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1、Lesson 1 1 excuse ikskju:z v.原谅2 me mi:, mi pron.我(宾格 ) 3 yes jes ad.是的4 is iz, s, z, ?z v.be动词现在时第三人称单数5 this eis pron. 这6 your j?:, j?:, j?r, j?:r 你的,你们的7 handbag h?ndb?g n.(女用 ) 手提包8 pardon p:d?n int.原谅,请再说一遍9 it it pron.它10 thank you 感谢你 ( 们) 11 very much 非常地Lesson 2 1 pen pen n.钢笔2 pencil pensl

2、 n.铅笔3 book buk n.书4 watch w?t ? n.手表5 coat k?ut n.上衣,外衣6 dress dres n.连衣裙7 skirt sk?:t n.裙子8 shirt ? ?:t n.衬衣9 car k: n. 小汽车10 house haus n.房子Lesson 1 2 Excuse me. 对不起。I beg your pardon. 请再说一遍。thank you 感谢你 ( 们) very much 非常地Thank you very much 非常感谢= Many thanks. = Thanks a lot. = Thanks very much.

3、 Youre welcome. 不必谢。That s all right. 没关系 / 不客气。= That s OK. = Not at all. It was nothing. 没什么。It s a pleasure. 我很乐意。= My pleasure。Lesson 3 1 umbrella ?mbrel ? n.伞2 please pli:z int.请3 here hi? ad.这里4 my mai 我的5 ticket tikit n.票6 number n?mb ? n.号码7 five faiv num.五8 sorry s?ri a.对不起的9 sir s?: n.先生10

4、 cloakroom kl?ukru:m n.衣帽存放处Lesson 4 1 suit su:t, sju:t n.一套衣服2 school sku:l n.学校3 teacher ti:t? ? n.老师4 son s?n n. 儿子5 daughter d?:t ? n.女儿Lesson 3 4 I m sorry. 对不起 .Lesson 5 1 Mr. mist? 先生2 good gud a.好3 morning m?:ni ? n.早晨4 Miss mis 小姐5 new nju: a.新的6 student stju:d?nt n.学生7 French frent? a.& n.

5、法国人8 German d?:m?n a.& n.德国人9 nice nais a.美好的10 meet mi:t v.遇见11 Japanese ? d?p?ni:z a.& n.日本人12 Korean k?ri?n a.& n.韩国人13 Chinese ? t ? aini:z a.& n.中国人14 too tu: ad.也Lesson 6 1 make meik n.(产品的 ) 牌号2 Swedish swi:di? a.瑞典的3 English i?gli ? a.英国的4 American ?merik ?n a.美国的5 Italian it?li?n a.意大利的6 Vo

6、lvo v?lv ? n.沃尔沃7 Peugeot n.标致8 Mercedes m?:sidi:z n.梅赛德斯9 Toyota t?j ?t ? n.丰田名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 10 Daewoo n. 大宇11 Mini mini n.迷你12 Ford f?:d n.福特13 Fiat fai?t, - ?t n.菲亚特Lesson 5 6 Good morning. 早上好 . This is

7、 + 人名将某人介绍给他人Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你。How do you do? 你好 ! what make 什么牌子an new student 一个新学生Lesson 7 1 I ai pron.我2 am m, ?m, ?m v.be动词现在时第一人称单数3 are : v.be动词现在时复数4 name neim n.名字5 what w?t, w :t a.& pron.什么6 nation

8、ality ? n? ?n?liti n. 国籍7 job d? b n.工作8 keyboard ki:b?:d n.电脑键盘9 operator ?p?reit? n.操作人员10 engineer ? end? ini? n.工程师Lesson 8 1 policeman p?li:sm?n n.警察2 policewoman p?li:s,wum?n n. 女警察3 taxi driver 出租汽车司机4 air hostess 空中小姐5 postman p?ustm?n n.邮递员6 nurse n?:s n.护士7 mechanic mik?nik n. 机械师8 hairdre

9、sser he? dres ? n.理发师9 housewife hauswaif n.家庭妇女10 milkman milkm?n n.送牛奶的人Lesson 7 8what nationality 什么国籍What s your job? 你是做什么工作的? a keyboard operator 电脑操作人员an engineer一个工程师Lesson 9 1 hello h?l ?u int.喂 ( 表示问候 ) 2 hi hai int.喂,嗨3 how hau ad.怎样4 today t?dei ad.今天5 well wel a.身体好6 fine fain a.美好的7 th

10、anks ?ks int.谢谢8 goodbye ? gudbai int.再见9 see si: v.见Lesson 10 1 fat f?t a. 胖的2 woman wum ?n n. 女人3 thin in a.瘦的4 tall t?:l a.高的5 short ? ?:t a.矮的6 dirty d?:ti a.脏的7 clean kli:n a.干净的8 hot h?t a.热的9 cold k?uld a.冷的10 old ?uld a.老的11 young j? a.年轻的12 busy bizi a.忙的13 lazy leizi a.懒的Lesson 9 10How are

11、 you? 你好吗 ?I m fine. 我很好。= I m very well. How have you been? 你近况如何 ? How is everything going on? 一切都好吗 ? Just fine. 还好。Just so so. 马马虎虎。Not bad. 不坏。Nice to see you. 见到你真高兴 .Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴. look at 看 Lesson 11 1 whose hu:z pron.谁的2 blue blu: a.蓝色的3 perhaps p?h?ps ad. 大概4 white wait a.

12、白色的5 catch k?t ? v.抓住名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - Lesson 12 1 father f:e? n.父亲2 mother m?e? n.母亲3 blouse blauz n.女衬衫4 sister sist? n.姐,妹5 tie tai n.领带6 brother br?e? n.兄,弟7 his hiz 他的8 her h?: 她的Lesson 11 12Whose shirt 谁

13、的衬衫Here you are. 给你 .Lesson 13 1 colour k?l ? n.颜色2 green gri:n a.绿色3 come k ?m v. 来4 upstairs ? pste ?z ad.楼上5 smart sm:t a. 时髦的,巧妙的6 hat h?t n. 帽子7 same seim a.相同的8 lovely l?vli a.可爱的,秀丽的Lesson 141 case keis n. 箱子2 carpet k :pit n. 地毯3 dog d?g n. 狗Lesson 13 14what colour 什么颜色come upstairs 上楼go dow

14、nstairs 下楼nice dress 漂亮的裙子lovely hat 可爱的帽子the same 同一的 ; 相同的Here they are. 给你 ( 复数 )Here it is. 给你 ( 单数 )Lesson 151 Customs k?st ?mz n. 海关2 officer ?fis ? n. 官员3 girl g?:l n. 女孩,姑娘4 Danish deini? a.& n. 丹麦人5 friend deini? a.& n. 丹麦人6 Norwegian n?:wi:d? n a.& n. 挪威人7 passport p:sp ?:t n. 护照8 brown br

15、aun a. 棕色的9 tourist tu?rist n. 旅游者Lesson 161 Russian r? ?n a.& n. 俄罗斯人2 Dutch d?t ? a.& n. 荷兰人3 these ei:z pron. 这些 (this的复数 ) 4 red red a. 红色的5 grey grei a. 灰色的6 yellow jel?u a. 黄色的7 black bl?k a. 黑色的8 orange ?rind ? a. 橘黄色的Lesson 15 16customs officer 海关官员Thats fine. 好了。Lesson 171 employee impl?i-i

