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1、全国职称英语等级考试全真题(财经类)全国职称英语等级考试全真题(财经类)第一局部 阅读理解 (75 分) Passage 1 Tourism wasnt asimportant as it is today. In the past, only people with agood deal of money could travel on holidays to othercountries. More people travel today than in the pastbecause there is a growing middle class in many parts ofthe

2、world, that is to say, people now have more money fortravel. Special air plane fares for tourists make travelless expensive and more attractive than ever before. Oneperson doesnt travel for the same reason as another. Butmost people enjoy seeing countries that are different fromtheir own. They also

3、like to meet new people and new food.Tourism causes many changes in a country and in peopleslives. People build new hotels and restaurants and trainnative men a women as guides to show visitors interestingplaces. Therere new night clubs and other amusement.International tourism is clearly a big busi

4、ness.1. In the old days could travel to other countries. A.boys or girls, men or women, young or old B. either kingsor queens C. both the poor and the rich D. nobody but thosewho had money2. Many more people travel today than in the past because .A. people have bee more interested in traveling B.tra

5、velling today is easier than in the past C. people nowhave spare money for travel D. great changes have takenplace in the world3. What makes travel more attractive than before? A. Travelby air to other countries is much cheaper today. B. Moreguides are being trained to show beautiful spots. C. Moder

6、ntelegraph lines make travel less expensive. D. New hotelsand restaurants have been built.4. People make journeys to many parts of the world? This isbecause . A. they want to make a study of geography B. theytravel for different reasons C. they want to tastedifferent kinds of food D. they dont want

7、to do anythingelse except that they visit friends5. Which of the following statements is true aording to thearticle? A. Tourism wont bring any changes in peoplesminds. B. People have some trouble in making journeys. C.With the development of tourism, great changes will takeplace in many parts of the

8、 world. D. Tourism causes onlysome changes and in clothing.Passage 2 More attention was paid to the quality ofproduction in France at the time of Renc Coty. CharlesDeschancl was then the financial minister. He stressed thatworkmanship (工作质量) and quality were more important thanquantity for industria

9、l production. It would be necessaryto produce quality goods for international market to petewith those produced in other countries. The French economyneeded a larger share of the international market tobalance its import and export trade. French industrial andagricultural production was still not en

10、ough to meet theimmediate needs of the people, let alone long-rangeddevelopments. Essential imports had extended the nationalcredit (信用) to the breaking point. Rents were tightlycontrolled, but the extreme inflation (通货膨胀) affectedgeneral population most severely through the cost of food.Food costs

11、took as much as 80 per cent of the workers ine.Wages, it is true, had risen, extensive family allowances(补贴) and benefits were paid by the state, and there wasfull-time and overtime employment. Taken together, thesefactors enabled the working class to exist but allowed themno sense of safety. In thi

12、s precarious (不安定) anddiscouraging situation, workmen were willing to workoverseas for higher wages. The government was not willingto let workers leave the country. It was feared thismigration of workers would deplete (使空虚) the labor force.The lack of qualified workers might stop the improvement int

13、he quality of industrial products produced. Qualifiedworkers employed abroad would only increase the quantity ofquality produced in foreign countries. Also the quantity ofquality goods produced in France would not be able toincrease as part of its qualified labor force moved toother countries.6. Aor

14、ding to the passage, the French workers were . A.better paid than the workers in any other European countryB. able to save more money with the increase in his wages C.anxious to work abroad D. often unable to find work inFrance7. Which was not true in French? A. Food costs were low. B.Wages had incr

15、eased. C. The state paid family allowances. D.There was overtime employment.8. Aording to the passage, French production . A. wasinadequate to meet the needs of the French people B. wasflooding the international market with inferior C.emphasized industrial production at the expense ofagricultural pr

16、oduction D. was enough for the local market9. Aording to the passage, the French government . A.prohibited French to work abroad B. reduced taxed to fightinflation C. paid family allowances and benefits D.prohibited the French workers to join labor unions10. Which of the following is not true? A. Mi

17、gration ofworkers would deplete the labor force. B. The lack ofqualified workers might stop the improvement in the qualityof products. C. Qualified workers work abroad wouldincrease the quality of products in foreign countries. D.Qualified workers work abroad was good for France.Passage 3 Aristotle,

18、 the Greek philosopher, summed up thefour chief qualities of money some 2,000 years ago. It mustbe lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carryabout. When we think of money today, we picture it asround, flat pieces of metal which we call coins, or asprinted paper notes. But there are still

19、 parts of the worldtoday where coins and notes are of no use. They will buynothing, and a traveler might starve if he had none of theparticular local money to Among remote people, whoare not often reached by traders from outside, merceusually means barter (物物交换). There is a direct exchangeof goods.

