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1、江西理工大学南昌校区毕业设计(论文)大学生英语阅读障碍及其对策College Students English Reading Obstacles and Strategies 系部:文理 系专业:商务英语班级: 08 级二班学生:学号: 08361222 指导教师:职称:Abstract Reading is a basic ability in learning English. English, as a second or foreign language, it becomes more and more important. Without reading, we can not

2、know foreign language; without reading, we can not have progress. For college students, English reading is a skill in learning English. But now, many college students do not have the satisfied English reading capacity. Their reading ability need to be improved if they want to have higher grade in ev

3、ery text. As English is an international language, the requirement for college students in English becomes higher and higher. English is so essential that college students must improve English reading abilities. This paper is aimed to analyze the obstacles that influence the improvement of college s

4、tudents abilities in English reading, and bring up some strategies to improve their reading ability. First, the paper analyzes the knowledge obstacles for hindering college students reading ability: vocabularies obstacles, grammar obstacles, background knowledge obstacles; second, it analyzes the no

5、n-knowledge obstacles: psychological obstacles, reading habit, reading speed, reading skill; finally, it will bring up the strategies to solve the problems. Keywords: English Reading;College Students ;Obstacles ;Strategies 摘要阅读是英语学习中的一项基本技能。英语作为第二语言或外语, 已经变得越来越重要。 随着世界经济的全球化, 英语已逐渐成为一种世界语言。因而学生的英语学习

6、能力与要求也随之越来越高,而英语阅读能力的提高是英语学习能力提高的重要因素之一。离开了阅读,我们不能够了解外国信息;离开了阅读,我们不能够取得进步。对大学生来说,英语阅读是学习英语的一项非常重要的技能。但是现如今大学生的英语阅读能力并不令人满意,在英语阅读过程中存在着各种问题与障碍。 因而如何解决这些问题, 克服阅读中的障碍提高大学生的英语阅读能力从而提高他们的英语学习能力是我们所共同探讨的话题。这篇文章旨在分析影响大学生提高英语阅读能力的障碍,并提出相应的对策。 首先,文章分析了影响大学生阅读能力的知识性障碍:词汇障碍,语法障碍,背景知识障碍。其次,本文分析了影响大学生阅读能力的非知识性障碍

7、:心理障碍, 阅读习惯, 阅读速度,阅读技巧;最后,文章提出了一些策略去解决这些问题。关键词: 英语阅读;大学生;障碍;策略Contents Abstract I. Introduction.1 II. The Obstacles in English reading .2 2.1 Knowledge O bstacles .2 2.1.1 Vocabulary obstacles .2 2.1.2 Grammar obstacles.2 2.1.3 Background knowledge obstacles .22.2 Non-Knowledge O bstacles .32.2.1 Ps

8、ychological obstacles.32.2.2 Reading habits. .4 2.2.3 Reading speed. .4 2.2.4 Reading skills.5 III. Strategies in Improving English Reading 5 3.1 Accumulate Vocabularies .5 3.2 Strengthen G rammar .63.3 Accumulate Knowledge in Background and L ife .7 3.4 Cultivate Good Reading H abits .7 IV. Conclus

9、ion . .8 Bibliography Acknowledgement 目录摘要第一章 引言.1第二章 大学生英语阅读中的障碍.22.1 知识性障碍 . . 22.1.1 词汇障碍 . . .22.1.2 语法障碍 . . .22.1.3 背景知识障碍 . .22.2 非知识性障碍 .3 2.2.1 心理障碍 . .3 2.2.2 阅读习惯 . . .3 2.2.3 阅读速度 . . .4 2.2.4 阅读技巧 . . .5 第三章 应对策略 . 53.1 积累词汇 . 53.2 加强语法知识 . .63.3 积累背景知识 . .73.4 培养好的学习习惯 . .7第四章 结束语 .8 致

10、谢参考文献1 I. Introduction Reading is a basic ability in learning English. Its contents are widely involving economic, political, social culture, science popularization, character and other aspects. Simply said, English reading can be divided into two classes: for study purpose and for pleasure. English