16、: n.雇员2 hard-working h:dw ?:ki ? a. 勤奋的3 sales reps 推销员4 man m?n n. 男人5 office ?fis n. 办公室6 assistant ?sist?nt n. 助手Lesson 17 18come and meet sb. 来见见某人How do you do? 您好 ? ( 初次见面正式场合) office assistant 办公室的勤杂人员Lesson 191 matter m?t ? n. 事情2 children t? ildr?n n. 孩子们 (child 的复数 ) 3 tired tai?d a. 累,疲乏4

17、 boy b?i n. 男孩5 thirsty ?:sti a. 渴6 mum m ?m n. 妈妈 ( 儿语 ) 7 sit down ? sitdaun 坐下8 right rait a. 好,可以9 ice cream ? aiskri:m 冰淇淋Lesson 201 big big a.大的2 small sm?:l a.小的3 open ?up?n a.开着的4 shut ? ?t a.关着的5 light lait a.轻的名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第

18、3 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 6 heavy hevi a.重的7 long l? a.长的8 shoe ? u: n.鞋子9 grandfather gr?nd? f :e ? n.祖父,外祖父10 grandmother gr?n? m ?e? n.祖母,外祖母Lesson 19 20Whats the matter? 怎么啦 ?= Whats wrong?= Tell me whats wrong.sit down 坐下take a seat 就坐all right 行, 好there is 有 ( 表存在 )( 单数 ) Lesson 211 give gi

19、v v. 给2 one w?n pron. 一个3 which wit? 哪一个Lesson 22 1 empty empti a.空的2 full ful a.满的3 large l:d? a.大的4 little litl a.小的5 sharp ? :p a.尖的,锋利的6 small sm?:l a.小的7 big big a.大的8 blunt bl?nt a.钝的9 box b?ks n.盒子,箱子10 glass gl:s n. 杯子11 cup k?p n.茶杯12 bottle b?tl n.瓶子13 tin tin n.罐头14 knife naif n.刀子15 fork

20、 f?:k n.叉子Lesson 21 22give sb. sth. 给某人某物= give sth. to sb. Which book? 哪一本书 ?The red one. 那本红色的。Lesson 23 1 on ?n prep. 在之上2 shelf ? elf n. 架子,搁板Lesson 24 1 desk desk n.课桌2 table teib?l n.桌子3 plate pleit n.盘子4 cupboard k?b?d n.食橱5 cigarette ? sig ?ret n.香烟6 television teli? vi ? n, ? telivi?n n.电视机

21、7 floor fl?: n.地板8 dressing table 梳妆台9 magazine ? m?g ?zi:n n.杂志10 bed bed n.床11 newspaper nju:s? peip ? n.报纸12 stereo steri?u, sti?r- n.立体声音响Lesson 23 24Which glasses? 哪些杯子 ?on the shelf 架子上on the chair 在椅子上in the armchair 在扶手椅上on the desk 在桌子上 ( 有抽屉 )on the table 在桌子上 ( 没抽屉 )on the cupboard 在食橱上in

22、 the cupboard 在食橱里Lesson 25 1 Mrs. misiz 夫人2 kitchen kit? in n.厨房3 refrigerator rifrid? reit? n.电冰箱4 right rait n.右边5 electric ilektrik a.带电的,可通电的6 left left n.左边7 cooker kuk? n.炉子,炊具8 middle midl n.中间9 of ?v, ?, ?v prep.(属于) 的10 room ru:m n.房间11 cup k?p n.杯子Lesson 26 1 where we? ad.在哪里2 in in prep.

23、在里Lesson 25 26in the kitchen 在厨房on the right 在右边on the left 在左边in the middle of 在 之间名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - on the floor 在地板上on the plate 在盘子上on the tin 在罐子上Lesson 27 1 living room livi? ru:m 客厅2 near ni? prep.靠近3 w

24、indow wind?u n.窗户4 armchair :mt ? e? n.手扶椅5 door d?: n.门6 picture pikt? ? n.图画7 wall w?:l n.墙Lesson 28 1 trousers trauz?z n.复数长裤Lesson 27 28there are 有 ( 表存在 )( 复数 )in the room 在房间里near the window靠近窗= close to window on the wall 在墙上 ( 墙的表面 )in the wall 在墙上 ( 墙的内部 )Lesson 29 1 shut ? ?t v.关门2 bedroom

25、 bedrum, -ru:m n.卧室3 untidy ? ntaidi a.乱,不整齐4 must m ?st modal verb.必须,应该5 open ?up?n v.打开6 air e? v.使通风,换换空气7 put put v.放置8 clothes kl?uez n. 衣服9 wardrobe w?:dr ?ub n.大衣柜10 dust d?st v.掸掉灰尘11 sweep swi:p v.扫Lesson 30 1 empty empti v.倒空,使变空2 read ri:d v.读3 sharpen ? :p ?n v.削尖,使锋利4 put on ? put ?n 穿

26、上5 take off 脱掉6 turn on t?:n ?n 开( 电灯 ) 7 turn off 关( 电灯 ) Lesson 29 30come in 进来shut the door 关门= close the door open the door 开门air the room 让房间通通风put +名词 +介词短语把什么东西放到什么地方make the bed 铺床sweep the floor 扫地mop the floor 拖地put on 穿上 ( 衣服 ; 手表等 )take off 脱掉 ( 衣服 ; 手表等 )turn on 开( 电灯 ; 煤气 ; 水龙头等 ) turn

27、 off 关( 电灯 , 水龙头等 ) empty the cup 倒空这个杯子read this book 看这本书sharpen these pencils 削尖这些铅笔Lesson 31 1 garden g:dn n. 花园2 under ?nd? prep.在之下3 tree tri: n.树4 climb klaim v.爬,攀登5 who hu: pron.谁6 run r?n v.跑7 grass gr:s n. 草,草地8 after :ft ? prep.在之后9 cat k?t n. 猫Lesson 32 1 type taip v.打字2 letter let? n.信

28、3 basket b:skit n. 篮子4 eat i:t v.吃5 bone b?un n.骨头6 clean kli:n v.清洗7 tooth tu: n.牙齿8 cook kuk v.做( 饭菜 ) 9 milk milk n.牛奶10 meal mi:l n.饭,一顿饭11 drink dri?k v.喝12 tap t?p n.( 水) 龙头Lesson 31 32in the garden 在花园里under the tree 在树阴下climb the tree 爬树what about 怎么样run after 追逐名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - -

29、- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - run across 穿过 ; 跑过type a letter 打一封信clean his teeth 清洁他的牙齿drink its milk 喝它的牛奶cook a meal 煮一餐wash the dishes 洗碗碟jump off the wall 跳离墙Lesson 33 1 day dei n.日子2 cloud klaud n.云3 sky skai n.天空4 sun s?n n.太阳5 shine ? ain v.照

