the pipe, he pulled the thre

19、ad behind him. It was then quite easy for us to tie one end of the thread to the electric wires and pull them through the pipe.”36. Why was the workman sent for? A. Because he might have cheated the manager. B. Because he had broken the rule of the company. C. Because the manager thought he had sent

20、 him a wrong bill. D. Because the manager wanted to praise his good work. 37. Why did the workman buy the two mice? A. To help solve a problem in their work. B. To see whether mice could go through some bends. C. To test the love between the two mice. D. To check how their work went on. 38. How did

21、the two mice help the workman out? A. The two mice ran to each other in the pipe. B. The male mouse ran with the thread from one end of the pipe to the other. C. The workman drove the male mouse to save the female mouse. D. The two mice ran through the pipe with the wire. 39. From the story we may c

22、onclude that . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页- 4 - / 9 A. animals such as mice have deep love for each other B. only white mice know how to do building work C. only small companies have such problems described D. the workman s idea is very cruel in solving the problem40. Wh

23、at may be the most possible ending of the story? A. The two mice were kept as pets. B. The bill was accepted by the manager. C. Many other workmen will do the same. D. Both the workman and the mice were driven away. BAn English saying goes: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” That means we

24、 should relax after a day s hard work or we ll be unhealthy.Many students know that if they want to get ideal(理想的 ) jobs with good salaries, they must do well in high school so they can enter good universities. Therefore, they spend all day studying without time to relax. However, not all students c

25、an go to top universities even if they work very hard. Students are pressurized by parents and teachers who are just concerned about their studies and exam scores while ignoring (忽视 ) their hobbies and in dividual differences. As a result, students are forced to work harder and harder. Furthermore,

26、there is pressure coming from students themselves. They realize they have a slim chance of getting into a top university as competition is fierce. So, they put a lot of stress on themselves and stay in a nervous state day after day. If they keep it up, they ll suffer illnesses, both psychological an

27、d physical. What students need is relaxation. This doesn t mean that they should give up their ambitions and stop studying hard. It means “ work while you work, and play while you play” . If you can do this, you will improve your health greatly. You ll feel yourself suddenly fresh, just like recover

28、ing from a terrible illness. You ll find that your studies are not a burden anymore.41. The underlined part in the first paragraph might mean all the following EXCEPT . A. too much work may bring trouble to anyone B. overwork without rest makes one foolish C. Jack becomes dull because he works too m

29、uch D. anyone who doesn t work will break down 42. What trouble have both the parents and the teachers brought to the students? A. They don t know how to let the students relax.B. They give too much burden for them to bear. C. They don t love those who work the hardest.D. They fail to understand wha

30、t the students need most. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页- 5 - / 9 43. What causes the students pressure from themselves?A. They don t know how to get to top universities.B. They want to relax but have no chance. C. They fail to relax themselves during their work. D. They th

31、ink too much about the result of their work. 44. What is the passage mainly about? A. The relationship between work and relaxation. B. The serious situation for the poor students. C. Some problems caused by the misunderstanding of learning. D. How to be a healthy and successful learner. 45. Which of

32、 the following might serve as the best title of the whole passage? A. Never work too hard B. Work hard but relax as well C. Ways to be healthy D. No pains, no gains CBorn without a right hand, Nicholas McCarthy has struggled to become a successful left-handed concert pianist. Now the 21-year-old man

33、 is going back to perform in his hometown of Epsom next month. “ Many of my friends and family haven t heard me play, so I thought it would be nice to hold a concert f or them,” he said. McCarthy admitted he didn t have much interest in music at school until he discovered the piano. “ I heard my fri

34、end playing and I just fell in love with it,” he added. “ I d practice after school and my parents supported me a lot. They must have had their doubts when I started learning, but they never batted an eyelid . ”It was seven years ago that McCarthy began to play, but he had such a natural talent that

35、 he was mastering (掌握 ) difficult Beethoven pieces within weeks of taking up the piano. He taught himself at first, but then his parents heard he was good and hired a professional teacher. McCarthy has played in concert venues (场馆 ) across the UK, and now is a student at the Royal College of Music.

36、He had previously attended the Guildhall School of Music in London, where he won the Annual Piano Prize in 2008. He is hoping to play for the audience around the world and is set to release (发表 ) his first album at the beginning of July. “ It will include classical music written especially by com po

37、sers for left-handed players. A lot of people won t know the music because there are so few people who play with their left hand alone, but they are beautiful pieces.” 46. McCarthy will hold a concert in his hometown mainly because . A. he wanted to thank his music teacher B. he was invited by his h

38、igh school C. he wanted to encourage more people D. he wanted to play for his friends and family 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页- 6 - / 9 47. The underlined phrase “ batted an eyelid” in paragraph 2 probably means “”.A. showed them B. admitted them C. were serious D. spent m

39、oney 48. What is special about McCarthy s first album?A. The music is written by left-handed composers. B. It is so difficult that many people can t understand.C. The classical music is played in a modern way. D. Some pieces are written for left-handed pianists. 49. From the passage we can learn tha

