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1、英语句子的种类英语句子的种类n n一一一一、句子种类两种分类法句子种类两种分类法句子种类两种分类法句子种类两种分类法n n( ( ( ( 一一一一 ) ) ) )、按句子的用途可分四种:、按句子的用途可分四种:、按句子的用途可分四种:、按句子的用途可分四种:n n1 1 、陈述句(肯定、否定):陈述句(肯定、否定):陈述句(肯定、否定):陈述句(肯定、否定):n nHe is six years old; He is six years old; n nShe didnt hear of you before.She didnt hear of you before.n n2 2 、疑问句(一

2、般、特殊、选择、反意):疑问句(一般、特殊、选择、反意):疑问句(一般、特殊、选择、反意):疑问句(一般、特殊、选择、反意):n nDo they like skating? Do they like skating? n nHow old is he? How old is he? n nIs he six or seven years old? Is he six or seven years old? n nMary can swim, cant she? Mary can swim, cant she? n n3 3 、祈使句:祈使句:祈使句:祈使句:n nBe careful, bo

3、ys; Be careful, boys; n nDont talk in classDont talk in classn n4 4 、感叹句:感叹句:感叹句:感叹句:How clever the boy is!How clever the boy is!1、陈述句、陈述句 说明一个事实或陈述一个看法,有肯说明一个事实或陈述一个看法,有肯定式和否定式,语序是主语在前,谓语在后。定式和否定式,语序是主语在前,谓语在后。 She arrived early. She can not have arrived now.注:注:1)半否定句半否定句I hardlyhardly know anythi

4、ng about it. 2)部分否定句部分否定句与与全否定句全否定句I dont like both the films.I like neither Cathy nor Mary. 3)否定转移否定转移I dont think it will be very cold today. (believe, expect, suppose, imagine)2、疑问句疑问句v(1)疑问句的主要交际功能是提出问题,询问)疑问句的主要交际功能是提出问题,询问情况。情况。v分为一般疑问句、选择疑问句、特殊疑问句和反分为一般疑问句、选择疑问句、特殊疑问句和反意疑问句。意疑问句。(2)、疑问句、疑问句 的

5、分类的分类1)一般疑问句)一般疑问句 用来询问一件事,答案通常是用来询问一件事,答案通常是yes或或 no,注意语序。,注意语序。Have you anythinganything to say?Did someonesomeone phone me last night?否定疑问句否定疑问句CantCant you understand it?IsntIsnt it a beautiful lake? -Havent you been to the UK? -NoNo, I havent.2)特殊疑问句)特殊疑问句1.特殊疑问句的定义特殊疑问句的定义;以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的以

6、特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:常用的疑问词有:whatwhowhomwhosewhichwhenwherehowwhy等。等。2.特殊疑问句有两种语序特殊疑问句有两种语序(1)陈述语序)陈述语序Who was the first man in space?(2)倒装语序)倒装语序Whom are you talking about?注:注:A、简略式、简略式 Why not go alone? Why get so angry? How/What about taking a rest? B、复杂特殊疑问句、复杂特殊疑问句 What d

7、o youdo you thinkthink he has done? 3)选择疑问句)选择疑问句v选择疑问句(选择疑问句(alternativequestions)v一般提出两种或两种以上的可能,问对方选择哪一般提出两种或两种以上的可能,问对方选择哪一种。一种。v其结构可用一般疑问句,也可用特殊疑问句,供其结构可用一般疑问句,也可用特殊疑问句,供选择的两部分由选择的两部分由or连接,前者用升调,后者用降连接,前者用升调,后者用降调,如:调,如:vWillyougotherebybusorbytrain?vWhatwouldyoulike,coffeeortea?(1)以一般疑问句为基础以一般

8、疑问句为基础Is he a teacher or a doctor or a policeman?Shall I help you or can you manage?(2)以特殊疑问句为基础以特殊疑问句为基础Which do you prefer, red wine or white?How shall we go there? By bus or by train?(3)ornot构成的选择疑问句构成的选择疑问句Doyouwanttobuyitornot?4):反意疑问句反意疑问句A、含义、含义: 在一个陈述句之后附上一个简在一个陈述句之后附上一个简短的疑问句,对陈述句提出相反短的疑问句,

