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1、学习必备欢迎下载【考点透视】I 重点短语take over 接管、占据take off 脱掉(衣帽等) 、切除(物)、动身、(飞机等)起飞、请(几天)假takeoff 从(价格)中减去take on 雇用(某人) 、承担(工作) 、呈现、流行take out 取出1. take to 喜欢上(某人) 、开始() 、养成的恶习take up 拿起、占有、开始、继续、(车辆等)搭载(乘客)take in 吸收、包括、了解、理解、欺骗、收留(某人)住宿take back 取回(某物) 、收回(承诺等) 、归还take after(长得)像(父母等)take for 把当作、误认为求助于翻到(书的某页

2、)2. turn to 变成开始工作把注意力导向U毁灭the of civilization C常用 pl. 废墟、遗址the s of ancient Rome 3. ruin in ruins 成为废墟的、荒芜的 bring to ruin 使毁灭 fall in/into ruin = go to ruin 灭亡;荒芜vt. Heavy smoking ruined his health. ruin oneself ruin/ destroy/ damage 都含有“破坏、毁灭”的意思,但有区别:destroy 指彻底毁坏不能或很难修复。damage 指价值、用途降低或外表损坏等,不一定

3、全部破坏,损坏了还可以修复。ruin 现在多用于借喻中,泛指一般的“弄坏了”。remains pl. 剩余、残留物;pl. 遗体、尸首link v. 保持,仍然处于(某种状态 ) = still to be = continue to be = stay 4. remain 后接形容词、名词.、分词、不定式或介词短语等vi 剩下,还有 stay remaining adj.剩下的the remaining time = the time left (注意 remaining 和 left 的位置变化 ) 比较: remain / stay 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师

4、归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载作连系动词,意为“继续保持某一状态”(continue to be )时,常可互换。表示“剩余” 、 “残存”时,通常只用remain ,而不用stay。remain 暗指呆在原地或保持原来的形状或状态。只能用作不及物动词,故无被动式,不能带宾语。主语可以是人,也可以是物。stay 指在某地作短暂停留,或逗留在一定的场所。主语通常是人。be involved in 热衷于、专心于、参与、卷入、牵涉到5. involve oneself with 和混在一起、和有牵连involve sth. 包含、需要winning t

5、he game involves both skill and fortune. = take away 移开 = take off 脱掉6. remove from =get rid of 除掉、清除 =dismiss from 撤职 =move 搬家“环境、情况、条件”,常用 pl. U“状态、状况” ,但可与 a 连用in good condition ; in a terrible condition 7. condition “环境、情况” ,其前的介词用under / in on condition that “在条件下”in a condition to do sth. 宜于做某

6、事on no condition 在任何条件下都不 n. / pron. 8. require + sb. to do sth. doing/ to be done 从句用虚拟语气(should) + 动词原形in return (for ) 作为(对的)回报/ 报答by return (接信后)立即作复Many happy returns (of the day)! 祝你长寿!祝你长命百岁!9. in turn 依次地by turns 轮流地take turns to do sth. = take turns at doing sth. 轮流做某事Its one s turn to do s

7、th. 轮到某人做某事carry out 实施、执行、进行10. carry on 进行、继续。有时可跟动名词carry on with 继续做(某事)carry off 夺走(奖赏) 、带走adj. 主要的、重要的、较大的11. major n. 主修科目、主修学生vi. 主修(in +科目)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载in memory of 12. = to the memory of 为纪念(只用于对已故人的怀念)in honor of = in ones honor 为纪念(既可用于

8、对已故人的纪念,也可用于对活人的敬意)goods 货物、 商品、 财产。 (复数形式, 无单数形式, 不可与数词连用,但可与 many,these,those 等连用。作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。)13. possession (pl.)财产;所有物;U 持有;具有wealth U 财富II 重点句型1. Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, so was the city. 2. A saying goes that Rome wasn t built in a day. (= As the saying goes,) 3. I

9、am very honored and grateful that you have come today. 4. Not only was Rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one the largest empires in history. 5. There is another similarity between China and Rome. 【题例精析】【例 1】 A large number of students in our school _from the countr

