英语音标发音大全(Complete pronunciation of English phoneti

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《英语音标发音大全(Complete pronunciation of English phoneti》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语音标发音大全(Complete pronunciation of English phoneti(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语音标发音大全英语音标发音大全. .(CompleteComplete pronunciationpronunciation ofof EnglishEnglish phoneticphoneticsymbolssymbols)Pronunciation method:The tongue of the i: is set against the teeth, and the lipsare flat, smiling, with a long tone. It is the pronunciationof letters EA, EE, ey, ie, or EI in a word. I

2、t is a long voweland must pay attention to the sound.i the tongue against the lower teeth, lips flat apart, closeto full gum tongue, hair short a sound. The word I or Yis pronounced in the word, and the note is short and brisk.? the lips flat, the front of the tongue slightly, the tipof the tongue a

3、gainst the lower gum, gum, soft Hubei Rose Lipnatural open. The pronunciation of the letter a in a closedsyllable or stressed closed syllablee tongue near Hubei hard, tip top teeth, half closed gums,smile like. It is the pronunciation of letters e or EA in words: lift the tongue, the lips into a nat

4、ural state, mouth halfopen, half closed, hair distress long tone. It is thepronunciation of letters Er, IR, or or ur in a word? the tongue raised, lip natural state, mouth half open, andshort. It is the pronunciation of letters a, O, u, e, or, eror ur in a wordalpha: a circle without lips, gums open

5、, tongue slightly,tongue back up from under the micro teeth, a long hair. It isthe pronunciation of the letter Er in a closed syllable orstressed closed syllable, and also the pronunciation of theletter a in the word St.a flat on the lips, gums half open, the tip of the tongueagainst the lower gingi

6、va, tongue slightly rises, hair shortO sound is the letters o or u in word pronunciation?: to open and close between lips, lips rounded, semi opengradually to open the gums, tongue and the transition volumefor volume. It is the pronunciation of letters o, Al,or, oar,our or oor in a wordlips slightly

7、 protruding out of the mouth, rounded, raisedat the tongue, the tip of the tongue does not touch the lowerteeth, and the Austrian sound is the pronunciation of theletter O in the wordu: rounded lips, gums nearly half, the tongue does not touchthe teeth, natural and not forced, house long. It is thep

8、ronunciation of letters OO or Ou in wordsu rounded lips, gums nearly half, the tongue does not touchthe teeth, natural and not forced, short hair of the housesound. It is the pronunciation of letters u, OO or Ou in a wordai will open the mouth slightly round, tongue raised, thetongue tip back, from

9、the ah sound to a smooth transition toone sound. It is the pronunciation of letters I or Y in wordsei tongue class top gear, half closed, lips gums flat, thesad smooth transition to a long sound. It is thepronunciation of the letter a in the opening syllable.au opens the mouth slightly round, gradua

10、lly closes, the lipsbecome a circle, from sends the Arab Israeli tone the smoothtransition to the house the sound. It is the pronunciationof letters ou and ow in wordsu mouth half open, half closed, slightly after the tongue,transition into a pair of lips into a circle, hair Europe longtone. It is t

11、he pronunciation of letters o, OA and OE in wordsi? Ya lips parted by the narrow bed to semi open the tongueagainst the lower teeth gradually transition to the first, froma sound and transition to sound. It is the pronunciationof letters ear, ere, EA and eer in wordse? Her lips parted slightly after

12、 round, wide open jaws,tongue volume gradually to the volume. It is the pronunciationof letters ear, are and air in wordsu? the lips rounded, nearly half the gums, tongue not to touchthe teeth, house long tone, and then from the house sound, the transition to sound. It is the pronunciation of letter

13、sour, oor, ure and eer in words? I lips protruding into the round, Olympic Games soundgradually separated into the lips flat, a short. It is thepronunciation of letters oy and OI in wordsp close your lips and let the air break through your lipsb the lips are closed and let the air flow through the l

14、ipsand vibrate the vocal cordst mouth ajar, first with his tongue against the upper gum,then suddenly opened, the air rushed into.d mouth ajar, first with his tongue against the upper gum,then suddenly opened, the air rushed into the sound andvibration of the vocal cords.k with the back of the tongu

15、e against the palateafter, thensuddenly opened, the air rushed into.g with the back of the tongue against the palateafter, thensuddenly opened, the air rushed into the sound and vibrationof the vocal cords.s mouth ajar,The upper and lower teeth close to the closed position, the tipof the tongue agai

16、nst the subgingival airflow from the teethout.z mouth ajar, the upper and lower teeth close to the closedposition, the tip of the tongue against the subgingival teethmust be sent from the air, vibration of the vocal cords.f will be forced out of touch the upper lip, the gap betweenthe teeth by blowi

17、ng air.v will be forced out of touch the upper lip, the gap betweenthe teeth by blowing the breath to vibration of the vocal cords.w prominent lips, a sharp tongue round, after rising into thesoft palate, air flow, vibration of the vocal cords.Formula lips ajar, forward, tongue up nearly on gingival

18、,forced to breath out normal sound. concerning the lips ajar, forward, tongue up nearly ongingival, forced to breath out to vibration of the vocal cords.h mouth half closed, breath from the glottis out, but notvibrating vocal cords.j mouth ajar, the tongue against the lower teeth close to thehard pa

19、late, and the air friction.l mouth ajar, the tongue against the upper gum, air side,vibration of the vocal cords.Lip slightly rounded, slightly concave tongue body, tonguevolume, vibration of the vocal cords.Close your lips, put your tongue flat, vibrate your vocal cords,and let the air flow out of

20、your nose.n the lips are slightly closed, the tip of the tongue againstthe gum, the vocal cords vibrating and the air coming out ofthe nasal cavity.lips slightly closed, the tip of the tongue against the lowergum, vibration vocal cords, so that breath flowing out of thenostrils.theta tongue against

21、upper light, send airflow, and thefriction between the teeth of the tongue.e light is sent out on the tongue, airflow, subject tovibration of the vocal cords, and tongue tooth friction witheach other.t formula lips slightly open, first with his tongue againstthe upper gum, suddenly opened, the air r

22、ushed into the sound,eat.d y y lips slightly open, first with his tongue against theupper gum, suddenly opened, the air rushed into the sound,vibration and sound, the voice.The tip of the tongue against the upper ts, for the tposition, the air to break through obstacles, a short t sound,followed by

23、s this friction sound.The tip of the tongue against the upper dz, for the dposition, the air to break through obstacles, a short d sound,followed by Z this friction sound.The tip of the tongue against the upper tr, for the tposition, the air to break through obstacles, a short t sound,followed by R this friction sound.The tip of the tongue against the upper dr, for the dposition, the air to break through obstacles, a short d sound,followed by R this friction sound.



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