四年级英语上册 Unit 1 mocky the juggler课件3 北师大版(一起)

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1、Mocky the jugglerSusanUnit 1Lesson 3 What does she do?She is a _.teacherIs she a teacher?Yes,_ _.she is你发现了什么?Is she a vet?No,_ _.she isntisnotnt仔细观察,这句话有几个否定词,分别是什么?Are you a vet?Yes, _ _.I am提示:用第二人称提问,用第一人称回答。提示:用第二人称提问,用第一人称回答。 你记住了吗?你记住了吗?那么,否定回答应该怎么说呢?No, I am not仔细观察,这句话有几个否定词,分别是什么?一般疑问句,千万别

2、忘记否定时,前加No,后加not一个不能少。你提问,我回答,用他提问用他答,人称没变化!What does he do?He is a doctorIs he your father?Yes,he is.What does she do?She is a nurse.Is she your mother?No,she isnt.She is my _.aunt1、Ken is a student,Ann is a student,too 2、Ken is a student,Ann is also a student.also & too你能找出它们的相同点和不同点吗?相同点:都表示“也”的意思不同点:too用在句尾,also用在句子中间。



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