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1、土木工程专业外语第 4 次课讲义Chapter 4Specialty English TranslationContents:4.2 Contrastive study of English and Chinese 英汉语言对比4.2.1词汇的对比词义、词的搭配、词序4.2.2句法的对比句子结构、句序4.3The basic methods of translation 翻译的基本方法Teaching aims:掌握英汉两种语言在专业英语中词汇、语法、修辞、表达上的差异性;掌握专业英语中常用的翻译方法和技巧;加强对学生在英语、汉语和专业知识三方面翻译能力训练,并不断进行翻译实践。4.2 Con

2、trastive study of English and Chinese4.2.1词汇的对比1.词义方面:对应情况有 4 种情况:1)英汉词汇意义一一对应:A=甲,专有名词、术语general contractor 总承包商 high-rise apartment 高层公寓multistory building 多层建筑 bid estimate 投标估价2).英语词汇意义比汉语广 A 甲:Material (物质、用具、内容、资料)材料.straight (正派人、第一名、真相) 笔直.reduce (降低;使处于;把分解)减少.astraightthinker思路清楚astraight

3、answer坦率的回答Putyour office straight. 把办公室整理好。She keeps straight. 她品德端庄。3)英语词汇意义不及汉语广 A甲:road 道路.car (小汽车、轿车) 汽车.ten thousand 万.university大学.万古长青evergreen 万事俱备Everything is ready.万无一失 perfectly safe万众一心 millions of people being united as one4)英语词汇与汉语词汇只是部分对应 A甲:book 书.state 国家.do 做.beat 打police state

4、警察国家 State of war战争状态to lie in state 以供瞻仰超级大国superpowers 世界各国 the nations of the world翻译不是填充或者替换,不能用固定的汉语来替换某一固定的英语单词.联系上下文,确定单词的具体意义.2.词的搭配: reduce减少reduce speed(减低车速),reduce to powder(粉碎),reduce(降低) thetemperature,reduce(缩短) the time,reduce construction expense(缩减工程开支)reduce the scale of construct

5、ion(缩小工程规模)reduce the numbers of traffic accidents.(减少交通事故)例 1.First, curing measures should be selected which will give long roadlife and good road surface.首先,应当选择能延长道路寿命和获得优质路面的养护措施.例 2.Two or more computers can also be operated together to improveperformance or system reliability.也可同时操作两台以上的计算机,以

6、改善其性能或提高系统的可靠度.3.词序方面:英语和汉语句子中的主语、谓语、宾语和表语的词序大体上是一致的。而定语和状语的位置则有同有异,变化较多。1)定语的位置:英语中有少数单词要求定语后置,短语定语一般后置Something important 重要的事情.例 1:A building project of high-rise apartment houses高层公寓大楼的建筑项目.2)状语的位置:英语中状语有前置和后置,汉语都是前置.例 2:Steel is a very useful engineering material.钢是一种非常有用的工程材料。例 3:Technology in

7、 Highway Transportation are developing rapidly duringthe age of modern highways.在现代化公路时代,公路运输方面的技术正在迅速发展。例 4:To the extent possible, the foundation concrete is placed keepingthe excavation dry灌筑基础混凝土,应尽可能在保持基槽干燥的情况下进行.4.2.2 句法的对比1.句子的结构:英语常常使用各种连词、 关系代词和关系副词来表示分句以及主句与从句之间的各种关系。汉语则主要借助词序以及词与短语之间内在的逻辑

8、关系来连接并列复合句和偏正复合句。1)英语简单句结构汉语复合句结构。例 1.Considered from this point of view, the question will be of greatimportance如果从这点考虑,这个问题就十分重要。(假设句)2)英语复合句结构汉语简单句结构。例 2.It is essential that construction management students have a goodknowledge of basic science.学工程管理的学生掌握基础科学知识是极为重要的。英语主语从句汉语简单句3)英语复合句结构汉语不同的复合结

9、构。例 3.This place is really beautiful, and many people bring their wivesand families out here to live.这地方实在漂亮,所以许多人都把他们的家小搬来居住.英语并列复合句汉语因果偏正复合句4)英语的倒装句汉语正常句序例 4.Were there no steel,there would be no modern industry.没有钢就不会有现代工业。5)英语被动结构汉语主动结构例 5.To block out this glare, trees and bushes are planted on