40、t McCarthy . A. wasn t interested in music at middle schoolB. learned to play the piano all by himself C. hasn t held concerts around the world yetD. won the Annual Piano Prize last year 50. What would be the best title of the text? A. Nicholas McCarthy s concert will rock the UKB. Left-handed piani

41、st set off for hometown concert C. Nicholas McCarthy gives a successful concert in Epsom B. Problem student became famous composer DWhen I was a child, I stayed with my grandmother a lot of the time while my mother was at work. One day some money problems started to arise for my grandmother and the

42、family. They needed a little more income so she decided to sing at the nearby retirement home (养老院 ). So I had to go with her. I wasn t sure about it at first, but as soon as my grandmother actually convinced (说服 ) me to get on stage and start singing, I loved it. I just loved seeing that sparkle (光

43、亮) in those people s eyes. They would stand up and dance and clap to the beat of the music. Eventually, we weresinging at many of the homes in the surrounding area 5 out of 7 days a week. Making other people happy has always made me happy. And during that experience I even discovered my gift, singin

44、g. My grandma still sings to those people 15 years later, only for no charge (收费 ) now. I moved to North Carolina when I was 13, leaving my grandma in Florida, but I still carry on her effort and try and go out of my way to do something kind, even if very small, for at least one person every day. Th

45、ere is no better feeling in the world than the one you get when you hear appreciation in someone s voice.51. The author stayed with her grandmother as a child because . A. her mother was busy working B. her mother had no ability to care for her C. her grandmother liked her more D. her grandmother wa

46、s richer 52. The author s grandmother sang at the nearby retirement home probably to .A. bring joy to the old people there B. make ends meet 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页- 7 - / 9 C. start a new career D. satisfy her husband 53. We can infer from the second paragraph that

47、. A. the author had great confidence when she started to sing B. the audience were surprised that the author could sing at such an early age C. the author was loved by the audience D. the audience didn t like the author at first 54. What does the author intend to tell us in the passage? A. One can f

48、ind his gift only through failure. B. Others appreciation can make one happy.C. One can succeed if he doesn t give up halfway.D. It s hard to win others appreciation. 55. The underlined “ it ” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to “”.A. how the author could please the old people B. whether Grandmother c

49、ould make money C. whether the author could sing or not D. what songs the author had to sing 四、写作 (共两节 , 满分 35分 ) 第一节 阅读表达 (共5小题。每小题3分,满分 15分) Most successful students know how to make a study timetable. If you want to succeed in getting good grades, then you may want to try this to make a schedule.

50、 A study timetable is a guideline to make us study at its level best. When you , you know what you need to do and when you need to do it. A timetable can also help you to fit in other activities that are important to you. For many people, i t s easiest to make a study timetable that s made up of col

51、umns (列). Start by drawing a small border (边) along the top and the left side of the paper. This is where you ll put the days and the time. Divide the rest of the paper into seven columns. List the days at the top. Then, create rows for each time period. It s usually best to divide your time into on

52、e-hour blocks. It s OK if you have a particular project that takes longer than an hour, and this allows you to easily divide your time. Now that you have the basic outline for your study timetable, you may want to make copies of this. It s easier to use a copy than to draw it fresh each week. 56. Wh

53、at is the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words) _ 57. Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one? You d better make a copy of your timetable instead of drawing another one each week. _ 58. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 8 words) 精

54、选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页- 8 - / 9 _ 59. What should a study timetable be made up of? (no more than 5 words) _ 60. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese. _ 第二节书面表达 (满分 20分) 假定你是李华,某中学生英语学习网站“ 音乐名人志 ” 专栏正在征集稿件。请根据以下提示信息,写一篇英语短文介绍青年钢琴家李云迪。成长经历1982年

55、生于重庆1989年开始学习钢琴2000年在肖邦国际钢琴比赛中夺冠,成为该赛事史上最年轻的冠军代表作品肖邦夜曲全集(Chopin Nocturnes) 注意:1. 词数 100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 参考词汇:肖邦国际钢琴比赛the International Frederic Chopin Piano Competition 。参考答案 :1 15DCBAA CCABBDADAB 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页- 9 - / 9 16 35 CDBAC DBACDBACDB ACDBA 3

56、6 55 CABABDBCDB DADCB ABCBC 56. How to make a timetable 57. It s easier to use a copy than to draw it fresh each week.58. plan ahead 59. Different columns. 60. 假如某一个工程需要一个多小时,你也可以在时刻表上列出,这会使你更容易地分配自己的时间。One possible version:Li Yundi, a famous young pianist in the world, is known as the “ Prince of t

57、he Piano” in China.He was born in Chongqing in 1982. As many musicians, Li Yundi showed musical talent early on. He began his piano studies at the age of seven and soon developed great interest. In 2000, at just eighteen, Li Yundi won the top honor at the International Frederic Chopin Piano Competition, one of the most famous musical events. He is the first Chinese and the youngest first-prize winner ever in the competition s history.Now, his CDs and DVDs are enjoyed worldwide, among which the most famous is Chopin Nocturnes. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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