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1、L/O/G/O上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应应用用型型大大学学英英语语系系列列教教材材BookApplication-oriented college English Course上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Language in Use Enhancement of Language Abilities Unit 3Unit FourTableofContents Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1contentStarterText: A doctor or a quack? Wor

2、king with words and phrasesDiscussionPractice: interpretingPractice: translationPractice: writingSurfing the InternetHighlightsTableofContentsPart 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1highlightsHighlightsS:NaturalcuresordoctorsL:AcleverdoctorandameanpatientR:Adoctororaquack

3、?W:RepeatingkeynounstoachievecoherenceinaparagraphInternetwork:IntroducingtraditionalChinesemedicinePart 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starterA. Work with a partner and answer the following questions.1.Doyoubelieveinnaturalcures?2.Haveyouevercomeacr


5、ktherequisitespecialistskills.5B. Listen to a story and fill in the blanks.focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNext1.Thebusinessmanalwaystriedto_forwhatheneeded.2.Dr.Smithcharged_forthefirstvisit,butonlytwenty-fivedollarsfor_.3.Dr.Smithsaidtherewasnoneedtoexaminethebusinessmanagain.Heasked

6、himtocontinuetakingthemedicine4._.heprescribedlasttimeeachvisitafterthatfivehundreddollarspayaslittleaspossible6A Clever Doctor and a Mean Patient There was a businessman who always tried to pay as little as possible for what he needed. One day he fell ill. He decided to go to a doctor and asked a f

7、riend to recommend one. “Dr. Smith is a good one,” the friend told him. “Is he expensive?” the businessman asked. “Yes and no. He charges five hundred dollars for the first visit, but only twenty-five dollars for each visit after that.” “That seems reasonable,” the businessman said, and went to visi

8、t Dr. Smith.focus1starter 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNext7focus1starter 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. Starter As he walked into the consulting room, he said, “Well, here I am again.” and put twenty-five dollars on the table. The doctor looked at the businessman carefully for a moment, then smiled and

9、put the money into the drawer of his desk. “Thank you,” he said. “And what can I do for you today?” “Examine me, of course,” the businessman said, “and tell me whats wrong with me.” “Oh, theres no need for me to examine you again,” the doctor said. “Just continue taking the medicine I prescribed to

10、you when you came to me last time.”BackNext8focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Lead-in Text Organization9focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Lead-in10focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Lead-in11focus1text2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack? 1 The modern doctors business is an extreme

11、ly simple one, which could be acquired in about two weeks. This is the way it is done.Translation医生医生还还是江湖郎中?是江湖郎中?1 现在干医生这一行非常简单,大约只需两个礼拜就能学会。下面就是医生怎么看病的。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 12focus1text2 The patient enters the consulting room. “Doctor,” he says, “I have a bad pain.” “Where is it?” “Here.”

12、 “Stand up,” says the doctor, “and put your arms up above your head.” Then the doctor goes behind the patient and strikes him a powerful blow on the back. “Do you feel that?” he says. “I do,” says the patient. Then the doctor turns suddenly and lets him have a left hook under the heart. (To be conti

13、nued)Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2 病人走进诊室,对医生说:“医生,我痛死了!” 医生问:“哪里痛?”“这里。”医生说:“站起来,把胳膊举过头。”随后,医生走到病人背后,在他的后背猛击了一下。医生问:“感觉到痛了吗?”病人答道:“感觉到了。”医生又突然转过来,在他心脏下方来了一记左钩拳。 Note that strike here means “to hitforciblyanddeliberatelywithoneshandoraweapon(打,击)”.e.g.strikeaheavyblowattheaggressorsItcan

14、alsomean“(ofathoughtoranidea)to come into ones mind suddenly andunexpectedly(突然想到)”.e.g.Theplanstrikesmeasridiculous.Sometimesstrikeisusedinthesenseof“refusingtoworkasaprotestoverpayorconditions(罢工)”.Itmayfunctioneitherasanounorasaverb.e.g.be/go/comeoutonstrikeThe unionhas votedtostrikefora payincre

15、aseof6%.2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?13focus1text“Can you feel that?” he says viciously, as the patient falls over on the sofa in a heap. “Get up,” says the doctor, and counts ten. The patient rises. The doctor looks him over very carefully without speaking, and then suddenly fetches him a blow in t

16、he stomach that doubles him up speechless. The doctor walks over to the window and reads the morning paper for a while. (To be continued)Translation病人倒在沙发上,瘫作一团,医生却恶狠狠地问:“这样痛不痛?起来。”医生边说边从一数到十。病人就站了起来。医生仔细地观察着他,一言不发。然后突然在病人的腹部捶了一拳,他痛得弯下身去,话都说不出来。医生则走到窗户边,读了一会晨报。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext heap:n.C一堆

17、e.g.Hisclotheswereinacrumpledheaponthefloor.vt.堆积,堆置e.g.Heheapedtheleavesupinthecornerofthegarden.fall,collapse,etc.inaheap:重重地倒下(不能动)e.g.Shecollapsedinaheaponthefloor.looksb./sth.over:认真打量某人/某物e.g. Theylookedoverthelittleboy.double(sb.)up:(因剧痛或大笑而)弯身子e.g.Mostofthecrowddoubledupwithlaughterateveryjo

18、ke.2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?viciously:ad.残酷地,凶狠地,恶毒地e.g.Passers-byjustlookedonasamanwasviciouslyattacked.The adjective form of viciously isvicious.vicious:a.1)残酷的;充满仇恨的e.g.Hehasavicioustemper.2)恶劣的,严重的e.g.Theviciousspiralofunemployment and homelessness gaverisetomoreserioussocialcrises.14focus1t

19、extPresently he turns and begins to mutter more to himself than to the patient. “Hum!” he says, “theres a slight anaesthesia of the tympanum.” “Is that so?” says the patient, in an agony of fear. “What can I do about it, doctor?” “Well,” says the doctor, “I want you to keep very quiet; youll have to

