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1、利用教材资源 注重技能训练阅读听力语言点处理写作教学建议教学建议教学建议 1 (关于阅读)(关于阅读) 在阅读教学中教师可充分利用阅读材料,有意在阅读教学中教师可充分利用阅读材料,有意 识地培养学识地培养学生的阅读策略(不同文章不同处理生的阅读策略(不同文章不同处理 ,找准一、二个突破点,找准一、二个突破点即可),培养语感;特别强调培养学生在阅读过程中获取即可),培养语感;特别强调培养学生在阅读过程中获取和处理信息的能力。和处理信息的能力。1.激发阅读兴趣激发阅读兴趣2.提高阅读能力提高阅读能力3.提高综合运用语言的能力提高综合运用语言的能力 zzzzzzzzz阅读Title Title Su

2、b-title Sub-title Pictures Pictures The first The first paragraphparagraphThe last The last paragraph paragraph The topic The topic sentence in sentence in each each paragraph paragraph QuestionsQuestionsPre-reading 判断主题判断主题判断主题判断主题弄清细节弄清细节弄清细节弄清细节呈现方式呈现方式呈现方式呈现方式While-readingWhile-reading深层理解推理判断迁移

3、应用Post-readingPost-reading 时间顺序词:时间顺序词:now, then, beforenow, then, before 空间顺序词:空间顺序词:near, far, behind near, far, behind 重要程度:重要程度: first, second, first, second, 阅读基本技能略读寻读预测下文理解大意分清事实和观点猜测词义推理判断了解细节理解文章结构理解图表信息理解指代关系理解逻辑关系理解作者意图评价阅读内容例 How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife(p25)读前pre-reading 1.通过讨论表格回

4、答问题引导学生列举出濒危动物,思考灭绝的原因,从而很自然地从热身部分的讨论过渡到阅读。 (可以根据实际的需要剪辑美国国家地理杂志中的片段增加感官刺激。) 2.利用读前问题培养学生通过读图获取信息和和利用文章的图及题目预测文章主要内容的能力读中while-reading: 2-3遍1.训练学生略读文章的能力。Fill in the table below about Daisys journey. Animals she metPlaces she went First visitSecond visitThird visit 读中while-reading: 2-3遍2.训练学生寻读文章的能力

5、。做理解部分练习1,查找问题答案,帮助学生把握文章细节。3.训练学生理解文章结构的能力。做理解部分练习2,得出各段的main idea.4.训练学生理解文章逻辑关系的能力。让学生看第二段,找出表时间先后的词。如:used to; now。读后post-reading 练习3是一个应用性很强的思考题,引导学生讨论野生动物保护和地方经济发展之间的矛盾,并提出解决的办法。教学建议教学建议 2 (关于听力)(关于听力) 在教学中教师可充分利用听力材料,有在教学中教师可充分利用听力材料,有意识地培养学生听的策略,培养语感;特意识地培养学生听的策略,培养语感;特别强调培养学生在听的过程中获取和处理别强调培

6、养学生在听的过程中获取和处理信息的能力。信息的能力。听力基本技能排除口音、背景因素等的干扰抓关键词听大意和主题确定事物发展的顺序和逻辑关系预测上下文理解说话人的意图和态度评价所听内容判断语段深层含义Heal The World Michael JacksonMichael JacksonTheres a place in your _ And I know that it is loveAnd this place could be much _ than tomorrowAnd if you really tryYoull find _In this place youll feelTher

7、es no hurt or _There are ways to get thereIf you care enough for the livingMake a little space_ . heartBrightertheres no need to cryMake a better placesorrow例 The Story of the Dodo (p30)1.Discuss the possible reasons for the disappearance of dinosaurs. Think about what is mentioned in the text, and

8、any other reasons there may be.从讨论阅读文本出发,为听力即将出现的关键词和高频词提供视觉上的支持。在问答中将它们呈现,如:disappear, decrease, distinct, die out, ect.2. Listen to the tape and choose the sentence which gives the main idea of the story.(提示学生利用关键词和高频词来确定主题。)The story is about : How foolish the Dodo was. How the Dodo became extinc

9、t. How the Dodo and men became friends. How the other animals tried to save the Dodo.3. Listen to the tape and write down proper answers.1) The Dodo is _.2) He wants to believe that man is telling the truth because _.3) He didnt realize who had killed many of his friends until _.本部分引导学生有针对性地听取主干信息。4

10、. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Once upon a time I lived on the earth too. I was called “dodo”. My home was an _ called Mauritius. I was _ and _ and quite _from most of the animals there. I liked to make friends with the other animals and never _. I have no enemies. We were birds too, but we were large and only had small _. My favorite activity was to _ along the beach and wait till the insects were ready to be eaten. islandcuriouskind-hearteddifferentquarreledwingswander



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