10、yside; the number _ growing these years. (2007 上海育才2 月交流卷)A. is; has been B. are; has been C. is; have been D. are; have been 【易错点悟】解答该题的关键是要注意a number of 和 the number of 后接名词复数作主语时的主谓一致关系。【要点精析】 a number of 意思为“许多” ,后接复数名词作主语时,应视为复数,谓语动词要用复数形式;the number of 后接复数名词,意思为“的数量”,表示单数意义,谓语动词要用单数形式。【答案】 B

11、【例 2】 O Neal works hard. So he does. He is often seen _ heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practice. (2007 浙江余杭中学2 月卷)A. to be sweated B. sweated C. be sweated D. sweating 【易错点悟】解答该题关键是要正确处理好“感觉动词、使役动词”主动形式与被动形式复合结构中动词的选用。【答案解析】根据句子结构可知,感觉动词see 用于被动结构,选项A、C不可以用于这一结构中;选项B 为被动意义,不成立;只有选

12、项D(sweating)现在分词与be seen 构成复合结构,强调状态。【答案】 D 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载【单元检测】单项填空1. Mr. Wang has been selected _ chairman of the conference. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Housework _ cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning. A. involving B. involving in C. inv

13、olves D. involves in 3. The emergency _ that the police should be called at once. A. insists B. suggests C. requires D. advises 4. Are you very anxious?Yes. Ten minutes _ like an hour when you are waiting for a phone call. A. seem B. seems C. do D. does 5. What do you think of Peter? He is a helpful

14、 person. He is always helping people without expecting anything _. A. in turn B. in return C. on his return D. on the turn 6. The refugees (难民 )have been fed, clothed and _ by welfare organizations around the world. A. stored B. collected C. housed D. provided 7. Why didn t you join them? You are _.

15、 I had to receive an unexpected visitor. A. wanted to B. wanted to have C. supposed to D. supposed to have 8. John is the only son of the couple, so it is certain that he will _ the big business when his father gets old. A. hand over B. take over C. go over D. turn over 9. With more forests _, huge

16、quantities of good earth are being washed away. A. being destroyed B. destroyed C. to be destroyed D. destroying 10. Nothing _ after the terrible fire which had been cause by someone smoking in bed. A. remained B. left C. continued D. kept 11. The meeting being over, I found her _ at the desk and _

17、to music. A. seating; listened B. seated; listened C. seating; listening D. seated; listening 12. _ as one, the people of that country eventually drove the invaders out of their country. A. Linked B. Combined 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载C. Joined D. United 13. A

18、monument was set up at the centre of Tiananmen Square _ those who devoted their lives to our country. A. in praise of B. in place of C. in memory of D. in need of 14. Some young people are holding a birthday party next door, and the noise nearly _ me crazy. A. let B. get C. make D. drive 15.You didn

19、 t get hurt at all in the traffic accident? _. I was a lucky dog. A. No problem B. I don t think soC. I m afraid not D. Good heavens no 完形填空One fine evening a man walked into a fast - food chicken place and bought a nine - piece bucket of chicken. He 16 his chicken to the park for a romantic picnic

20、under the moonlight with his 17 . Upon reaching into the 18 , however, he received a 19 . Instead of chicken he discovered nine thousand dollars! The young man 20 the bucket back to the store and asked for his 21 exchange for the money. The manager, 22 by the young man s honesty, asked for his name

21、and told him he wanted to call the 23 and the local news station to do a morality (道德说教 ) that would 24 others. “ My date s waiting, I just want my chicken,” the hungry man refused. The manager was deeply struck by the young man s humility ( 谦虚 ). He 25 to be allowed to tell the story on the news. A

22、t this the honest man became 26 with the manager and demanded his chicken. “ You are an honest man in a (an) 27 world! This is a perfect opportunity to show the world that there are honest people 28 willing to take a stand for what is right. Please, give me your 29 and also the woman s name. Is that

23、 your wife?”“ That s the 30 , ” said the young man. “ My wife is at home. The woman in the car is my girlfriend. Now let me have my chicken 31 I can get out of here.” It s 32 to look good to people who don t 33 you. Many of us do a good deed here and there, and everyone 34 we re something that we ar

24、e not. But God sees your heart. It really do esn t matter how much you 35 or what other people think of you. What matters is what s on the inside. 16. A. took B. ate C. carried D. sent 17. A. sister B. wife C. friend D. lady 18. A. park B. car C. pocket D. bucket 19. A. love B. welcome C. surprise D