20、 go to bed and stay there and keep quiet.” (To be continued)Translation没一会儿,他转过身来,不像是对病人说话,更像自言自语:“哦,是轻度中耳炎。”“是这样吗?”病人问道,感到无比恐惧。“医生,我该怎么做呢?”医生说:“你要保持安静;你必须躺在床上,保持安静。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?15focus1textIn reality, of course, the doctor hasnt the least idea what is w

21、rong with the man; but he DOES know that if he will go to bed and keep quiet, awfully quiet, hell either get quietly well again or else die a quiet death. Meantime, if the doctor calls every morning and thumps and beats him, he can keep the patient submissive and perhaps force him to confess what is

22、 wrong with him.Translation当然,其实呢,医生根本不知道病人的问题出在哪儿,但他明白,只要病人愿意躺在床上并保持安静,而且是非常的安静,那他要么在不知不觉中康复,要么就会静悄悄地死去。同时,如果医生每天早上都去走访病人,揍他一顿,就能让他乖乖听话,或许还能迫使他承认自己得了什么病。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestions about Para. 2 nothavetheleast/slightest/faintest idea (of):丝毫不知道e.g. They havent the least ideawhythemayorle

23、ftsoearly.thump:vt./vi.1)重击,狠打e.g.Hethumpedthetableangrily.2)撞击,嘭地发出闷响e.g.Abirdthumpedagainstthewindow.n.1)C重击声,碰撞声e.g.Therewasathumpasthetruckhitthebank.2)C重击,撞击e.g.IfhedoesthatagainImgoingtogivehimagoodthump.submissive:a.恭顺的,服从的e.g. He was looking for a quiet,submissivewife.2. Text: A Doctor or a

24、Quack?161. How does the doctor diagnose the patient at the beginning?focus1text Hediagnoseshispatientbystrikinghimquick,unexpected,andpowerfulblows. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?17focus1text 2. What advice does the doctor give to the patient even if he has no idea what is

25、wrong with the patient? What is the doctors motive for giving this advice?Headvisesthepatienttogotobedandstaythereandkeepquiet.This may result in eithera quietrecovery or a quietdeath.Ineithercase,thepatientwontcometohimandcomplainabouthistreatment. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: A Doctor or a

26、Quack?18focus1text 3. What does the doctor hope to achieve when he calls every morning and thumps and beats his patient?Hehopesthatinthiswayhecankeepthepatientsubmissiveandperhapsforcehimtoconfesswhatiswrongwithhim. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?19 3 病人完全被吓住了,问道:“医生,饮食方面要注意

27、什么?” 4 对这个问题有多种回答,这取决于医生当时的情绪,以及距他自己上次吃饭的时间。如果在接近中午时,医生已经很饿了,他便会说:“哦,别害怕,多吃点;肉、蔬菜、淀粉、胶水、水泥,想吃啥就吃啥。”focus1text3 “What about diet, doctor?” says the patient, completely cowed.4 The answer to this question varies very much. It depends on how the doctor is feeling and whether it is long since he had a m

28、eal himself. If it is late in the morning and the doctor is extremely hungry, he says, “Oh, eat plenty, dont be afraid of it; eat meat, vegetables, starch, glue, cement, anything you like.” (To be continued)Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextcowed:a.使感到胆怯的,自惭形秽的e.g. She was easily cowed bypeople

29、inauthority.2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?20但如果他刚刚吃过午饭,嘴里还喷着一股浓浓的黑果派的味道,他就会语气坚决地说:“不,别吃任何东西,一口都不能吃;这对你没有坏处,因为在饮食方面稍加克制是世界上最美好的事。”focus1textBut if the doctor has just had lunch and if his breathing is short-circuited with huckleberry pie, he says very firmly, “No, I dont want you to eat anything at al

30、l, absolutely not a bite; it wont hurt you, a little self-denial in the matter of eating is the best thing in the world.” Translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextself-denial:n.U克己;(宗教)弃绝自我e.g.alifeofself-denialandsacrificeinthematterof:在方面;关于,至于e.g. Wearenottrainedinthematterofagriculturalbusiness.Que

31、stion about Para. 4 2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?21focus1text 4. How does the doctor reply to the patients questions on diet?Theanswertothisquestionvariesverymuch.Heislikelytoadvisethepatienttoeatplentywhenitislateinthemorningandheisextremelyhungry.Buthelladvisehispatientnottoeatanythingifhehasjusth

32、adlunchandisveryfull. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?225 病人问:“那喝酒呢?”同样,医生的答案也会有很多种。他可能会说:“噢,可以,偶尔来一杯陈啤,或者你喜欢的话,喝一杯加苏打水的杜松子酒,或者威士忌。我想,在睡觉之前我更喜欢来一杯苏格兰热巧克力威士忌,再加上几块方糖和几片柠檬。”focus1text 5 “And what about drinking?” Again the doctors answer varies. He may say, “Oh, yes, you might

33、drink a glass of lager now and then, or, if you prefer it, a gin and soda or a whisky, and I think before going to bed Id take a hot Scotch with a couple of lumps of white sugar and bit of lemon peel in it.” ( To be continued)Translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextnowandthen:有时,时而e.g.Nowandthensheche

34、ckedtoseeifhewasstillasleep.2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?23focus1textThe doctor says this with real feeling, and his eyes glisten with the pure love of his profession. But if, on the other hand, the doctor has spent the night before at a little gathering of medical friends, he is very apt to forbid

35、the patient to touch alcohol in any shape, and to dismiss the subject with great severity.Translation医生讲到这些的时候非常兴奋,眼睛闪闪发光,充满了对自己职业由衷的热爱。但是如果医生前一晚参加了一伙医生朋友的聚会,他就会禁止病人碰任何形式的酒精,并且严厉地拒谈这一话题。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextapt:a. 1)易于,倾向于beapttodosth.:倾向于做某事e.g. Thekitchenroofisapttoleakwhenitrains.2)恰当的,合适的

