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1、4 Reading Skills4 Text Study4 Notes to the Text 4 Words and Expressions4 Idea Sharing394 Prediction4 Decide Your Choice39I. PredictionReading SkillsPredicting is using the text to guess what willhappen next. Then readers confirm or reject their prediction as they read. Predicting is a reading strate

2、gy used before and during reading. A technique to apply to this readingstrategy is to use the Think-Pair-Share method. Take Text A of Unit 9 as an example. 39II. Decide Your ChoiceReading SkillsLooking at the title of the passage Premarital Agreement, we may ask:a. What is premarital agreement? b. W

3、hat are the benefits of premarital agreement?c. Was premarital agreement interesting?After reading the first three paragraphs, youll know: Premarital agreement are designed to address the problems of the division offinancial assets as they arise.39Then you go on reading. After reading about thecase

4、of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, you mayraise another question: a. How can we get benefits from the prenups? b. Who gets benefits from prenups?c. Who needs prenups ?Reading Skills39Reading SkillsAfter reading paragraph 8, you may again ask: a. How should prenups be made?b. Why is prenup needed?You kee

5、p asking questions and confirm your predictions as you keep reading on. When you finish the article, you will have all the questionsanswered.394 Blank Filling39Text StudyThe Major Findings of the Report1. Marriages are dissolving with increasing frequency due to _, _, _, and _.abandonment separation

6、divorcedeath of a spouse2. Parents in their prime years face _ _ caring for _ and _.childrenparentsgrowingburdens3._ are increasingly common everywhere. Unmarried/single mothers4.Children in single-parent households are much more likely to _.be overtaken by poverty395. _ are carrying increasing _ re

7、sponsibility for children.6. Women around the world tend to work _ than men, both _ or _. 7. _ usually contributes a larger proportion of their income to their households.8. Its very difficult to _ from father.collect child support Womenlonger hoursin the officeat home MotherseconomicText Study391.

8、Family _.2. Divorce rate _.3. Households _.4. Womens _ are becoming increasingly important. is no longer a stable and orderly unitis rising worldwidebecome everywhereeconomic contributionsConclusionsText Study394 Focus Study4 Active Expressions39 I. Active Expressions1. in which father serves as eco

9、nomic provider and mother serves as emotional (L5) 2. The themeshould bring about new thinking on social policy, (L28) 3. Experts say, and in particular an increase in the importance of families in the agenda (L28) 4. High rates of inflation may raise to the point where women. (L45) Notes to the Tex

10、tActive ExpressionsFind out the active expressions:39serve as perform certain duties; fulfill the purpose of bring about cause to happenin particular especially; special or specificto the point to a degree thatNotes to the TextActive ExpressionsPracticeActive Expressions391. 2008年,他再次出任驻联合国代表。2. 这药应

11、该是药到病除的。3. 易碎物品,尤其是玻璃,需要特殊包装。4. 请不要离题。Notes to the TextActive ExpressionsTranslation391. In 2008, he served again as a delegate to the United Nations.2. This drug should bring about a cure. 3. Fragile goods in particular glasses, need special packing. 4. Keep to the point please!Notes to the TextAct

12、ive ExpressionsKeyMore Practice 391.我们以此为凭。2.口误经常产生意外的结果。3.老师特别提到你最近的进步。4.你说到点子上了。TranslationNotes to the TextActive Expressions391.This will serve as our certification. 2. A slip of the tongue often bring about unexpected result. 3. The teacher mentioned your recent progress in particular. 4. You a

13、re to the point.KeyNotes to the TextActive Expressions391. The idea that a family is a stable and orderly unit in which father serves as economic provider and mother serves as emotional care giver is a myth. (L5)Notes to the TextFocus StudyII. Focus StudyThe idea is a myththat a family is a unitin w

14、hich father serves care giver39Notes to the TextFocus StudyNoun (fact, news, idea ) + that (how, whether, what)PracticePractice The appositive clause:e.g. The news that they had won the game soon spread over the whole school.39Notes to the TextFocus Study I have no impression _ he went home, perhaps

15、 by bike. I have no idea _ he will be back. Well discuss the problem _ the sports meeting will be held on time. The thought came to him _ maybe the enemy had fled the city. He often asked me the question _ the work was worth doing. howwhenwhetherthatwhetherFill in the blanks with proper guided words

16、.392. The Population Council report says women around the world tend to work longer hours than men, both at home and on the job. (L35)Notes to the TextFocus StudyPractice both and 和(两者)都既又 39Notes to the TextFocus StudyTranslation 迪克和蒂娜都在看书。 丈夫唱歌和妻子跳舞的时候我们都分别鼓掌叫好。 Both Dick and Tina are reading. We

17、applauded both when the man sang and when the wife danced.Key394 Matching Games4 Word Using39Three pupils were eventually rescued 87 hours after undergoing the earthquake.晚上10点,三名小学生在遭受地震87小时后获救。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using I. Word Using1. undergo vt. (L2) experience39Buying a car?

