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1、Transform the sentences根据所听内容,选择意思相同或相近的句子,听两遍。1. 1.A. The shop is open 12 hours a day. B. We can go into the shop between 8:00 and 21:00. C. We cant buy anything if it is 17:00 oclock. D. The shop is closed after 9:00 in the morning.2. A. Mother told me to keep warm at home. B. Mother told me to go

2、 out in the bad day. C. Mother told me to keep inside because of the bad day. D. Mother told me to go out though it was bad.3. A. English is often read by us in class. B. English is often spoken by us in class. C. English is often written by us in class. D. English song is often sung by us in class.

3、4. A. The coat on the right is not so good as the one on the left. B. I like the coat on the left better. C. Neither of the coats is better than yours. D. Yesterday I bought a better coat.5. A. The skirt cost me twenty yuan. B. The skirt cost me twelve yuan. C. The skirt was expensive. D. Twenty ski

4、rts were sold.How to transform sentences into the ones with similar meaningsPhrases and sentencesSentences and sentencesPhrases and phrasesOne to oneTwo to one 1. borrowfrom sb-lend to sb2. faster than-not as fast as3. remember - forget4. too young to do sth-old enough to do sth5. catch -miss (the t

5、rain)6. fail-pass (the exam)7. be quiet-make some noise 用反义词组转换,如: 用同义词组转换,如:1. be good at-do well in2. take care of-look after3. enjoy oneself-have a good time/have a lot of fun/play happily4. like sth best-(sth is) ones favourite 5. like A better than B-prefer A to B6. run fastest of all-run faste

6、r than the other students/run faster than any other student7. less interesting than-not so interesting as8. pay for-spend on/sth cost sb some money9. why-what for10. decide to do sth-make a decision/make up ones mind to do sth11. give sb a call-ring sb up/call sb12. arrive in/at-get to/reach13. so s

7、trong a man-such a strong man14. as soon as possible-as soon as you can15. not anything-nothing16. thanks to sb-with ones help 17. not any longer/more-no longer/more18. no matter when/where-whenever/wherever19. be missing-be lost20. wonder-want to know21. learn sth by oneself-teach oneself sth22.rec

8、eive ones letter-hear from sb23. go to work on foot-walk to work;go to work by bike-ride a bike to work; go to work by bus-take a bus to work1.She lent me a pen. I _ a pen _ her.2.His job is to take care of animals.3. His job is to _ _ animals.3.Please remember to lock the door when you leave.4. _ _

9、 to lock the door when you leave.4.I like apples best. 5. Apples are _ _.borrowedfromlookafterDont forgetmyfavouriteExercises5. We enjoyed ourselves last night. We _ _ _ _ last night.6. Bill is taller than Jack. Jack _ _ _ _ Bill.7. Mr. Brown decided to have a good rest. Mr. Brown _ _ _ _ to have a

10、good rest.8. There isnt anything on the desk. There _ _ on the desk.had agood timeisntas/sotall asmade uphismind isnothingbuy begin/startdie borrowgo/come/move tojoin leave have been onhave kepthave hadhave been deadhave been in/have been a member ofhave been in (Beijing)have been away 短暂性动词和可延续性动词的

11、转换1.The boy came back an hour ago. He is still at home now.2. The boy _ _ _ since an hour ago.2.The film started half an hour ago.3. The film _ _ _ for half an hour.3.Uncle King died four years ago.4. Uncle King _ _ _ for four years.4.Mary joined the army last year.5. Mary _ _ _ _ since last year.ha

12、sbeenbackhasbeen on hasbeendeadhasbeenasoldier特定的句型和词组的转换,如:seem to do sth-It seems that spend some time doing sth-It takes sb some time to do sthbe broken-There is sth wrong with tooto do sth-Sb is so that he cant do sthfind him clever-find that he is very clever1. He spent the whole afternoon read

13、ing the book. It _ _ the whole afternoon _ _ the book.2. John seems to have forgotten to make the call. _ _ _ John has forgotten to make the call.3.My watch doesnt work.4. There is _ _ _ my watch.Exercisestookhim toreadItseemsthatsomething wrongwith1.How interesting the film is! 2. _ _ _ _ it is!3.2

14、. Mr Song joined the Party two years ago. 4. _ _ two years _ Mr Song joined the Party. 3. They all say that Jackson will come to China next week. _ _ _ Jackson will come to China next week.4.I felt much better after I took some medicine. 5. I _ _ better _ I took some medicine. A) 意思相同的句型的转换Whatan in