36、e.g. Chrisproducedanaptcommentwhichsummeduphowweallfelt.3)聪明的;敏捷的e.g. Wehavesomeparticularlyaptstudentsintheclassthisyear.In the present context, the verbdismiss is used in the sense of“deciding that sth./sb. is notimportantandnotworthconsidering不予考虑,对不屑一提”.e.g. He dismissed the opinionpollsasworthl

37、ess.2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?24focus1text 6 Of course, this treatment in and of itself would appear too transparent, and would fail to inspire the patient with proper confidence. But nowadays this element is supplied by the work of the analytical laboratory. Whatever is wrong with the patient, t

38、he doctor insists on snipping off parts and pieces and extracts of him and sending them mysteriously away to be analyzed. (To be continued)Translation6 当然,这种治疗本身太容易令人起疑,因而无法激起病人应有的信心。但是如今有化验室可以帮助做到这一点。无论病人得什么病,医生都会坚持从他身上切割下这样或那样的零零碎碎的东西,然后神神秘秘地送去化验。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextinandofitself:就其本身而言e.g

39、.Theideainandofitselfisnotbad,butthesideissuesintroducemanydifficulties.snip:vt./vi.(用剪刀快速)剪,剪断e.g.Snipatinyholeinthepaper.snipoff:(快速)剪去,剪掉e.g.Snipofftheendofthetube.extract:n.C,U提取物,精华e.g. face creamcontainingnaturalplantextractsvt. 提取,提炼e.g. toextractessentialoilsfromplants2. Text: A Doctor or a

40、Quack?transparent:a.1)显而易见的;易识破的e.g.transparentlies2)透明的;清澈的e.g.Theinsectswingsarealmosttransparent.25focus1text He cuts off a lock of the patients hair, and marks it, “Mr. Smiths Hair, October, 2001.” Then he clips off the lower part of the ear, and wraps it in paper, and labels it, “Part of Mr. Sm

41、iths Ear, October, 2001.” Then he looks the patient up and down, with the scissors in his hand, and if he sees any likely part of him he clips it off and wraps it up. Now this, oddly enough, is the very thing that fills the patient up with that sense of personal importance which is worth paying for.

42、 (To be continued)Translation比如,医生会剪掉病人的一缕头发并做上标记:“史密斯先生的头发,2001年10月”。然后,医生切掉病人耳朵的下部,用纸包起来并做上标记:“史密斯先生的部分耳朵,2001年10月”。医生从上到下仔细打量病人,手里拿着剪刀,只要看到任何疑似跟病情有关的地方,就会从病人身上剪去,并包起来。奇怪的是,这种做法却令病人觉得自己很受重视,因而值得为此花钱。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextclipoff:剪下,剪掉e.g.Heclippedoffalengthofwire.clipoffananimalstailwrap:vt.

43、包,裹e.g. He spent the eveningwrappingtheChristmaspresents.Wrapisoftenusedwith“up”.e.g. wrapupthefruitslooksb.upanddown:上下仔细打量;苛求地审视(某人)e.g. They looked me up anddown.sth.beworthdoing:值得(费周折)做某事e.g. What is worth doing isworthdoingwell.2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?26focus1text “Yes,” says the bandaged

44、 patient, later in the day to a group of friends much impressed, “the doctor thinks there may be a slight anaesthesia of the tympanum, but hes sent my ear to New York and my appendix to Baltimore and a lock of my hair to the editors of all the medical journals, and meantime I am to keep very quiet a

45、nd not exert myself beyond drinking a hot Scotch with lemon every half-hour.” With that he sinks back faintly on his cushions, luxuriously happy.Translation当天稍晚的时候,包扎着绷带的病人对大为惊叹的朋友们说:“是的,医生认为可能是轻度中耳炎,他已经将我的耳朵送到纽约,把阑尾送到巴尔的摩,把一缕头发送到所有医学杂志的编辑手上,同时我必须保持安静,每半小时顶多喝一杯加柠檬的苏格兰热巧克力威士忌。”说着,他虚弱地向后靠在垫子上,舒舒服服,心满意

46、足。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestions about Para. 6 exert:vt.1)努力,尽力exertoneself:努力,竭力e.g.Shewillhavetoexertherselfmore than she does now if shewantstosucceedinsales.2)运用,施加(影响)e.g.Somemanagersexertconsiderablepressureontheirstafftoworkextrahourswithoutbeingpaid.luxuriously:ad.舒适地e.g. She sprawled

47、 out luxuriouslyonthesofa.2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?27focus1text 5. What prevents so many people from seeing through the modern quacks?It is the work of the analytical laboratory. Otherwise themodernquackstreatmentwouldbesotransparentthatpeoplewouldeasilyrecognizetherealnatureofthosequacks.上海交通大上

48、海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?28focus1text 6. Why does the writer claim that the work of laboratory analysis makes the patient feel that the treatment is worth paying for?Thisisbecausethepatientisfilledupwithasenseofpersonalimportancewhenheseeshis“partsandpiecesandextracts”cutoff

49、andknowsthattheywouldbesentforanalysis.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?29focus1text 7 And yet, isnt it funny? 8 You and I and the rest of useven if we know all thisas soon as we have a pain within us, rush for a doctor as fast as a hack can take us. Yes, personally, I even pr

50、efer an ambulance with a bell on it. Its more soothing.Translation7 然而,这一切难道还不滑稽吗?8 虽然你、我和其他人对这些都很清楚,但是一旦我们有点小病小痛,还是会飞快地打车去看医生。是的,我个人甚至还更愿意坐带鸣笛的救护车去,因为这让人感觉更加安心。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestions about Para. 8 soothing:a.安慰的,抚慰的e.g.asoothingvoice/lotionHerwordshadasoothingeffect.2. Text: A Doctor

