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1、英语句子概论 句子成分是指构成句子的句子成分是指构成句子的各个组成部分,即词和词组在句各个组成部分,即词和词组在句子中的各种语法意义。句子成分子中的各种语法意义。句子成分主要有主要有主语、谓语、表语、宾语、主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语、状语定语、状语。另外,一些句子还。另外,一些句子还有一些其他的成分,如同位语、有一些其他的成分,如同位语、呼语、插入语等。呼语、插入语等。1. I met my best friend Tom at the station yesterday.主主语语谓谓语语定定语语宾宾语语同同位位语语状状语语nounadj. / adv.infinitiveV-ing V-e

2、detc.主语谓语宾语宾语宾补表语宾语(间)宾语(直)VtV-lViNoun / PronounThe + adjV-ing / ClauseInfinitiveNoun / Pronoun / The + adjV-ing / Clause / Infinitivebe / feel / seem / lookappear / stand become /get / grow / turn go / come / remain/ keeptaste / smell etc. nounpronounadj. / adv.infinitiveV-ing / V-edclauseetc.主语主语

3、不及物动词不及物动词 She came/ My head aches.主语主语 及物动词及物动词 宾语宾语 She likes English.主语主语 系动词系动词 主语补语主语补语(表语)表语) She is happy主语主语 双宾动词双宾动词 间接宾语间接宾语 直接宾语直接宾语 She gave John a book She bought a book for him.主语主语 宾补动词宾补动词 宾语宾语 宾语补语宾语补语 She makes her mother angryThe teacher asked me to read the passage.There +beThere

4、 is a book on the desk.简单句基本句型实例简单句基本句型实例简单句的基本词序简单句的基本词序主语主语 谓语动词谓语动词 宾语宾语方式方式/地点地点 /时间时间状状 I bought a hat yesterday.The boy ran home.We ate our meal in silence.The car stopped suddenly.综合运用综合运用一、句型识别:一、句型识别:判断下列简单句的类型:判断下列简单句的类型:A. 主主+系系+表表B. 主主+谓谓C. 主主+谓谓+宾宾D. 主主+谓谓+双宾双宾 E. 主主+谓谓+宾宾+宾补宾补( ) 1. Wo

5、rk starts at ten. ( ) 2. Their English books are here. A B( ) 3. Mr. Smith teaches my brother English. ( ) 4. We use electricity very often. ( ) 5. The trains are on the way. A DC( ) 6. He showed all the engineers the difference between the two engines. ( ) 7. We consider Mr. Smith an English teache

6、r. ( ) 8. In the afternoon we review our lessons. CDE( ) 9. In our everyday life we see things moving about on the ground or in the air. ( ) 10. People allow all kinds of waste products to flow into the sea. EE二、综合运用:二、综合运用:用简单句翻译下列各句用简单句翻译下列各句, 然后通过适当添加然后通过适当添加细节和关联词将其合并成连贯的短文。细节和关联词将其合并成连贯的短文。1. 这

7、是我的妈妈。这是我的妈妈。2. 她是一个普通的家庭妇女。她是一个普通的家庭妇女。This is my mother. (主主+系系+表表)She is an ordinary housewife. (主主+系系+表表)3. 刚才她坐在那儿。刚才她坐在那儿。4. 她在看电视。她在看电视。5. 我感到意外。我感到意外。3. My mother was sitting there. (主主+谓谓)4. She was watching TV. (主主+谓谓+宾宾)5. I felt surprised. (主主+系系+表表)8. 我给她讲了一个滑稽可笑的故事。我给她讲了一个滑稽可笑的故事。9. 她情

8、不自禁地笑了起来。她情不自禁地笑了起来。 8. I told her a very funny story. (主主+谓谓+双宾双宾)9. She couldnt help laughing. (主主+谓谓+宾宾)合并:合并: This is my mother, an ordinary housewife. Just now, she was sitting there, watching TV. Much to my surprise, I found her weeping. In order to make her happy, I told her a very funny story. Sure enough, she couldnt help laughing.



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