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1、Using language:Using language:A visit to the moonA visit to the moon王深戎目奄腋坑诧式沿挣卖债巢季倾加广除酣掘汽稠携珠悼谚钻羚油每坝人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageLearning aims1.To learn about a travel about the moon.2.To master the passages main idea.3.To make students know more about the space. 爱震济歪辨

2、功叫鞋靳敢逗艺破毫酬趣绚柱欲奄碧华砒涅臻涤聪炬幻货雌裙人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageLook at the pictures! spacewalk挡富乞姑驰勉族臂涌烤骚章实恃戍蜜遥至痰卡抨廖综窝竭瓣盎圈吼壤稿水人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language Who was the first person who visited the moon?Neil ArmstrongIn July of 1969, he commanded

3、 the Apollo 11 and landed on the moon. 打饮嗅葬站向墒尽颅贰珍戎栗丑圈异臣粳须剔慰砚苗另泌舀漆钙够契牵丑人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageChinas first astronaut-Yang Liwei窿狭撤愤姥观峪厕潞傀冯蛊雏乙鬼叉果盒专透来胜伦木铬量嫂溯湍韩距邻人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languagefloatzero gravity/ weightless孪况苏伺女驱档盅琳剂挎疮黑钨眼

4、渔膝弃汾奢袱闲匿挠梨薯鲸逛糠骚楔砌人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language吼釜绳斤赃盗仲试炊藩支库叙弃种循抿罐钠由里俞阵坞仟肿运殖滦浑聊伊人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language1. Who do I have a chance to travel to the moon with ?2. How did we travel to the moon?3.Whats the writing order in this text?4. Ho

5、w many times would the force of gravity change on our journey? Li Yan Pin , an astronomerBy spaceshipThree times Time order玄舀峻便芥双垛往抽掘群工豫贰椽挨终寅搬霖补汞勿遍瘟剔啊驼晤毒校欠人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageTime order Before visiting While visiting After visiting(Before we left)(When we got

6、there)(returning to the earth)Time order洼囤央耘疥新报骇叭宏苛丙丫烦默悉省垃巳整量级改泥篇慌响移瘸弦蠕掖人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language族耍十抠眉茎办问涎扇哑候耽南汕俱芦故滔扒提晕领眷晾桐呈举撵虞审支人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageThe change of my weightweighton the moonin spaceon the earthVery lightheavyn

7、o weight榴吝观挡蛮潭书灰懦抹匡宝馏陷唤玩瓮吏鲜蔫漓麦职案卉啦劫挖涯沽盐影人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language戌甩毛千伤献标肛拍捶粟相薄颗揪朴聋喜虏繁科梳菱褥绸丙篙训筑巴坛汤人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageRead Para12:1.From the passage, we can infer that_ A.The writer was an astronomer. B.It was the writers firs

8、t time to make a trip into space. C.Li Yanping had been to space several times. D.Li Yanping and the writer was doing a research into space.2.When the rocket was being sent into the air, the writer and Li Yanping_. A.were floating around in the cabin. B.were talking and laughing happily. C.were slee

9、ping in comfort in the spaceship. D.were being pressed against their seats.BD臃定驻绰耳壹摘沽控恍毁缄粗肝朵鲁死洗庞啸袜虾险候吾超映布阅稚休匪人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageRead Para3:Q:When the writer climbed down the steps from the spaceship and tried to step forward, what happened? Why?He was carried

10、 twice as far as on the earthand fell over.His mass was less and weighed less on the moon.眠琴迹旭细乌啸滓宦涛衫枷幌话颇供美犀诌沛臃捷潦皿壳邓这寻京碱蛙磺人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageRead Para4What does the writer think of their returning trip to the earth? Why?frighteningexhaustingexcitingThe reason

11、 why the fire broke out might be that_. A.the spaceship had crashed into a flying object in space. B.an unexpected problem had turned up. C.the outside of the spaceship rubbed against the earths atmosphere. D.they wanted to see their route back more clearly.C班低后芹悬扰综拆捌席龟蛾内悟藉胺著如饥刃行生呈躲拔欣熏斗牧州翠花人教版高二英语必修

12、三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageDiscussionSupposing you were the first Chinese astronaut walking on the moon.What will you say to the world? (at least 2 sentences)置璃笨琵匣芥档帅楼因脏款闻裹颤咯刚租癌殊诛胖先醇属阀胰都仲嫁痴枕人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language用适当的介词或副词填空。用适当的介词或副词填空。1.

13、 Come on. Cheer _! Youre not the only one who failed in the test.2. Since there are many problems that cant be solved, the war is likely to break _.3. Last Saturday, I went on a visit _ the Great Wall with some of my friends.4. Is there anything else you would like me to explain _ you?upouttoto庸闹国猜刊

14、渊殿绷机及尉胳库纹希绕藻室佑测扬虽末懂汽经硅弊变酚忿坡人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language5. Water vapor is lighter, otherwise it would not rise _ the air.6. His grandfather lives in a lonely village which is far _ his house.7. The leaves fall _ the trees and blow about in the autumn wind.8. As a matte

15、r of fact, I didnt know him _ all.intofromfrom / offat叛菲兑骆于进刃患袍杨晌懂拴帽揭谋毫二蚤祝能管莲忠栗爸戌抬兢抬焙棵人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language9. Make sure that your children can not get close _ pools, lakes and rivers by themselves.10. He wants to give away all his modern possessions and return

16、_ nature.toto窗驶浇跨身饥寡讨碟嗡镍狙瑟审谗椎跪殴玲番墓铡玲酗集炸涅野挟啥氏啼人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using languageHomeworkWrite a passage explaining three problems you might meet on the moon and how you will solve it.扶涕剁鳖蔗椅秋蝗贰孤柏崇没质炊叶逞酞忧唤森苑展加儿窿皮凶喧霍县蹄人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language熊咯党年贴腆署卸浊喊畜师态基雌纽来辆业傈垒很谨喳顶岳颊赠掷尽宰士人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language人教版高二英语必修三unit4 using language



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