Unit 3 A healthy life Period 2 Learning about Language & Using Language同步课件 新人教版选修6 高中英语

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1、Period 2Learning about Language & Using Language.单词识记1_adj. typical of or relating to men or boys 2_v. to put liquid, especially a drug, into someones body by using a special needle3_n. the possibility that something unpleasant or dangerous may happen4_adj. feeling nervous and uncomfortable and worr

2、ying about what people think of youmale inject risk embarrassed 5_n. the state of continuing to live or exist6_adj. not relaxed or comfortable7_n. whether a person, plant, or animal is male or femalesurvival awkward sex 8_adj. not allowed by the law9_n. a small solid piece of medicine that you swall

3、ow whole10_n. an official decision given by a judge or a court of lawillegal pill judgement .短语天地1不管,不顾_2冒险_3.陷入;染上(坏习惯)_4和分享_5的治疗方法_6没有的迹象_7保持安全_8也就是说_in spite of take risks get into share with a cure for have no evidence of stay safe that is to say .句型搜索1Running a marathon will leave you _.参加马拉松比赛

4、会让你喘不过气来。【答案】out of breath2In fact it is the mental addiction _ the physical effects which make it really hard to quit smoking.事实上是精神上的瘾而不是身体上的影响使人确实很难戒烟。【答案】rather than3Here are some things you can do to _ you stay safe.你可以按照这里列举的一些注意事项去做,以确保自己的安全。【答案】make sure4This will _ sexual fluid _ from one p

5、erson to another.这可以防止性交时产生的体液的传播。【答案】prevent;passing5You can _ by looking at someone _ they have HIV.通过观察你可以看出某人是否带有HIV病毒。【答案】tell;whether or not1embarrassed adj.尴尬的;陷入困境的She felt embarrassed about her body shape,so she decided to go on a diet.对自己的体形感到不安,她决定节食。Laura did not like to admit that she w

6、as embarrassed by her sister.劳拉不想承认自己被姐姐弄得很难堪。单词扫描 be embarrassed by 被弄得难堪be embarrassed about 对感到难堪too embarrassed to do sth太难为情而不能做完成句子他对自己的病的性质感到很不安。He _ the nature of his illness.【答案】was embarrassed about他们坐在那里,局促不安地沉默着。They sat _.【答案】in embarrassed silence2risk n危险,风险;冒险He felt he had to make u

7、p his mind on every step instead of taking risks.他认为他一定要对每一步作出决定而不是去冒险。There is no risk of her failing/that she will fail.她不会有失败的危险。at risk (of)处于()危险中at the risk of 冒着的危险run/take a risk/risks冒险run/take the risk of doing sth冒的危险做完成句子公司的发展前景不妙。The future of the company is _.【答案】at risk我不想冒险把约翰单独留下。I

8、didnt want to _ of leaving John alone.【答案】take/run the risk3illegal adj.不合法的,违法的It is illegal to carry guns without permission.未经允许携带枪支是违法的。It is illegal for employers to discriminate on grounds of race.雇主对种族的歧视是违法的。It is illegal to do sth.(做)是违法的It is illegal(for sb) to do sth(某人)做是违法的legal adj.合法的

9、;法律的illegally adv. 非法地illegality n. 非法行为翻译句子我被控非法拥有武器。【答案】I was charged with illegal possession of firearms.在英国,如果你不到16岁,购买香烟是违法的。【答案】Its illegal to buy cigarettes in Britain if you are under 16.4weaken v(使)变弱;削弱;减弱;(使)脆弱HIV weakens a persons immune system.HIV使人体免疫系统变弱。The illness weakened her heart

10、.那场病使她的心脏变弱了。She began to weaken after running for 8 miles.她跑了8英里后开始变得虚弱。weak adj.虚弱的;有病的be weak in在方面薄弱weakness n虚弱;缺点完成句子紧张会减弱免疫系统的功能。Stress can _ the immune system.【答案】weaken许多建筑物由于去年的那次地震已经变得摇摇欲坠了。Many buildings _ already been _ by last years earthquake.【答案】have;weakened5survival n幸存,残存;继续存在If y