18、We may have to take onanother heavy financial burden. 买车?那会使我们再加上一项沉重的财务负担。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using2. burden n. (L19) a heavy load to carry; a difficult duty to bear39 买房的年轻人不得不承担高额的抵押贷款。 I dont like to burden my memory with useless facts. The young people who bought apartments

19、have to burden themselves with a high mortgage. 我不喜欢费心去记一些无用的事实。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using2. burden vt. (L19) put a burden on sb.393. overtake v. (L26) (of sth. unpleasant) reach suddenly and unexpectedly 一小时之后,我感到困乏极了。 The climbers were overtaken by bad weather. Utter weariness o

20、vertook me an hour later. 登山者突然遇到了恶劣的天气。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using393. overtake v. (L26) go beyond by being a greater amount or degree; come from behind and pass Before you start to overtake, make sure the road is clear ahead of you. I had to walk very fast to overtake you. 超车前一定要

21、确保前方路段没有车辆。 为了赶上你,我不得不走得很快。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using39 4. maintain vt. (L43) continue to have; keep in existence support financially We should try to maintain our cultural diversity. 他们的收入刚好够用,不多也不少。他们的收入刚好够用,不多也不少。 我们应该尽量保持我们文化的多元性。我们应该尽量保持我们文化的多元性。 Theyre paid just enough to ma

22、intain themselves, no more and no less.TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using39 5. contribute to (doing) sth. (L44) be devoted to doing; help to; 成龙将1000万元捐献给因地震受灾的汶川。 He never contributes to the class debates. Jackie Chen contributed 10,000,000 to the earthquake-stricken Wenchuan. 他在班级辩论时从不发

23、表意见。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using39 6. vary vt. (L51) (cause to) change or be different 教师应该改变授课方式来保持学生的兴趣。教师应该改变授课方式来保持学生的兴趣。 Rich or poor, he never varied his habits. Teachers Teachers shouldshould keep students interest by keep students interest by varying their lessons.varying th

24、eir lessons. 无论贫穷还是富有,他从未改变过自己的习惯。无论贫穷还是富有,他从未改变过自己的习惯。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using39 7. weave v. (L56) twist (long objects) together support financially Xiaolan wove many beautiful baskets from strips of willow. 作者将这些事件编写成了动人的故事。作者将这些事件编写成了动人的故事。 小兰用柳条编出了许多漂亮的篮子。小兰用柳条编出了许多漂亮的篮子。 Th

25、e author wove the incidents together into a moving story.TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using39 8. scrape by / through (L65) live, keep a business, ect., with no more than the necessary money They just managed to scrape by on Jacks tinny salary. We shall scrape through anyhow. 他们仅靠杰克微薄的工资勉强

26、维持生活。他们仅靠杰克微薄的工资勉强维持生活。 不管怎样,我们将渡过困难。不管怎样,我们将渡过困难。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using39 9. currency n. (L66) the money in use in a certain country the state of being commonly accepted 美元是世界上最坚挺的货币之一。 These new ideas have gained wide currency.These new ideas have gained wide currency. The U

27、S dollar is one of the strongest currencies The US dollar is one of the strongest currencies in the world. in the world. 这些新观念已广泛传播。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using39 10. trim vt. (L75) understand and enjoy sth.; value highly ; understand sth. with sympathy By trimming costs and improvi

28、ng service, Holiday Inn has now started to make a profit again. 通过降低成本和提高服务质量,假日酒店又开始通过降低成本和提高服务质量,假日酒店又开始 盈利了。盈利了。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using39 10. trim vt. (L75) make sth. smaller, better, etc., by cutting parts from it 他仔细修剪花园的玫瑰。 Summer is coming, she had her hair trimmed. He t

29、rimmed the roses carefully in the garden. 夏天到了,她剪短了头发。夏天到了,她剪短了头发。TranslationKeyWords and ExpressionsWord Using39II. Matching Game_ undergo_ serve as_ dissolve_ dozens of_ by the time_ care for_ bring about_ to the point_ go on to_ instead ofa. look after / nurseb. cause to happen / lead toc. pass o

30、n fromtod. experience (unpleasantly)e. lots of yet less than 100f. fulfill the purpose ofg. as a replacement toh. wheni. be absorbed in a liquidj. to a degreefdiehabjcgWords and ExpressionsMatching Game394 Discussion39What kind of family life do you prefer to liveafter graduation? Why? Idea SharingDiscussion39TipsIdea Sharingbe single live with parentsget marriedhave childrenbe DINK (double income no kid) be housewife / househusbandwork hard to support family 39To TaskTo HorizonThe End of Section B



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