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1、UNIT16SETTINGUPTABLESANDTAKINGORDERS 摆放餐具及点餐服务Key point: to set up tables;to introduce food and offer details;to take orders. Warm up: 1. The items that are needed when setting up a table in Western food service 2. The items that are needed when setting up a table in Chinese food service Key words i

2、n the textintegral adj. 完整的,整体的完整的,整体的 neatly adv. 整整洁地地, 优美的美的process n. 过程,程序,步程,程序,步骤 cracked adj. 破碎的破碎的, 破裂的破裂的silver n 银,餐具,餐具,银器器 allow vt. 允允许,承,承认china n. 瓷器瓷器 recommend v. 推荐,建推荐,建议glassware n 玻璃器具玻璃器具 religious adj. 宗教的宗教的beforehand adv. 预先先 garlic n. 大蒜大蒜 Key words and sentences in Dialo

3、gue AVocabularyrecommendation n. 推荐推荐, 建建议 abalone n. 鲍鱼slice n. 薄片薄片, 切片切片 oyster n. 牡蛎牡蛎, 蚝蚝sauce n. 沙司沙司, 酱油油, 调味料味料 mince v. 切碎切碎braise vt. 炖炖, 蒸蒸 prawn n. 对虾, 明明虾, 大大虾 Notes1. Its my first time to come to this restaurant. Do you have any recommendations? 我第一次来我第一次来这里。你有什么推荐的菜里。你有什么推荐的菜吗?2. Woul

4、d you like to try our House Specialty? Its very popular with the guests. 您可以您可以试试我我们的招牌菜。很受客人的招牌菜。很受客人欢迎的。迎的。3. Its soup with corn and minced chicken. Its sweet and delicious. 玉玉米米汤,配有碎,配有碎鸡肉,口味香甜。肉,口味香甜。 Key words and sentences in Dialogue B Vocabulary spicy adj. 辛辣的辛辣的 shredded adj. 切碎的切碎的 Notes 1

5、. Yes, its spicy boiled fish. The meat is fresh and tender. I can assure you that you will never forget this dish after you try it. 这是水煮是水煮鱼,鱼肉肉鲜嫩可口,相信您吃完之后一定嫩可口,相信您吃完之后一定终身身难忘。忘。 Role PlaySituation A: A foreign guest who does not know much about Chinese food wondered what to order in the restaurant

6、. The waiter asks about his/her preference and makes suggestion.Situation B: A guest goes to a new restaurant and the waiter tried to make some recommendations about the specialties.Situation C: Being allergic to seafood and onion, a guest orders food in a grant restaurant. The waiter asks about the

7、 special request about the food and the time to serve the desert. FURTHER EXTENTION1. Would you like some appetizer to start with? 要不要先来点开胃菜?要不要先来点开胃菜?2. Would you like your steak well done, medium, or rare? 您想要您的牛排做的老一点,中等程度,您想要您的牛排做的老一点,中等程度,还是生一点?是生一点?3. What would you like with your steak, sir? 您的牛排要配什么?您的牛排要配什么?4. How would you like your fried eggs? Sunny-side up or sunny-side down?您想怎么做您的您想怎么做您的鸡蛋?蛋黄朝上蛋?蛋黄朝上还是蛋黄朝下?是蛋黄朝下?INFORMATION CORNER 菜单样本:菜单样本:



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