25、. pleasure 20. A. returned B. brought C. got D. lifted 21. A. money B. right C. change D. chicken 22. A. moved B. encouraged C. surprised D. delighted 23. A. newspaper B. people C. government D. public 24. A. please B. desire C. inspire D. interest 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,

26、共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载25. A. asked B. begged C. needed D. required 26. A. glad B. calm C. angry D. silent 27. A. dishonest B. honest C. lovely D. peaceful 28. A. never B. even C. yet D. still 29. A. address B. name C. chicken D. opinion 30. A. problem B. difficulty C. astonishment D. excitement 31 .A. but B

27、. so C. for D. as 32. A. difficult B. good C. easy D. pleasant 33. A. know B. love C. realize D. understand 34. A. finds B. says C. thinks D. insists 35. A. get B. do C. pay D. receive 阅读理解(A) If you re the type of traveler who just wants a suitable place to hang your hat and you dontwant to spend a

28、 fortune to do it, here are several ways to save on your next hotel room: *Be FlexibleHotel rates are based on supply and demand, so be aware of peak periods. If your destination s high season is from December through April and you re trying to book nearthe end of April, you might find considerable

29、savings if you change your travel dates by a week or two. *Check Hotel Web Sites The large travel-booking Web sites often sell rooms from the middlemen who have bought up empty hotel moms. But the major hotel chains also offer last-minute discounts, and because they re not paying the middleman, they

30、 sometimes have better deals than the travel sites. *Don t be Afraid to Bargain Most people are so intimidated (畏缩的 ) by know-it-all hotel desk clerks that they don t bargain for a better deal. But bargaining for a better deal is often worth the trouble, because most hotel general managers would pre

31、fer having a customer paying a lower-than-usual rate to no customer at all. And if you find something unfair on your hotel bill, don t be afraid to complain. To keep your goodwill, hotels will often reduce or cancel such charges. *Avoid Hidden CostsExpensive little extras hotels never mention can in

32、crease the cost of your stay. Don t let this happen. Find out about resort fees, fees for parking and Internet use before you agree to stay. And don t touch the hotel s phone unless you absolutely have to the rates can be more than $2 a minute even inside the United States. 36. According to the pass

33、age, which of the following will save you some money? A. Change your visiting places in high season. B. Book rooms through Web sites. C. Use the hotel s phone. D. Bargain with desk clerks for your room, 37. That travelers can bargain for better deal is often based on the fact that _. A. managers oft

34、en prefer a lower-paid customer to no customer B. there are many places which should not be charged C. customers are often afraid to complain the price D. the desk clerks and managers often cheat the travelers 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载38. The passage was mainl

35、y written to _. A. advertise hotels B. complain high costs C. serve the travelers D. introduce hotel services (B) Children who spend more time reading with their parents have a greater chance of becoming better readers than those who don t. With help from their parents, children can learntechniques

36、to improve their reading skills. “ A lot of parents think after their child learns to read, they should stop reading to them, ” Donna George said. “ They are sadly mistaken.”George offers her services to parents at the Title I Learning Centers. She said reading aloud to children may be the most valu

37、able thing parents can do. “ It is better for children to hear things at a higher level than where they are, ” George said. “ Parents are their child s first teacher.” Parents help their children build listening, phonics, comprehension and vocabulary skills when they read aloud to them. Before paren

38、ts can identify reading problems, they should escape the enemy-television and limit the time their children spend watching television. George suggested not allowing kids to have a TV in their bedrooms, setting a schedule of when kids can watch or keeping a list of how many programs children watch. L

39、ouise Joines said while her 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son enjoy reading, the television sometimes becomes a distraction. So she tries to build the situation by suggesting books the entire family will enjoy reading together, like the Harry Potter series. Parents who do not read themselves

40、should not count on their children being enthusiastic about it. If parents would read to their children at least 15 minutes every day, children would not have so many problems in school. It is the patents job to help build that desire in their children, and of course to know what kind of books to re

41、ad is also important. 39. According to George, reading aloud to children _. A. help them correct mistakes B. is helpful to their reading C. is parents first duty to their childrenD. can get children out of television s attraction40. The underlined word (in Paragraph 4 ) means something that _. A. ca

42、n improve children s readingB. can help children s right way of readingC. can make children interested in reading D. can make children not attentive 41. What does the fourth paragraph mainly want to show is important? A. reading skills B. reading speed C. feeding materials D. reading environment 42.

