新概念第一册Lesson 73

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1、Lesson 73The way to King Street SarahWhere will the Olympic Games be held in 2012?伦敦2012年奥运会游泳馆伦敦2012年奥运会主体育馆How much do you know about London?外文名称: London 别名: 雾都 行政区类别: 外国首都 所属地区: 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 面积: 1,577.3平方公里(大伦敦) 人口: 751.24万(2006年) 方言: 英语 气候条件: 温带海洋性气候 著名景点: 白金汉宫,威斯敏斯特教堂,伦敦塔,特拉法加广场,大英博物馆 London F

2、amous Attractions(伦敦著名的旅游景点)The London Eye 伦伦敦眼敦眼Big Ben 大本大本钟钟The Thames 泰晤士河泰晤士河British Museum 大英博物大英博物馆馆London Bridge 伦敦大桥伦敦大桥The London Bus 伦敦公交Kings Road 国王街Listening and UnderstandingPlease anwer the following questions:1. What happened to her?(她发生了什么事?)2. Then what did she do?3.Did the man un

3、derstand English?4. What did he take from his pocket?5. Why did the man need a phrasebook?Last week Mrs. Mills went to London. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way.Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop.I can ask him the way. she said to herself.Excuse me, she said. Can you tell

4、me the way to King Street, please? The man smiled pleasantly. He did not understand English! He spoke German. He was a tourist. Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook. He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly.I am sorry, he said. I do not speak Englis

5、h本课重点一:不规则的动词过去式动词过去式wentlostsawsaidunderstoodspokeputtookfoundread动词原形goloseseesayunderstandspeakputtakefindread本课重点二:know sth./sb. very well : 对某物、某人很熟悉She does not know London very well.她对伦敦很不熟悉。He is my good friend, so I know him very well.他是我的好朋友,我很了解他。I was new here, so I didnt know this place

6、 very well.我是新来的,我对这地方不熟悉。2. loselose 动词,“失去,错过,输掉(比赛)(win)”He lost the games last week.lose ones way 迷路,迷失方向lose ones face 丢脸,没面子My father never went to Shanghai, and for the first time, he lost his way.我父亲从未去过上海,因而第一次,他迷路了。It is easy to lose your way in the big city.在大城市,你很容易迷路。 My father was very

7、 angry, because I lost his face in this match.我父亲非常生气,因为在这次比赛中,我给他丢脸了。3.way 道路,方法on the way to .在去.的路上on the way home 在回家的路上on the way to school 在去学校的路上ask sb. the way 向某人问路An old man asked me the way to the supermarket just now.刚才有个老人问我去超市怎么走。say to oneself: 自言自语He said to himself, I am a handsome

8、boy.4. Can you tell me the way to.Can you tell me the way to.?是问路的时常用的句型tell sb. the way to 告诉某人去.的路Can you tell me the way to the library?您能告诉我到图书馆怎么走吗?Can you tell me the way to the greegrocers?您能告诉我到蔬菜水果店怎么走吗?5.speak, tell, talk表示讲某种语言,用speak、speak German 讲德语表示讲故事或告诉某人某事, 用telltell a storyPlease

9、tell me the answer.表示谈话,交谈, 用talkMy mother is talking with our new neighbour.妈妈正在跟我们的新邻居说话。My brother doesnt like talking with others.我弟弟不喜欢和别人说话。6. put. intoput sth. into 把某物放入,放进He put a knife into his pocket.他把小刀放入口袋。The police put the thiefs head into a black bag.警察把小偷的头按进黑色塑料袋。take out 拿出,取出He

10、opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook.他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。Yesterday he asked the doctor to take out his bad tooth.看图说话Suddenly7. 副词Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop.她突然在公共汽车站看见一个男人。The man smiled pleasantly.这人友好地笑了笑。He read the phrase slowly.他缓慢地读着短语。He is always late.他总是迟到。语法:副词副词一般是修饰动词或形容

11、词,用来补充动词或形容词的意义。副词通过修饰动词表明句中某个动作进行的情况,也可以通过形容词描述某事物状况出现的程度。一般来说,副词一般放在动词之后,形容词之前。许多副词都是由形容词+ly 构成的,规则如下:副词变化规则直接在形容词后+ly;pleasant-pleasantly, slow-slowly; quick-quickly以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词,需要先把y变为i,再加ly;thirsty-thirstily, hungry-hungrily有些形容词和副词形式一下,但意思未必相同fast-fast, late-late, hard-hard有些是不规则变化:good-well,

12、常见副词分类频率副词频率副词always, often, usually, sometimes, never,once, twice 方式副词carefully, slowly, well, fast, pleasantly, hurriedly, thirstily.程度副词very, much,so(如此)地点副词here, there, home(在家)时间副词today,yesterday,tomorrow, the day before yesterday, now,just now选择正确的词填空1.You are_beautiful.(副词,非常/十分)2.Please driv

13、e _(slow, slowly).3.He can speak English_(very good, very well)4.He ran out of room _(hurried, hurriedly).5.He greeted me_(warm, warmly)6.He gave me a _(warm, warmly)welcome.veryslowlyvery wellwarmwarmhurriedly1.Lily doesnt know Hong Kong very well, and she_last month.A, lost the way B, losing her w

14、ay C, lost her way D, lose her way2.Youd better drive_at night. A, slow B, careful C, slowly D, care3.Excuse me, can you tell me the way_the Big Ben? A, for B, to C, of D, at4.A: Where_you yesterday afternoon? B: I_in the library.A, were; was B, was; were C, were; was D, was; was5.How silly of me! t

15、he man said_. A, to himself B, with him C, for himself D, by him6.Wheres my watch? I cant_it.A, look for B, find C, find out D, look7.My father _his hand into the bag, and _out a story book.A, putted; taked B, put; take C, put; took D, putting; taking8.The waiter smiled_and showed me the menu.A, ple

16、asantly B, friendly C, pleasant D, friend9.It suddenly started to rain. We rain into the house_. A, hurry B, hurried C, hurriedly D, in hurry10.John can speak English_.A, very welly B, very goodly C, very good D, very wellWhat did you do last week?I went to New York.Did you enjoy yourself?No, I dont

17、 know New York very well, and I lost my way.Did you ask the way?Yes, I did. I asked a woman the way.What did you say?I said, Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Peace Hotel?What did the woman say?She smiled pleasantly. Then she told me slowly,Sorry, I dont speak English.按要求改写句子Who did you meet in the street the day before yesterday?When did Mrs.Mills go to London?What did Jack do?Why did the man tell Mrs.Smith the way to the shop?What did you give your father?Homework背诵全文抄写73课和74课单词三遍根据152页上的表格,按要求写出八个句子完成本课练习册



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