30、耀6 with wie, wi prep.和在一起7 family f?m ?li n.家庭 ( 成员 ) 8 walk w?:k v.走路,步行9 over ?uv? prep.跨越,在之上10 bridge brid? n.桥11 boat b?ut n.船12 river riv? n.河13 ship ? ip n.轮船14 aeroplane e?r ?plein n.飞机15 fly flai v.飞Lesson 34 1 sleep sli:p v.睡觉2 shave ? eiv v.刮脸3 cry krai v.哭,喊4 wash w? v.洗5 wait weit v.等6

31、jump d? mp v. 跳Lesson 33 34walk over the river 走过桥some clouds 几朵云in the sky 天空中with sb. 和某人在一起on the river 河上 ( 表面上 )over the river 河上 (正上方 )on a river 靠近一条小河on the road 公路旁Lesson 35 1 photograph f?ut ?gr :f n. 照片2 village vilid? n.村庄3 valley v?li n. 山谷4 between bitwi:n prep.在之间5 hill hil n.小山6 anot

32、her ?n ?e? prep.另一个7 wife waif n.妻子8 along ?l ? prep.沿着9 bank b? ?k n.河岸10 water w?:t ? n.水11 swim swim v.游泳12 across ?kr ?s prep.横过13 building bildi? n.大楼,建筑物14 park p:k n. 公园15 into intu, int? prep.进入Lesson 36 1 beside bisaid prep.在旁2 off ?f prep.离开Lesson 35 36a photograph of our village 我们村庄的照片an

33、other photograph 另一张照片between two hills 两座小山之间walk along 沿着走the banks of the river河岸out of “从里向外”的动作go out of 走出beside a park 公园的旁边= next to a parksome of them 他们中的几个go into 走进run along 沿着跑sit beside 坐在旁边walk across 穿过走jump off 跳离fly over 从飞过Lesson 37 1 work w?:k v.工作2 hard h:d ad. 努力地3 make meik v.

34、做4 bookcase buk-keis n.书橱,书架5 hammer h?m ? n.锤子6 paint peint v.上漆,涂7 pink pi?k n.& a.粉红色8 favourite feiv?rit a.最喜欢的Lesson 38 1 homework h?umw ?:k n.作业名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 2 listen lis?n v.听3 dish di? n.盘子,碟子Lesso

35、n 37 38work hard 努力工作study hard 努力学习play hard 拼命玩make a bookcase 做一个书架make cakes 做蛋糕make a dress 做一件衣服do one s homework做作业wait for 等候 listen to 听 wash the dishes 洗碗Lesson 39 1 front fr?nt n.前面2 in front of 在之前3 careful ke?ful a.小心的,仔细的4 vase v:z, veis, veiz n. 花瓶5 drop dr?p v.掉下6 flower flau? n.花Les

36、son 40 1 show ? ?u v.给看2 send send v.送给3 take teik v.带给Lesson 39 40do with 对某件事物或人的处理in front of 在 之前in the front of 在 的前部Be careful!小心点 !be careful with sth. 拿着某物小心点There we are. 就放在那里。show sb. sth. 给某人看某物= show sth. to sb. send sb. sth. 送给某人某物= send sth. to sb. take sb. sth. 带给某人某物take sth. to sb.

37、 throw sb. sth. 扔给某人某物= throw sth. to sb. leave sb. sth. 留给某人某物= leave sth. for sb. buy sb. sth. 买给某人某物= buy sth. for sb. Lesson 41 1 cheese t? i:z n.乳酪,干酪2 bread bred n.面包3 soap s?up n.肥皂4 chocolate t? ?klit n.巧克力5 sugar ? ug? n.糖6 coffee k?fi n.咖啡7 tea ti: n.茶8 tobacco t?b?k ?u n.烟草,烟丝Lesson 42 1

38、bird b?:d n.鸟2 any eni det.一些3 some s?m det.一些Lesson 41 42Not very. 不是很a piece of cheese 一 块乳酪two pieces of cheese 两块乳酪a piece / slice of paper 一张纸a loaf of bread 一个面包three loaves of bread 三个面包a piece / slice of bread 一片面包a bar of soap 一块肥皂two bars of chocolate 两块巧克力a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶a pound of s

39、ugar 一磅糖a bag of sugar 一包糖half a pound of coffee 半磅咖啡a quarter of a pound of tea 四分之一磅茶叶a tin of tobacco 一听烟丝a pair of trousers 一条裤子a pair of soaks 一双袜子a pair of shoes 一双鞋a box of milk 一盒牛奶Lesson 43 1 of course ?vk ?:s 当然2 kettle ketl n.水壶3 behind bihaind prep.在后面4 teapot ti:p?t n.茶壶5 now nau ad.现在,

40、此刻6 find faind v.找到7 boil b?il v.沸腾,开Lesson 43 44make the tea 沏茶of course 当然a kettle of water 一壶水behind the teapot 茶壶后面find sth. 找到某物over there 在那边hurry up 赶快名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - Lesson 45 1 can k?n能够2 boss b?s n

41、.老板,上司3 minute minit, mainju:t n.分 ( 钟) 4 ask :sk v. 请求,要求5 handwriting h?nd ? raiti? n.书写6 terrible ter?b?l a.糟糕的,可怕的Lesson 46 1 lift lift v.拿起,搬起,举起2 cake keik n.饼,蛋糕3 biscuit biskit n.饼干Lesson 45 46come here 来这come to (a place) 来某个地方go to (a place) 去某个地方a minute 一会儿= a moment = half a minute wait

42、 a minute 稍等一会儿next door 隔壁= in the next room = our next door neighbourblack tea 红茶boss s handwriting 老板的书写Lesson 47 1 like laik v.喜欢,想要2 want w?nt, w :nt v. 想Lesson 48 1 fresh fre? a.新鲜的2 egg eg n.鸡蛋3 butter b?t ? n.黄油4 pure pju? a.纯净的5 honey h?ni n.蜂蜜6 ripe raip a.成熟的7 banana b?n :n ? n.香蕉8 jam d?

43、m n. 果酱9 sweet swi:t a.甜的10 orange ?rind ? n.橙11 Scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌12 choice t? ?is a.上等的,精选的13 apple ?p ?l n.苹果14 wine wain n.酒,果酒15 beer bi? n.啤酒16 blackboard bl?kb?:d n.黑板Lesson 47 48black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡fresh eggs 新鲜的鸡蛋a box of butter 一盒黄油a bottle of pure honey 一瓶纯净的蜂蜜a clust

44、er of ripe bananas 一串成熟的香蕉a bottle of jam 一瓶果酱sweet orange 甜橙a big bottle of Scotch whisky 一大瓶苏格兰威士忌choice apples 精选的苹果Lesson 49 1 butcher but? ? n.卖肉的2 meat mi:t n.(食用 ) 肉3 beef bi:f n.牛肉4 lamb l?m n. 羔羊肉5 husband h?zb?nd n.丈夫6 steak steik n.牛排7 mince mins n.肉馅,绞肉8 chicken t? ikin n.鸡9 tell tel v.告