20、Perhaps it is fish for vegetables, meat for grain,or various kinds of food in exchange for pots, baskets, orother manufactured goods. For this kind of simple trading,money is not needed, but there is often something thateveryone wants and everybody can use, such as salt toflavor (给调味) food, shells f

21、or ornaments(装饰), oriron and copper to make into tools and pots. These things-salt, shells or metals-are till used as money in out-of-theway parts of the world today. Salt may rather a strangesubstance to use as money, but in countries where the foodof the people is mainly vegetable, it is often an

22、absolutenecessity. Cakes of salt, stamped to show their value, wereused as money in Tibet until recent times, and cakes ofsalt will still buy goods in Berneo and parts of Africa.Cowrie sea shells have been used as money at some time oranother over the greater part of the Old World. These werecollect

23、ed mainly from the beaches of the Maldive Islands inthe Indian Ocean, and were traded to India and China. InAfrica, cowries were traded right across the continent fromEast to West. Four or five thousand went for one MariaTheresa dollar, an Austrian silver coin which was onceaepted as money in many p

24、arts of Africa. Metal, valued byweight, early coins in many parts of the world. Iron, inlumps, bars or rings is still used in many countriesinstead of money. It can either be exchanged for goods, ormade into tools, weapons or ornaments. The early money ofChina, apart from shells, was of bronze (青铜),

25、 ten in flat,round pieces with a hole in the middle, called cash. Theearliest of these are between three thousand and fourthousand years old-older than the earliest coins of theeastern Mediterranean. Nowadays, coins and notes have takenplace of nearly all the more interesting forms of money,and alth

26、ough in one or two of the more remote countriespeople still hold it for future use on ceremonial (仪式的)oasions such as weddings and funerals (葬礼), examples ofearly money will soon be found only in museums.11. In some parts of the world a traveler might starve . A.even if his money was of the local ki

27、nd B. even if the hadno coins or notes C. if the did not know the local rate ofexchange D. even if he had plenty of coins and notes12. Barter usually takes the place of money transactionwhere . A. there is only salt B. the peoples trading needsare fairly simple C. metal tools are used D. only forcer

28、emonial purposes13. Salt is still used as money . A. in Tibet B. in theMaldive Islands C. in several countries D. only forceremonial purposes 14. Four or five thousand cowrie shellsused to be . A. as valuable as a Maria Theresa dollar B.valued because they were easy to carry C. useful currencyin sou

29、th America D. useful currency in south America15. The earliest known coins from the easternMediterranean . A. are as old as the earliest known Chinesecoins B. are old than the earliest known Chinese coins C.are not as old as the earliest known Chinese coins D. weremuch larger than their Chinese equi

30、valents第二局部 完成句子 (25 分) 根据短文内容完成句子,每个空格只能填一个单词。有 单词第一个字母已经给出,请将其余字母补全。Once upon a time (not so very long ago, either!) industrialgoods were made to last forever. If you bought a car or astove, it was a once-in-a-life time investment. You paidgood money for it, and you took good care of it. Nowadaysi

31、ndustry has persuaded us that products shouldnt last along time. Its cheaper to throw them away than it is torepair them. This has led directly to the throw awaysociety which is a tremendous (巨大的) waste of theearths resources. Just think of the cars that are tradeddaily, just because they are out of

32、 style. Think of theexpensive packaging material that is thrown away every timea new object is bought. And we consumers (消费者) have topay for that material! Our industrial society has turned usinto spoiled children. This wastefulness (消费) has gotinto the mess we are in now. when we have no resources

33、left,then well start to take care of what we have. But whycant we act before this happens? Why cant we go back tobeing a society in which the prevention (防止) of waste isa virtue (美德)?16. Not long ago, products were made to last to as youtake care of them.17. People dont repair many things nowadays b

34、ecause theyspend to buy a new one.18. The shoppers have to pay not only for the goodsthemselves but also for the paper.19. Aording to the authors idea, we should take care ofwhat we have when there are resources left.20. The mess (in the 5th Line of 2nd Paragraph) means .第三局部 阅读理解 (80 分) Passage 1 O

