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1、高中英语试题 命题技巧1评价考试质量的标准评价考试质量的标准语言测试的效用语言测试的效用 =信度效度测试的真实性信度效度测试的真实性 使用语言的程度使用语言的程度 考试的影响可行性考试的影响可行性2一、根据测试目的选用合适的考试形式1. 交际能力(交际性测试) 海姆斯(D.H.Hymes) 认为交际能力应体 现在四个方面: E 形式正确、合理可行、内容得体、实际使用 Canale & Swain认为交际能力包括 语言能力 (linguistic competence) 社会语言能力 (sociolinguistic competence) 语篇运用能力 (discourse competenc

2、e) E 策略运用能力 (strategic competence)3交际性测试的特点交际性测试的特点:n注重语言行为注重语言行为 n 设置真实情景设置真实情景 n强调针对性强调针对性 n以语段为测试单位以语段为测试单位 n多技能的综合测试多技能的综合测试 62. 综合运用语言能力综合运用语言能力(综合性测试)综合性测试)nCloze testnDictationnListening based test:Listening and repeatListening and writing 例例Listening and structure73. 经分解的语言能力(分离式测试)经分解的语言能力(

3、分离式测试) A. Speaking B. Listening C. Reading D. Writing 1. Phonology 2. Lexis 3. Syntax 4. Culture Cheap A. shipCheap A. shipB. sheepB. sheepC. shopC. shopDont be a glass-half-empty guy. Be a glass-half-full Dont be a glass-half-empty guy. Be a glass-half-full guy. Girls like the glass-half-full type

4、of personality guy. Girls like the glass-half-full type of personality #B 1C 48双向细目表双向细目表 例例 Behavior Behavior Content Contentknowledge(%)Application(%)Communication(%)Total (1) Phonology 3 35210Grammar1220840Reading915630Writing610420Total (2)30502010010n语音语音 从从A A、B B、C C、D 4D 4个选项中,选出划线部分与所给单个选项中

5、,选出划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的答案。词划线部分读音相同的答案。 thin A. their B. then C. thirdD. mothern语法语法 从从A A、B B、C C、D 4D 4个选项中,选择正确答案填空。个选项中,选择正确答案填空。Listen! The girls _ in the next room.A.sing B. singsC. sang D. are singingn阅读理解阅读理解 Look at the car. Its Mr. Blacks car. It doesnt work now. Mr. Black is under it. He is

6、 mending it. Mrs. Black is near the car. She is helping Mr. Black. The girl in the car is Kate, Mr. Blacks daughter. Mr. Black is _ his car. A. washing B. drivingC. cleaningD. mending11二二、根据考核目标选择题型12三、 命题技巧1. 选材 (1) 口语的特征口语的特征n冗余信息多冗余信息多n短句用得多短句用得多 n重复对方的话语多重复对方的话语多 En停顿和插入语多停顿和插入语多 (gap fillers) (

7、2) 难度难度 (3) 词汇词汇 (生词的处理生词的处理)I. 听力132. 试题的编写n设问的顺序与题量的分布n哪些问题不适宜作听力题?过于依赖记忆、专业知识的题目n选项宜短不宜长 En题目之间不能镶套 E n平时的能力训练题应区分于高考题 E15II. 语法1. 考核目标考核目标 Form Meaning Use19Grammar1. Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _ size and shape.A. on (5.8)B. from (28.3)C. by (5.3)D. in (60.6)

8、2. Whats made you so upset? _ three tickets to the pop music concert A. LostB. LosingC. Because of losingD. Since I lost 202. 题目的来源n文章中的句子n学生作业中的错误3. 编题要点21常见问题举例常见问题举例nSomeone puts something in front of your left ear. What is it?A. An orangeB. A pearC. An appleD. A pennThe letters “ea” in the word

9、“read” in the story are pronounced _ and in the word “real” are pronounced _.A. i:; i:B. e; iC. i; iD. i; e22编写要点编写要点The rhinoceros _ a rather poor sense of smell, nor _. A. has can it see well B. have can they see well C. has it can see well D. have they can see well 1. 1. 每题只设一个测试目标每题只设一个测试目标23The

10、 phrase “slow times” (Line 3, Para.4) means _.A. the time when people are busyB. the time when theres not much businessC. the time when people work slowlyD. the time is slow2. 2. 试题的考核内容应尽量放在题干内试题的考核内容应尽量放在题干内The phrase “slow times” (Line 3, Para.4) means the time when_. A. people are busy B. theres

11、 not much business C. people work slowlyD. theres no work to do24Last Sunday afternoon I met Alan in the street, he told me that he sold most of his belongings. He had scarcely _ left in the house. A. everythingB. anything C. nothingD. something3. 3. 在提供必要的语境情况下,题干应在提供必要的语境情况下,题干应 尽量简洁尽量简洁254. 4. 避免

12、在题目中出现提示避免在题目中出现提示 During the course of a day, the average man takes AB 17,300 breaths, whereas the average woman, with C their smaller lungs, takes 28,800. D26A man who wants to predict the weather must watch _.A. the windB. the humidityC. the cloudsD. all of these5. 5. 尽量少用尽量少用 all of these, all o