10、 the centerstrip between opposing traffic lanes.为了遮挡这耀眼的光,在对向车道间的中央分隔带上种植树木和灌木。2.句序:复合句中主句与从句的顺序(时间、逻辑顺序)1)时间顺序:英语比较灵活,汉语先发生的先说,且时间通常放在句首例 1: One must inevitably touch upon technical aspects when discussingthe concrete cracks, and means of amending it.在讨论混凝土裂缝和修补办法时,必然会触及到与其相关的技术环节。例 2:John had flow

11、n in just the day before from Florida where he had spenthis vacation basking in the Miami sun after the completion of theconstruction job he had been engaged in the north.2)逻辑顺序:因果、条件关系,英语比较灵活,汉语中要放在前面例 3:This time no one was killed or injured in the accident, for greatattention was paid to safety.由

12、于安全问题受到重视,这次事故中无人身亡。例 4:People followed these winding trails because they provided an easyand quick way to get through thick forests.因为这些弯曲的足迹提供了易于穿过繁茂森林的捷径, 所以人们顺着这些足迹前进。Exercise:1.The civil engineering may work in research, design,construction supervision, maintenance, or even in sales or manageme

13、nt.土木工程师可能从事的工作有研究、设计、施工管理、维修,甚至是营销或经营管理。2. Concrete is the cheapest serviceable material for the job.就施工而言,混凝土是最便宜的材料,而且经久耐用。4.3The basic methods of translation4.3.1 直译直译:按照英文直接翻译1. 保留原文的语法结构,原语序和词序不做变动;2. 保留原文词语的字面意义。例 1.Internet isof great help to our work.因特网对我们的工作有很大帮助.例 2. Bridges and tunnels

14、are great symbols ofmankinds conquest of obstruction.桥梁和隧道是人类征服障碍的伟大象征.4.3 .2 词义的选择英汉一词一义的情况很少,通常一个 word 对应几个汉语意思.1.与词的语法特征有关(1) 词性不同,词义有别例 1:The director of the worksite is ready to foot up the account of theconstruction.工地主任准备结算这项工程的账目。例 2:John Fowler,a Scottish engineer,was dead against the use o

15、f theTay Bridge which was not strong enough to stand up against the immenseforce of the westerly winds.约翰.福勒这位苏格兰工程师坚决反对使用泰依大桥,这座桥不够坚固,经不住西风的冲击。(2)名词单复数、可数与不可数引起词义改变As a result of those economies, many of our most important new projectsin other fields became possible.由于采取了这些节约措施,我们在其它方面的许多最重要的新工程才能得

16、以实施。(3)普通名词与抽象名词意义的转变Beijing was the first permanent settlement.北京是最早的永久性居留地。(普通名词)Enormous stretches of arable land in the central western region are stillawaiting settlement.中西部地区还有大片可耕地有待于垦拓。(抽象名词)2.与词的搭配有关: 不同场合含义不同,联系上下文,词的搭配关系和专业知识来理解The works of these watches are all home-produced and wear we

17、ll. 机件这些表的机件均系国产,耐磨性好。Bridges are among the most important, and often the most spectacular, ofall civil engineering works.桥梁是土木工程建筑中最为重要的一种,也往往是最为壮观的一种土木工程。3.与汉语表达有关:The gears work smoothly. 运转I think your methods will work. 行得通This treatment works like magic. 功效4.3 .2 转换为了使译文能符合汉语的语法和修辞习惯,需对原文的词句进行

18、转换。如词义、词类、语序、句子成分、句子结构和表达方式等。词义转换:1.词义引申:对无法直译或不宜直译的词The choice of material in construction of bridges is basically betweensteel or concrete,and the main trouble with concrete is that itstensile strength is very small钢材和混凝土是桥梁建筑的基本材料,混凝土的主要缺点是抗拉强度很低。2.词义具体化:根据汉语的表达习惯,将比较笼统的词引申为较为具体的词The purpose of a

19、 driller is to cut holes钻床的功能是钻孔.There are many things that should be considered in any engineeringplanning decision.在任何工程规划的决策中,有许多因素应当考虑。3.词义抽象化:根据汉语的表达习惯Rocks made under water tell another story.水下形成的岩石说明另一个问题。We have progressed a long way from the early days of aerial surveys. 有了很大发展-“已经前进了很大一段路”航空测量自从出现以来,有了很大的发展



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