11、 reading is not only the purpose of learning English, but also the learning method and approach. Reading is one of the four important skills in English. In terms of studying purpose, English reading mainly affect the students abilities of reading comprehension. It is also a skill that the students n

12、eed to possess to support independent and self directed learning. As English is an international language, the requirement for college students in English becomes higher and higher. Especially in CET 4 or CET 6, English reading comprehension is a key part that influences the success. English reading

13、 is the psychological process of absorbing and transforming information. It is used to search information. English reading is not simply to input information. What is more, to process and reorganize the information which have been stored in readers minds. As for Chinese college students, English rea

14、ding is not only the end of reading English, but also the means of it.1English reading is the major way to train students comprehension, and also the carrier for students to learn new words, new grammar and consolidate the old knowledge. So college students have to culture good reading skill. But no

15、wadays, many college students do not have the sense that English reading is important. And also they have no interesting in English reading. At present, college students reading skill is too low to be satisfied. Some of them can not finish the reading in time; some of them can not grasp the meaning

16、of the reading materials; others may be fed up with the passages when materials are too long or there are too many new words in reading materials. But we know that English is everywhere. As college students, English is necessary for us to have the contact with the world. In 21 century, a college stu

17、dent who does not have good English is not a real college student. Since, it is so essential to improve college students English reading abilities. Therefore, this paper is aimed to analyze the obstacles that influence the improvement of college students abilities in English reading and bring up som

18、e strategies to improve their reading ability. II. The Obstacles in English Reading 1Penny Ur. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory.Cambridge University Press, 2000.8. 2 English reading is one of the most frequent activities in English language. In English learning, English reading pla

19、ys a very important role. However, many college students reading level is not satisfied. There are some problems still exist in college students English reading process. The obstacles what influence the improvement of college students reading abilities, that is, knowledge obstacles and non-knowledge

20、 obstacles.2.1 Knowledge Obstacles 2.1.1 Vocabulary obstacles English discourse is composed by four syntax structure units: words, phrase, sentences, and paragraphs. Word is the basic unit, so we can know that the vocabulary is the foundation of language, and every reading material is made up of a n

21、umber of words. Vocabulary deficiency is the main reason which affects reading level. Because of the understanding of words directly affect the understanding about the sentences. Dictionary with a large vocabulary contains as many as 200,000 entries. But common college students usually master 5,000

22、to 8,000 words. It is simply a drop in the bucket. Whats more, some scientific and technical terms as well as catchphrase continually appear on reading paper. It is no doubt that these situations add the difficulty to English reading. The range of vocabulary is so narrow that students can not unders

23、tand the meaning of articles when they meet new words, they feel confused and moreover, some of them would count on dictionary or e-dictionary, which either wastes lots of time or the meaning they doesnt necessarily meet the one in the context. Some student students even suspend the reading activity

24、 but focus on the new words. Lack of vocabulary is not only influence the correct and comprehensive comprehension about the whole test, but also affects readers interest and independence.22.1.2 Grammar Obstacles In the process of English learning, the grammar knowledge is also indispensable. The com

25、plicated words, sentences and sentences compose to discourse. This is the function of grammar. Because of the difference in syntax language habits and customs of the culture, English grammar and Chinese grammar also exists great differences. Lack of grammar knowledge would certain affect the quality

26、 of reading comprehension. Especially when encounter with the clause, sentences and complex sentences, but also need to analyze the sentence structure to understand the meaning 2李俊 .论词汇的深度和广度与阅读理解的关系J.外语教学 ,2003,(2):21-24. 3 of the sentences. For example, when there are long sentences or difficult s

27、entences in reading material, usually students can not find out the central words, they can not divide the elements of sentence and can not understand the meaning of sentence if they do not have the strong grammar knowledge. 2.1.3 Background Knowledge Obstacles As we all know, reading material is th

28、e product of certain society and culture. The differences of the areas of national life, shrouding, social system and civilization lead to the diversity of every nation s thinking style, language habit and behavior. ? Language and culture are inseparable, language is the carrier of the culture, cult