51、 or a Quack?30focus1text 7. What does the writer really mean when he says an ambulance is more soothing than the doctors treatment?Thewriterisridiculingmodernquacks.Asisknowntousall,the ambulance cannot cure the patient, but it wont at leasttorturehim.Whenthepatientistreatedbyaquack,however,hewillbe

52、beatenandgivenbadadvice.Worstofall,his“parts,piecesandextracts”willbecutfornogoodreason.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?31focus1text 8. What is this article intended to say?Thearticleisintendedtoadvisethereadertobewareofmodernquacks./Thearticleisintendedtoexposethequackmedici

53、neinoursociety.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: A Doctor or a Quack?32Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases A. Put the following Chinese expressions into English.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1.倒在沙发上瘫作一团_2.处于恐惧的痛苦之中_3.对某人病情一无所知_ _4.克制饮食_5.剪去一撮头发_6.激发病人对医生的信任_ _falloveronthesofainaheap


55、razyandnotworththinkingabout.4.Hes_thestringanduntiedtheparcel.5.Ifyouweretoe_yourinfluencetheymightchangetheirdecision.Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases B. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words in the text.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextnippedowedlistenedxertismiss3

56、4Focus1discussion 5. Discussion Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group of 4 to 6 students. 1. What do you think of being a doctor?上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Inmyopinion,highsocialstatus,sacredanddecent,earnrespectheal,rescue,besides,priority,otherwise.hintBackNextInmyopinion,adoc

57、torenjoyshighsocialstatusandthedoctorsvocationisconsideredassacredanddecent.Theycanearnrespectfrompatients,andtheirdutyistohealthewoundedandrescuethedying.Besides,theymakegoodmoney.Adoctorshouldnotgiveprioritytomoney,though;otherwiseheisnotagooddoctor.35Focus1discussion 5. Discussion 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社

58、出版社 getsick,seeadoctor,dependson,acommondisease,gotoadrugstore,pharmacists,however,seriouslyill.hint2. Do you think it is necessary to see a doctor when one is sick? Please give your reasons.BackNextWhenwegetsick,whethertoseeadoctordependsonhowserioustheillnessis.Foracommondisease,wecangotoadrugstor

59、ewheretherearepharmaciststogiveusproperhelp.However,ifweareseriouslyill,wewillhavenochoicebuttogoandseeadoctor.36Focus1discussion 5. Discussion 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextMind Mapenjoyhighsocialstatussacredanddecentgotothepharmacy(drugstore;chemists)pharmacist(druggist;chemist)earnrespectfrompatient

60、shealthewoundedandrescuethedying37约翰逊: 听说你最近身体不好,到底怎么了?沃 森:我这里很痛。前几天去看了医生。约翰逊: 医生怎么说?严不严重?沃 森:医生检查了我的后背、心脏还有胃部。他认为我有点轻微的中耳炎。约翰逊: 是吗?那医生开了什么方子?沃 森:医生让我保持绝对安静,得安安静静地卧床休息。Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting ForReferenceAnswerClick Here上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Several days after the medical examinatio

61、n, Mr. Watson, the patient, had a gathering with his friends. With one of them, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Watson had a conversation as follows. Interpret it into English with your partner.BackNext38Focus1interpreting上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 To be continued6. Practice: interpreting BackNextMr.Johnson:Ihearyourenotv


63、doctoraskedmetokeepveryquite.Ihavetostayinbedandkeepquiet.39约翰逊: 医生让你做化验了吗?沃 森: 当然了,他从我身上剪下一些零零碎碎的东西,然后送到各个化验 室去化验。约翰逊: 那一定很贵吧?沃 森: 是有一些贵,可我觉得很值。约翰逊: 这下你就再也不能喝酒了。沃 森: 对,对,你说得非常正确。Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting ForReferenceAnswerClick Here上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext40Focus1interpreting上海

64、交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Practice: interpreting BackNextMr.Johnson: Didthedoctorhaveanythinganalyzed?Mr.Watson: Ofcourse.Hesnippedoffpartsandpiecesandextractsofmeandsentthemtoanalyticallaboratoriesindifferentplaces.Mr.Johnson: Thatmustbeveryexpensive?Mr.Watson: Yes,itis.Butitisworthpayingfor.Mr.Johnson:

65、Nowyoucannotdrinkalcoholanymore.Mr.Watson: No,no.Youreabsolutelycorrect.411.Thenthedoctorturnssuddenlyandletshimhave a left hookundertheheart.Focus1translation7. Practice: translation A. Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized expressions. 医生又突

66、然转过来,在他心脏下方来了一记左钩拳。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext42Focus1translation7. Practice: translation 但是如果医生前一晚参加了一伙医生朋友的聚会,他就会禁止病人碰任何形式的酒精,并且严厉地拒谈这一话题。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2.Butif,ontheotherhand,thedoctorhasspentthenightbeforeatalittlegatheringofmedicalfriends,heis very apt toforbidthepatienttotouchalcoh

67、olinanyshape,andtodismiss the subject with great severity.43医生从上到下仔细打量病人,手里拿着剪刀,只要看到任何疑似跟病情有关的地方,就会从病人身上剪去,并包起来。3.Thenhelooks the patient up and down,withthescissorsinhishand,andifheseesanylikelypartofhimhe clips it offandwraps it up.Focus1translation7. Practice: translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackN

68、ext444.Nowthis,oddly enough,istheverythingthatfillsthepatientupwith that sense of personal importancewhichisworthpayingfor.Focus1translation7. Practice: translation 奇怪的是,这种做法却令病人觉得自己很受重视,因而值得为此花钱。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext451.Afterhoursofquestioning, _ (嫌犯终于招供了).2.Theoldcar_(很容易)breakdown.3.Usingso

