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1、thehungergamethehungergame综述综述 In the North American continent, there is a new country, Shi In the North American continent, there is a new country, Shi Huiguo. There are twelve administrative regions in China, and Huiguo. There are twelve administrative regions in China, and a rich capital of the a

2、dministrative region. Supreme and a rich capital of the administrative region. Supreme and repressive capital year forced 12 administrative region repressive capital year forced 12 administrative region surrender with boys and girls aged 12 to 18 years of age a, surrender with boys and girls aged 12

3、 to 18 years of age a, annual investment the Hunger Games, and on live television, annual investment the Hunger Games, and on live television, thereby terror to maintain authoritarian rule and order in the thereby terror to maintain authoritarian rule and order in the在北美洲这块废墟大陆上,有个新

4、兴国家施惠国。国内有十二个行政区,以及一座被行政区围绕的富饶都城。至高无上且专制残酷的都城,每年逼迫十二行政区交出12岁至18岁的少男少女各一名,投入一年一度的“饥饿游戏”,并以电视实况转播,藉此恐怖手段来维持威权统治以及国家秩序。 Living with his widowed mother and sister of a 16-year-old Living with his widowed mother and sister of a 16-year-old girl katniss and voluntary instead of in the draw is drawn in gir

5、l katniss and voluntary instead of in the draw is drawn in the sister in hunting game. She had passed the edge of death, the sister in hunting game. She had passed the edge of death, and was determined to die. But the cruel game of survival but and was determined to die. But the cruel game of surviv

6、al but inspire Kenneth strong will to survive, she has become a strong inspire Kenneth strong will to survive, she has become a strong contender in the game. In the struggle to survive on the road, contender in the game. In the struggle to survive on the road, she faced a difficult decision: surviva

7、l, humanity and love.she faced a difficult decision: survival, humanity and love.与寡母跟妹妹同住的十六岁少女凯妮丝,自愿代替在“抽签日”被抽中的妹妹参加猎杀游戏。她曾经走过死亡边缘,此刻已决心赴死。但残酷的生存游戏却激发凯妮丝强韧的求生意志,她成为了游戏的强力竞争者。在通往生存的苦战之路上,她面临重重艰难的抉择:生存、人性以及爱之间。Content description 内容简介Those who participate in the games to tribute, not ordinary youth.

8、They were born at the beginning of the birth of the hungry game of survival training. Courtney silk from zone 12 is one of A. In a winning tribute teacher training, she mastered the skills and the skills necessary to combat survival. More important, she has a keen intuition. These instincts will let

9、 her have the upper hand in the Hunger Games stand. But if she wants to survive in the Hunger Games, its going to have to experience a series of life and death, emotion and sin.这些要参加游戏的贡品,并不是普通的青少年。他们从出生伊始,就接受了饥饿游戏的生存训练。来自12区的卡特尼丝就是其中一员。在一位获胜的贡品老师的训练中,她掌握了格斗的技巧和生存的必要技能。更重要的是,她有着敏锐的直觉。这些本能将让她在饥饿游戏中站得

10、先机。但如果她要想从饥饿游戏中活下来,那还要经历一系列生与死、情感与罪恶的考量。Introduction 人物简介人物简介Kettenis actor Jennifer LawrenceIdentity: twelve district, residents of the crack zone; the 74th Annual Hunger Games tribute expertise archery, the hero of the story, voluntary instead of sister became a tribute, in the Hunger Games. At th

11、e age of 11, his father died in mine accidents, in order to support the family, katniss had to break the prohibition, go hunting in exchange for food in the jungle, therefore she has also trained a pair of good skill. The training phase, originally ordinary katniss under the help of stylist Sienar s

12、tunning debut, the Burning Girl title. And in the course of the game, her strong and fearless infected with the twelve administrative region of the people, capital Capitol in order to comply with the aspirations of the people, even at the expense of for her to change the rules of the game.凯特尼斯演员詹妮弗劳

13、伦斯身份:十二区,夹缝地带居民;第74届饥饿游戏贡品特长:射箭。故事的主人公,自愿代替妹妹成为贡品,参加饥饿游戏。11岁时,父亲死于矿难,为了养家,凯特尼斯不得不打破禁律,去丛林打猎换取食物,她也因此练就了一副好身手。训练阶段,原本不起眼的凯特尼斯在造型师西纳的帮助下惊艳亮相,获得“燃烧的女孩”称号。而比赛过程中,她的坚强与无畏感染感染了十二个行政区的人民,都城凯匹特为了顺应民心,甚至不惜为她改变游戏规则。Pita Melrak actor Josh HutchersoIdentity: twelve district residents, bread stores son; the 74th

14、 Annual Hunger Games tribute Specialty: camouflage, carrying heavy loads, though born in the 12th district is rich merchant family, pita still can not escape the was chosen to take part in the fate of the Hunger Games. Many years ago, he had rescued Kate nice, hungry and helpless, but few people kno

15、w, pita actually always in love with katniss. And his sudden confession made the game completely unpredictable.皮塔梅尔拉演员乔什哈切森身份:十二区居民,面包店家的儿子;第74届饥饿游戏贡品特长:伪装术、搬运重物虽然生在第十二区较为富有的商人家庭,皮塔仍无法逃脱被选中参加饥饿游戏的命运。多年前,他曾经救助过饥饿无助的凯特尼斯,但很少人知道,皮塔其实一直暗恋着凯特尼斯。而且他突如其来的告白令比赛走向完全无法预知的方向。Classiclines经典台词:Hope.Itistheonlythingstrongerthanfear.希望。它是唯一比恐惧更强烈的事情。Thefreedomhasacost.自由是有代价的。Andmaytheoddsbeeverinyourfavor.希望好运永远眷顾你。Nomatterwhatyoufeel,youwillbethereforher.不管你的感觉如何,你都要在那里保护她。



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