45、诉10 truth tru: n.实情11 either aie? ad.也( 用于否定句 ) Lesson 50 1 tomato t?m:t?u n.西红柿2 potato p?teit?u n.土豆3 cabbage k?bid? n.卷心菜4 lettuce letis n.莴苣5 pea pi: n.豌豆6 bean bi:n n.豆角7 pear pe? n.梨8 grape greip n.葡萄9 peach pi:t? n.桃Lesson 49 50To tell you the truth.老实说 ; 说实话Lesson 51 1 Greece gri:s n.希腊2 cli

46、mate klaimit n.气候3 country k?ntri n.国家名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 4 pleasant plez?nt a.宜人的5 weather wee ? n.天气6 spring spri? n.春季7 windy windi a.有风的8 warm w ?:m a.温暖的9 rain rein v.下雨10 sometimes s?mtaimz ad.有时11 summer

47、s?m ? n.夏天12 autumn ?:t ?m n. 秋天13 winter wint? n.冬天14 snow sn?u v.下雪15 January d? ?nju ?ri n.1月16 February febru?ri n.2月17 March m:t? n.3月18 April eipr?l n.4月19 May mei n.5月20 June d?u:n n.6月21 July d?ulai n.7月22 August ?:g ?st n.8月23 September septemb? n.9月24 October ?kt ?ub? n.10月25 November n?uv

48、emb ? n.11月26 December disemb? n.12月Lesson 52 1 the U.S. 美国2 Brazil br?zil n.巴西3 Holland h?l ?nd n.荷兰4 England i?gl ?nd n.英国5 France fr?ns n. 法国6 Germany d? :m?ni n.德国7 Italy it?li n.意大利8 Norway n?:wei n.挪威9 Russia r? ? n.俄罗斯10 Spain spein n.西班牙11 Sweden swi:dn n.瑞典Lesson 51 52come from 来自be like 怎么

49、样every day 每天in your country 在你们国家in spring 在春天in March 在三月Lesson 53 1 mild maild a.温和的,温暖的2 always ?:lweiz ad.总是3 north n?: n.北方4 east i:st n.东方5 wet wet a.潮湿的6 west west n.西方7 south sau n.南方8 season si:z?n n.季节9 best best ad.最10 night nait n.夜晚11 rise raiz v.升起12 early ?:li ad.早13 set set v.(太阳 )

50、落下去14 late leit ad.晚,迟15 interesting intristi? a.有趣的,有意思的16 subject s?bd? ikt n.话题17 conversation ? k?nv?sei ? ?n n.谈话Lesson 54 1 Australia ?streili? n.澳大利亚2 Australian ?streili?n n.澳大利亚人3 Austria ?stri? n.奥地利4 Austrian ?stri?n n.奥地利人5 Canada k?n ?d? n.加拿大6 Canadian k?neidi?n n.加拿大人7 China t? ain ?

51、n.中国8 Finland finl?nd n.芬兰9 Finnish fini? n.芬兰人10 India indi? n.印度11 Indian indi?n n.印度人12 Japan d?p?n n. 日本13 Nigeria naid?i ?ri ? n.尼日利亚14 Nigerian naid?i ?ri ?n n.尼日利亚人15 Turkey t?:ki n.土耳其16 Turkish t?:ki ? n.土耳其人17 Korea k?ri?, k ?(:)ri? n.韩国18 Polish p?uli ? n.波兰人19 Poland p?ul ?nd n.波兰20 Thai

52、 tai n.泰国人21 Thailand tail?nd n. 泰国Lesson 53 54名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - in the north of England在英国的北部in the east of China 在中国的北部in the South 在南方in the West 在西方which seasons 哪些季节like best 最喜欢的subject of conversation 谈

53、论的话题Lesson 55 1 live liv v.住,生活2 stay stei v.呆在,停留3 home h?um n. 家 ad. 在家,到家4 housework hausw?:k n.家务5 lunch l?nt ? n.午饭6 afternoon ? :ft ?nu:n n.下午7 usually ju:?u?li, ju:?li ad.通常8 together t?gee ? ad. 一起9 evening i:vni? n.晚上10 arrive ?raiv v.到达11 night nait n.夜间Lesson 55 56 the Sawyers 索耶一家at 87 K

54、ing Street 在国王街 87 号in King Street 在国王街go to work 去上班go to bed 去睡觉go to school 去上学take sb to (a place) 带某人去某个地方stay at home 呆在家里eat one s lunch 吃午饭do sth. together 一起做某事in the morning 在上午at noon 正午in the afternoon 在下午in the evening 在晚上at night 在夜里this morning 今天上午this afternoon 今天下午this evening 今天晚上

55、tonight 今晚come home 回家arrive home 到家come home from school 放学回家come home from work 下班回家read one s newspaper 看报纸watch TV 看电视Lesson 57 1 oclock ?kl ?k ad.点钟2 shop ? ?p n.商店3 moment m?um ?nt n.片刻,瞬间Lesson 57 58by car 乘汽车by plane 乘飞机by boat 乘船= by seaby bike 骑单车on foot 步行at the moment 此刻Lesson 59 1 envel

56、ope env?l ?up n.信封2 writing paper 信纸3 shop assistant 售货员4 size saiz n.尺寸,尺码,大小5 pad p?d n. 信笺簿6 glue glu: n.胶水7 chalk t? ?:k n.粉笔8 change t? eind ? n.零钱,找给的钱Lesson 59 60large (small) size 大 ( 小) 码a piece / sheet of paper 一张纸a piece / sheet of writing paper一张信纸a piece (box) of chalk一枝 ( 盒) 粉笔a bottle

57、 of glue一瓶胶水a pair of glasses 一副眼镜a cluster of grapes 一串葡萄Is that all ? 就这些吗 ?That s all. 就这些。That s all for today. 今天就到这了。What else ? 还有什么吗 ?Lesson 61 1 feel fi:l v.感觉2 look luk v.看( 起来 ) 3 must m?st 必须4 call k?:l v.叫,请5 doctor d?kt ? n.医生6 telephone telif?un n.电话7 remember rimemb? v.记得,记住8 mouth m

58、au n.嘴9 tongue t? n.舌头10 bad b?d a. 坏的,严重的11 cold k?uld n.感冒12 news nju:z n.消息13 headache hedeik n.头痛14 aspirin ?sp ?rin n.阿斯匹林15 earache i?reik n.耳痛16 toothache tu: eik n.牙痛名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 17 dentist denti

59、st n.牙医18 stomach ache 胃痛19 medicine meds?n n. 药20 temperature temp?r ?t ? ? n.温度21 flu flu: n.流行性感冒22 measles mi:z?lz n.麻疹23 mumps m ?mps n. 腮腺炎Lesson 61 62What s the matter with him? 他怎么啦 ?= What s wrong with him? fell ill 觉得病了look ill 看起来病了a piece of news 一则消息telephone number 电话号码public telephone

60、 公用电话telephone box 公用电话间telephone directory 电话簿telephone operator 电话接线员in bed 躺在床上stay in bed 卧床call the doctor 叫医生for a week 一周的时间have a bad cold 得了重感冒have a headache 头痛have a sore throat嗓子疼have an earache 耳痛caught (a) cold患感冒have ( a ) toothache 牙痛have ( a ) stomach ache胃痛have a temperature 发烧have

