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1、Unit 4 Wildlife protectionContents Analysis of teaching material Teaching and learning methodsTeaching aids Teaching procedureDesigning principlesI. Analysis of teaching material 1. Status and function The theme topic of this module is wildlife protection, including the present situation of endanger

2、ed species, learning to protect wildlife and trying to promote our awareness of wildlife protection. After the revision, Ss will be better at solving problems involved in such topic.2. Key points and difficulties Key points (1) Revise the useful words and phrases. (2) Revise the sentence structures.

3、 (3) Revise grammar: the Present Progressive Passive Voice (4) Write a letter about environment protection.Difficulties (1) Ss can use the words and patterns appropriately in certain situations. (2) Write a letter with the correct format and expressions.3. Teaching aims and demands (1) Knowledge obj

4、ectives Ss can use the words and expressions in new situations. Ss can grasp the Present Progressive Passive Voice.Ss can write a short article for a report. (2) Ability objectives To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To improve the Ssability to communicate and co

5、operate.To train the Ssability to deal with various situations by learning and using English. (3) Moral objectives To enable Ss to realize they have the responsibility for our wildlife, our nature and our future .To enable the Ss to love life and enjoy the pleasure of participation. II. Teaching and

6、 learning methods 1.Teaching methods Audio-visual teaching method Task-based teaching method Collaborative teaching method 2.Learnig methods Try to take an active part in the class activities.Try to obtain the knowledge actively by exploratory study and cooperative study.III. Teaching aids A compute

7、r, a tape recorder, powerpoint and so on. IV. Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Daily report (About 2 minutes) One of the Ss takes his turn to give a report and asks the others a question.Purpose of my design: Daily report is a long-term activity in my teaching. Its aimed to develop not only the Ss English l

8、anguage abilities but also their diverse intelligence.Step 2 Listening (About 5 minutes) Ss listen to the text and fill in the blanks, paying attention to the key words. 1. Ask two of the students to write down their answers on the blackboard, and the others on their handouts. 2. Check the answers t

9、ogether and ask Ss to correct their errors. Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife. One day a flying carpet took Daisy to Tibet in China, where the numbers of antelope were decreasing because they were being killed for fur and wool. She was then taken to Zimbabwe, where Daisy

10、 saw an elephant. The elephant said farmers used to hunt them without mercy. But with the help of the government, now their numbers are increasing. So in relief Daisy burst into laughter. Next, Daisy arrived at a thick rainforest. A monkey protected itself from mosquitoes by rubbing a millipede inse

11、ct which contained a powerful drug over the body. The monkey told them that people should pay more attention to the rainforest where it lived and appreciate how the animals lived together. Although finally everything was gone, Daisy had learned a lot after the experience.Purpose of my design: This p

12、art serves as presentation which lays the foundation for the rest of teaching process. Its a convenient and quick step to practise Ss listening as well as briefly revise vocabulary and the passage.Step 3 Revision of vocabulary and expressions (About 16 minutes) 1. Ask Ss themselves to make a list of

13、 some important words and phrases. They just stand up and say one or two. Words:decrease vi.&vt. 减少;(使)变小减少;(使)变小appreciate vt. 鉴赏;感激;意识到鉴赏;感激;意识到respond vi. 回答;作出反应回答;作出反应contain vt. 包含;容纳包含;容纳affect vt. 影响;感动;侵袭影响;感动;侵袭employ vt. 雇用;利用雇用;利用inspect vt. 检查;视察检查;视察Phrases:die out 灭亡,逐渐消失灭亡,逐渐消失hunt f

14、or 搜索搜索in danger (of) 在危险中,垂危在危险中,垂危in peace 和平地,和睦地和平地,和睦地in relief 如释重负如释重负burst into laughter 突然笑起来突然笑起来protect from 保护保护不受不受(危害)(危害)do harm to 对对有害有害pay attention to 注意注意come into being 形成,产生形成,产生according to 按照;根据按照;根据(所说)(所说)so that 以致于,结果以致于,结果 2. A competition Divide the class into three gro

15、ups. Ask them to make up as many sentences as possible using the list of words and phrases. Encourage Ss to use the words and phrases correctly in new situations. Then check which group is the winner.Part One A competition of making sentences (视频)1. There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad. 在那里在那里, 戴