29、ure is the contents of the language. (邓昌炎 1998).2The cultural background determines greatly the students level on acceptance of information and comprehension of the article. In English reading process, although language knowledge is the foundations of reading, the culture differences between countri

30、es always cause short-circuit reading (means do not receive the meaning reading). For example, in English comprehension, when college students read ?population growth is the Achilles hell of economic development , they usually can not have right comprehension about the? Achilles hell (阿碦流斯的脚跟).3Besi

31、des, within the vigorous development of natural sciences, humanities and science of life, in the last of twenty century, within the deeply depending of chinas reforming and opening, more and more foreign scientific information spring into china. Because most of the college students come from rural,

32、so they have the relative narrow channels to obtain information. Thus they may face the huge barriers when there are many terms in the reading materials. 2.2 Non-knowledge Obstacles 2.2.1 Psychological obstacles Reading is a complex intellectual activity which is affected by many factors. An psychol

33、ogy autistics(New Edition )who name is Guy shogun has pointed out that reading comprehension is consistent with language comprehension a complicated and general comprehension in a complicated psycholinguistic poss.4It is annotative porous between the reader and the text. He believes that the relatio

34、n between the reading and meet are extremely close. Reading is a psychology activity; psychological quantity is the one of direct factors, which affects the accuracy of English reading comprehension. In the English reading because of the long article or new words, difficult sentence, students would

35、feel worried and lose the courage to finish reading 2.2.2 Reading habit 4 Habit is a behavior or a tendency which formed in the long-term living.It is not easy to change. A good habit benefits a person for a life time. But many college students do not have good reading habit. These bad habits seriou

36、sly affect students reading ability. First, Translation reading means coheres English into Chinese while relies on dictionary. Students always search for dictionary when they met new words in reading precise. Through the way the can clear up the meaning of new words, and smithy carry on the reading.

37、 But it is easy for them to get into the habit of being addicted to recuing on dictionary and always it will slow down the speed of reading, If without the help of dictionary in the formal exam, students would have troubles in reading to the habit that searching for dictionary seriously influence th

38、e improvement of students ability in English reading. Second, they lack of integrity in reading. Reading is not only grip the meaning of sentence in the whole, or just understand one sentence, many students usually in chaos in the collection of sentence and sentence, paratroops and paragraphs.Third,

39、 students do not pay attention to the reading concentration is the premise of effective reading. Few students may think for something else in English reading, so they always find out that they can not finish reading in time. 2.2.3 Reading speed English reading speed is determined by the vocabulary,

40、grammar reading habit and reading skills. Awarding to the reading spec coulee students problems are presented in two sides: the reading speed is too fast or the speed is too low. Reading speed is so fast that students just read words by words, they can not scan the meaning of the articles. They read

41、 fast, but they do not know the purpose of this paper. The formal reading peed is 150w.p.m (words per minute). A person who has the fast speed can read 500-600 per minute, some one else even can read about 1000 words in one minute. Although fast speed is the premise of correct understanding or know

42、from this article. It does not mean that the slower the better. Reading too slow would be a problem .students can not finish reading in time. Especially in the formal exams, for example .in CET4orLET6, students do not pad it mainly because they do one have enough time to do the text. For this reason

43、, the reading speed has an effective influence on students success in English reading.2.2.4 Reading skill Good reading strategy can make students more effective in half time. On the 5 country, lack of good reading skill would be a barrier in English reading. Reading skills such as extensive reading,

44、 intensive reading, scan reading, are applied to different material. The so called reading skill refers to use different reading methods to solve all kinds of reading such as that they can not distinguish primary and secondary, can not find the key words, can not find the central sentences so their

45、reading ability is limited. Lack of reading skill has several negative impact, it is a waste of time, a waste of energy, whats more, it is also an obstacle in improve reading levelIII. Strategies in Improving English Reading Knowledge is power. Now English has been the international language. Its im

46、portance is self-evident It is an urgent problem for college students to improve English level. There are some strategies in improving English reading ability. 3.1 Accumulate vocabulary Nowadays, our society is a knowledge explosion society. Many new words appear in our life. Narrow vocabulary must