61、 (a) backache 背痛have flu 流行性感冒have measles 麻疹have mumps 腮腺炎have shingles 带状疱疹have hepatitis 肝炎has gout 痛风take / have an aspirin服(吃)一片阿司匹林take some medicine 吃药Lesson 63 1 better bet? a.形容词 well的比较级2 certainly s?:t ?nli ad.当然3 get up get ?p 起床4 yet jet ad.还,仍5 rich rit? a.油腻的6 food fu:d n.食物7 remain r

62、imein v.保持,继续Lesson 64 1 play plei v.玩2 match m?t ? n.火柴3 talk t?:k v.谈话4 library laibr?ri n.图书馆5 drive draiv v.开车6 so s?u ad.如此地7 quickly kwikli ad.快地8 lean out of 身体探出9 break breik v.打破Lesson 63 64for another two days 再两天的时间= for two more daysget up 起床each day 每天keep the room warm使房间保持暖和keep the w

63、ater boiling让水一直开着keep your hands warm保持手温暖play with sth. 玩东西play with matches 玩火柴make a noise 弄出噪音 ; 发出响声lean out of 身体探出break that vase 打破花瓶Lesson 65 1 Dad d?d n. 爸( 儿语 ) 2 key ki: n.钥匙3 baby beibi n.婴儿4 hear hi? v.听见5 enjoy ind? i v.玩得快活6 yourself j?self pron.你自己7 ourselves au?selvz pron.我们自己Less

64、on 66 1 myself maiself pron.我自己2 themselves e ?mselvz pron.他们自己3 himself himself pron.他自己4 herself h?:self pron.她自己Lesson 65 66the key to the front door前门的钥匙be come 回家 ( 强调状态 ) get home = arrive home 到家That s all right. 不用谢。= You re welcome. = Not at all. = Dont mention it. Enjoy oneself! = Have a g

65、ood time.好好玩吧。how old 几岁Lesson 67 greengrocergri:n? gr ?us? n.蔬菜水果零售商2 absent ?bs ?nt, ?bsent a.缺席的3 Monday m?ndi n.星期一名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 4 Tuesday tju:zdi:, tu:z- n.星期二5 Wednesday wenzdi n.星期三6 Thursday ?:zdi

66、 星期四7 keep ki:p v.(身体健康 ) 处于 ( 状况 ) 8 spend spend v.度过9 weekend wi:kend, ? wi:kend n.周末10 Friday fraidi n.星期五11 Saturday s?t?di n.星期六12 Sunday s?ndi n.星期日13 country k?ntri n.乡村14 lucky l?ki a.幸运的Lesson 68 1 church t? ?:t ? n.教堂2 dairy de?ri n.乳品店3 baker beik? n.面包师傅4 grocer gr?us? n.食品杂货商Lesson 67 6

67、8at the butchers 在肉店at the greengrocers 在蔬菜水果店at the hairdressers 在理发店at the bakers 在面包店at the grocers 在食品杂货店at the stationer s 在文具店at the office 在办公室at the dairy 在乳品店at church 在教堂at school 在学校at home 在家be absent from 缺席 on Monday 在星期一on Mondays 每逢星期一last week 上星期How are you all keeping? 你们身体都好吗? in

68、 the country 在乡下for the weekend 整个周末 ( 一段时间 ) at the weekend 在周末 ( 时间点 ) Lesson 69 1 year ji?, j?: n.年2 race reis n.比赛3 town taun n.城镇4 crowd kraud n.人群5 stand st?nd v. 站立6 exciting iksaiti? a.使人激动的7 just d? st ad.正好,恰好8 finish fini? n.结尾,结束9 winner win? n.获胜者10 behind bihaind prop.在之后11 way wei n.路

69、途Lesson 69 70in 1995 在 1995 年hundreds of 数以百计的thousands of 成千上万的millions of 成百万上千万的at the race 在赛场in the race 比赛中in the crowd 在人群中an exciting finish 激动人心的结尾on the way to (a place) 在去某地的途中say to sb. 对某人说Lesson 71 1 awful ?:ful ad.让人讨厌的,坏的2 telephone telif?un v.& n.打电话3 time taim n.次( 数) 4 answer :ns?

70、 v.接( 电话 ) 5 last l:st a. 最后的,前一次的6 phone f?un n.电话 (=telephone) 7 again ?gein ad.又一次地8 say sei v.说Lesson 71 72the day before yesterday前天yesterday morning 昨天上午yesterday afternoon 昨天下午yesterday evening 昨天晚上last night 昨夜the day before yesterday in the morning 前天上午the day before yesterday in the aftern

71、oon 前天下午the day before yesterday in the evening 前天晚上the night before last 前夜three times 三次speak to sb. 对某人讲answer the telephone 接电话answer the door 应声开门answer a letter 回信Lesson 73 1 week wi:k n.周2 London l?nd?n n.伦敦3 suddenly s?dnli ad.突然地4 bus stop b?st ?p 公共汽车车站5 smile smail v.微笑6 pleasantly pleznt

72、li ad.愉快地7 understand ? nd?st?nd v. 懂,明白8 speak spi:k v.讲,说名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 12 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 9 hand h?nd n. 手10 pocket p?kit n.衣袋11 phrasebook n.短语手册,常用语手册12 phrase freiz n.短语13 slowly sl?uli ad.缓慢地Lesson 74 1 hurriedly h?ri

73、dli ad.匆忙地2 cut k?t v.割,切3 thirstily ?:stili ad.口渴地4 go g?u v.走5 greet gri:t v.问候,找招呼Lesson 73 74know very well 对很了解lose one s way 迷路ask sb. the way 向某人问路say to oneself 心中暗想think aloud 自言自语地说= talk to oneselftell sb. the way to ( a place )告诉某人去某地的路speak (a language) 讲某种语言tell a story 讲故事talk about 谈

74、论有关take out 拿出Lesson 75 1 ago ?g ?u ad.以前2 buy bai v.买3 pair pe? n.双,对4 fashion f? ?n n.(服装的 ) 流行式样5 uncomfortable ?nk ?mft ?b?l a.不舒服的6 wear we? v.穿着Lesson 75 76like these 像这样in fashion 流行的 , 时髦的this week 这个星期this month 这个月this year 今年last week 上个星期last month 上个月last year 去年the week before last 上上个

75、星期the month before last上上个月the year before last前年a minute ago 一分钟前two minutes ago 两分钟前an hour ago 一小时前five hours ago 五小时前a day ago 一天前four days ago 四天前Lesson 77 1 appointment ?p ?intm ?nt n.约会,预约2 urgent ?:d ? nt a.紧急的,急迫的3 till til prep.直到为止Lesson 77 78have an appointment (with sb.)( 与某人 )有约会at the

76、 moment 此时still this afternoon 直到今天下午为止at one oclock 在 1 点on Wednesday 在星期三in January 在一月in 1998 在 1998 年on July 1st在七月一日in summer 在夏天Lesson 79 1 shopping ? ?pi ? n.购物2 list list n.单子3 vegetable ved?t ?b?l n.蔬菜4 need ni:d v.需要5 hope h?up v.希望6 thing i ? n.事情7 money m ?ni n.钱Lesson 80 1 groceries gr?