15、teresting filmItissinceIts saidthatdidnt feeluntil5. If we plant more trees, we will have better harvest. _ _ trees we plant, _ _ harvest we have.6. Eating too much is bad for your health. _ _ for your health _ _ too much7. How do you like the programme last night? _ do you _ _ the programme last ni

16、ght?The morethebetterItsbad toWhatthinkofeat8. Where is the nearest hospital, please? _ _ a hospital near here? Which is _ _ to the nearest hospital? How _ _ _ to the nearest hospital?9. It rained heavily last night. The rain _ _ last night. It _ quite _ last night.IstherethewaycanI getwasheavywasra

17、iny10. Why dont we go shopping this weekend? _ _ go shopping this weekend? _ _ go shopping this weekend. _ _ going shopping this weekend?Why notLetusWhat about1. Mr Yan wondered what we would do next. Mr Yan wondered _ _ _ next.2. Mr Jiang told us that we shouldnt go out for a picnic this month. Mr

18、Jiang told us _ _ _ out for a picnic this month.3. I find that its hard to speak English well. I find _ _ _ speak English well.B) 用不定式替换从句what to donottogoithardto4. Candy flew to Beijing because she wanted to see her sick grandfather. Candy flew to Beijing _ _ her sick grandfather.5. I dont know ho

19、w I can solve this problem. I dont know _ _ _ this problem.6. Can you tell me where we shall meet tomorrow? Can you tell me _ _ _ tomorrow?toseehowtosolvewheretomeet1.Han Mei could swim when she was only five years old. 2. Han Mei could swim _ _ _ _ five.3.2. Tom didnt have breakfast and went to sch

20、ool.4. Tom went to school _ _.5.3. The boy who is wearing a black shirt is Jim.6. The boy _ _ _ _ is Jim.C) 用介词短语替换从句attheageofwithout breakfastinablack shirt4. After they planted many trees, they could get better harvest. They could get better harvest _ _ _ _ many trees they planted.5. I felt very

21、surprised when I found that I wasnt Chinese. _ _ _, I found that I wasnt Chinese.withthehelpofTomysurprise1.I can hardly catch what he said.2. I can hardly catch _ _.3.2. Where is the nearest bus station? Can you tell me _ _ _ the nearest bus station?D) 用名词词组替换从句hiswordsthewayto1.We should speak Eng

22、lish as much as possible. English _ _ _ as much as possible.2. People took Erik to the hospital at once. Erik _ _ to the hospital at once.3. Miss Xu asked Bill to clean the classroom Bill _ _ to clean the classroom by Miss Xu.4. People make cars in Changchun. Cars _ _ in Changchun.E) 用被动语态改写句子should

23、bespokenwastakenwasaskedaremade5. Do you speak English every day? _ English _ by you every day?6. I cant draw this picture. Its too hard. This picture _ _ _ by me. Its too hard.7. Mr. Zhang hasnt seen his daughter for years. She is living in a different country. Mr. Zhangs daughter _ _ _ for years.

24、She is living in a different country.Isspokencantbedrawnhasnt beenseen8. People are cleaning the streets everywhere because of SARS. Streets _ _ _ everywhere because of SARS.9. I often hear him play the piano. He _ often _ _ _ the piano.10. He said that he saw Bob walking out of the bank at 4:00 yes

25、terday afternoon. He said that Bob _ _ _ out of the bank by him at 4:00 yesterday afternoon.isheardtoplaywas seen walkingarebeing cleaned1.Triccy can speak English. She can speak Japanese, too. 2. Triccy can speak _ English _ Japanese. 3. Triccy can speak _ _ English _ _ Japanese.A) 用并列连词或词组将两句并成一句(

26、both and, not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor,either/both/each /none/neither of)bothandnotonlybutalso2. Lin Tao will go to Canada, or Lin Feng will go there instead. _ _ Lin Tao and Lin Feng will go to Canada. _ Lin Tao _ Lin Feng will go to Canada.3. The hole mustnt be too big or too small. The

27、hole must be _ too big _ too small.EitherofEitherorneithernor1.Jim ran very slowly this morning. He didnt catch up with Andy. 2. Jim ran _ _ _ catch up with Andy this morning. / Jim _ _ _ _ _ catch up with Andy this morning.3.2. Linda worked very hard. Soon she caught up with the others.4. Linda wor

28、ked _ _ to catch up with the others.B) 用不定式将两句并成一句(tooto, enoughto)too slowlytodidnt runfast enoughtohard enough1.He is too fat, so he has no good suit to wear. 2. He has no good suit to wear _ he is too fat.3. He is _ fat _ he has no good suit to wear.C) 将其中一句变成因果状语从句(because, so)、条件状语从句(if)、宾语从句、结

29、果状语从句(sothat)、目的状语从句(so that)、时间状语从句(when, while, until, as soon as, before, after, by)becausesothat2. Come on, or I will go shopping without you. _ you dont _ _, I will go shopping without you.3. How can I go to the railway station? Can you tell me? Can you tell me _ _ _ _ to the railway station?4.