43、 If the passage is not completed, which of the following can follow the fifth paragraph? A. Parents choose reading materials for their children. B. Advice is given to control their children. C. What TV programs children can watch during reading. D. How children improve their reading by themselves. 精

44、选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载43. Which one would be the best title for the passage? A. Children Spend More Time Reading with Parents. B. Parents Are Their Child s First Teacher.C. How Parents Make Their Child a Better Render. D. How to Improve Children s Reading Ab

45、ility.对话填空A= a passer-by B = a native A: (44) E_ me, could you tell me which bus I can take to the Wang Fu Jing Department Store? B: Just take the No. 1 bus going in that (45) d_ (pointing) and get off at the Wang Fu Jing Stop. Walk a few (46) s_ to the corner and turn left. Keep on (47) g_ until yo

46、u come to a tall cream-colored building. Thats the Wang Fu Jing Department Store. There are usually a lot of cars (48) p_ in front of it. A: Thank you. And where is the No. 1 bus stop? B: (pointing) It s over there. A: How many (49) s_ are there from here to Wang Fu Jing? B: Only one. A: In that cas

47、e, Id rather walk. B: Its about a twenty-five (50) m_ walk. I think you must know the Beijing Hotel when you see it. A: Yes, I do. Its on the (51) l_ side of the street. B: Thats right. You walk (52) p_ the Hotel and turn left at the (53) c_. Keep on walking and you ll get to the Department Store. A

48、: Thank you. B: Youre welcome. (44)_ (45) _ (46) _ (47) _ (48) _ (49) _ (50) _ (51) _ (52) _ (53) _ 书面表达最近,你班就“考试”这一话题举行了一次讨论会。请根据以下信息,用英语写一篇短文,叙述大家对考试的看法。考试非常重要可以通过考试了解自己的学习效果,把成绩作为努力的动力。考试并不能说明什么1. 有人得高分就兴高采烈,考试不及格就情绪低落。2. 有的为了取得好成绩,甚至不参加任何课外活动。3. 如果没有考试,大家就不必为此担心,还可以选择自己喜欢的科目,多参加课外活动,在社会实践中学习更多的东

49、西。你对考试的看法1.考试是必要的 ,但应该进行适当的改革。1. 短文必须包括所有要点。2. 词数: 120 左右。3. 参考词汇:改革reform ; 课外活动extra-curricular activities 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载4. 文章的第一句已为你写好,不计入总词数:Some students think that it is very important to have an exam. _ 【答案解析】【单项填空】1D。表示头衔职务地名词作宾语、补语及同位语时(有时放

50、在as之后) ,一般不用冠词。2C。involve 在这里意为“包括、包含”。3C。require 意为“要求” ,引导宾语从句时用虚拟语气。4B。表示时间、 距离、金额数量等的名词作为一个整体作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。5B。B。in turn 意为“依次”。in return 意为“作为回报” 。on his return 意为“他一回来” 。D 无此用法。6C。house 在此句中为动词,意为“给(某人)提供住所”。根据题意,其他选项均不符合。7D。此题考查be supposed to 的用法。因为此事是已过去的事情,故用不定式的完成式。应选 D。8B。hand over 意为“移交

51、、交出” 。take over 意为“接管”。 go over 意为“复习、仔细检查” 。turn over 意为“移交给、翻身” 。9A。根据后面暗示动作正在进行,more forests 与 destroy 之间构成逻辑上的被动关系且动作正在进行。故选A 项。10A。remain 意为“剩下、留下” ,是不及物动词。leave 是及物动词,若用被动形式也对。11D。seat 是动词, 意为“使坐下” ,常用被动形式, 或后接反身代词构成seat oneself。12D。link 指将人或物连接或联系起来。combine 意为“结合、联合” ,指为了一目的而把两个以上的事物联系起来。unit