69、meoneelsesnameis_(本身并不是犯罪)unlessthereisanintentiontocommitafraud.Focus1translationB. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.thesuspectconfessedisaptto上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7. Practice: translation BackNextnotinandofitselfacrime464.Byasmallmargin,Americansar

70、e _ (对不感到失望,而是感到高兴)withObamasbeingelectedasPresident.5.Thefamilyare_ (充满了平静和满足)knowingthattheirinnocentsonarrestedyesterdayistobereleasedsoon.Focus1translationmorepleasedthandisappointed上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7. Practice: translation filledwithasenseofpeaceandsatisfactionBackNext47Focus1writing8. Practi

71、ce: writing A. Write a summary of the text (max. 180 words), referring to the outline below. ForReferenceAnswerClick HereSummary outline:1. The doctors examination of the patient; 2. The doctors ignorance of the problems of the patient; 3. The doctors various reactions to the patients question about

72、 diet;4. The doctors insistence on cutting off parts of the patient and sending them to be analyzed;5. A concluding statement that reflects the writers attitude to the modern doctors business.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext48Focus1writingThe modern doctors business is extremely simple. When the patient

73、enters the consulting room and tells the doctor the symptoms of his sufferings, the doctor examines the patient by striking him blows in several parts of his body. In reality, the doctor hasnt the least idea what is wrong with the patient, and all he can do is keep the patient submissive and force h

74、im to confess his illness. When asked about the patients diet, the doctor may respond differently, depending on how he is feeling and whether it is long since he had a meal himself.8. Practice: writing Reference answer:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTo be continued49Focus1writingIt is the work of the an

75、alytical laboratory that inspires the patient with proper confidence in the modern treatment. Whatever illness the patient may suffer, the doctor will insist on snipping off all the likely parts and send them to the analytical laboratory for tests. Despite the absurdity and our knowledge of the mode

76、rn medicine, however, we rush for a doctor as soon as we have a pain within us.8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext50Focus1writing8. Practice: writing B. Basic writing techniques: repeating key nouns to achieve coherence in a paragraph.ForReferenceAnswerClick HereExercise 1: In the follo

77、wing paragraph, the key noun is never repeated. Replace the pronoun it with the key noun English wherever you think doing so would make the paragraph more coherent.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext51Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextEnglishEnglishhasalmostbecomeaninternationalla


79、anguage,anditisthelanguageofairlinepilotsandairtrafficcontrollersallovertheworld.Moreover,althoughFrenchusedtobethelanguage of diplomacy, English has displaced it throughout the world.Therefore,unlessyouplantospendyourlifealoneonadesertislandinthemiddleofthePacificOcean,Englishisausefullanguagetokno

80、w.52Focus1writing8. Practice: writing ForReferenceAnswerClick HereExercise 2: In the following passage about dolphins, replace some of the pronouns with appropriate singular or plural nouns. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextDolphinsInterest in dolphins has increased in the past few years. Dolphins areinte

81、resting because they display almost human-like behavior at times. Forexample,theyhelpeachotherwhentheyareintrouble.Ifonedolphinissick,itsendsoutamessage.Otherdolphinsintheareaswimtohelpit.Theypushthesickdolphintothesurfaceofthewatersoitcanbreathe.Theystaywithitfordaysorweeksuntilitrecoversordies.Dol

82、phinshavealsohelpedtrappedorlost whales navigate their way safely out to the open sea. Dolphins are sointelligentandhelpful,infact,thattheUSNavyistrainingthemtobecomeunderwaterbombdisposalexperts.53Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextDolphinsInterest in dolphins has increase

83、d in the past few years.Dolphins are interesting because they display almost human-likebehaviorattimes.Forexample,theyhelpeachotherwhentheyareintrouble.Ifonedolphinissick,itsendsoutamessage.Otherdolphinsintheareaswimtohelpit.Theypushthesickdolphintothesurfaceofthewatersoitcanbreathe.Theystaywithitfo

84、rdaysorweeksuntilitrecoversordies.Dolphinshavealsohelpedtrappedorlostwhalesnavigate their way safely out to the open sea. Dolphins are sointelligentandhelpful,infact,thattheUSNavyistrainingthemtobecomeunderwaterbombdisposalexperts.54Focus1internet9. Surfing the Internet Go to http:/ or http:/ to obt

85、ain information about traditional Chinese medicine. On the basis of this, prepare an oral presentation about a general introduction to traditional Chinese medicine to your classmates.ForReferenceAnswerClick Here上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext55Focus1internet9. Surfing the Internet Reference answer 上海交通大

86、上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext56Focus2 contentDialogue: health problems and diet suggestionsPair work: the personal fitness instructors diet suggestionsText: Remote Diagnosis for Sick BabiesWorking with words Research project Listening-based writing HighlightsTableofContentsPart 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学

87、学出版社出版社 BackNext57focus2highlights HighlightsR&L:Dialogue:healthproblemsanddietsuggestionsS:ThepersonalfitnessinstructorsdietsuggestionsR:RemotediagnosisforsickbabiesResearchproject:Organizinga“KnowingMoreaboutAIDS”campaignL&W:Somethingabonewillneversay:givemeabreakPart 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学学

88、出版社出版社 BackNext58focus2dialogue上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 While at work, Joyce Smith was informed that her husband was in hospital. She rushed to the hospital, where the doctor talked to her about her husbands case. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Then read it aloud. BackNext 1. Dialogue:heal

89、th problems and diet suggestionsJoyee:Hello,areyouDoctorJohnson?Doctor:Yes.YoumustbeMrsSmith?Yourhusband(1)_atwork.Werelookingintoitatthemoment.Joyce:WillhebeOK?Doctor:Well,Imgoingtohavetoimposeonhimanew(2)_.Preliminarytestsindicateariskofheartdisease.ButIwanttomakeitclearthatthiswasnota(3)_.Hedidno

