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1、成人高考专升本辅导1an补全对话n写作n考试须知内容安排2a补全对话n熟悉日常表达:问候、告别、介绍、感谢n做题选择时,分析对话提供的信息,判断讲话者的身份、关系、场所、目的3a1) A: How do you like the DVD? B: _.2) A:_ B: Id like to see the new computer.3) A: _? B: It was November 25 .4) A: _? B: Ive got a headache .5) A: Would you please carry the big box for me? B: _.6) A: _? B: Siz

2、e 4 , I think.7) A: Hello! Is that Mr Johnson speaking? B: Im sorry. _. Its wonderful/ very much/a little/ a lotWhat can do for you? / Can I help you?What was the date that dayWhats wrong with you? Or No problem. Or I love to.What size do you need / want ,sirHe isnt here at the moment4a8) A: Thank y

3、ou for your delicious food. B: _.9) A: Dont pick flowers in the school garden next time, Lily. B: _.10) A: _? B: Its about 10 minutes walk.11) A: Is Mr Smith really very ill ? B: Im afraid so. _.12) A: My brother fell off his bike and hurt his leg. B: _.13) A: Im going to Hawaii with my aunt this mo

4、nth for my holiday. B: _.14) A: You look very nice in dark blue. B: _.Im glad you like itSorry I wontHow far is from Hes in hospitalIm sorry to hear thatHave a good time !Thank you5a补全对话练习6aA: Good morning._?B: Good morning, sir. Id like to buy a hat.A: Who is it for ,please? Is it for you ,Madam?B:

5、 No, its for my husband.A:_?B: Size 7.A; How about this one?B: It looks nice. _?A: Its made of real fur(毛皮).B: Good._?A: Forty-five yuan.B: Its a bit expensive, but its really a nice hat._ What can I do for / Can I help youWhat size would he like / What size dose he wearWhat is it made ofHow much do

6、es it cost / How much is itI will take it / 7aA: Excuse me,_? I havent seen him for a long time.B: Jims gone to England.Really?_?B: He went there last week.A:_?B: Yes. He had lived there for 15 years before he came to China.A:_?B: He traveled with his friends.A:_?B: He will be away for about two mon

7、ths.A: OK. Ill call him this evening.Wheres JimWhen did he go thereHas he ever been there beforeWho did he travel withHow long will he be away8anA:Hello.2847396.nB: Is that Mr Jones?nA: Sorry, _.He left home a few minutes ago.nB: Its a pity! _?nNo,he wont be back soon. Will you ring him up this even

8、ing?nB:Sorry ,but I wont be free tonight。nA:?nB;Its very kind of you. Therell be a talk on English history at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon._nA:I certainly will._ as soon as he comes back.nB: Thanks a lot .Goodbye.He isnt in / Will he come back soonCan I take a message for youTell him not to be late / Ill

9、 tell him / Ill let him know9aA: Excuse me. Where is nearest hospital ,please?B: Sorry, I dont know._. He may know.A: _.(To the policeman) A: Excuse me. Which is the way to the nearest hospital ?C: Go down this street ,turn left and see the hospital.A:_?C: Its about thirty minutes walk.A: My mother

10、is ill. She cant walk any longer. _?C: You can go there by bus. The bus stop is over there.A:I see . Thank you very much.C:_.Youd better ask the policeman over thereThank you all sameHow far is it from hereHow can we get thereYoure welcome10aA: Hi, HangBo. How are you?B:_I wonder if you are doing so

11、mething on Sunday.A: No,_.B: Well, would you like to go fishing with me?A: _I like fishing very much.B: Great.A: _?B: Will you come to my house, please?A: Ok. What time ?B: _?A: Fine. Well, see you then.Im fine / well / not bad .Ive nothing to doId love to / Thats a good ideaWhere shall we meetIs oc

12、lock OK11aA: Hi, Linda. Ive got some news for you.B: _?A:I hear some foreigners will com to our English class.B: Really? _?A: They come from England.B: _?A: Tomorrow morning. They will give us a talk after class.B: Thats great._?A: About how to lean English well.B: Thank you for telling me the news.

