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1、本文档下载后根据实际情况可编辑修改使用1.Think about the lecture, The Experimental Method. It discusses the use of controlled experiments and blind experiments to test hypotheses.Now read the list of common home remedies for treating colds. Choose one and design a controlled experiment that will test whether or not the

2、 remedy is effective in making you feel better faster.chicken souphot tea with lemontaking frequent steam bathsdrinking lots of liquidstaking zinc supplementsWriting your paragraph below.Maybe some of you drink hot tea with lemon when you have a cold.Yes?No?OK, for those who dont know about hot tea

3、with lemon its just a common tea.But do you know weather its effective?Of cause you see lots of advertisements saying it is that they wouldnt sell much if they dont, would they?So how can we be sure ?The following example experiment will help you find out.First of all, we should find some participan

4、ts who have get a coold and havent accept any remedy.We divided them into two groups, the experimental group and the controlled group.Participants in the experimental group we give them the hot tea of lemon while the controlled group we just give them a placebo, which looks like the experimental tre

5、atment but does nothing.At the same time, all the participants are not allowed 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页本文档下载后根据实际情况可编辑修改使用to know which group they are in to make sure the experiments are blind experiments.Then if there is a difference between the two groups, maybe, ju

6、st maybe, the difference is from taking hot tea of lemon.So the controlled group is the same as the experiment group but doesnt get the experimental treatment.2.Think about the lecture, “New Ways in Advertising.” It describes two marketing strategiesviral marketing and stealth marketing. Now read th

7、e list of products below. Consider which marketing strategy would work best for each product. Why do you think it is the best strategy? How would you advertise the product? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the strategy you chose?a cell phone with cameraa luxury hotela computer game for y

8、oung adultsa popular dance club Choose one product and briefly explain the best marketing strategy for the product, why you think it is the best strategy, how you would advertise the product, andpossible advantages and disadvantages of the strategy you chose. Talk about your points and record it, th

9、en upload your record on the internet. The product I choose to talk about how to advertise is a computer game for young adults.As we all know, advertisements are aimed at 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页本文档下载后根据实际情况可编辑修改使用getting the most notice of people and getting the comp

10、anies message across.Thus we should get the advertisement into the right place at the right time for the right people to see them.As for a computer game for young adults, the best marketing strategy must be the advertisement placed on the Internet at all time for the young adults. I argue that the b

11、est marketing strategy is stealth marketing for the reason that it is effective but not expensive.We can give T-shirts to teenagers as young as 13.In exchange, the teenagers may agree to talk to their friends at shcool and on Internet chat sites about the game that our company is marketing.But there

12、 may exists certain disadvantages, though it spreads from person to person by word of mouth, adults are limited to tell the name of the company.So once their parents find that they may get angry because they feel they have been tricked.3.riting a paragraph about the following topic: Think about the

13、lecture, “Are Asteroids and Comets Dangerous?” It discusses the likelihood of asteroid collisions. Do you think we should be concerned about a large object striking Earth and causing a catastrophic event?We re all aware that one of the ways that human life on Earth could end, conceivably, is the sam

14、e way that the dinosaurs went down. And asteroid tracking and deflection technology is fast becoming one of the hot issues of the day. It appears so often in the news that we d think we are at a high risk, any day, of being hit by a 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页本文档下载后根据实际情

15、况可编辑修改使用catastrophic asteroid. But and my opinion here definitely runs against the mainstream I think this hysteria is absolutely ridiculous. One of the things you almost never hear about are the frequency and the odds of an asteroid strike harming us. If large asteroid strikes happened every few de

16、cades, wed have something legitimate to prepare for and worry about. But if weve only got a one-in-a-million chance of an asteroid harming us over our lifetime meaning we are over 100 times more likely to be struck by lightning than harmed by an asteroid perhaps there are better ways to spend our re

17、sources.4Now read the three movie synopses in the attachment. Think about how an actor could prepare to play the roles authentically. Write a paragraph. Briefly explain the definition of an authentic performance. Then describe howan actor could prepare for the role of the character in the synopsis y

18、ou chose.Authentic performance is the ability to express ones own self, spirit or character. It is something that cannot duplicate by another. It goes beyond technique or skill or style. Authentic performance is those truths, are comfortable with them and have fully accept them they will create you

19、as a 100% unique performer.Then, as you learn the material of your performance well, you will begin to generate depth in performance. The more presence you bring 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页本文档下载后根据实际情况可编辑修改使用from yourself, the more the material will become an authentic e

20、xpression of self.An authentic performance knows their material, and knows them so well that there is no thought between the material and its truest expression. They are 100% present. When the homework is down and the material is thoroughly memorized the performer can then create from a feeling plac

