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1、定语从句和名词性从句的区别和练习作者 : 日期:?定语从句( ttributivelauses)在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词 ,词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。. She iste girl wh alkd m eseda. 名词性从句 (Noun lauses)-主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句在句中做主语、宾语、表语和同位语的成份。e.g.Idon t knowhosheis.(宾语)Thi is why cam hee.(表语) 区别:第一, 定语从句有先行词,且先行词可以放入后面的从句中使从句完整;名词性从

2、句中的主语从句、 表语从句和宾语从句没有先行词, 同位语从句有先行词但在从句中不做成分。eg.The ew th they ld me xcteme.( thenws 可以放入从句中,使句子完整,即 hey tol me th ews)The news that ou te won exted me. (the ne无法放入从句中,所以是同位语从句)第二, 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句(Noun lause )。 名词从句的功能相当于名词词组,它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等定语从句是由关系代词和关系副词引导的从句, 其作用是作定语 , 修饰主句的某个名词性成分,定

3、语从句分为限定性和非限定性从句两种。第三,最关键也是最重要的区别: . 名词性从句和定语从句的最本质的不同点在于, 前者在句子中做名词 , 而后者相当于形容词,修饰或限制名词或代词。 名词性从句由 tht 引导时 , 通常不充当从句的句子成分, 故hat可省去。但定语从句由 hat 引导时, 如在从句中充当主语时 , 则 that不能省去。.使用中最大的区别 :定语从句由于在句子中只作定语,故去掉它 ,整个句子还完整 ,就像普通的句子去掉一个定语不影响原句的完整性一样。但名词性从句由于它们充当的是句子的骨干成分(主语 ,宾语或表语),故去掉它们,原句就不通了。如下面的A 句,去掉了主语从句T

4、at h has ecomaic man,原句变成knowno all ourown。 就失去了完整性。而 B 句,去掉定语从句部分t t isonhedesk后,原句变成The peis mne 还是通的。:That e has eome a ich ma is nowo all in our ton. B:h pen at i nthe esk s mi 【各个击破】名词性从句.He got angr ih _she s id. Atht Bwhich Chat .all ht Ct you find out _ wrongwth t TV t. .hcthat s Chat s D. h

5、ere s 3._tey wll ave a go d harvesthis year is stil uknownA.W ethrB.If CWichD. Tht 4Al theboks are he e.Youay boro _ yu ke. AwhicthatC.wat D. whchver 5Th n _ toMount Ti during the ummr oiday lghtelofuA l gB.ih we wul gtate woldgD.woldgo 6e could arly undestand _Awhatte ma was ta king about B.tat the

6、ma was talkng abou Cwhat wasthe mn tlking aot Dthe manwas talinabout what 7_ is thtIae promisedto mae iends ith the dishonest gi lAhe nly thin wtI rgret B. Wht I egret mot .All what I reallyegret mst . Wh ha I rrmo8_ s s lvinw i not knon nbod. A.What .WhenCWhere D Wh9.Th is _ theriver a n llted. A.h

7、at B.why .that D. weh10Ta is _ hes bornAwht tatCwhD.wheher 定语从句1Tisshe act y _ hey visted heoter day. Athat B.were . which what 2.Jeanne she old riend,_ se borrowed cklae. frm who frm hoC. hat .o ho3.Tis bok is the studen s _native laguage i noElish. A atB.ofwhom .wosD.ho 4.eyoutha _ bcycle astole?

8、Ais B.whosChisD.of which t e 5I don t like th way _ e pke to mA. at . bywhich . taD. / 6 He k good ue of thetim _ he cn spare. tht Bn wicC.inthat Dwhn 7“Those _ to see theew flm write down your nm, pleae.”Aant .wo Ctat answhownt 8.Xia ua, _ your good friend, wiltry heresto lp ouo. A.wh is B.wh am th

9、at m whatis 9. Heas wo Chinese-Enlish icionaries,_ were bo htat wek. A.t fwichBoth of hich C.both ohem D.ll f wm 10.A s swoma is_ se lsgods. A.a hingthB.ometh g taC awoan .a omnwhat 综合练习1 Ish the fctoy _ you visited he othey?A. thatB where C. inwich D. the one 2Ith fator _ some oregnfriends isitedla

10、t Frda?A. tat B.hre C which D the oe 3. Is ths efatory _ hworkedte yeas ago? A.thB. where C. wih . theone 4.e w es hithemelves nhe plae _coun t b foud. A. hat B. whee. iwicD. ithat 5.he easo s _e i unabl to oeratethe mahin. A beause B. wy Ctht D heher . My th futhi he dy _ we inese peo lwil never fo

11、retA. which when . on whc about whc7. We ar going to sen the Spring Festivalin Gunhou, live my gr ndpare ts and s e rlative. A.which B.that. who were 8. He as twsos, _ wor as chem t. A. to ofwho. bh f hom C. botofhich D allo hom . Who n tink of a s ation_ thisioma be usd? A. ich B. hat C. hee . i th

12、at 10 _ eope spend uch moe oteir ets _ us ot. A. Tha; supriss . What; srprisinC How;are srrid D. That;s supris11.Te tought_ Lo Gowoul open a Schn resauntin LosAngles srprisehis wif A. thaB. aC. wehr D if . _ weae donghas erbn debforeATat B. Wht C.Which D Wheher 13._scould t ndestand a _wer an fwr su

13、dentsowed nteres in er esso Wht; wy . That; hatC. What; because D. hy;hat 4. Whtt doors relly ouis _ y mother illce frm the srious dises oon. . when B.how C whether D. hy ._ leavst roml ouh to tn off the lights. A Aye .Thepeson. Whoever Dho 1. Go andgt yor coa t s _you lef it. A.thee .wereC therehre D here re 17 Nonean e ure_ ina mlln yeas. A. wat man ill l klik whawilan loo ike C an wi likewhaD.what kw l ma le 扬大附中张兆祥高三英语复习答案一、-5 C ADC -1 ABBC 二、1-5 A CDA 6-1BD D 11 15 ACBD 三、1-5AD AD 6 0CDA 11-C AB -20C A



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