35、ne phase of thebusiness cycle is the expansion phase. This phase is a two-fold one, including recovery and prosperity. During therecovery period there is ever - growing expansion ofexisting facilities and new facilities for production arecreated. More businesses are created and older onesexpanded. I

36、mprovements of various kinds are made. There isan ever increasing optimism (乐观主义) about the future ofeconomic growth. Much capital is invested in machinery orheavy industry. More labor is employed. More rawmaterials are required. As one part of the economy develops,other parts are affected. For exam

37、ple, a great expansion inautomobiles results in an expansion of the steel, glass,and industries. Roads are required. Thus the cement andmachinery industries are stimulated. Demand for labor andmaterials results in greater prosperity for workers andsuppliers (供给商) of raw materials, including farmers.

38、This increases purchasing power and the volume of goodsbought and sold. Thus prosperity is diffused (扩散) amongthe various portions of the population. This prosperityperiod may continue to rise and rise without an apparentend. However a time es when this phase reaches a peak andstop spiraling (盘旋地移动)

39、 upwards. This is the end of theexpansion phase.21. We may assume that in the next paragraph the writerwill discuss . A. union demands B. the status of the farmerC. the higher cost of living D. the recession period22. The title below that best expresses the idea of thispassage is . A. The Business C

40、ycle B. The Recovery Stage C.Attaining Prosperity D. The Period of Good Times23. Prosperity in one industry . A. reflects itself in manyother industries B. will spiral upwards C. will affect thesteel industry D. will end abruptly24. Which of the following industries will probably be agood indicator

41、of a period of expansion? A. Toys. B.Machine tools. C. Foodstuffs. D. Farming.25. During the period of prosperity, people regard thefuture . A. cautiously B. in a confident manner C.opportunely D. indifferentlyPassage 2 The value of money is going down. What you couldbuy in 1970 for 20, now, in 1979

42、 costs 56.40. Thatsinflation and nobody likes it, least of all the Bank ofEngland. One of the results of inflation is that peopleneed coins and notes of higher value. At the moment, thenote of the highest value which is generally incirculation(流通) is the 20 note. Now, the Bank ofEngland plans to int

43、roduce a new, 50 note. And the Bankis trying to decide which famous English man or woman toput on the back of the new note. Quite a problem. The Bankusually chooses safe, historical personalities. We alreadyhave Sir Isaac Newton, the scientist, the first duck ofWellington, the famous soldier who led

44、 the British army atWaterloo, Florence Nightingale, founder of English nursingand - of course - Shakespeare. So far, the list of possiblechoices for the 50 note is quite predictable (可预测的).Theres Sir Francis Drake, to represent the achievements ofEnglish explorers in the sixteenth century. Then we h

45、aveLord Nelson, another sailor and the man who won the battleof Trafalgar in 1805 for England. Isambard Kingdom Brunel,the engineer, is also on the list because of themagnificent bridges which he built. The Bank will notforget music this time either - sir Edward Elgar, one ofour most famous posers o

46、f the nieenth century is a possiblechoice. If they choose a woman, the faminist (女权主义者)movement has two representatives; Boadicea, Queen of theearly English tribes of the first century, who foughtagainst the Romans, or Emily Pankhurst, who fought to getthe vote for women early in this century. What

47、do you thinkof this selection? Theres no one who was alive in the lastfifty years on it and no political leader. Why not? Whydoesnt the Bank choose popular heroes-like the Beetles,for example? Write and tell BBC Modern English who is onyour list for this banknote. Imagine you have to choosesome pers

48、onality to go on a banknote in your own country.Who is your choice?26. Inflation in this story means . A. rise in pricesresulting from an increase in the money, credit, etc. B.the rise and fall of the voice in speaking C. theprocess of inflating or being inflated D. an illnessbrought by infection27.

49、 Who dislike(s) inflation most? A. Ordinary people. B.Merchants. C. Officials. D. The Bank of England.28. Why is there no-one who was alive in the last fiftyyears in the selection and no political leader? A. Becausethe Bank of England does not like contemporary figures andpolitical leaders. B. Becau

50、se living personalities andpolitical leaders are not as influential as anyone in thisselection. C. Because the Bank of England usually choosessafe and historical personalities. D. Because livingpersonalities and political leaders are not allowed to beput on the back of the new banknote.29. The Briti

51、sh army at Waterloo was fighting against . A.the Indian army B. the French army C. the Spanish army D.the Russian army30. BBC Modern English is . A. a book B. a TV program C. aTV guide D. a magazine for students of English as a foreignlanguage第四局部 概括大意 (20 分) 给下面一篇文章 每一段概括大意。每一段 主题用一个或几个单词表示,空出 词已给出