77、us?riz n.食品杂货2 fruit fru:t n.水果3 stationery stei? ?n?ri, -neri n.文具4 newsagent nju:z? eid ?nt n.报刊零售人5 chemist kemist n.化剂师,化学家Lesson 79 80make a shopping list 写一张购物单a lot of 许多have got 有at all丝毫 ; 一点 ; 根本 ( 强调 ) Lesson 81 1 bath b: n.洗澡2 nearly ni?li ad.几乎,将近3 ready redi a.准备好的,完好的4 dinner din? n.正

78、餐,晚餐5 restaurant rest?r ?nt n.饭馆,餐馆6 roast r?ust a.烤的Lesson 82 1 breakfast brekf?st n.早饭名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 13 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 2 haircut he?k?t n.理发3 party p:ti n. 聚会4 holiday h?lidi n.假日Lesson 81 82have a bath = take a bath 洗澡ha

79、ve a swim = take a swim 游泳have a haircut = have ones haircut 理发have a lesson 上课have a party = hold a party 举行晚会have a holiday = go for a holiday 度假= take a holiday = spend one s holiday = make holiday have a good time = enjoy oneself 玩得好have a shave = shave 刮胡子have a cigarette 抽烟have a glass of whis

80、ky 喝一杯威士忌have a look = take a look 看一看have tea = drink tea 喝茶have a meal = eat a meal 吃一餐have breakfast (lunch、dinner 、supper) = eat one s breakfast ( ) 吃早饭(午饭、晚饭、晚饭)Lesson 83 1 mess mes n.杂乱,凌乱2 pack p?k v. 包装,打包,装箱3 suitcase su:tkeis, sju:t n.手提箱4 leave li:v v.离开5 already ?:lredi ad.已经Lesson 83 84

81、 a cup of 一杯go into 到里面去go home = get home 回家= come back home = go back home leave a place for a place 离开某地前往某地Excuse the mess.乱七八糟 , 请原谅Lesson 85 1 Paris p?ris n. 巴黎2 cinema sinim? n.电影院3 film film n.电影4 beautiful bju:tif?l a.漂亮的5 city siti n.城市6 never nev? ad.从来没有7 ever ev? ad.在任何时候Lesson 85 86hav

82、e been to 到过Whats on? 上演什么电影 ?on TV 在电视上all the time 一直 ; 始终jus t like 就像Lesson 87 1 attendant ?tend ?nt n.接待员2 bring bri? v.带来,送来3 garage g?r : ? n.车库,汽车修理厂4 crash kr? ? n.碰撞5 lamp-post l?mp p ?ust 灯杆6 repair ripe? v.修理7 try trai v.努力,设法Lesson 87 88 the number of your car 你的车牌号work on 从事做某件事情bring

83、sb. sth. 带来某物给某人= bring sth. to sb. take sb. sth. = take sth. to sb. 带给某人某物have a crash 出车祸That s right. = Thats true. 是的 ; 正确的 。drive into 撞倒try to do sth. 试着做某事Lesson 89 1 believe bili:v v.相信,认为2 may mei (用于请求许可 ) 可以3 how long 多长4 since sins prep.自从5 why wai ad.为什么6 sell sel v.卖,出售7 because bik?z

84、conj.因为8 retire ritai? v.退休9 cost k?st v.花费10 pound paund n.英镑11 worth w?: prep.值钱12 penny peni n.便士Lesson 89 90 for sale 供出售on sale 减价出售a long time 很长一段时间how long 多长 ( 时间、物体 ) how much 多少 ( 钱) have the last word 最后拍板= ha ve the final sayLesson 91 1 still stil ad.还,仍旧2 move mu:v v.搬家名师资料总结 - - -精品资料

85、欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 14 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 3 miss mis v.想念,思念4 neighbour neib? n.邻居5 person p?:sn n.人6 people pi:pl n.人们7 poor pu? a.可怜的Lesson 91 92move into 搬进give sb. ones regards请代某人向某人问候this morning 今天上午this afternoon 今天下午this evening 今天晚上tomorr

86、ow morning 明天上午tomorrow afternoon 明天下午tomorrow evening 明天晚上tomorrow night 明天夜里the day after tomorrow 后天the day after tomorrow in the morning 后天上午the day after tomorrow in the afternoon 后天下午the day after tomorrow in the evening 后天晚上the night after next 后天夜里Lesson 93 1 pilot pail?t n.飞行员2 return rit?:

87、n v.返回3 New York nju: j?:k n.纽约4 Tokyo t?ukj ?u n.东京5 Madrid m?drid n.马德里6 fly flai v.飞行Lesson 94 1 Athens ? inz n.雅典2 Berlin b?:lin n.柏林3 Bombay b ?mbei n.孟买4 Geneva d ?ini:v? n.日内瓦5 Moscow m ?sk ?u n.莫斯科6 Rome r ?um n. 罗马7 Seoul s?ul n.汉城8 Stockholm st?khoum n. 斯德哥尔摩9 Sydney sidni n.悉尼Lesson 93 94

88、next-door neighbour 隔壁邻居the R.A.F. = the Royal Air Force英国皇家空军year old 岁fly to 飞往某个地方return to 返回某个地方return from 从某个地方返回leave for 去往next week 下个星期next month 下个月next year 明年the week after next 下下个星期the month after next 下下个月th e year after next 后年Lesson 95 1 return rit?:n n.往返2 train trein n.火车3 platf

89、orm pl?tf?:m n.站台4 plenty plenti n.大量5 bar b: n. 酒吧6 station stei? ?n n.车站,火车站7 catch k?t ? v.赶上8 miss mis v.错过Lesson 95 96return ticket 往返票what time 什么时候plenty of 足够的 ; 充足的let go and do sth.让我们去做某事next door to 与相邻 , 在隔壁had better 最好go back to 回到地方ten minutes slow 慢 10 分钟ten minutes fast 快 10 分钟in a

90、n hour s time 1 小时后in five hours time 5 小时后in a days time 1 天后in two days time 2 天后Lesson 97 1 leave li:v v.遗留2 describe diskraib v.描述3 zip zip n.拉链4 label leib?l n.标签5 handle h?ndl n. 提手,把手6 address ?dres n.地址7 pence pens n.penny的复数形式8 belong bil? v.属于Lesson 97 98leave sth + 地点状语把某物遗留在某地leave a pla

91、ce for a place 离开某地去往某地put sth. +地点状语把某物放在某地on the train 火车上the other day 几天前= a few days ago 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 15 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - a man with a suitcase 一个拿手提箱的人a house with a swimming pool 一个带游泳池的房间describe a person 描述一个人descr

92、ibe a picture 描述一张图片belong to 属于Lesson 99 1 ow au int.哎哟2 slip slip v.滑倒,滑了一脚3 fall f?:l v.落下,跌倒4 downstairs ? daunste ?z ad.下楼5 hurt h?:t v.伤,伤害,疼痛6 back b?k n. 背7 stand up 起立,站起来8 help help v.帮助9 at once ?t w ?ns 立即10 sure ? u? a.一定的,确信的11 X-ray eksrei n.X光透视Lesson 99 100fell downstairs从楼梯上摔下来hurt