11、ou develop AIDS,your chances of survival are very small.如果你患了艾滋病,你活下来的机会是很小的。In these jungle areas,every day is a fight for survival.在这些丛林地带,每天都要为生存而斗争。fight/struggle for survival为生存而斗争survival of the fittest 适者生存survive vt.(经历战争,伤病等)幸存,活下来;(在困难或危险处境下)继续存在,保存下来;比活(存在的)时间长survive on sth仅靠维持生计survivin

12、g adj.幸存的,残存的翻译句子丈夫死后她又活了十年。【答案】She survived her husband by ten years.这一家的月收入这么少,怎么活命呢?【答案】How does the family survive on such a small monthly wage?6statement n陈述;声明;措辞;表达The following statements are not true.下列这些说法都是错误的。The prime minister is expected to issue a statement on the policy change.人们预计首相

13、将就政策的改变发表声明。make/issue a statement发表一项声明joint statement 联合声明statement on 就发表声明完成句子部长被要求就会谈的进展发表声明。The minister was asked to _ the progress of the talks.【答案】make/issue a statement on合并双方发表了联合声明。_ was issued by both parties in the merger.【答案】A joint statement1in spite of不管、不顾In spite of all his effort

14、s,he failed.尽管他已竭尽全力,但仍然失败了。In spite of the bad things hes done,I still believe in his essential goodness.尽管他做了坏事,我仍然相信他本性是善良的。短语释义 【比较网站】in spite of,despite,although(1)in spite ofdespite(较正式),表让步关系,后接名词或名词短语。(2)although也表让步关系,引导让步状语从句。翻译句子她尽管戴着眼镜但还是不能看得很清楚。_.【答案】She cant see very well in spite of h

15、er glasses.那男孩无视父亲的命令,径自出去了。_.【答案】The boy went out in spite of his fathers orders.2get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)Of course the best way to deal with these drugs is not to get into the habit in the first place!当然,最好的对付毒品的办法就是一开始时就别染上毒瘾。Dont let yourself get into bad habits.别让自己染上恶习。get into一般不用于被动语态,其作“养成做某事的习惯

16、;学会做某事之常规”讲时,常形成get into the way/habit/routine of doing sth结构。get into含义广泛,还有“开始从事某职业;对产生兴趣;使陷入(困境)”等意。Whats the best way to get into journalism?进入新闻界的最佳途径是什么?Lots of my friends are getting into Green Politics.我的许多朋友开始对绿色政治感兴趣。I am sorry if I got you into trouble.如果我给你添了麻烦,我十分抱歉。完成句子别发脾气。Dont _ a te

17、mper.【答案】get into他因偷车而麻烦缠身。He _ by stealing cars.【答案】got into trouble3take turns轮流;依次Each person should take turns to make a sentence 每一个人都应该轮流造句We take it in turns to do the housework.我们轮流做家务。翻译句子他们轮流照看那个孤儿。They _ look after the orphan.【答案】take turns to增加生产会继而增加利润。Increased production will, _, lead

18、 to increased profits.【答案】in turn4make sure确定,弄明白;确保Will you make sure of his return?Will you make sure that he returned?请你查明他是否真的回来了,好吗?Make sure(that) no one finds out about this.绝对不要让任何人发觉这件事。make sure of sth/thatclause确保;设法保证be sure to do sth一定要/务必去做for sure无疑,肯定完成句子他们又进了一个球,这就赢定了。They scored an

19、other goal and _ victory.【答案】made sure of她往四下里看看,弄清楚是不是只有她一个人。She looked around to _ that she was alone.【答案】make sure1It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.只有当一个人发展成艾滋病时,他才开始看上去有病。本句含有it is that这个强调句型,强调了when引导的时间状语从句。(1)对特殊疑问词强调的句式是“疑问词is/wasitthat句子的其

20、余部分(陈述句语序)”。What is it that Joe has found in the bathroom?乔在洗手间里发现的是什么?句式突破 (2)对名词性从句引导词强调的句式是“引导词it is/was从句的其余部分”。I dont know what it is that Joe has found in the bathroom.我不知道乔在洗手间里发现的是什么。(3)请对下列句子的不同部分进行强调。All the members held a meeting in the club yesterday.昨天所有的会员们在俱乐部举行了一次会议。强调主语all the membe