13、A:_.Whats it / Whats the newsWhere do they come from /When will they arriveWhat will they talk aboutYoure welcome /Thats all right / Its a pleasure12aA: Excuse me Mr Green. Id like to take a few days off.B:_?A:My mother is ill. I have to take care of her.B: _.Is there anything I can do for you?A:_.I

14、 can look after her well by myself.B:_?A: I hope to be back next Wednesday.B: All right. But you must right a written request for leave to be away.A: Thank you Mr Green. Ill write it at once. _B: Dont worry about it. Ill certainly help you with them when you get back.Whats the matter Im sorry to hea

15、r that No, thank youHow long will you be awayBut Im worried about my lessons13aA:_?B: Im looking for a pair of sports shoes.A:_?B: Size eight.A:OK! What about this pair ?B:_. Have you got any other color ?A: Oh, yes. Weve also got blue, brown and white ones.B:_?A: Yes, please .B: _?A: One hundred an

16、d fifty yuan .B: Thats cheap. Ill take it . What can I do for you / or What size do you need / wearI dont like the colorCan I try them on, pleaseHow much are they / or 14aA: Ill spend my summer holiday in Qingdao._ _B: Ive been there for several times. A:_?B: Yes, I like it very much.A: _?B: The cit

17、y is clean and beautiful, and people there are kind.A: _?B: No, not very hot. And you may have a swim in the sea.A: Great ! _?B: Yes, swimming in the sea is more interesting than in the river.Have you ever been there before ?Do you like the cityWhat do you think of the cityIs it hot there in summerH

18、ave you swum there15a (A: Lin Tao B: Doctor)A: _.B: Good morning. _, young man?A: Ive got a headache and a dry cough. Im afraid Ive got SARS.B: _?A: Yes, I have. But I havent got a fever(发烧).B: _?A: Ever since last night.B: Let me look over you. Mm Dont worry. Its nothing serious. Just a cold. _.A:

19、Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.B: Bye-bye.Good morning, doctorWhats your trouble / or Have you taken your temperatureHow long have you been like thisYou will be well soon16aA: Hello Meimei.B: Hello, Bill. Where are you going?A: _.B: The cinema? But Im afraid its closed now. Its open only from 4:00 p.m.

20、to 9:00 p.m.A: _!B: Is there anything new on show?A: Yes, Chicken, run! _?B: Of course, I have got the VCDs.A: Have you?B: Yes. My uncle bought me from New York last week.A: _?B: Sure. How about watching it right now? A: _Thank you, Meimei. Im going to the cinemaWhat a pityHave you seen it beforeMay

21、 I watch itGreat !17a写 作18a布 局n开头:开门见山,简单明白引出话题(主题)n正文:几个段落,每一段落必须有一个中心,由中心句表达(一般为第一句),中心句后有扩展句(解释、说明、论证)。段落要有逻辑,过渡要流畅。n结尾:概括全文内容,进一步强调、肯定中心思想。19a写作练习命题作文20a21a22a应用文写作23a24a25a26a27a28a29a应 试 策 略n 抓大放小、兼抓大放小、兼顾顾全局全局n 调调整整顺顺序、具体序、具体对对待待30a部分考察内容题号题量分值比例语音15553%语法与词汇620151510%完型填空2135153020%阅读理解36552

22、06040%补全对话566051510%短文写作6112517%总计61150100%150分分钟钟31an如果按如果按题题的的顺顺序做,直接影响下面的答序做,直接影响下面的答题题情情绪绪。n 一些考生由于一些考生由于单项选择单项选择、完形填空用、完形填空用时过时过多,造多,造成成阅读阅读理解没有充足的理解没有充足的时间时间做,很可惜。做,很可惜。n 合理安排合理安排时间时间很重要,特很重要,特别别是是补补全全对话对话,容易得,容易得分,要确保有分,要确保有时间时间去答去答这这部分部分题题目。目。 32a1.语语音音题题;2.补补全全对话对话;3.书书面表达;面表达;4.阅读阅读理解;理解;5.单项单项填空;填空;6.完型填空完型填空 。 33an最有效的涂卡方法:做完一大最有效的涂卡方法:做完一大题题才涂答才涂答题题卡,首尾要卡,首尾要对对号,号,这样这样的涂卡方式比做一的涂卡方式比做一题题涂一涂一题题要要节约节约5分分钟钟左右。左右。n 因因选择题选择题量大,切忌最后量大,切忌最后时间时间涂卡。涂卡。 34a



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