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1、substitution2021/6/71Definition:Substitution is a Substitution is a grammatical device for grammatical device for avoiding repetition and avoiding repetition and achieving textual achieving textual cohesion.cohesion. 2021/6/72Three kinds of substitution:Nominal substitutionVerbal substitution Clausa

2、l substitution 2021/6/73Nominal substitute 1. Definition: Nominal substitution means the replacement of a noun or a noun phrase by a nominal substitute. 2. Nominal substitutes one/ones, the same, the kind, the sort some indefinite pronouns, such as all, both, some, any, enough, several, none, many,

3、much, (a) few, (a) little, the other, others, another, either, neither, etc.2021/6/74One VS OnesOne could be used alone or with a premodifier or postmodifier; e.g. My car is too small. Lets rent a bigger one.(P31, IV, 5) My cheap camera takes better pictures than his expensive one. What naughty boys

4、! Look at the one high above in the tree.2021/6/75One VS OnesOnes have to be used with a premodifier or postmodifier.These apples arent ripe. Give me the ripe ones.I wish Id bought a few jars of honey. Did you notice the ones they were selling by the roadside.2021/6/763. Indefinite article/possessiv

5、e determiner + premodifier + one/ones e.g. Lets take your/Jacks new one/ones.Definite article + one/ones +postmodifier e.g. The one/ones in the corner is/are mine.2021/6/77one(ones) vs that(those)Similarity: both can be used to replace a countable noun or a countable noun phrase. e.g. The blonde gir

6、ls I saw were older than those/the ones you were dancing with.(=the girls)2021/6/78one(ones) vs that(those) Disparity: if “of” phrase follows, we can only use “that” to substitute rather than “one”; e.g. My seat was next to that of the mayor. while attributive clause follows, we will use “the one ”m

7、ore often . e.g. It was a marvelous picture just like the one(that) we had seen the other day. 2021/6/79one(ones) vs that(those)if “collective nouns” follows, we can only use “that/those” to substitute rather than “one”;e.g. The clothes people wear today do not seem to last as long as those that peo

8、ple wore in the past. 2021/6/710Other wordssome, any, none(=no+名词),many, much, enough, each,(n)either, both,all e.g. Two boys entered, each carrying a suitcase. Therere two roads into town, and you can take either. Proust and James are great novelists, but I like Tolstoy better than either. She and

9、her husband went to see the house. Both felt it suitable. The soup is delicious, and the turkey smells the same.2021/6/711Verbal substitution 1. do 2. do so, do it/do that 2021/6/712do vs do so, do it/do that do so, do it/ do that-notional verb, applies to dynamic verb;do-besides dynamic verbs,can a

10、lso replace stative verbs such as like, think, remember, feel except “be” and “have” e.g. - You dont like dishonesty, do you? -Of course not. Actually, nobody does.(P31,IV, 3, 8)2021/6/713do vs do so, do it, do that do-not to replace non-finite verbs;do so, do it/ do that coulde.g. As no one else ha

11、s succeeded in doing so, I shall attempt to solve the mystery myself. I rode a camel in Morocco. Id love to do that. 2021/6/714do vs do so, do it, do that do is more colloquial than do so, in short answer,we will always use do. e.g. Did you go to the movies? Yes, I did Do you smoke? Yes, I do.2021/6

12、/715do it vs. do that do it-specific action or deed; do that-the whole thing; general act e.g. Is Connie still trying to light the stove? She should have done it by now.(the action) Are you trying to light the stove with a match? I wouldnt do that.(the whole matter) 2021/6/716 two patterns of short

13、response So+ do+ subject(Neither/nor do I )So+ subject+ do A: I always forget to lock the door. B: So do I. /So does my brother/ So did my father. (P40, IV, 7) A: The students all work hard. B: So they do. 2021/6/717Clausal substitution clausal substitute-so or not A: Do you think hell come tomorrow

14、 B: Yes, I think so./ No, I think not.2021/6/718uses of clausal substitutes (1)so and not could commonly used to replace that-clauses representing a belief, an assumption or an emotion with a tone of uncertainty or tentativeness. These substitute normally go with the following words such as appear,

15、believe, expect, fancy, fear, afraid, gather, guess, hope, imagine, presume, reckon, seem, suppose, suspect, think, trust, ect. e.g. -Are you going to have a test in English? -Im afraid so. (P31, VI, 1,2,4,6)2021/6/719Clausal substitutionIf “so” or “not” go with “appear” or “seem”, we will always us

16、e “it” at the beginning of the sentence. e.g. Is it true that Geoff has had a heart attack?”It seems so. Has Ann got into university? It seems not. 2021/6/720Clausal substitution“so” and “not” can go with “if”e.g. He may be busy. If so(=if he is busy), Ill call later. If not (=if he is not busy), ca

17、n I see him now ? 2021/6/721so vs notNot-some modal adverbs such as perhaps, possibly, probably, certainly, surely, ect. to form some short responsesSo- cannot be used in such utterances. A: Is your brother going with you? B: Perhaps not/Possibly not/Surely not2021/6/722so vs notNot- can also go with why to form an elliptical question “why not?”, So- is rarely used in such collocation. e.g. -You should not smoke? - Why not? (Why shouldnt I smoke?) 2021/6/723部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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