9、对陈述句提出相反的疑问,这种疑问句叫反意疑问的疑问,这种疑问句叫反意疑问句。句。 如:如: 1.Heisclever,isnthe?2.WespeakChinese,dontwe?B、结构:、结构:结构一:结构一:前肯,前肯,+ 后否后否eg.Heisclever,isnthe?结构二:结构二:前否,前否,+ 后肯后肯eg.Heisntclever,ishe?结构一:结构一:前肯,前肯,+ 后否后否 Be动词:动词:1.Youareanactor,_?2.Heisagoodboy,_?3.Itwasfineyesterday,_?4.YouwerestudyingwhenIcalledyoul


11、特殊用法( (一一)1.Hismotherisadoctor,_?2.Thedogsarefighting,_?3.Thereisaboyinourclassroom,4._?5.4.Thereweremanycarsinthestreet,6._?7.5.Therewillberobotsinourfamilies,8._?isntshearenttheyisnttherewerenttherewontthere三、特殊用法三、特殊用法( (二二)6.Sitdownplease,_?7.Pleasecallme,_?8.Letsgohome,_?9.Letusgohome,_?10.Letm

12、esee,_?will/wontyoushall/shantwewill/wontyouwill/wontyouwill/wontyou结构二:结构二:前否,前否,+ 后肯后肯1.Youarentanactor,_?2.Heisntagoodboy,_?3.Itwasntfineyesterday,_?4.Itdoesntrainhere,_?5.Hissisterdoesnthaveaheadache,_?6.Youdidntcallmeyesterday,_?areyouishedoesitdoesshewasitdidyou7.YouwontgotoU.S.A.,_?8.Thereisn

13、taboyinourclassroom,_?9.Therewerentmanycarsinthestreet,_?10.Dontsmoke,_?11.Dontletsdoit,_?willyouisthereweretherewillyoushallwe3、祈使句、祈使句 表达命令、要求、请求、劝告等,用原形。表达命令、要求、请求、劝告等,用原形。1)带第二人称的祈使句)带第二人称的祈使句 Be quiet, please. Dont make any noise! YouYou call a taxi. Dont youyou forget it.(强调强调)Give me a hand,

14、will/wont/would/wouldnt you?2)带第一、三人称的祈使句)带第一、三人称的祈使句 Let me try again. Lets go. Let us go. Lets not say anything about it./Dont lets say Let him be here by 10 oclock. 注意:注意:1、加强语气、加强语气 Do be careful of my broken leg. Do let me have another try. 2 、祈使句的省略式、祈使句的省略式 A :Shall I open the window? B :Yes,

15、 please do./ No, please dont. A :Shall we watch the game? B :Yes, lets.4、“感叹句”所谓感叹句,就是用来表达喜怒哀所谓感叹句,就是用来表达喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。乐等强烈感情的句子。What a good time we had last night!What interesting films ! What fine weather we have today!How foolish she is!How clearly you speak!How clever a boy he is!A、感叹句的句式、感叹句的句式感







22、_goodday!5._talltheboyis!6._goodnewsitis!7._beautifulclothestheyare!8._niceteacherheis!9._niceTomis!10._hardwork!11._hardjob!WhatWhatanWhatWhataHowWhatWhatWhataHowWhatWhataExercise:二、句型转换二、句型转换1.Whataheavyrain!_therainis!2.Howinterestingtheboyis!_interestingboy!( 二二 )、按句子的结构、按句子的结构可分三种:可分三种:简单句简单句(s

23、implesentence)并列句并列句(compoundsentence)复合句复合句(complexsentence)1.简单句简单句(simplesentence)A.只包含一个主谓结构Maryopenedthedoor.B.两个主语和一个谓语Steveandhisfriendarecomingtodinner.C.一个主语和两个谓语Maryopenedthedoorandgreetedtheguests.简单句的简单句的五种基本句型五种基本句型(1) 主语+连系动词+表语(S+V+P )The weather is very cold. (2) 主语+不及物动词(S+Vi ) +adv

24、He laughed. (3) 主语+及物动词+宾语(S+Vt+O )I like Chinesefood. (4) 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 (S+Vt+IO+DO)She taught them physics.(5) 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语(S+Vt+O+C)We must keep the room warm.请说出下列句子类型。1.Summer is coming.2.They wont let me go.3.He showed me a new TV set.4.She knows what to do.5.The weather is very cold.S