90、texhibitregularheartattack(4)_,buthisconditionwarrantsfurtherinvestigation.collapsedhealthregimeheartattacksymptoms59focus2dialogue上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextJoyce:Whenwillweknowforsure?Doctor:Ishouldhavethetestresultsbackwithinafewdays.Butheshouldbewellenoughtogohometoday.Hesshowingsignsofcontinuou


92、beableto(7)_anyofthose.highbloodpressuredietaryregimedowithout 1. Dialogue:health problems and diet suggestions60focus2dialogue上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextDoctor:Well,itseitherthatorhellbebackhereinworseconditionwithinthenextfewmonths.Hecantwriggleoutofitthistime.Andafterhes(8)_hisnewdiet,hehastogive


94、rowedtakeaturnfortheworse 1. Dialogue:health problems and diet suggestions61focus2 dialogue 1.Hedidnotexhibitregularheartattacksymptoms,buthisconditionwarrantsfurtherinvestigation.他没有表现出常规的心脏病发作症状,但从他目前的身体状况来看,还需要进一步检查才能确诊。Meaning:Althoughhedidntshowcommonheartattacksymptoms,stillheneededtohavesomem

95、oremedicalexaminationstofindoutthecauseforhiscollapse.Notethatexhibitheremeans“表现,显示”. e.g. Thebabyexhibitedpleasurebysmiling.warrant:vt. 使有必要,使正当e.g. Hisillnessdoesntwarranthisstayinghomeforaweek. n.1)C授权令,执行令e.g. Theyhadawarranttosearchthehouse.2)C凭单,许可证e.g. Hepointedoutthatfromthewarrantmarket,th

96、eturnoverhasbeenshrinking.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Notes to the Dialogue 1. Dialogue:health problems and diet suggestions62focus2 dialogue 2.Hellneedtotakethenextweekorsooff.他需要休息一周左右。Meaning:Hellhavetohaveabreakforaboutaweek.takeoff:休假,休息e.g.ImtakingoffthreedaysduringMay.Noteoffisusedasanadverb,

97、meaning“awayfromworkorduty(下班,休息)”.e.g. Shesofftoday.orso:大约;或许e.g. Iwithdrewafterayearorsowithouttakingadegree.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue:health problems and diet suggestions63focus2 dialogue 3.Warnhimofffattyfoods,sketchoutadietaryregimerichingreenandredfruitsandvegetables,andincrease

98、hiswaterintake.告诫他不要吃高脂肪食品,并拟定一个饮食计划,多吃绿色和红色的水果蔬菜,多喝水。Notethatoffinthesentenceisusedasapreposition,meaning“notwantingorlikingsth.Thatyouusuallyeatoruse(不想,戒除)”.e.g. Imoffalcoholforaweek.sketchout:草拟;概略地叙述e.g. Theyhavesketchedoutproposalsforanewroad.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue:health prob

99、lems and diet suggestions64focus2 dialogue 4.Hellneverbeabletodowithoutanyofthose.他哪样也离不了。dowithout:没有也可以,没有而设法对付过去e.g. Thebosscantdowithouttheserviceofasecretary.Weshallhavetodowithoutholidaythissummer.5.Well,itseitherthatorhellbebackhereinworseconditionwithinthenextfewmonths.要么照我说的做,不然,几个月后他会因为身体状

100、况恶化再回到这儿。Meaning:Hemustfollowmyadvice;otherwisehewillbesentbacktohospitalwithhisillnessworsened.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue:health problems and diet suggestions65focus2 dialogue 6.Hecantwriggleoutofitthistime.这次他不能逃避。wriggle:vi./vt.1)蠕动,蜿蜒行进e.g. Hewriggledthroughthehole.2)扭动身子,扭来扭去e.g. S

101、mallchildrenwriggleintheirseatswhentheyarebored.wriggleoutofsth./doingsth.:耍滑不做,逃避(应做的事)e.g.Hewriggledoutofthedifficulty.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue:health problems and diet suggestions66focus2 dialogue 7. Ive given him a prescription. Please follow the prescription exactly,otherwiseheco

102、uldtakeaturnfortheworse.我已经给他开了一个处方。请严格按照处方上的说明去做,否则病情会恶化。prescription:n.1)C处方,药方e.g.Thedoctoriswritingaprescription.2)U开处方,开药e.g. Theprescriptionofdrugsisadoctorsresponsibility.3)C计划,建议e.g. Ratherthanprescription,therewouldbeguidance.takeaturnfortheworse/better:情况恶化/情况好转e.g. Theexpertspredictthatth

103、estockmarketwilltakeaturnforthebetterthisyear.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue:health problems and diet suggestions67Focus2 pairworkJohn is talking to his personal fitness instructor, Mary, about his health problems. Work with a partner to put the following dialogue in the correct order. 上海交通

104、大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Pair work:the personal fitness instructors diet suggestionsAJohnOK,thankyou.Improudofhavingapersonalfitnessinstructorlikeyou!BJohnSo,whatareyousuggesting?ShouldIjustabandontheidea?Imnotthatoutofshape.CJohnOurcompanyisorganizingabasketballteamandImthinkingaboutjoining.Whatdo

105、youthink?Iwasthestarplayerinhighschool.DJohnWell,OK,butEJohnYeah,youreprobablyright.68Focus2 pairwork上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextFMaryAndyouneedtowatchyourdietandIalsowarnyouofffattyfoods,likeicecream.AndIshouldalsosketchoutaregimerichinfreshfruitsandvegetables.GMaryAndyoushouldadjustyourselftoweight


107、dtakeaturnfortheworse. ANSWERC, I, B, H, D, F, E, G, AThecorrectorderis:2. Pair work:the personal fitness instructors diet suggestions69( ) 1. All unborn babies are the patients in the telemedicine suite.( ) 2. The video-conferencing in the suite is worth3,000.( ) 3. The telemedicine suite could be

108、used to diagnose more than 100 kinds of diseases a year.Focus2 text 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext FFRead the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).F70( ) 4. All the specialists in the country can make use of the suite.( ) 5