21、rs:It was all the members that/who held a meeting in the club yesterday.(was不可换用were)强调宾语meeting:It was a meeting that all the members held in the club yesterday.强调地点状语in the club:It was in the club that all the members held a meeting yesterday.(that不可换用where)强调时间状语yesterday:It was yesterday that al

22、l the members held a meeting in the club.(that不可换用when)翻译句子他们是在公园里看到大象的。_.【答案】It was in the park that they saw the elephant.2In fact it is the mental addiction rather_than the physical effects which make it really hard to quit smoking.事实上是精神上的瘾而不是身体上的影响使人确实很难戒烟。本句中rather than用作连词,意为“而不是”,用于连接两个名词短语:

23、the mental addiction和the physical effects。rather than连接的并列成分还可以是形容词、介词短语、动名词、分句等。Id like to have a cold drink rather than coffee.我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。3Here are some things you can do to make_sure you stay safe.你可以按照这里列举的一些注意事项去做,以确保自己的安全。(1)本句中things后面跟了一个省略了引导词that的定语从句you can do,不定式短语to make sure 表示目的,make

24、sure后面跟了一个省略了连接词that的宾语从句you stay safe。(2)make sure意为“确保;弄清楚,查明”,后面常跟从句或of短语。Youd better make sure that the letter leaves tonight.你最好设法将这封信在今天晚上寄出去。You must make sure of the time and place.你必须把时间和地点弄清楚。一句多译请你查明他是否真的回来了,好吗?_【答案】Will you make sure of his return?_【答案】Will you make sure that he has retu

25、rned?4This will prevent sexual fluid passing from one person to another.这可以防止性交时产生的体液的传播。prevent sb/sth(from) doing sth意为“阻止某人做某事/阻止某事发生”。Who prevented them (from) carrying out the plan?是谁阻止了他们实施计划?The heavy rain prevented me (from) coming to school on time.这场大雨使我不能按时到学校。一句多译下雨使我们不能外出。_【答案】The rain

26、prevented us from going out._【答案】The rain kept us from going out._【答案】The rain stopped us from going out.单词拼写1In my _(判断),the plan is unlikely to succeed.2The weather during our holiday was _(完美的)3The police have issued a _(声明) urging the public to cooperate in this inquiry.4If one of your friends o

27、r families has SARS,you could become _(感染)judgement perfect statement infected 5It is _(违法的) to read others letters without permission.6He saved the boy at the _(冒险) of his life.7Weve been working hard to overcome _(偏见) against people with HIV.8He forced an _(尴尬的) smile.illegal risk prejudice embarr

28、assed .短语填空in spite of; take risks; out of breath; a cure for; safe and sound; get into; ahead of; come across1Running a marathon will leave you _.【答案】out of breath2I believe one day scientists will find _ AIDS.【答案】a cure for3They turned up _.【答案】safe and sound4He _ himself _ the habit of smoking.【答

29、案】got;into5_ her wounded leg,she managed to get up the stairs.【答案】In spite of6I _ a word Id never seen before.【答案】came across7We have a busy day _ us.【答案】ahead of8A good pilot never _.【答案】takes risks.单句改错1That is easy to become addicted to drugs._【答案】ThatIt2You are not allowed smoking in public._【答案

30、】smokingto smoke3He thinks smoking is looked cool._【答案】is lookedlooks4I dont think possible for a student to master a language without much memory work._【答案】think后加it5The speaker raised his voice so that he could make himself hear._【答案】hearheard6There is an exciting expression on his face._【答案】excit

31、ingexcited.完成句子1He stole some bread _(为所迫) of hunger.【答案】under the stress2I think the door is locked,but youd better go and _(确保)【答案】make sure3He _(伸出手) for a piece of cake.【答案】reached out4People with fair skins are more _(有危险) skin cancer.【答案】at risk of5She laughed at me and said that I was not _ _(长大)【答案】grownup enough配人教版英语选修配人教版英语选修6 ppt课件下载站()专注免费ppt课件下载致力提供ppt课件免费下载,教案,试卷,教学论文.doc等教学资源服务教师群号 46332927(小学) 56954784 (中学) QQ 904007915



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