25、+ViS+ViS+V+CS+V+CS+V+IO+DOS+V+IO+DOS+V+OS+V+OS+V+PS+V+PS+V+PS+ViS+Vt+OS+Vt+IO+DOS+Vt+O+C2.并列句(compound sentence): 把两个或几个简单句用并列连词连接起来,则成为一个并列句。 I turned on the TV. I watched it. I turned on the TV and watched it. I bought my sister a present. She didnt like it. I bought my sister a present,but she di

26、dnt like it. 并列句并列句并列句并列句常用并列连词常用并列连词coordinatingconjunctions平行并列连词平行并列连词:转折并列连词:转折并列连词:因果并列连词因果并列连词:选择并列连词选择并列连词:and,bothand,notonlybutalso,neithernorbut,however,while,yet,whenfor,so,thereforeor,otherwise,eitheror并列句的分类并列句的分类1、TheteachersnameisSmith,andthestudentsnameisJohn.v2、Hurryup,oryoullmissth


28、yissweet,_thebeestings.4.Dontbelate,_thereisameeting.5.Hurryup,_youllbelate.6.Heworkshard_hisbrotherisalazybone.7.HewasenjoyinghisKFC_afriendcame.练习一练习一 :用连词填空:用连词填空soandbutfororwhilewhen请用合适的并列连词把每组句子合并为一个并列句。1.He was tired. He went to bed. 2.The child hid behind his mothers skirt. He was afraid of

29、 the dog.He was tired, so he went to bed.The child hid behind his mothers skirt,for he was afraid of the dog.He made a promise.He didnt keep it.He made a promise,but he didnt keep it. Mary is opening the door.John is greeting her guests.Mary is opening the door,andJohn is greeting her guests.3.复合句:主

30、句+从句主句是一个完整的句子(independent sentence),它可以独立存在。从句是一个不完整的句子,它必须和一个主句连用,不能独立存在.By the time he arrived, 1we had already left. 2请指出该复合句的主句和从句部分。从句主句在复合句中,主要包含以下类型从句从句: 1.主语从句 2.宾语从句 3.表语从句 4.同位语从句 5.状语从句 6.定语从句中学生英文写作中经常使用的从句有:1.宾语从句2.状语从句 3.定语从句指出下列各从句的类型:vIhopethat everything is all right.vShewasreading

31、thenewspaperwhen I came in.vSheisthegirlwho sings best of all.宾语从句状语从句定语从句He has found out .She was late.(why)请用括号中所给的词把每组句子连接为一个复合句。I still remember the day .I first came to Beijing on that day.(when)I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.He has found out why she was late.请把每组句子连接为一个

32、含有状语从句状语从句复合句。 vIll give the letter to him .I see him. (时间状语从句)vHe didnt come yesterday .He was ill. (原因状语从句)vIt is such a big box .Nobody can move it. (结果状语从句)vWell go to the great wall .Its fine tomorrow. (条件状语从句)vWe should not go there all the time. The place is quite pleasant.(让步状语从句)vIllgivethe

33、lettertohimwhenIseehim.vHedidntcomeyesterdaybecausehewasill.vItissuchabigboxthatnobodycanmoveit.vWellgotothegreatwallifitsfinetomorrow.vAlthoughtheplaceisquitepleasant,weshouldnotgothereallthetime.有下划线的词叫从属连词从属连词(subordinatingconjunction)9种状语从句种状语从句 即用作状语的分句即用作状语的分句,可作下列状语:可作下列状语:1、时间(、时间(after, bef

34、ore, as, when, while, since, till, until, whenever ,as long as, as soon as; the moment, every time, next time; no soonerthan, hardlywhen ););2、地点(、地点(where, wherever) ;3、方式(、方式(as, as if, as though) ;4、程度、程度/比较(比较(asas , more than, ) ;5、原因(、原因(because, since, as, now that ,that) ;6、结果(、结果(,so that ,

35、sothat ,suchthat) ;7、目的(、目的(so that ,in order that ,in case) ;8、条件(、条件(if, unless) ;9、让步(、让步(though ,although, even if, even though , so ,whenever ,wherever, whoever ,whichever,however ,no matter how, whether) 。并列复合句并列复合句 即并列连词连接了带从句的并列句。即并列连词连接了带从句的并列句。English is widely used in the world, but China

36、 has the largest number of people who who speak Chinesespeak Chinese.请用所学知识改正下列病句v My roommate was sleeping, we didnt want to wake her up.v I went to bed.Because I was tired.My roommate was sleeping . We didnt want to wake her up.My roommate was sleeping, so we didnt want to wake her up.I went to be