109、. Dr. Andrew Tometzki is a heart disease expert.( ) 6. The telemedicine suite cannot deal with all remote diagnosis.( ) 7. Throughout the scan, the parents of sick infants at home can talk to the doctors. ( ) 8. With the help of local charities, more and more centers are setting up links with the ne

110、w unit.Focus2 text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext FTTTT3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies71对患儿的远程诊断1 在布里斯托尔新开了一个科室,该科室的医生能在数百英里之外对患有心脏缺陷疾病的未出生婴儿进行远程诊断,这将有助于减轻病婴及家属的压力。Focus2 text Translation 1 A new unit that allows doctors to give a remote diagnosis of heart defects in unborn babies hundreds of

111、 miles away has opened in Bristol. The unit will help cut down on stress for the patient and family. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext cutdownonsth.:削减,缩小(尺寸,数量或数目)e.g. His father is trying to cutdownoncigarettesandbeer.Idontthinkitsyourdutytocutdownonexpenses. 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies722

112、 2 在布里斯托尔儿科医院,远程医学设备是利用综合服务数字网络电话技术进行操作的。该医院的专家顾问医师将能够对其他医院的未出生婴儿或重病儿童给予即时诊断。该组设备包括含有视频会诊仪器在内的价值三万英镑的新器材。Focus2 text Translation 2 The telemedicine suite at Bristol Childrens Hospital works using ISDN phoneline technology. Specialist consultants in one hospital will be able to immediately diagnose u

113、nborn babies or critically ill children born in a different hospital. The suite includes 30,000 of new equipment including video-conferencing. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext “Tele-” means “over a longdistance,far(远距离的,远的)”or “connected with television(电视的)” or “done using atelephone(通过电话的)”.e.g. teleco

114、mmunications电信,电讯 telescope望 远 镜 telegram电报 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies733 在该地区利用远程医疗对先天性心脏病进行实时远程诊断尚属首次,以后每年可诊断上百个病例。Focus2 text Translation 3 This is the first time in the region that telemedicine has been used for real time remote diagnosis of congenital heart disease and could be u

115、sed to diagnose more than 100 cases a year. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies744 该组设备由儿科兼胎儿心脏病高级顾问医师安德鲁汤姆斯基博士设计,供布里斯托尔儿科医院的所有专家使用。Focus2 text Translation 4 The suite has been designed by Dr. Andrew Tometzki, consultant paediatric and fetal cardiologist, for use by

116、 all specialists within Bristol Childrens Hospital. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies755 他说:“被怀疑患有心脏缺陷的婴儿通常都会由救护车转到布里斯托尔医院,这对患儿及家属来说既浪费时间,压力又非常大,更别说急诊救护车的费用了。”Focus2 text Translation 5 “A baby born with a suspected heart defect would normally have to be transferre

117、d to Bristol by ambulance, which is time-consuming and very stressful for the patient and family, let alone the expense of critical care ambulances,” he said. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext transfer:vt./vi.1)(使)转移,搬迁e.g. The patient was transferred toanotherhospital.2)转让(财产,权利),移交(责任)e.g. He transferre

118、d the property tohisson.3)调动,转职,转学e.g. He was soon transferred toanotherpost. time-consuming: a. 耗时间的,费时的e.g.Thisisatime-consumingjob. letalone:更不用说,更别提e.g. The baby cant even walk, letalonerun. 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies766 6 “该组设备能在紧急时刻帮助重症特护转运部门对患儿进行远程诊断,有时甚至还能完全避免进行风险甚大的转运。”Focus2

119、 text Translation 6 “This facility allows remote diagnosis aiding the intensive care retrieval team taking care of the child at a critical time, though in some cases hazardous transfer can be avoided altogether.” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext aid:vt.援助,帮助e.g. More and more people aid thepoorstudentsto

120、finishtheirschooling.n.U援助,帮助e.g.Thelocalpeoplewenttotheaidofthewoundedman. retrieval:n.1)U取回,索回e.g. The ship was buried, beyondretrieval,atthebottomofthesea.2)U数据检索e.g. Dr. Li is a specialist ininformationretrieval. atacriticaltime:在紧急时刻e.g.aneventthatoccursatacriticaltimeWeareatacriticaltimeinourh

121、istory. 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies777 在特鲁罗心脏异常的婴孩和儿童,由总部设在布里斯托尔儿科医院的当地儿科重症特护转运部门转到布里斯托尔,而在转移前,布里斯托尔医生还能对这些患儿进行远程诊断,并就其治疗提供建议。Focus2 text Translation 7 Bristol doctors have also been able to diagnose and advise on the management of cardiac abnormalities of sick infants and children in

122、Truro prior to them being transferred to Bristol by the regional Paediatric Intensive Care Retrieval Service based at Bristol Childrens Hospital. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext abnormality:n.C,U(身体、行为等)不正常,反常,变态,畸形e.g. abnormalitiesoftheheartfetalabnormality 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies788

123、 8 皇家康沃尔医院联合机构的胎儿医疗高级顾问医师多米尼克伯恩先生说:“现在我们可以在特鲁罗进行扫描,而远在布里斯托尔的汤姆斯基博士能实时观看扫描。”9 9 “在整个扫描过程中,我可以跟他交谈,他也能直接和患儿父母进行交流,并用图画或网络链接等方式向他们提供清晰的解释。”Focus2 text Translation 8 “We can now carry out a scan here in Truro whilst Dr. Tometzki watches this live in Bristol,” said Mr. Dominic Byrne, consultant fetal med

124、icine specialist at Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust. 9 “I can talk to him throughout the scan and he can then talk direct to the parents and use drawings or weblinks to clarify explanations.”上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextcarryout:完成(任务);实施,履行,落实e.g.Extensivetestshavebeencarriedoutonthepatient. scan: n.1