52、e 意为“联合、团结一致”。13C。in praise of“赞美、赞扬” 。in place of“代替”。in memory of “纪念”。in need of“需要” 。14D。drive sb. crazy 意为“使某人发疯” ,是习惯搭配。15 D。Good heavens 意为“天哪”。常用于表示 “惊讶, 谴责或宽慰” ,no 相当于 I don t get hurt 。 “No problem ” 。意为“没关系, 没问题”,用于安慰对方。 I don t think so 意为“我不这么认为” 。当我们不同意对方观点或看法时,则使用本句。另一常听到的语句Im afraid

53、not 。也具有相近的表达意味,但语气比I don t think so 。更为委婉。【完形填空】16A。 “把 带到 去”用 take sth. to 来表示。 carry 无方向性; send 意为“寄去” ,都不符合题意17 D。从第二段可知,不是他妻子;从romantic picnic 可知,只能是他的lady 18D。 “当把手伸进bucket 的时候”19C。因为买的chicken 成了 dollars,所以应是“吃惊”(surprise) 20B。年轻人把bucket 带回 (brought) 了商店21D。22A。被年轻人的诚实所感动。(moved)23A。经理想通过报纸(ne

54、wspaper),电台来进行道德教育,从而,鼓励(inspire)他人要诚实精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载24C。25B。经理恳请 (begged),宣传此事26C。经理的好意,这年轻人并不领情,他只是急于要chicken,然后去见他的lady。这时他很生气 (angry)。27A。“在当今这个不诚实的(dishonest)世界上, 这是一个很好的机会向世人展示,仍然 (still)有人主张要诚实。28D。still 表示仍然,进一步说明前面的honest people 29B。name 和后面

55、的 name 一致30 A。年轻人去约会的是他的(girlfriend) ,而不是他的(wife) ,现在经理让他留下他及他妻子的名字,不是等于把他和他girlfriend的事公布于众吗?对这年轻人来说,当然是一个 problem 。31B。so 表示这样,32C。easy 表示向不认识的人展示好的一面是很容易的33A。know 表示认识34C。know 表示知道35B。最后一段作者通过上面的事例,谈了一点自己的想法。【阅读理解】36D。文章的第一条建议并没有提到更改地方会省钱,因此 A 项不对: 由第二条建议可知,通过网站买票并不一定能够省钱,因此 B 项不对; 由最后一条建议可知旅店的电话

56、费有时是很贵的,因此C项不对;而由第三条建议可知,D 项是正确的。37 A。由文章的第三条建议可知,之所以旅客能够与旅店进行讨价还价是因为他们往往宁愿旅客交低费也不愿房间空着没有人住。38C。由文章的第一段可知,本篇文章主要是介绍如何降低旅店住宿费用的方法。因此C项最佳。B 篇属于社会教育类文章。本文主要是介绍父母给孩子读书的重要性,父母给孩子读书有利于孩子的阅读水平的提高。39B。由文章的第三段可知。选项A、C没有提到; D 项的表述不符合原文。40D。既然本段第一句就说电视是阅读的敌人,以及后面对电视的限制,因此可以知道电视不利于读书,所以选D。41D。本段主要是讲了电视对孩子的阅读会产生

57、不好的影响,常常读书的环境没有电视或者电视关掉,这些都属于阅读环境的内容,因此D 项正确。42A。文章的最后一段的最后一句“of course to know what kind of books to read is also important”暗示了后面应该涉及到孩子应该读什么样的书。因此,A 项正确。43C。本篇文章主要是说明父母给孩子读书的重要性,父母给孩子读书有利于孩子阅读水平的提高。因此C项正确。 A 项应该是父母多花时间在孩子身上而不是相反;B 项与 D硬的范围模糊,不能概括文章的主要内容。【对话填空】44. Excuse 45. direction 46. steps 47.

58、 going 48. parked 49. stops 50. minutes 51. left / left-hand 52. part 53. corner 【书面表达】One possible version: Some students think that it is very important to have an exam. If so, we know the results of our studies, and the exams also make us study hard. However, other students don t think so. They s

59、ay if they get high marks in the exams, they 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页学习必备欢迎下载are very excited. But when they fail, they will be in very low spirits. What s worse, they don t usually take part in other extra-curricular activities. If the exams are prohibited, we don

60、t have to worry about the marks. In that case, we can choose the subjects we like, take part in more activities and learn more through social practice, which will greatly benefit us in the future. In my opinion, it is. But our exams should be reformed. It should test not only our knowledge, but also our practical abilities. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页



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