47、hinder our normal reading progress. British linguists Wells said: if there is no pronunciation and grammar, it still can convey a little information; if there is no vocabulary, it can convey nothing. Vocabularies affect the reading speed and quality. Word - formation is an effective way to accumulat

48、e vocabulary. According to estimation, there are 10 million to 12 million English vocabularies, but most of them are composed by word-formation. Word - formation methods including derived, synthesis and transformation. Students should master the commonly used meaning and usage of the prefix (UN / im

49、 / in / super / Re.), the suffix (ness/er/tion/1y/less/ful/ment.) according to these, students would guess their PaShengCi, so as to achieve the purpose of enlarge vocabulary. Such as the prefix super means more than, pass, over, through it we can guess the supermarket (超市), supernatural (超自然的 ), su

50、perman (超人), superstar (超级明星).3Students should Master English vocabulary of constructing method, familiar with the basic meaning of the root, the prefix, the suffix. It benefits for students to identify the meaning expand vocabulary and improve their reading speed. Therefore, the study, we should pa

51、y attention to peacetime accumulation and careful analysis, grasp the 3张学宾邱天河 .词汇知识和阅读关系的实证性学,2006(1):38-42 研究 J.外语教 . 6 basic laws. For example: They confound deregulation of pleasure - term campaigns to drill gas price increases havent been too bad encourage industry drum de regulation of pleasure

52、 - term campaigns to drill gas price increases havent been too bad encourage industry drum New wells. In this sentence, deregulation is a new word, but the root regulation means rule, control, regulation ,the prefix de means negative, demolition, depart, remove, so you can guess deregulation mean ab

53、olish rules (controls). Also, words are constantly being redefined. Each word takes additional meanings as time passes until it has many meanings. It has been proved that the readers with small store of vocabulary will find it very difficult in reading comprehension. How to solve this problem? Accor

54、ding to the study of Hatch and Brown,learners strategies for 1earning vocabulary fall into five essential steps: 1) having sources for encountering new words; 2) getting the forms of the new words; 3) learning the meanings of the words; 4)making a strong memory of the words; and 5) using the words.

55、3.2 Strengthen grammar Language is composed of words and grammatical structures. The accurate rate of comprehension is based on the mastering degree of the words and grammar. Since we know grammar is so important that college students must have the stable grammar knowledge. For college students, the

56、 grammar knowledge can be strengthened from two aspects: fixed sentence patterns and fixed phrases. And the most effective way to have a good learn about them is to recite passages and wonderful articles. Through this way, students would learn some new words and some fixed phrases, which used freque

57、ntly in English reading. For example, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill has an article named Mans Guide. In this article, there is a paragraph: man in the moment of his history has emerged in greater supremacy over the force of nature than has ever been dreamed of before. There lies before him, if h

58、e wishes, a golden age of peace and progress. He has only to conquer his last and worst enemyhimself. Once students have good memory about it, they can learn the flowing phrases: in this moment of, emerge in, overthan , dream of, the age of. At the same time, reading is also can foster sense of lang

59、uage, and students can learn some fixed sentence patterns from the reading practice. It is useful for them to analyze some difficult sentences or long sentences.44王白菊 . 浅谈英语阅读方法J, 20057 3.3 Accumulate knowledge in background and life Reading is a receptive language process. College students in the s

60、chool can make use of the library resources to support their study and self-learning. For a long time, people have been working on how the cultural element affects English learning. Anthropologists and linguists regard knowledge of cultural background as a key item. Reading is not passive but active

61、, and in fact an interactive process that has been recognized for some time in first or native language reading. In the English reading, it is a process that needs not only the college students active participation, predication and information processing, but also their prior experience and backgrou

62、nd knowledge. So college students must have some background or life knowledge about foreign nations if they want to improve English reading ability. It is not hard for them to get these information, College students in the school can make use of the library resources to support their study and self-

63、learning. The kinds of resources include English books, English journal articles, English magazines, etc., as well as a wide range of library services. Now thousands of books, magazines, journal articles and newspapers have electrical versions. It is no doubt that the college students can easy to ac