37、d because I was tired.练习二、简单句、并列句和复合句练习二、简单句、并列句和复合句v一、判断下列句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句:v1. We often study Chinese history on Friday afternoon.v2. The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom.v3. There is a chair in this room, isnt there?v4. My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and co

38、me back home at seven in the evening.简单句 复合句 简单句 简单句 v5. He is in Class One and I am in Class Two.v6. He was fond of drawing when he was yet a child.v7. Neither has he changed his mind, nor will he do so.v8. What he said at the meeting is very important, isnt it?v9. The farmer is showing the boy how

39、 to plant a tree.v10. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.并列句 复合句 并列句 复合句 简单句 简单句 三、选择填空:v1.Givemeonemoreminute_Illbeabletofinishit.vA.andB.orC.ifD.sov2.ItsthethirdtimethatJohnhasbeenlate,_?vA.hasntheB.isnthevC.isntitD.hasntitv3._joyfulhewastomeethisbrotheragain!vA.HowB.WhatC.WhataD.Whatanv4.Letus



42、havedinnerathome?v-Idliketogoout.vA.or B.andC.butD.sov12.-“_isthetemperaturetoday?”v-“Its38degrees.”vA.WhichB.HowC.HowhotD.Howhighv13.-Youruncleisntanengineer,ishe?-_.vA.Yes,heisntB.No,heisntC.No,heisD.Heisv14._friendly_toeveryone!vA.How,issheB.What,issheC.How,sheisD.What,sheisv15.Marywenttobedearly

43、,_shefeltverytired.vA.orB.soC.forD.yetv16. Mother _ a dress when she cut her finger.vA. was makingB. makesC. is makingD. madev17. He lay in bed _ read something borrowed from library.vA. butB. andC. orD. yetv18. - Id really like some lunch but I have so much work to do.v - _ what you want and I can

44、get it for you.vA. Tell me B. If you would say to mev C. You will tell me D. If you tell mev19. As he is strong, _ can lift one hundred pounds.vA. yet heB. but heC. andD. hev20. - I thought you had an umbrella.v - I had, _ Ive lost it.vA. sinceB. butC. because D. sov21. _ down the radio - the babys

45、asleep in the next room.vA. Turning B. To turnC. Turned D. Turnv22. - I dont like chicken _ fish.v - I dont like chicken _ I like fish very much.vA. and, andB. and, butv C. or, and D. or, butv23. - Would you like to come to dinner tonight?- Id like to, _ Im too busy.vA. andB. soC. asD. but v24.Would








53、terthevegetablegarden().Everyeveningwepumpwaterfromawell().Itthenrunsalongchannelstodifferentpartsofthegarden().复合句 简单句 并列句 简单句 并列句 简单句 并列复合句 简单句 复合句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 vMost Saturday evenings there is a party, even at harvest time(). These parties often make us very happy(). We cook meat on an

54、 open fire outside(). Its great()! Americans eat a lot of meat too much in my opinion(). Some of my friends drink beer(). I dont, because I have to drive home after the party(). In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the States(). There are five different time areas in the Sta

55、tes(). In my state we are fourteen hours behind Beijing time(). How many different time areas do you have in China()? Well, I must stop and get some sleep(). Please give my best regards to your parents(). 简单句 复合句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 简单句 4)反意疑问句)反意疑问句1.Tom hardly knows French, _ ?

56、2.Mary didnt fail her exam, did she? -_, she didnt.3.You neednt come, _ you? You need to come, _ you?4.He had a big time there, _ he? He had a car, _ he? We hardly have to get up early, _ we?5.He used to live in Leeds, _ he?does heNoneeddontdidntdidnt/hadntdodidnt/ usednt6.Lets go to the match at on

57、ce, _ we? Leave me alone, _ you?7.They must have learned to drive, _ they?8.No one was hurt, _ _ ?9.There is no doubt about it, _ ?10.I dont think Anna has to go to school on Sundays, _ she?shall will/wonthaventwas he/were they is theredoes11 . Something must be done to solve the problem , _ ?12 . It is impossible for him to lift such a big stone , _ ?13 . I wish to have a talk with you , _?14 . What a beautiful mountain , _?15 . Anny said that she would come to see me ,_?mustnt itisnt itmay Iisnt itdidnt she



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