30、 When she heard the baby crying, she hurried to her at once. She hurried to the baby _ _ _ she heard her crying.IfhurryuphowI cangetassoonas4. Han Mei hurried to her hometown because she must look after her sick grandparents. Han Mei hurried to her hometown _ _ she could look after her sick grandpa.

31、5. Nancy was searching the Internet. During that time her mother was cooking. Nancy was searching the Internet _ her mother was cooking.sothatwhileDiscussion: What can we learn from this class?Connect the new knowledge with the old one we have learnt1.Mr. Wang is a worker, Mrs. Wang is a worker, too

32、.(14题,2002淮安市中考题)2. _ Mr. Wang _ Mrs. Wang are workers.3.2. Bob and Paul were born in the same year.4. Bob is _ _ as Paul.愿意测试一下自己的能力吗?中考题等着你们的挑战!Bothandasold3. Miss Smith left here after the rain stopped. Miss Smith _ leave here _ the rain stopped.4. Mr. Walkman didnt know why the players missed th

33、e train. Mr. Walkman _ why the players _ to catch the train.5. There is a strong wind today. Its very _ today. (59题,南京市2002)didntuntilwonderedfailedwindy6. Im too busy to go to the cinema tonight. I have _ _ to go to the cinema tonight.7. She seems to be worried now. _ _ that she _ worried now.8. It

34、s long time since we met last. We havent seen each other _ _.9. Nobody but Jack can speak French. _ _ can speak French.notimeItseemsisforlongOnlyJack10. He walks to school every day.(1013,盐城) He goes to school _ _ every day.11. Dont open the door, will you? Will you please _ the door _?12. The film

35、began 20 minutes ago. The film has been _ _ 20 minutes.13. He doesnt like mutton, and she doesnt, either. _ he _ she likes mutton.onfootkeepclosedonforNeithernor14. His father took a plane to the USA three days ago.(1419题,南京市2001) Three days ago his father _ to the USA.15. All the boys are laughing,

36、 but Jim isnt. All the boys are laughing _ Jim.16. The children are wearing beautiful clothes. The children are _ beautiful clothes.17. She likes pork a little, but she likes beef better. She _ beef _ pork.flewexceptinprefersto18. He runs fastest in his class. _ runs faster than he in his class.19.

37、I cant finish the work in time without your help. I cant finish the work in time _ you dont help me.20. The computer is so expensive that Dick cant pay for it.(2023题,淮安市2001) The computer is _ expensive for Dick _ buy.Nobodyiftooto21. Mr Jiang has collected matchbox covers for seven years. _ seven y

38、ears since Mr Jiang _ to collect matchbox covers.22. How is the weather today? _ is the weather _ today?23. The Olympic Games take place every four years. The Olympic Games _ _ every four years.ItsbeganWhatlikeare held24. I learned Japanese by myself.(2426题,盐城市2001) I _ _ Japanese.25. Wei Fang hasnt

39、 received her aunts letter since last year. Wei Fang hasnt _ _ her aunt since last year.26. Did you have a good time at the party? Did you _ _ at the party?taughtmyselfheardfromenjoyyourself27. Mary can sing. And she can dance, too. Mary can _ _ sing _ _ dance. (2527题,宿迁市2001)28. The policeman told

40、the granny what she should do. The policeman told the granny what _ _.29. I stayed at home last week because it snowed heavily. I stayed at home last week _ _ the heavy snow.notonlybutalsotodobecauseofCan you help me complete the following sentences according to the rules we have learnt?1.Lily may g

41、o to the cinema with her mother, or Lucy may go.2. _ _ the twins may go to the cinema with their mother.3.2. Jim left a moment ago. He isnt here now.4. Jim _ _ _ for a moment.3. We are alone here. Nobody else is in the room. We are _ _ _ here.4. The man is very strong. He can lift a car. The man is

42、_ strong _ he can lift a car.5. You can do sports after school. You _ do sports _ school is over.6. “Stop playing with the cat.”said the old woman. The old woman asked the boy _ _ _ with the cat.7. Excuse me, which is the way to the Summer Palace? Can you tell me _ _ _ _ _ the Summer Palace?8. Im surprised to see such a tall tree. _ _ _, the tree is so tall.9. He gave us a talk about sports this morning. A talk about sports _ _ to us this morning.10. Shally does best in English in our class. Nobody else _ _ _ Shally.



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