13、f all of these, all of above above 等选项等选项276. 6. 避免选项内容的重叠避免选项内容的重叠According to the passage, the average weight of the adult United States female is _.A. less than 104 poundsB. less than 110 poundsC. more than 117 poundsD. more than 120 pounds28III. III. 词汇词汇1. 考核目标词义、词性、搭配、惯用法、词汇量 例 2. 考核层次单词(词汇)、句

14、子、语篇以语篇为主3. 语篇型词汇题的编写注意点 例291. Cloze 能够测试:能够测试:n 语言知识语言知识n 阅读理解能力阅读理解能力n 总体语言水平总体语言水平IV. IV. 完形填空完形填空332. 所测试的能力取决于如何留空n Intra-sentential items (单句理解)(单句理解) The intra-sentential items refer to those that the candidates can answer correctly when they understand the meaning of the single sentence.n In

15、ter-sentential items (上下文理解)(上下文理解) The inter-sentential items refer to those that the candidates can answer correctly only when they understand the previous or / and the following sentence(s), e.g. *The food was still too high to be reached. So he found a _ chair.34n Extra-textual items (背景知识背景知识)T

16、he first is the removal from the curriculum of the thorough teaching of English _. Pupils now do not know a verb from a noun, the subject of a sentence from its object, or the difference between the past, present, or future.A. vocabulary B. culture C. grammar D. literature35空格的设计线索可来自:空格的设计线索可来自:l语言

17、知识语言知识例例l上下文信息上下文信息 例例l 文章的基调(连贯)文章的基调(连贯) l 信息的重复信息的重复l背景知识背景知识 例例364. 4. 编写注意点编写注意点n 短文的语言难度要与考生的水平一致,一般选用比阅读理解材料稍易些的短文的语言难度要与考生的水平一致,一般选用比阅读理解材料稍易些的短文较妥当短文较妥当 n文章的首尾一、二句不留空格,至少应该保证第一句句子的完整,以帮助学文章的首尾一、二句不留空格,至少应该保证第一句句子的完整,以帮助学生进入文章内容、了解作者的写作风格,便于后面的填空。生进入文章内容、了解作者的写作风格,便于后面的填空。 n文章中的人名、地名等专有名词,以及

18、日期、数字等不能作为空格。因为这文章中的人名、地名等专有名词,以及日期、数字等不能作为空格。因为这类信息如果只在文章中出现一次的话,学生无法根据语言线索,或其他线类信息如果只在文章中出现一次的话,学生无法根据语言线索,或其他线索填出这些空格。索填出这些空格。n空格之间的间隔不能太近(少于空格之间的间隔不能太近(少于3格),更不能连续留空。格),更不能连续留空。 n如果如果“完形填空完形填空”用于测试学生的阅读理解能力和总体语言水平,语篇中的用于测试学生的阅读理解能力和总体语言水平,语篇中的空格应以空格应以inter-sentential items为主。为主。 例例395. 难度控制难度控制n

19、语篇的难度语篇的难度 例例n文章的体裁文章的体裁 science narrationn空格的密度空格的密度 同一句中,空格越多越难;每同一句中,空格越多越难;每7个字以上个字以上留一个空格,空格多寡与难度关系不大留一个空格,空格多寡与难度关系不大n空格类型空格类型MC rational fixedintra-sentential item inter-sentential item extra-textual items42V. 阅读理解阅读理解1. 考核目标考核目标n n理解文章的具体信息理解文章的具体信息理解文章的具体信息理解文章的具体信息n n理解指代关系理解指代关系理解指代关系理解指代

20、关系n n猜测词义猜测词义猜测词义猜测词义n n 概括文章主题概括文章主题概括文章主题概括文章主题n n推理、预测能力推理、预测能力推理、预测能力推理、预测能力2. 2. 语篇难度的控制语篇难度的控制语篇难度的控制语篇难度的控制3.3. 各语篇的考核侧重点各语篇的考核侧重点各语篇的考核侧重点各语篇的考核侧重点434. 4. 问题编写要义问题编写要义(1) 选择题措辞举例选择题措辞举例lWhat is the main idea of the passage?lWhat does the passage mainly discuss?lWhich of the following would b

21、e the best title for the passage?uThe word “” most probably means _.uThe word “” could best be replaced by _.The word “it” in line . refers to _.pIt can be inferred from the passage that _.pWhat will the paragraph following the passage most probably discuss?44(2)试题编写的注意点)试题编写的注意点n题目呈现的顺序应与语篇的内容顺序一致。

22、题目呈现的顺序应与语篇的内容顺序一致。n阅读理解题的答案应包含在语篇内,而不能不看语篇阅读理解题的答案应包含在语篇内,而不能不看语篇依靠常识答对题目。依靠常识答对题目。 例例n题目的难度应和语篇的难度保持一致。题目的难度应和语篇的难度保持一致。n试题的措辞不能照搬原文。试题的措辞不能照搬原文。n试题的分布应相对均匀。试题的分布应相对均匀。例例n每篇语篇中的生词一般不超过每篇语篇中的生词一般不超过4个。个。n采用多种形式进行测试采用多种形式进行测试 例例454. 新题型的编写要点新题型的编写要点n难度的选择难度的选择n考核目标考核目标n答题要求(字数限制)答题要求(字数限制)n评分方法评分方法47



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