52、了第一个字母,请把其余字母补全。 31. F abundance and Price Rising Thelong years of food shortage in this country have suddenlygive way to apparent abundance. Stores and shops are chokedwith food. Rationing (定量供给) is virtually suspended (暂停), and overseas suppliers (供给商) have been asked tohold back deliveries. Yet,

53、instead of joy, there is wide-spread uneasiness and confusion. Why do food prices keep onrising when there seems to be so much more food about? Isthe abundance only temporary, or has it e to stay? Does itmean that we need to think less now about producing morefood at home? No one knows what to expec

54、t.32. Rea The recent growth of export surpluses on the worldfood market has certainly been unexpectedly great, partlybecause a strange sequence of two suessful grain harvestsin North America is now being followed by a third. Most ofBritains overseas suppliers of meat, too, are offeringmore this year

55、 and home production has also risen.33. E of Food Situation But the effect of all this on thefood situation in this country has been made worse by asimultaneous rise in food prices, due chiefly to thegradual cutting down of government support for food. Theshops are overstocked (存货过多) with food out o

56、nly becausethere is more food available, but also because people,frightened by high prices, are buying less of it.34. Fa of World Prices Moreover, the rise in domesticprices has e at a time when world pries have begun to fallwith the result that imported food, with the exception ofgrain, is often ch

57、eaper than the home-produced variety. Andnow grain prices, too, are falling. Consumers are beginningto ask why they should not be enabled to benefit form thistrend.35. The Res of Farmers Fear The significance of thesedevelopments is not lost on farmers. The older generationhave seen it all happen be

58、fore. Despite the present priceand market guarantees, farmers fear they are about to besqueezed between cheap food imports and a shrinking homemarket. Present production is running at 51 per cent abovepre-war levels, and the government has called for anexpansion to 60 per cent by 1956; but repeated

59、Ministerial(内阁的) advice is carrying little weight and the expansionprogramme is not working very well.第五局部 阅读理解 (120 分) Passage 1 There are strikingdifferences between financial markets on the Continent ofEurope on the one hand, and in Britain on the other. InBritain, the market is really the City o

60、f London. It is afree market: and it controls most of the flow of savings toinvestment. On the Continent, either a few banks orgovernment institutions dominate the money markets. InFrance and Italy, for example, government bureaucrats (官僚)direct the flow of funds to suit their economic plans. InGerm

61、any the flow is directed by the all-powerful banks. InBritain there is more free interplay (相互作用) of marketforces and far fewer regulations, rules and red tape. AFrench banker summed it up this way : On the Continentyou cant do anything unless youve been old you can; inEngland on the other hand you

62、can do everything as long asyou havent been told not to. There are many basic reasonsfor these differences. One is that Continental savers (储蓄者) tend to prefer gold, cash or short-term assets. Theyinvest only 10% of their savings in institutions likepension funds or insurance panies. But in Britain

63、50% ofsavings goes to them, and they, in turn, invest directly inequity (证券) market. A far lower proportion of savings isput in the banks in the form of liquid assets than on theContinent. Continent governments intervene directly orthrough the banks to collect saving together and transformthem into

64、medium or long-term loans for investment. Theequity market is largely by-passed. On the Continenteconomic planning tends to be far more centralized (把集中起来) than in Britain. In Britain it is possible toinfluence decisions affecting the countrys economy fromwithin the City. It attracts a skilled and h

65、ighly qualifiedwork force. In France, on the other hand, an intelligentyoung man who wants a career in finance would probably findthe civil service more attractive. In Britain the market ormore aurately, money tends to be regarded as an end initself. On the Continent it is regarded as a means to ane

66、nd; investment in the economy. To British eyes continentalsystems with the possible exception of the Dutch seembureaucratic (官僚主义的), slow and inefficient. But thereis one outstanding fact the City should not overlook.Britains growth rates and levels investment over the lastten years have been much l

67、ower than on the Continent. Thereare many reasons of this, but the City must take part ofthe blame. If it is aepted that the basic function of afinancial market is to supply industry and merce withfinance in order to achieve desired rates of growth, it canbe said that by concentrating on the market

68、for its ownsake the City has tended to forget that basic function.36. What is the best title for the passage? A. Reasonsbehind the difference. B. Banking and Finance: a BasicDifference in Attitudes. C. Moary Policy in Britain. D. TheEuropean Continent and Britain.37. What seems to be the most basic