93、 oneself 伤到自己hurt ones + 身体部位伤到stand up 起立 , 站起来at once 立即Lesson 101 1 Scotland sk?tl ?nd n.苏格兰 ( 英国 ) 2 card k:d n. 明信片3 youth ju: n.青年4 hostel h?st ?l n.招待所,旅馆5 association ? s?usiei? ?n n.协会6 soon su:n ad.不久7 write rait v.写Lesson 101 102read sth. to sb. 念给某人听= read sb. sth.the Youth Hostels Assoc

94、iation 青年招待所协会Speak up. 大声地说on a card 明信片上Lesson 103 1 exam igz?m n. 考试2 pass p:s v. 及格,通过3 mathematics ? m? ?m?tiks n. 数学4 question kwest? ?n n.问题5 easy i:zi a.容易的6 enough in?f ad.足够地7 paper peip? n.考卷8 fail feil v.未及格,失败9 answer :ns? v.回答10 mark m :k n. 分数11 rest rest n.其他的东西12 difficult difik?lt

95、a.困难的13 hate heit v.讨厌14 low l?u a.低的15 cheer t? i ? v.振作,振奋16 guy gai n.家伙,人17 top t?p n.上方,顶部Lesson 104 1 clever klev? a.聪明的2 stupid stju:pid a.笨的3 cheap t? i:p a.便宜的4 expensive ikspensiv a.贵的5 fresh fre? a.新鲜的6 stale steil a.变馊的7 low l?u a.低的,矮的8 loud laud a.大声的9 high hai a.高的10 hard h:d a. 硬的11

96、sweet swi:t a.甜的12 soft s?ft a.软的13 sour sau? a.酸的Lesson 103 104Not too bad. 不算太坏。Pretty good. 还不错。passed in 及格fail in 不及格a low mark 分数很低a high mark 分数很高Cheer up. 振作起来。at the top of 在上方 ; 在顶端at the bottom 在下方 ; 在末端too to 太不能Lesson 105 1 spell spel v.拼写2 intelligentintelid?nt a.聪明的,有智慧的3 mistake mist

97、eik n.错误4 present prizent, prez?nt n.礼物5 dictionary dik? ?n?ri n.词典Lesson 106 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 16 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 1 carry k?ri v. 携带2 correct k?rekt v.改正,纠正Lesson 105 106want sb. / sth. 想找某人 / 想要某物want to do sth. 想做某事want sb.

98、to do sth. 想让某人做某事tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人做(不做)某事full of mistakes 错误百出be sorry about sth.对某事感到抱歉help with 帮助的具体方面Lesson 107 1 madam m?d ?m n. 夫人,女士 ( 对妇女的尊称 ) 2 as well 同样3 suit su:t, sju:t v.适于4 pretty priti a.漂亮的Lesson 107 108be in fashion流行Would you like ?你愿意吗?try on 试穿as well = too / eithe

99、r 也at all一点 (用在否定句中表强调)suit = go along with = fit 适合like that one 像那件一样the larger size 大号the small size 小号of them all 他们当中I ve ever seen 我所见到的Lesson 109 1 idea aidi? n.主意2 a little 少许 ( 用于不可数名词之前) 3 teaspoonful ti:spu:nful n.一满茶匙4 less les a.(little的比较级 )校少的,更小的5 a few 几个 ( 用于可数名词之前) 6 pity piti n.遗

100、憾7 instead insted ad.代替8 advice ?dvais n.建议,忠告Lesson 110 1 most m ?ust a.(many,much的最高级 ) 最多的2 least li:st a.(little的最高级 )最小的,最少的3 best best a.(good的最高级 ) 最好的4 worse w?:s a.(bad的比较级 ) 更坏的5 worst w?:st a.(bad的最高级 ) 最坏的Lesson 109 110That s a good idea. = Good idea. 好主意。What a pity! = What a shame! 真遗憾

101、!It doesnt matter. 没关系。= Never mind. = Its all right. a little 少许(用于不可数名词之前)a fe w 几个(用于可数名词之前)Lesson 111 1 model m?dl n.型号,式样2 afford ?f ?:d v.付得起 ( 钱) 3 deposit dip?zit n.预付定金4 instalment inst?:lm ?nt n.分期付款5 price prais n.价格6 millionaire ? milj ?ne ? n.百万富翁Lesson 111 112the most expensive model 最

102、贵的型号the most cheapest 最便宜more expensive 比较贵less expensive = cheaper比较便宜less interesting 比较无趣the least interesting 最无趣the most difficult 最难的more difficult 比较难的as good as 与 一样好not as good as 不如 好buy on installments 分期付款购买a deposit of thirty pounds 30 英镑定金Lesson 113 1 conductor k?nd ?kt ? n.售票员2 fare f

103、e? n.车费,车票3 change t? eind ? v.兑换 ( 钱) 4 note n?ut n.纸币5 passenger p?sind? n.乘客6 none n?n pron.没有任何东西7 neither naie?, ni:e? ad.也不8 get off 下车9 tramp tr?mp n. 流浪汉10 except iksept prep.除外Lesson 113 114all of 所有的some of 一些none of 没有一个bus fare 公共汽车票taxi fare 出租汽车票air fare 飞机票Lesson 115 anyoneeniw?npron.

104、(用于疑问句,否定式 ) 任何人2 knock n?k v.敲,打3 everything evri i ? pron.一切事物4 quiet kwai?t a.宁静的,安静的名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 17 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 5 impossible imp?s?b?l a.不可能的6 invite invait v.邀请7 anything enii ? pron.任何东西8 nothing n?i ? pron.什么也没有

105、9 lemonade ? lem?neid n.柠檬水10 joke d?uk v.开玩笑Lesson 116 1 asleep ?sli:p a.睡觉,睡着 ( 用作表语 ) 2 glasses gla:siz n.眼镜Lesson 115 116knock on / at the door 敲门look through 从看the front door 前门the back door 后门nic e and 挺Lesson 117 1 dining room 饭厅2 coin k?in n.硬币3 mouth mau n.嘴4 swallow sw?l ?u v.吞下5 later lei

106、t? ad.后来6 toilet t?ilit n.厕所,盥洗室Lesson 118 1 ring ri? v.响Lesson 117 118look for 寻找just as 正当all of them 他们都both of them 他们俩Lesson 119 1 story st?:ri n.故事2 happen h?p ?n v.发生3 thief i:f n.贼4 enter ent? v.进入5 dark d:k a. 黑暗的6 torch t?:t ? n.手电筒7 voice v?is n.(说话的 ) 声音8 parrot p?r?t n.鹦鹉Lesson 120 1 ex

107、ercise book 练习本Lesson 119 120tell sb. a story 告诉某人一个故事happened to 发生在 身上;碰巧,正好a friend of mine 我的一个朋友a neighbour of yours 你的一位邻居a teacher of my sisters我妹妹的一位老师Whats up? 干什么?有什么事?as quickly as they could 能跑多快就跑多快say and smile 笑着说go back to sleep 继续睡go back to work 继续工作go back to ones hometown 回到故乡go