64、cumulate knowledge in background and life. 3.4 Cultivate good reading habits Cultivating good reading habits is the most effective strategy to improve English reading ability. First, combine the intensive and extensive reading: Intensive reading is about the quality, extensive reading is about the q

65、uantity. Second, pay attention to cultivate fast reading: when study, students should have the habits of visual reading and expand the breath of visual reading. Third, find out key words and the central sentences of the article: the theme sentences and central sentences of every paragraph usually in

66、 the first paragraph or in the first sentence of the last paragraph. Students should grasp this method to master the articles main idea. Fourth, people often say that interest is the best teacher. It is also can be used for English reading. College students should cultivate interest in English, enjo

67、y the reading. The last but not least, consist on English reading: students should know that do nothing by halves. Practice makes profession. So students had to keep the habit of reading every day. In the process of reading, students can look through the passage .They just grasp some basic knowledge

68、. After reading and thinking, they can understand the passage. That is to say, they can generalize the main idea of the passage in their own words. If they cant grasp the main idea, they will always neglect the important part of the passage. Thus 8 they won t achieve the reading goal. For example:To

69、o often young women use work as a stopgap betwee n high school and marriage. The idea is to keep them afloat until Mr. Right comes along. Then they can marry and have children. Being a wife and mother is a perfectly valid occupation, but no women should allow it to cancel out her ability to be self-

70、supporting. Life plays too many tricks. Mr. Right does not come along. Mr. Right does not earn enough to support the family and you have to work. You find housewifery boring and you want to work but you have no skills. The marriage does not last and you have to go back to work. Your children grow up

71、 and do not need you so much. You must be prepared 5After reading, students will know that the main idea is that life does not always turn out as we hope. Conclusion Reading is very important in learning foreign language. English play a key role for college students study. It is so important for col

72、lege students to have the good reading skill. Even though they have learned English for many years, their reading abilities are still need to be improved. Efficient reading is affected by many factors. College students must have their own features in developing reading skills. Since there are still

73、some obstacles to hinder them from improving their abilities in reading comprehension, college students should do their best to overcome obstacles, and master and flexibly make use of reading skills. They should train their basic skills in reading comprehension, Reading comprehension is not an inact

74、ive activity. Language is complicated and changeable. Moreover, it is not easy to cultivate language tuition in a short time. Thus, in order to improve college students abilities in reading comprehension, they should spare no efforts . 5束定芳 ,庄智象 .现代外语教学 -理论,实践与方法M. 上海 : 上海外语教育出版社,1996,10 . 9 Bibliog

75、raphy1 Penny Ur. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory.Cambridge University Press, 2000.8. 2胡春洞 , 王才仁. 英语阅读论 M 南宁: 广西教育出版社, 1998. 3李俊.论词汇的深度和广度与阅读理解的关系J.外语教学 ,2003,(2):21-24.4 李树河 . 大学英语阅读的重要性及策略研究J. 内蒙古财经学院学报 ( 综合版),2005,(4). 5 曲玲. 大学英语阅读教学改革尝试J. 辽宁高职学报, 2005,(2). 6 王白菊 . 浅谈英语阅读方法 J, 2

76、005 7 束定芳 , 庄智象 . 现代外语教学 - 理论,实践与方法 M. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社 ,1996,10. 8 唐滟珊 . 大学英语阅读教学模式的探索J.高教论坛 ,2005,(5). 9张学宾 邱天河.词汇知识和阅读关系的实证性学,2006(1):38-42 研究J.外语教.10 吴建华 ;中学生英语阅读策略的元认知意识研究D; 江西师范大学 ;2007年10 Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Hu danjuan, a

77、 respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing this thesis. Without her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have completed my thesis. Her keen and vigorous academic observation elutes me

78、not only in this thesis but also in my future study. I shall extend my thanks to Mrs. Xiao for all her kindness and help. I would also like to thank all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to the teachers and students from Jiangxi University of science and technology, who patricides this study with great cooperation. Last but not least, I would like to thank all my friends, especially my five lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.



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