69、reason for thisdifference? A. The British tend to regard money as an end,whereas Continental European consider it a means to an end.B. The British invest only 10% of their savings in pensionfunds. C. On the Continent you cant do anything unless youhave been told you can. D. Intelligent young men who

70、 want acareer tend to go to civil service in the Continent.38. Aording to the passage, the Dutch way of finance andbanking . A. is similar to that of the French B. makes nodifference whatever system it follows C. is perhapsresembling that of the British D. has a low efficiency39. The word striking i

71、n Line 1 means . A. beating B.surplus C. noticeable D. seemingly40. In what way does the Continental system seem better? A.The Continent maintains a higher growth rate and levels ofinvestment. B. It has less proportions of savings in theform of liquid assets. C. It attracts intelligent young men.D.

72、It functions properly despite the fact that the Britishdiscount it.Passage 2 Insurance in respect of the property will beeffected by the Society in aordance with the Rules and themortgage conditions with such insurance panies as theSociety may determined. The Society has a wide experienceof insuranc

73、e panies and of the terms offered by theirpolicies, and places insurance with many panies who areable to provide the cover which and if so please contactimmediately the Branch Office to which you submitted yourapplication for loan, and so long as that pany and itsterms are aeptable to the Society co

74、ver will be arrangedaordingly. If you should suggest a pany and it is not onewith which the Society does business you will be informedand offered a choice of other panies. You may request achange of insurance pany at any time during the life of themortgage. If your mortgage is under the endowment (损

75、赠)scheme or supported by an insurance guarantee or if thedocuments of title specify the pany to be used it may notbe possible to aept your choice. The initial sum insuredwill be the figure shown under the heading Amount ofProperty Insurance in the Details of Loan. This figure isthe amount remended b

76、y the Societys valuer (估价者), ashis estimate of the replacement cost of the building at thedate of valuation, unless some other amount has been agreedin writing between you and the Society. No guarantee isgiven or implied that the amount of insurance will coverplete loss. You are reminded that the ma

77、rket value of yourproperty bears no relationship to the cost of replacement.The amount for which property is insured thereforerepresent not less than the cost, at the time of repair orreplacement, of rebuilding all the property covered in thesame materials, form, style and condition as when it is ne

78、w.It should also include any architects, surveyors and legalfees which may be payable, and any costs which may beincurred in plying with the requirements of the Localauthority and in removing debris (碎片), etc. The termproperty includes domestic outbuilding, garages, walls,landlords fixtures (固定装置) a

79、nd furniture, etc. Butexcludes the value of the land. The market value of houseis therefore likely to be less than the cost of rebuilding,especially if the property is elderly (年久的). Even if theproperty is recently built, the work involved inreinstatement (复原) will be more expensive than thebuilding

80、 cost which can be achieved by a builder buildingon an estate basis.41. The passage appears to be from . A. an advertisement B.an information booklet C. a newspaper article D. a formalspeech42. The tone of this passage could best be described as . A.academic B. formal C. light-hearted D. subjective4

81、3. Aording to the passage if the customer suggests aninsurance pany . A. it is impossible to change that panylater on B. the Building Society will provide a list ofalternative panies C. the Building Society will not aeptresponsibility for the policy D. the Building Society maynot be able to agree to

82、 that pany44. The passage states that when you insure your property .A. you should not take the land value into aount B. youshould use the market value as a guide C. you should takethe advice of your Local Authority D. garages and gardensheds are not usually included45. The passage implies that rebu

83、ilding a property costsmore than its market value . A. only if the property is oldB. particularly if the property is new C. whatever the ageof the property D. because of rising building costs第六局部 完形填空 (30 分) 根据短文在空白处填上适当的单词,该单词的第一个字母已经给出。 The interest paid by stocksrises and falls w 46 the economy.

84、During times when thecost of living is rapidly being greater, s 47 are usually abetter investment than bonds. This is b 48 they pay a muchhigher interest rate than d 49 bonds under these conditions.When economic conditions are not good, h 50 bonds aregenerally a better investment. This is because th

85、e interestpaid b 51 bonds in fixed at a certain rate when they areissued the does not c 52 . Because of the relationshipbetween the economy a 53 the performance of stocks andbonds, when people are not sure a 54 economic conditions,they may hesitate before buying anything. They prefer towait a 55 see what happens to the prices and rates ofinterest of stocks and bonds before investing their money.



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