108、out 出去finish the housework 完成家务the price of the car 小车的价格take the examination 考试Lesson 121 1 customer k?st ?m ? n.顾客2 forget f?get v.忘记3 manager m?nid? n.经理4 serve s?:v v.照应,服务,接待5 counter kaunt? n.柜台6 recognize rek?gnaiz v.认识Lesson 122 1 road r?ud n.路Lesson 121 122take sth. with sb.带着某件东西forget sth

109、. 忘记某事forget to do sth. 忘记做某事Lesson 123 1 during dju?ri ? prep.在期间2 trip trip n.旅行3 travel tr?v?l v.旅行4 offer ?f ? v.提供5 job d? b n.工作6 guess ges v.猜7 grow gr?u v.长,让生长8 beard bi?d n.(下巴上的 ) 胡子,络腮胡子Lesson 124 1 kitten kitn n.小猫Lesson 123 124during the day 在白天during the night 在晚上during the holidays 假

110、期中间during my trip to Australia去澳大利亚旅行时take a photograph拍照名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 18 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - grow a beard 留胡子shav e off 刮掉Lesson 125 1 water w?:t ? v.浇水2 terribly ter?bli ad.非常3 dry drai a.干燥的,干的4 nuisance nju:s?ns n.讨厌的东西或人5

111、mean mi:n v.意味着,意思是6 surprise s?praiz n.惊奇,意外的事Lesson 126 1 immediately imi:di?tli ad.立即地Lesson 125 126have to 不得不by oneself 某人自己in stead of 代替Lesson 127 1 famous feim?s a.著名的2 actress ?ktris n. 女演员3 at least 至少4 actor ?kt? n.男演员5 read ri:d v.通过阅读得知Lesson 127 128at least 至少have an another look 再仔细看一

112、眼at most 至多more than多于Lesson 129 1 wave weiv v.招手2 track tr?k n. 跑道3 mile mail n.英里4 overtake ? uv?teik v.从后面超越,超车5 speed spi:d 限速6 dream dri:m v.做梦,思想不集中7 sign sain n.标记,牌子8 driving licence draivi? lais?ns 驾驶执照9 charge t? :d ? v.罚款10 darling d:li ? n.亲爱的 ( 用作表示称呼 ) Lesson 129 130 wave to sb. 朝某人招手o

113、n a race track 在赛车场上at seventy miles an hour每小时 70 英里的速度driving licence 驾驶执照business licence 营业执照had better 最好take one s advice 听从某人的劝告= follow ones advice give advice 给某人劝告Lesson 131 1 Egypt i:d?ipt n.埃及2 abroad ?br ?:d ad.国外3 worry w?ri v.担忧Lesson 131 132spend your holidays 度假= have your holidays

114、on holiday 度假(状态)go abroad 出国live abroad 在国外生活at home and abroad 在国内外make up one s minds 打定主意decide / make a decision做决定by sea = by ship 乘船by air = by plane 乘飞机take a long time 花很长时间take sb. sometime/ money to do sth.花费某些时间或金钱做某事in the end 最后at first 开始look after = take care of 照顾Lesson 133 1 report

115、er rip?:t ? n.记者sensational sensei? ?n?la.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的3 mink coat mi?k-k ?ut 貂皮大衣Lesson 133 134make a new film拍一部新电影sensational news 爆炸性新闻Lesson 135 1 future fju:t? ? n.未来的2 get married 结婚3 hotel h?utel n.饭店4 latest leitist a.最新的5 introduce intr?dju:s v.介绍Lesson 135 136introduce sb to sb 把某人介绍给某人a rep

116、ort about/on sth/sb.关于某事或某人的一篇报道the latest 最新消息get married 结婚(动作)名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 19 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - be mar ried 结婚(状态)Lesson 137 1 football futb?:l n.足球2 pool pu:l n.赌注3 win win v.赢4 world w?:ld n.世界5 poor pu? a.贫穷的6 depend d

117、ipend v.依靠 (on) Lesson 137 138do the football pools下足球赛赌注see the world 见见世面travel round the world 周游世间= tour the world return home = come back home 回家a pleasant dream 一个美好的梦depends on 取决于,依靠pay for 赔偿;偿还Lesson 139 1 extra ekstr? a.额外的2 engineer ? end?ini? n.工程师3 overseas ? uv?si:z a.海外的,国外的4 enginee

118、ring ? end?ini?ri ? n.工程5 company k?mp ?ni n.公司6 line lain n.线路Lesson 139 140be late for 迟到extra work 额外的工作have extra time有额外的时间work for 为某个机构工作telephone line 电话线Lesson 141 1 excited iksaitid a.兴奋的2 get on 登上3 middle-aged midleid?id a.中年的4 opposite ?p?zit prep.在对面5 curiously kju?ri ?sli ad.好奇地6 funn

119、y f?ni a.可笑的,滑稽的7 powder paud? n.香粉8 compact k?mp?kt n. 带镜的化妆盒9 kindly kaindli ad.和蔼地10 ugly ?gli a.丑陋的11 amused ?mju:zd a.有趣的12 smile smail v.微笑13 embarrassed imb?r?st a.尴尬的,窘迫的Lesson 142 1 worried w?rid a.担心,担忧2 regularly regjul?li ad.经常地,定期地Lesson 141 142four-year-old daughter 四岁的女儿a two-bedroom

120、apartment 一套含有两个卧室的公寓a fifteen-minute talk 一个十五分钟的讲话a thirteen-year-old girl 一个 13 岁的姑娘decide to do sth 决定做某事a middle-aged lady 一个中年妇女a young lady 年轻的女士an elderly lady 上了年纪的女士hand-made 手工制作的opposite sb. 某人的对面opposite the supermarket 超市对面be dressed in = wear 穿戴着take our 拿出;请某人外出make up one s face 往某人

121、的脸上施脂粉make oneself beautiful 使某人自己漂亮make oneself + adj. 使某人自己怎样make up 化妆;编造put away 放好an embarrassing moment 一个令人尴尬的时刻an amusing story 一个很有趣的故事Lesson 143 1 surround s?raund v.包围2 wood wud n.树林3 beauty spot 风景点4 hundred h?ndrid n.百5 city siti n.城市6 through ru: prep.穿过7 visitor vizit? n.参观者,游客,来访者8 t

122、idy taidi a.整齐的9 litter lit? n.杂乱的东西10 litter basket 废物筐11 place pleis v.放12 throw r ?u v.扔,抛13 rubbish r? bi ? n.垃圾14 count kaunt v.数,点15 cover k?v? v.覆盖16 piece pi:s n.碎片17 tyre tai? n.轮胎18 rusty r?sti a.生锈的19 among ?m? prep.在之间名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - -

123、- - - - 第 20 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - - 20 prosecute pr?sikju:t v.依法处置Lesson 143 144 be surrounded by被环绕hundreds of 成百上千的have been asked 以被告知keep the woods clean and tidy保持树林的整洁have been placed 以被放置go for a walk = take a walk 去散步was covered with 覆盖着cigarette ends 烟头rusty tins 生锈的罐子among the rubbish 在垃圾堆中名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 21 页,共 21 页 - - - - - - - - -



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