16、茜看到一只藏羚羊面带忧戴茜看到一只藏羚羊面带忧郁的神色。郁的神色。(BII P26)句型句型:see sb. doing sth.看到某人在做某事看到某人在做某事 3. Practise the sentence structures by doing sentence completion. 仿写仿写: 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。(1)他看见那人在翻墙。他看见那人在翻墙。He saw the man _ over the wall.(2)我看见孩子们高兴得直跳。我看见孩子们高兴得直跳。I saw the boys _ with joy.jumpingclimbing

17、2.No rainforest, no animals, no drugs. 没没有雨林有雨林, 就没有动物就没有动物, 也就没有药物了。也就没有药物了。 (B2P26)3.句型句型 :No., no. 没有没有就没有就没有 仿写仿写 根据汉语意思根据汉语意思, 完成英文句子。完成英文句子。(1)无火不冒烟。无火不冒烟。No fire, _.no smoke (2)没有竞争就没有进步。没有竞争就没有进步。No competition, _. (3)不劳无获。不劳无获。No pains, _. no gainsno progress3. Others think the earth got to

18、o hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more.其他人其他人认为地球变得太热认为地球变得太热, 以至于恐龙生活不下以至于恐龙生活不下去了。去了。(B2P30)句型句型: too.to. 太太而不能而不能提醒提醒: 当当too后面的形容词为后面的形容词为happy,ready, willing, eager等表心理状态的词时等表心理状态的词时, 后面的动词表肯定,后面的动词表肯定,too表示表示“非常非常”。 仿写仿写: (1) 车太贵了车太贵了, 他买不起。他买不起。The car is too expensive _.(2)改过不嫌晚。改过不嫌晚。It

19、s never too _.(3) 我只是太想知道结果了。我只是太想知道结果了。Im just too eager_ .to know the result (for him) to affordlate to mendPurpose of my design: While revising the key points in this unit, I just try to cultivate Ss ability of autonomous study and using knowledge flexibly.Step 4 Grammar (About 2 minutes)1. Show

20、Ss the four sentences from the text. Ask Ss what they have in common.We are being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs. (Line 9)Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you. (Line 10)I wonder what is being done to help you. (Line 12)So good things are being done here to save local

21、wildlife. (Line 25)2. Get the Ss to summarize the usage of the Present Progressive Passive Voice. am/ is /are + being donePurpose of my design: Through this step, I enable Ss to learn to summarize principles from linguistic phenomena on their own rather than wait to be taught by teachters.Step 5 Wri

22、ting (About 18 minutes) Task: Write a letter to WWF introducing our present environment based on what the Ss have revised, including vocabulary, structures and grammar. 1. Preparation for writing (1) Show some pictures in which the environment is being destroyed. Encourage Ss to say some sentences a

23、ccording to them. Preparation for writing (I)For example: Trees are being cut down by the villagers.Rivers are being polluted by some factories.Wild animals are being hunted by people. Our life is being affected by the polluted environment. (2) Show some other pictures in which something good is bei

24、ng done for the environment. Again Ss make some sentences. Preparation for writing (II)For example: More trees are being planted by people. Wildlife is being protected from dying out in the reserve. Some policies are being carried out to protect wildlife. Some activities are being held to protect th

25、e environment.Purpose of my design: This part is designed as a connecting link, not only a preparation for writing, but also the practice of grammar and vocabulary.2. Group work Ss work in small groups of six to finish a letter. All group members should participate and put forward their ideas. Among

26、 them, one should write down their letter and another one should present the work. Give Ss a model to help them if necessary.Dear WWF, At present, our environment is being destroyed._. Luckily, this situation is being realized by more and more people. And some good things are being done. _. Personal

27、ly, _. Yours sincerely, Part two: Group work (视频片段视频片段)3. Present the work Three or four groups will report their letters.Part three: Report (视频短片视频短片)4. Evaluate the work Ask Ss themselves to evaluate the work. Then make some comments if necessary.Purpose of my design: Writing is the important and

28、difficult part in the teaching process. Ss should cooperate to write a letter based on what they have revised combined with real situations. Through this activity, I greatly help Ss to develop integrated skills in learning and using English.Step 6 Home work 1. Finish off all the exercises in their r

29、eference books. 2. Finish reading another passage about wildlife protection.V. Designing principles This lesson always follows the principle of task-based teaching approach. Ss are corpus, the task is the centre, and the teacher is a guide, an organizer and a participant in teaching. Ss are inspired to participate, experience, think, explore and cooperate, therefore they can solve the problems by themselves.



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