21、e rather than a thinking place. The expression is then generated without thought. All of these processes, imagination, sometimes may help you the most.As for Tom Hanks who played the role of Chuck Noland in the movie castaway, if he wanted to give an authentic performance to the audience, he should

22、have to cultivate a deeper understanding of both Chuck Noland and himself. Hed better experience a life by himself and learn how to survive lonely. He should also use his imagination to express an emotion of the sadness with leaving his life and the loneliness of no one to compare.5 You have read te

23、xts and listened to a lecture about emotions. You will now use your knowledge of the content, vocabulary, and synthesizing skills to write one or two paragraphs to answer this question: where do our emotional responses come from: Learning, biology, or both? Your writing should include topic sentence

24、s, cohesion, and summary statements精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页本文档下载后根据实际情况可编辑修改使用As we have learned from the text “what do our emotions do for us”, emotional responses have four parts: bodily (physiological) response,an interpretation in the mind, feelings, an effect on

25、behavior. Also we have known from the lecture that our facial emotions have six basic responses: happy, angry, disgust, fear, sad and surprise. I will finish my paragraph with one of those: fear. In my opinion, our emotional responses come from both learning and biology. For instance, when we face a

26、 horror event, our brain then sends message to our body unconsciously. It does this by releasing a chemical called adrenaline, which the blood carries to other parts of the body. All of these chemical processes are not that easily to control, and they belongs to biology.But sometimes we would hide o

27、ur emotion, which means that our emotions are not completely fixed by our biology. They also involved learning, including learning from experience. For example, when we see a horror film, instead of crying, screaming or shouting, most of us can control our behavior well. Thats because we have learne

28、d to hide our negative emotions and we can control our emotions well. In summary, our emotional responses come from both learning and biology.6. Think about the lecture, “It Is the Best of Times.” It explains why life now is better than life in the past.Think about the topic of the lecture. Do you t

29、hink life is easier now 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页本文档下载后根据实际情况可编辑修改使用than in the past? Do you think people are healthier now than in the past?Write your points and briefly explain whether you agree that life is easier now than in the past and whether people are healthie

30、r now than in the past.Deadline: June 3rdIs life easier now than in the past? People all have their own opinions and it maybe varies from one to another. For me, some things are easier but today we face new challenges.Sure some things are easier. It is easier to cook a meal, easier to send a letter,

31、 easier to be entertained. But there are many new challenges in society which are just as challenging to face.In the technological age there are more demands on people to have thing done immediately. There is a lot more choice available to people and this is not always a good thing. It is much harde

32、r today to choose a healthy diet which leads to daily struggles which are associated with being overweight or obese. So even though medical breakthroughs have helped stop spread the disease that once ravaged cities and countries, it is hardly to say that peoples health now is better than in the past

33、.Most children now have two working parents, less siblings and close relatives and when their parents are home they must fight with the television and Internet to get their attention.People have more money and become totally consumer driven, with the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7

34、页,共 9 页本文档下载后根据实际情况可编辑修改使用need to have the latest things becoming so important and the need to spend time with people becoming less important.People today no longer know how to entertain themselves but must rely on the many entertainment devices, which leads to problems of loneliness, boredom and ev

35、en suicide.7. Think about the lecture, Background on Chinua Achebe. It gives background information about the story Marriage is a Private Affair.Toward the end of the lecture, the speaker asks a number of questions: How is this society changing? What are the influences or causes of this change? How

36、does this change the way generations communicate or interact with one another? Think of examples from the lecture that answer these questions. Then think of examples from your own country or another country you are familiar with.Write a short essay about a country of your choice, answering the speak

37、ers questions.Deadline: June 23rdAfter listen the lecture we can learn from it about how the society changing. The speaker gives us two examples about this and the influences and causes of this change. The first example is about the country Igbo land in which there was a strong and complex religion.

38、 Then, the Europeans brought Christianity. Missionaries converted many locals to the new religion. However, many people kept some of the old traditions, and the result was a very complex mix of cultures: different villages followed different 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页本文

39、档下载后根据实际情况可编辑修改使用combinations of the old and new beliefs. Often the cultures clashednot always in a violent way, but confusion did happen.The second example is the capital of Nigeria Lagos, one of the largest cities in Africa. Now, Nigeria has like Nene , and people and families from all parts of Ni

40、geria, from all of these cultural groups, came to live there. So it is a very diverse and complex city. Many people born in Lagos, like Nene, do not know much about the cultural traditions of the countryside .In china maybe we also can see such things: the new generation has their own opinion and re

41、spect, compared with the old people. Even some of us don t know the old traditions and the old generation sometimes can t understand us. For example, in the past arranged marriage is can be seen in most village, even now some countries may exist, but now we new generations pursue free love and marriage for us is a private affair.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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