125、)C扫描检查e.g. Iadviseyouhaveabrainscan.2)sing.浏览,快速阅读e.g. aquickscanofthenewspapervt.1)细看,审视e.g. Theradarscannedtheskyforenemyplanes.2)浏览,粗看e.g. Hescannedthemorningpaperswhileeatingbreakfast.clarify:vt.使更清晰易懂,阐明;澄清e.g.Whenwillthegovernmentclarifyitspositiononequalpayforwomen? 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis

126、for Sick Babies7910 10 目前,在当地慈善机构帮助下,其他一些中心也正着手与这一部门建立联系。11 11 随着培训讲座和研讨会从布里斯托尔传播到国内其他儿科中心,该组设备也逐渐成为一种“网络教学”资源。Focus2 text Translation 10 Aided by local charities, other centers are in the process of setting up links with the unit. 11 The suite has also become a resource for “E-learning”, with train

127、ing lectures and seminars being broadcast from Bristol to paediatric centers around the country. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext seminar:n.C研习讨论会,培训会e.g. Professor Whites seminar wascancelled. 3. Text: Remote Diagnosis for Sick Babies80Focus2 working with words4. Working with words Look at the following

128、 pictures. Match them (AF) with the items (16). 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext811.video-conferencing2.intensivecare_3.scan4.remotediagnosis _5.ambulance 6.paediatricdoctor _Focus2 working with words4. Working with words 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextECAFDB82Focus2 research project 5. Research project ForR

129、eferenceAnswerClick Here上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Issue/Event/Context: As more and more students respond positively to medical wonders, they are interested in knowing more about this field. World AIDS Day is coming, and you are one of the members of the Students Union. You are to organize a campaign on cam

130、pus to improve your schoolmates understanding of AIDS so that they may show more care and love to the AIDS patients. Research Goal: To organize a “Knowing More About AIDS” campaign. Research Method & Route: Search the Internet for information on AIDS (its definition, infection, prevention, etc.).Res

131、ult: Work out a presentation to introduce the campaign. BackNext83Focus2 research project 5. Research project 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Reference answer:BackNext84Focus2 L&W 6. Listening-based writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Listen twice to a health report, Something a Bone Will Never Say: Give Me a Break, and

132、write a summary, referring to the following hints. 1. Kinds of bone fractures; 2. Treatments for bone fractures;3. Suggestions for preventing bone fractures.BackNext85Focus2 L&W 6. Listening-based writing Mind Mapfracture/()/n.骨折;断裂comminuted/ a.【医】(骨折)粉碎性的greenstickfracture青枝骨折(骨骼一边骨折,一边完好)cast/n.石

133、膏绷带,石膏夹splint/n.夹板;托板secure/()/vt. 固定;系紧Learning上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext86Focus2 L&W LanguageaboutfracturesWhenaboneisbrokeninmorethantwoplacesorgetscrushed,itiscalleda“comminutedfracture”.Brokenbonescanrestrictbloodfloworcausenervedamage.Itisanopenorcompoundfracturewhenabonebreakstheskin.Treatme

134、ntdependsonthekindoffracturethatisidentified.Ahardcastmaybeputaroundtheareaofthebreaktoholdtheboneinplacewhileitheals.BonesneedcalciumandvitaminDtogrowandreachtheirfullstrength.Learning 6. Listening-based writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextForReferenceAnswerClick Here87This passage tells people abou

135、t different kinds of fractures: a single fracture or a hairline fracture, a comminuted fracture, a bowing fracture, a greenstick fracture and an open or compound fracture. Broken bones should be treated quickly because they can restrict blood flow or cause nerve damage. An operation, a hard cast or

136、a splint made of plastic or metal may be used to treat broken bones. To prevent fractures, people should keep their bones strong by taking enough calcium and vitamin D and doing regular exercise wearing the right sports protection.Focus2 L&W上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNext88Foc

137、us2 L&W Tapescript上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNext89Focus3content Translation Skills Pleasant Surprises in Language TableofContentsPart 3 Enhancement of Language Abilities上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext901. A big nation has its problems; and a small nation has its advantages. 2. Mo

138、desty helps one to go forward whereas conceit makes one lag behind. Put the following sentences into Chinese. Focus3 translation skills 1. Translation Skills 大国有大国的问题,小国有小国的优势。谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext91Focus3 translation skills 1. Translation Skills 3. He put his hands in his pocket

139、s and then shrugged his shoulders. 4. It is impossible to master a foreign language in a few months.5. One hundred thousand citizens of Hiroshima in Japan were killed by the worlds first atomic bomb.他把手插进口袋里,耸了耸肩。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 几个月掌握一门外语是不可能的。BackNext日本广岛有十万市民死于世界上第一颗原子弹爆炸。92Focus3 Pleasant Surp

140、rises in Language 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language Choose the word or phrase that best expresses the meaning of the italicized word or phrase in the following sentences.1. He is withering away.A. going further and further B. shrinking and drying up C. wrinkled and dry 2. Our friends were all rootin

141、g for us. B. offering help to C. searching patiently for D. waiting quietly for D. becoming weaker and weakerA. giving support to 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext93Focus3 Pleasant Surprises in Language 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language 3. Greta is very much enjoying having the baby. She is blooming.A. re

142、covering C. satisfied D. becoming plump4. They will run a workshop for budding authors on how to make, write, and illustrate their own books.A. ambitious but inexperienced C. green and inexperienced D. successful but inexperiencedB. becoming healthy and energetic B. beginning to develop and be succe

143、ssful上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext94Focus3 Pleasant Surprises in Language 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language 5. We must insist our policemen go back to grass roots to restore our faith in them. A. basic regulations B. causes of troubles D. fundamental rulesC. ordinary people 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext95L/O/G/OThank You!上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应用型大学英语综合教程应用型大学英语综合教程Application-oriented College English Course



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